Ed Smith: "Daisy" has been moved to an examination area about 12 miles from the capture site at 3:17 this morning

The news just keeps coming and even more details have surfaced. Ed Smith now claims that "Daisy", the Bigfoot, has now been moved to an "examination area" where it could take up to 72 hours to conduct the examination. A press release is expected to happen within the 48 hours. Details about the creature's weight, height, hair color and gender is still unknown at this time. Here's what Smith posted this morning via the Mid-America Bigfoot Research Center Forums:

It appears that an unprecedented event is in motion, having been on the inside of this operation and now observing from the outside is a defiant change.

So here is what I know: "Daisy" has been moved to a examination area about 12 miles from the capture site at 3:17 this morning after being properly sedated. The capture site and examination area are on private property leased and or owned in order to conduct research and operations of this type. This was confirmed by a source in the Quantra Group.

Here is what I don't know: The weight height hair color gender or location of capture. Or the health of the specimen.
Nor the actions leading up to the capture of the specimen.

Here is what I'm speculating: the examination team is continuing to assemble, examination should take 72 hours.

If they go by the plan then a decision about release or storage in a repository will be made with in 48 hours after the examination is completed.

If release is chosen then a press release should be forth coming after the examination is competed, if the specimen is sent to the repository then a press and information release would happen with in 30 to 90 days thats by the operations plan.

Reasons for moving the specimen to a repository include health issues, prolonged examination and on the darker side private investment group interests.

For clarity, the Original six was never part of the MABRC and the Original six ceased operations completely. Quantra was formed with elements of the O-6, new members, ownership and management. I'm posting this due to inaccurate reporting by some Internet news shows.

I would like to thank DW for posting information as I have been able to obtain it. I was out of town and unable to post my self.

There is an old Army saying "once the first round is fired all plans go out the window" I commend the Quantra Group for maintaining operational focus, I guess my advise on hiring ex-military operators was heeded.

In my opinion, there should be a press release within 48 hours if we get it I would be surprised, it seems they are playing this to the ink as it were.

I will be in touch.

Ed Smith


  1. I can't let myself fall for another one :-(

    1. Yeah... it would ge great if it were true, but how many times have we seen this before? Hints, rumors, a behind-the-scenes shell game, then nothing.
      No, I'm not buying the exclusive pay-for-view webcast, and I'm not interested in a vague, evaisive press release. Call CNN, ABC, CBS, etc., bring in the cameras to actually film the thing, bring in the harshest, most hard to convince skeptical scientists to look it over, or STF up.

    2. oh dear oh...my goodness..oh my.

    3. Its bullshit. I can believe they need time to get their ducks in a row, but there is no reason not to release a few photos or even show them to a few credible people who could tell the community there is something worth waiting for.

    4. footers are SO stupid. the end.

    5. Bigfoot is SOOO 5 minutes ago. I'm moving on to unicorns: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbF9nLhOqLU

    6. Skippy is so stupid. His whole life revolves around trashing others. No wonder he can't find a girlfriend.

  2. Let's see them backtrack out of this one....


    1. They let bitch Smeja off the hook why not these douche bags?

    2. Who are you talking about? Smith and Lee? The quantra group, if it even exists, has not said a word.

    3. then why are all these footers spouting this shit, again. ALL footers are stupid douchebags does that clarify for you?

  3. when that specimen suddam hussien was captured in that spider hole they had footage & examined him immediately. everything was released & went viral ASAP. the same should go for daisy if its true...

    1. Unfortunately he was real.

    2. oh deer. I do hope the forest freind isn't harmed. Bigfoot troups are very playful and this will make them sad.

    3. Daisy is Bullshit and so is BigfootFriday, December 28, 2012 at 8:16:00 AM PST

      Let Smeja finally shoot a real Bigfoot.....named Daisy.

    4. You mean like OBL. They sure went MSM with that. And everybody bleeved it


  4. Why would they wait 30-90 days after f*cking capturing a bigfoot? If you capture a bigfoot, you call the Associated Press and you Skype the whole world a live conversation with it! Or SOMETHING! Jeez... they must be lying.

