Cliff Barackman's Thoughts On Arizona Bigfoot

Cliff Barackman has finally released his "Dances With Bigfoot" field notes. Barackman goes over a number of investigations including the Soda-Snatching-Bigfoot captured by Arizona's Mogollon hunter Mitch Waite. While he believes Mitch is telling the truth, he sees a few problems with the video. The figure captured on film looks too human and the video is just way too dark to make out anything definitive. Barackman wrote this conclusion on his blog:

Unfortunately, the video is rather inconclusive. Assuming that Mitch is correct in that his son and grandson never left the tent to grab a midnight snack, no vehicles entered the area, and there is no way that a human would be in the area, it seems possible that the figure in the clip is a bigfoot. However, the size of the figure, both in height and mass, do nothing to support this. Also, there is that artifact that looks like something is hanging around the figure’s neck that needs explaining. These factors weigh in favor of it being a human in the film.

You can check out Barackman's full field notes here:


  1. Replies
    1. It never has been, and never will be a Bigfoot. IF Ketchum IDs them as human she will be spot-on, because all supposed Bigfoot activity is just humans. Humans fake the tracks, fake the vids, fake the sounds, the sightings and DNA reports, then lie to get on Barrackmans lame TV show.

      If you cant convince any of the three humans with a penis on Finding Bigfoot, you are a very bad Bigfoot faker and should e-mail Smeja or Ketchum on what you can improve. For instance they have NO proof whatsoever only wild claims, but are fully accepted as credible. Why waste time faking a video?

    2. 2:13 = best post here in a long time.

    3. Now that was a nice polite thoughtfully laid out post from a skeptic. Some of these people are just downright rude and nasty and have no business being here

  2. Cliff Barackman has thoughts? ... I didn't know that ...

    1. Yeah, even if Cliff is wrong (he's never actually seen a bigfoot) he's no moron or liar.


    1. Its simple if footers ignored all hoaxed videos then there would be no videos left as there is no such creature. The trick to being a successful footer is to know which hoax videos you can get away with peddling as real.

  4. Cliff Barackman is a senile, hot headed, spotlight hog, who is only in this for the money.

    Im sorry, but I dont give squatch about whatever he has to say.

    1. You have him confused with his boss Matt Monkeyfaker who is a senile spotlight HOG who is only in it for the money.

      Wait that is every Bigfoot proponent.......

      I really like how a guy Barrackman fooled him with the elbe tracks so he acted like it was a felonious assault to fake Bigfoot tracks....what a joke they all are.

  5. If you act now you can get the video for Christmas for 999.99! But wait there's more! We will also include the new Trans Siberian Orchastra's new cd Dreams of Fireflies on a Christmas Night! But be one of the first 100 callers and we will include the DVD collection Milke Merchant Naked In The Woods with a Golden Butt Plug Just pay shipping and handling. This offer isn't available in any store so act now!

  6. Replies
    1. I have a Bigfoot locked in my shed, I trapped him in there. He keeps saying let me out, but I don't. I feed him rice crispy treats, through a little hole in the side, he really seems to have a hankering for those things.

  7. How can these bigfoot 'experts' call this a BF? The video proclaims that it cannot be anything else. Instead of being mocked for their cluelessness, these guys end up on a TV show. Incredible. No wonder there are so many hoaxes around.

    Up your game Moneymaker.


    1. I agree but don't give up. Once BF is proven for real. You will see hoaxes increase a hundred fold. And they will make a comedy out of the messin with Sasquatch commercials because after all they are very funny. Everybody loves slapstick. It will be bobo and BF doin whatever. Like Seinfeld with Kramer included

    2. First episode: BF is smitten with Renae

    3. If I could get Renae's Taterhole just once, she'd Straighten right up.

    4. Best post in a long time here sierra kills

  8. Deep down all bleevers know it doesn't really exist.

    1. Why do you insist on saying this over and over on every story? ^ does it make u feel good? You must must chant and masturbate to this--Bigfoot is not real, Bigfoot is not real..... Your a MORON anon 12:53!

    2. Ignore 12:53. He's a little bitch

    3. Bet your taterhole hurts bitch

    4. You have to wonder about the quality of life of someone who spends time in a blog trying to convince other people that something they beleive in isn't real. Go bother the vampire believers or someone else for awhile.

    5. +100000000. And it's the same dude posing as most of the trolls on here agreeing with himself and denying Bigfoot exists.

  9. Cliff is hot. I always fantasize about he and I going squatching together and sleeping in the same tent, but not sleeping so much, if you catch my drift.


    1. Its no coincidence that there is a bigfoot named fox and a bleever named mulder.

    2. Well you see, I'm laying there, in my sleeping bag and Cliff is next to me. He says:let's try and stay awake for a while, so we can listen for squatchy sounds. And I say: but cliff, it's so lonely over in this sleeping bag, by myself.


    3. Cliff says: well, there's plenty of room over here in my bag, I'm just a little guy and this is an extra large sleeping bag. So I ease out of my bag and slide over into his. I'm pretty fat, from sitting at the computer all day and night, eating box after box of donuts. Donuts calm me down, when the skeptics make me angry.
      So, it's a pretty tight fit, getting into his bag. It was worth it though because our bodies were pressed up against each other, oh so snuggly.

      Suddenly, I hear a sound outside the tent that seems to be a branch breaking as someone or something is stepping on it. I say Cliff!, what was that? I'm scared, hold me.


    4. Then Fox steps in the tent to nail you both in the Taterhole

    5. No they make the sequel to Broke Back Mountain

    6. Is this what camping is all about I'm glad I've never went camping

  10. I stopped watching the show because of the bullshit videos they "investigate ". Take this waste of time video for example. This show is worthless. They have never found "anything" of serious interest. Nothing.

  11. Renae
    is a gay? I heard is this true. I hope not because as a christian I can not watch finding bigfoot anymore unless she gets help.

    1. Yep, sorry. She slapped Matt silly once for trying...

    2. Gonna take a real man to straighten her out

  12. I've been a bigfoot believer my hole life, but now with these shows and all these videos and break downs that are as useless as last