    1. Of course this story is bullshit! so what's their response everytime people will demand proof, will it be "soon" ? I think we've already been down that road.

    2. Not unless your in it for the money. Got to make money on every turn. But I don't bleeve it at all

  5. Whao did shit just get real? lmao


  7. Anyone else wondering why they would be thanking 'Darkwing' Lee for releasing information that he was not supposed to have access to?

    1. They are not thanking DW. Ed is the one thanking him. The question is has anyone other than Ed met any of the other members of the "Orig-6" or Quantra? If this is a hoax Ed has been working it for a very long time.

      In short we have 3 possibilities
      1. A long running hoax
      2. Ed's crazy as loon
      3. They have a Bigfoot

    2. Agent J
      Agent K
      Agent F
      Agent M

    3. My money is on #2 Ed is a Schizophrenic.

  8. Yes, if there is not video on the major news outlets by noon, it's a hoax. C'mon man.

  9. i'm calling this a hoax. I will eat my words if this is true ! This is the reason the subject of bigfoot is not taken more seriously.

    1. But he using protocol speak "release" sound like an option anyone on the planet Earth would consider. What a piece of shit this guy is. POS !

    2. It certainly has the flavor of a hoax. If these guys are for real, why are they behaving exactly like hoaxers do?

    3. Well so far, nobody knows any other way to behave.

    4. I don't think it's a hoax. I think Ed Smith is a schizophrenic and really believes this is happening. So far all information is coming from one source with no way to verify any of the story.

  10. Thank you Jesus, for taking the heat off me if only for a few days.

    - Justin Smeja

  11. Fucking lol. Gotta love 'Footing. Looks like you retards are falling for it once again.

    1. Have you actually read any of the posts on this thread, Skippy?

      Get a girlfriend.

  12. All I can do is laugh and wait for the train wreck. *shakes head* Here's a heads up for future claims, if someone says they have a bigfoot... you can count on it being bullshit. (you don't have to trust me, just dont trust the lying fools that tell you bigfoot is out there lol)

    It's ok tho, I'm waiting for the lols. Anyone wanna take bets? (other than what your sister had for desert last night?!)

  13. Full details will be released 1st April

  14. It would already be on CNN total BS. Everybody on this blog is nuts!

    1. right, but dont ever again imply that if a thing is on CNN, it's true.

    2. Nobody did. We're talking about the behavior of the hoaxers, not the veracity of CNN.

  15. Big Eddie has made claims before and not delivered. Years ago the zero's, O-6 in Eddie speak, were going to release a block buster that was going to raise so much money they were going to be in a position to fund researchers they felt were deserving. What ever happened to that, Eddie? More BF BS.

    Here's what's happening. We are seeing an escalation of claims to simply keep up and keep a buzz around certain BF personalities who crave attention and a buzz. It's no longer just enough to have a cast, picture or video, we have Justin, Big Matty and Melbar to thank for that. And some of us are thankful, funny is heading to a new level.

    Why 30 to 90 days? That's the attention span of most researchers and you can pretty much guarantee a new shiny object will grab their attention by then.

    Poor Tom Biscardi, a bunch of these people watched his game and took it to even a higher level of hucksterism.

    Shall we start a new song? I'll contribute a verse or two.

    Daisy, Daisy, Give me an answer is it true?
    I'm half crazy waitin to see you on youtube.

  16. Oh great it's going to be the new Roswell. Let's see what the possible scenarios can be: blurry footage, daisy jumped off the table and ass raped everyone and got away. Daisy just got away, daisy got away and grabbed all the film equipment and took it, Daisey turned out to be Mike Merchant in a Bigfoot costume, daisy was just a gorilla that escaped from the local zoo, daisy was the result of a mass hallucination from shrooms,

    1. Nope, Daisy is going to get her dimensional shift thing going and walk right through the walls.

  17. Can someone who has twitter please inform matt moneymaker. I will wait to see what the boss of bigfooting has to say before making judgement.

    1. Your joking right? There is no daisy there is Bigfoot and Matt moneymaker is a modern day snake oil salesman who peddles Bigfoot bs to rubes like you who buy into it.

    2. Matt Moneymaker has a life, Skippy. Why don't you get one too?

    3. Moneymaker usually knows what is going on behind the scenes in situations like this. He and Bobo have already called this one a hoax.

      Here's what you've got:

      A story telling transient named Ed Smith is "on the road" posting tantalizing Lindsay-esque dispatches about a scenario that is only happening in his mind.

      D.W.Lee is going to let it ride for a while because a similar mention of body a few weeks back breathed new life into his sleepy little discussion forum. D.W.Lee needs all the attention he can get so this is all good by him.

      "Ed Smith" has a history of making up stories. What you'll learn after a while is that "Quandra Team" doesn't exist and "Ed Smith" is not his real name. He's just some shadowy drifter with no job and a fake name and nothing to lose.

  18. MIB took it. Confiscated all cameras, computers, cell phones, and vehicles. Strip-searched all body cavities. Cordoned off the property with NUCLEAR CONTAMINATION warning signs. Launched drones to patrol overhead. Warned us to STFU or watch our families suffer.

    Wait, that's from Ricky's new playbook. Maybe this one is the real deal.

  19. You know you're an attention loving dick for doing this dont you Ed Smith. "Daisy" GTFOOH you non-orignal dicks

  20. C'mon guys, let me out of here. This is bullshit. I go in a room to grab pancakes, next thing I know a bunch of white guys are looking at me.


  21. Folks, looks like it's the real deal this time.

  22. I don't think these beings survived into the 70's, Patty was probably one of the last of her kind. EVERYTHING since PG film is rubbish.

    1. Ummmm that was a hoax too...

    2. Still waiting on you to prove THAT one, Skippy, and for you to get yourself a girlfriend...

    3. ^ You sound frustrated. Look, Skippy, no evidence for bigfoots existence has come out of Bluff Creek before or since Roger( backed by world re-known cryptozoologist Al Deatly) submitted that film. The back-story stinks to high heaven and there are problems with what we actually see on the film; for example the lack of a taterhole...lol.

    4. The back story of the PGF is HIGHLY suspect, but in no way does that constitute proof of a hoax. It has never been credibly debunked.

  23. Mulder says its real thats enough for me

  24. Just one Pic, thats all I ask for.

  25. I don't understand why people make crap up like this. And report it and spread it around. At the very least have video of the thing or shut up. What's the point in saying such and such have a bigfoot? Show it, or shut up.

  26. The American Bigfoot Society have captured two.

    Janice Carter has decided to dig up Fox and is preparing to present the body to the world.

    Rick Dyer is putting the finishing touches of makeup to the one he shot for the Documentary.

    The BFRO decided to dress up Bobo in a ghillie suit and shoot him.

    Smeja only shot a bear. Ha ha haaaaaaa

    1. You should start your own blog.

    2. What do you think it should be called?

      Bullshit Bigfoot
      Bigfoot Bullshit
      More Bigfoot Bullshit

      or should I just take all the letters from all these groups and arrange them to spell

      Bunch of lieing Hoaxing Wankers

      Tough one.

    3. You should go with "Vampire Evidence". Bigfoot has run it's course.

  27. I just dont understand why we cant see a short video clip of the bigfoot in captivity if they truely have the animal! I believe its just more bullshit and is just another reason why mainstream scientist dont even give the bigfoot question a glance!!! If they do have a bigfoot do the right thing (prove it!!!)

    1. Because you ain't gonna get it for free.

    2. Yep. Money will come into it soon enough. Then *poof* the ape will be gone... escaped or confiscated by the government or something.
      Just watch...

    3. I have no problem with someone trying to cash in on a capture and proceeding with caution in order to make that happen. But in that case, at the very least, a photo could be shown to someone with credibility who would inform us that something awesome may be coming down the pike.
      For example, if Prof. Meldrum states he was shown some photos and thinks this is legit we would all be exited.

  28. Didn't Ed Smith leave the MABRC because he is bat shit crazy?

    DW is playing along because he hates this blog and is trying to troll Shawn.

    1. Those both have a much higher probability of truth than this Daisy tale.

  29. Ok, heres the story, (I am leaking this at great risk) I was at Area 51 yesterday with my pet Unicorn. He was due for his annual physical. While waiting, he spoke to The Mothman and found out the MiB in fact did steal Daisy. As it turns out, Jabba the Hut is not dead and was in the market for a newgirl friend. As Jabba is not what you would call very mobile,MiB were sort of forced to get him some companionship in a hurry.Had MiB not responded in such quick fashion, the entire earth was at risk of being destroyed. According to Fox,(hes not dead, hes just going home)Daisy is completly happy with the new arraingment.So we should be happy that she is safe. As I said, I am taking a BIG risk leaking this...they threatened to take my beloved Steve Austin and Saquatch action figures. Wish her luck.

    1. Best comment on the whole Damn web site!!!!

  30. Someone please write the lyrics to the 10 days of bigfoot !
    The last line shall be "and a daisy in the box whoopee ! "

  31. They are probaly not going to make this completely public until there are many things in place to protect, not only the specimen, but themselves.

    1. Ya it's important to have a lawyer when you are presenting a mythical figure that doesn't exist to the world

    2. Yes, that's completely true.

      -Mortimer Goldstein, Attorney at Bullshit

  32. I'm a footer and this looks bogus. Seen this many times and nothing happens. Is this group one of those ones who believe in little green aliens too?

  33. If anyone had captured a BF and wanted to prove they existed, the media would have been called on and since no one is covering this story except for this website, I say its all bologna. BIGFOOT does not exist.

  34. I think it's Doc Holiday from Tombstone. Because he wasn't just your Daisy, he was also your Huckleberry...

  35. If this goes south I'm done with the Bigfoot blogs, everything, done, and will wait for CNN to tell me about anything related to Bigfoot. We all deserve better than this.

    1. Sadly...I'm with you. Ever since I was a little boy, bigfoot has captivated me...but I think the era is over if this is a hoax.

  36. This story is going well with my morning bowl of poop loops.

  37. Was Daisy apprehended while she was braiding horse hair, building stick structures, or eating blueberry bagels?

    I mean seriously footers, have some respect. The body isn't even cold on the Ketchum/Smeja debacle, so let's just forget all about it and move on to the next pile of bulk to swallow.

  38. She's just going to mind fuck the guards, steal their car keys and haul ass outta there. They'll get a picture of her driving away, but it will be blurry as hell.

  39. Thank you for coming on a Bigfoot site and telling us it does not exist. Can you be my friend on facebook so I can tell you your stupidity isn't real?

  40. Daisy, Daisy, Give me an answer, is it true?
    I'm half crazy waitin to see you on youtube.
    It won't be a stylish sleeping rack.
    I can only afford a pod from a double-stack.
    But you'll look sweet.
    Upon the examination seat.
    Of a table welded from steel.

    Daisy, Daisy, please quit slingin around your poop.
    We've bought 30 to 90 days to pull off this dupe.
    It won't be a stylish hoax.
    But we need some attention before we go broke.
    But you'll look sweet.
    As we blog and tweet.
    About yet another body that people will never meet.

    Ah hell, I got nothing, now back to taterhole jokes.

  41. If this is true, I hope it doesn't have a set of bogota-flats or a leatherman hidden somewhere on it's person so as to accommodate escape!

  42. How can this be? I am stuck down here in my Bunker because the world ended on December 21st! How did they get a Bigfoot??? Occasionally I get a signal out on my phone I think I am locking into one if the alien satellites. I turned my gps and find my iPhone off so they can't find me! And I look at this blog only because I don't want to waste precious battery resources. When can I come out? Anybody????

    1. nothing like the smell of a fresh shit in the bunker.dont come out yet.they are frack crazy out in the real world

  43. Why are some saying there is "no way out" of this one? History shows us there are several ways out. One is that the group was testing Ed for potential leaks coming from within the group he was once a part of. Ed will be made to look like a fool in this scenario. Another would be that the MIBs came and took all the evidence. A third would be that the wood-ape's infrasound somehow destroyed the equipment that was storing the pics and videos. And a fourth option would be that the group actually captured Tim Fasano, and after DNA analysis, they realized he was 99% human, 1% wood-ape and had to release him by law.

    1. ^
      Funny shit right there :)

    2. ...or they got trapped inside the bunker due a lightining bolt, and all the automatic security locked down, suffering a huge EMP that fried everything. So running low on food, they ate the specimen.

    3. If I had a dime for every time I heard that story.

  44. Her momma named her Daisy, got it from a magazine,
    Through the mountains in her animal way, she'd run chasin' me,
    Thought she was faster, cause I told her so, even though it wasn't quite the truth.
    Well I know she's an angel even though she ain't got wings.
    'Cause my sweet Daisy loved the hell outta me.

  45. Tim Fasano in a box!?
    Where's a poop in a jar guy when you need one?

  46. Only total freakin nerds are on facebook dude. Try another slam.

  47. you watch..its gonna go down like this. A special ops group will come in and "take" the bigfoot!! It will be wisked away!! All evidence taken!! No paper trail or pictures! You watch!!

  48. I am Cro-Magnum. Don't insult me with that human stuff.

    1. Hey Tim, Join my expedition coming up down in Florida. Just think you will actually see AND hear a real sasquatch, not just bushes blowing in the breeze. And since you are a fellow "Tracker" I will give you a special rate of just $999.99 and you bring what ever the party substace is you use to see your bigfoots..and bring enough for everyone.

    2. What do you think, Tim? Is this a hoax, or possibly the real deal?

    3. Why ask Tim?
      He wouldn't know a Bigfoot from a crack whore.

    4. ^ HaHa.....or a bigfoot from a bush!

  49. OK folks, Matt Moneyspender here. I was just tweeted here in the Sahara where we are searching for Sandsquatch. I promise to get to the bottom of WAIT! "Blo Blo, did you hear that?! I do believe theres a sandsquatch in these dunes"....Sorry, where was I? Oh yeah, if you havent already,sign up for a BFRO expedition where I guerontee you too will hear a squatch, besides, I need the money to buy Rick a new corvette! Ok, as for Daisy, It has to be a hoax because if WE cant catch one, no one can!

  50. Daisy:

    This is Mucklegrunt, do you copy? I'm coming to get you. That cattle trailer that they captured you in is no match for my brute strength and powerful physique.

    I will infiltrate their facility by posing as the MABRC member "PiggJimmbo". I have been eating pizza crusts out of the Pottawatomie County dump for 8 months just to prepare for this role.

    Once I'm inside the building, I will nonchalantly rip an epic 'squatch fart. The members of Quantra will likely assume it's been dealt by none other than MABRC ringleader PW "BuffaloWildWings" Lee, who often dishes out olfactory death by the ass-full. That will scatter their numbers, and I should be able to get close to your holding cell.

    Wait for my command. You'll know I'm near when you hear three tea kettle whistles and a wet fart.

    Yours in Christ,

    1. Mucklegrunt's dead damn it. Knucklegrunt's the new Mucklegrunt. There needs to be consistency in the mockery.

  51. And not a picture was to be seen! LOL.

  52. Quantra, O-6 ...really? Call the A-team and Delta Force because these guys like using military sounding names to try to sound impressive. Do they all wear black SWAT clothes and knee pads in the woods and make "survival videos" when they aren't LARPing around as bigfoot hunters? I think the "daisy" has been over-fertilized.

    EVERYONE involved, individuals and groups, should be considered hoaxers unless they provide immediate proof. No more "we will release a little bit of information 3 weeks after the next blue moon" nonsense.

  53. It's dead and they threw the body into the ocean. The information is too dangerous for man.

  54. What a great name to use "Ed Smith" It has to be real! But we all know it is not, and even though it will be proven that its a hoax, everyone will still follow and treat every organization that has been caught in a lie like nothing ever happened.

    1. Here here.....SO TRUE! Plus they will most likely even get sponsorship money to keep spreading the B.S.

  55. This is the real deal folks! I just got off the phone with a big named bigfooter and he's been called to go down and have a look see!

    1. Would that be Mary Green or Janice Carter?

    2. He said "big named bigfooter"...has to be either Dyer,Biscardi or Fasano.

  56. Anyone else find it amazing someone had land for an examination only 12 miles away......quite the coincidence.

    I have a feeling this is BS like this guy pulled in OCT.

  57. Is DW that extremely large sack who can't distinguish between photo shopped hats?


  59. Where's Mayor McDickcheese? What does HE think about all this?




  61. done in one.

    Lies. They give themselves an out. They give themselves a timeline 60 to 90 days, please. Bigfooters are that stupid?

    Bullshit they have a body. The great thing is, I don't have to prove a thing, the person making the extraordinary claim does. So put up, and not 60 to 90 days.

    That phrase, 60 to 90 days, is code for "we don't have anything, but we want the intensity high so we can sell stuff."

  62. Stage 2 to Guy Edwards' "5 stages to getting hoaxed" is officially in motioned.....stages 3-5 coming "soon".

  63. Sure feels like the hoax perpatrated by those Georgia guys a few years back...publish pictures and or vids or shut the hell up...I'm calling this a steaming load of publicity seeking.

  64. They're trying to determine the market value of a pay-per-view peep show into the shipping container. Your photo with Daisy(TM) (suitable for framing) will be an additional fee, as well as Daisy(TM) brand t-shirts, mugs, and "I PICKED A DAISY(TM)" bumper stickers and window flags.

    1. Get on this Ricky! DaisyBigfoot.com is still available!

  65. Bullshit. 30-90 days, yeah ok.

  66. Why is the MABRC forum site down?

    If this capture indeed happened I would assume we would have a rush to release footage from other researchers (ketchum, ro's hilltop thermal etc) so they could be the first to claim definitive truth.

    Where is Herb? Harvest time?

    Hope this is true....

    -Grand Marais BF dude

    1. It got blowed up (not in a physical sense but in a bandwidth sense) - don't throw the threaten somebody charge at me for using a highly technical, technology term. When your server is used to two - three users an hour and you get 50, it goes boom.

      MABRC Marketing and Hoaxing Division needs to align schedules more fully with IT Dept., circleback needed to achieve synergy and value added to the hoaxing paridigm.

    2. Herb's been missing since he went uh "squatching" in Washington in December.

  67. Coincidence that on Dec. 28 2011 the Russians claimed to have captured a Bigfoot? Hoax.

  68. If this is true, lets hope they take a picture and let it go back into the wilderness.....Lin

  69. Haha single malt. Thanks for the reminder.

    PSA: Guy's 5 stages

    1. A big "too good to be true" announcement
    2. Defensiveness or attack your critics.
    3. Postpone the evidence.
    4. Postpone the evidence (again).
    5. Announcer claims to be a victim of a hoax.

  70. I still have my bigfoot ark i built for when the world ends so mabee we can put it in there and we will float around till the water goes back down i promise il let you guys peak through the chicken wire fence to look at it. pinky swear

  71. Bigfoot is Bullshit but Bears are RealFriday, December 28, 2012 at 8:11:00 AM PST

    Ha ha LOL again and again!!! Melbas fiasco, Smejas lies, Finding Bigfoot, Rick Dyer over and over...Bigfoot is the best damn free entertainment you can have at the expense of others.

    Its not cool to make fun of fat people or the mentally challenged, but you idiots who believe in Bigfoot are fair game every day of the week.

    By the way I took a 40 lb shit that was bright flourescent green, its in a privat bunker being examined but you cant see any vids or pics, and I'll release it soon...thanks for ANOTHER week of entertainment footers

  72. It has come to my attention that these folks were jealous of not being nominated for the looney toon of the year award, so they came up with this hoax to get noticed. As a mark of respect I have added them as a nomination list and you can now vote for them!

    Results will be announced as before, on 31st December, good luck and have fun voting!

  73. If the USA made it a fine of 1000000000000 million dollars hoax ing a bigfoot plus 20 years in jail, this would not happen every month.

    Bigfoot research is done folks. The Fallcon will not fly.

    It seems like all went down the tubes with James Randi coming out of the closet.

    A sad day in crypto research. Its been fun.


  74. Daisy had cooch issues, being examined by an obgyn doc on a Bigfoot birthing table, Ketchum is holding the speculum

  75. This is 100% BS because there is no reason for them to sit on it for 60-90 days. To make money they really wouldn't have to do anything besides capture it and prove they captured it. If they had actually captured one they could immediately release a constant stream of video and photos online. It's friday, so if they did that today, then they would get 24/7 media coverage by Monday, followed by tons of (legitimate) scientists wanting access, and the amount of money (from talk shows, productions deals, and "exclusive access") plus publicity they would get would be astronomical. My bet is that they claim it escapes, the footage "disappears", and/or they release it, undocumented, "for ethical reasons".

    1. Yep, I said earlier that it will be taken from them or like you said. It will be some kind of bogus claim. They should be held accountable for the BS also. If this keeps going on and folks get away with it...then the whole bigfoot research is out in the tater field.

    2. I dont care as long as no taterholes will be harmed in the process.

  76. yep the falcon project will now be refered as (grey lady down)

    1. yep! And it was such a good project. Too bad.

    2. Hey, there's still 28 days left in the funding program.
      Request: $ 355,000
      Pledged: $ 1,499 (30 backers)

    3. 30 retards wait for more to show up

  77. Boys,We are offically(can't spell that word to save my life) dealing with a Samsqanch!A 10 footer by the looks of em!

  78. Daisy:

    Mucklegrunt again. I just broke through the first wave of security, but got sidelined by the Quantra/MABRC bait repository. You really wouldn't believe the amount of food that they've amassed in here. It's breathtaking.

    It appears that Quantra relied on the expertise of MABRC cholesterol consultant and American foodstuffs expert "PiggJimmbo" to conduct the bait efforts. A study of internal documents suggests that there was a very heated debate between PW "HotWings" Lee and "PiggJimmbo" regarding the viability of Chic-Fil-A's "Chic Sauce" versus their "Polynesian Sauce". In the end, it was decided that a novel hybrid of the two sauces would produce the best results.

    Much like the "Human Vs. Ape", and "Kill Vs. No Kill" debates, the "Savory Vs. Sweet" debate continues to polarize the members of the MABRC.

    Now that I've tasted their hybrid sauce, I can completely understand how you were drawn into their trap.

    My sweet, sweet Daisy. You didn't know what you were getting yourself into... You've got to live with that for the rest of your life, for the both of us.


  79. "cooch issues"

    She must of had sex with Tim Fasano.
    That boy fucks anything that moves.

  80. What is it going to take to get you people to stop being so stupid?

    Do you know what the scientific community thinks of you dummies?

  81. Quantra Group Flash Update (1005 hrs):

    Further testing has yielded significant information:

    Specimen is able to maintain a 3 minute mile pace on a treadmill incline setting of 6 while burning a whopping 30,000 calories. This contributes to the general lack of adipose tissue storage and capacity for speed.

    Further testing through interrogation yielded a nominal breath holding capacity of nearly 10 minutes.

    The creature seems extremely resistant to both heat and cold.

    Physiological make up of tendons and muscle attachments are far beyond normal ranges. Fingernail pull testing exceeded 100lbs of torque before rupture.

    Specimen seems fully resistant to stress positions as it was able to stand one one foot for nearly 10 hours.

    1. Feed it peanut butter and pork ribs.

    2. Amateurs. Follow the advanced beings from outer space and do some taterhole probing. All bigfoot information comes from the taterhole...

    3. Thats not a good idea.Look what it did to you.

  82. Perhaps DW might want to move his forum to a site that actually works.

    What a piece of crap website.

  83. There is simply no reason not to only one photograph. It would semi quell the public and would not endanger their potential for revenue, either that or bring in a reputable skeptic who can view then release a statement. Unless you see something along these lines then give up hope folks as you are being played like violins.

    1. *release, release only one photo.

    2. They aint got no bigfoot cause if I caint catch it, nobody can!

  84. Wow, I very new hear. This is a bit much for me LOL!!!
    I cant stand hoaxes. There should be a law against it somehow

  85. Ooopps forgot to the m To I'm new here. This whole bigfoot things has got me frazzeled, No not really just cant spell


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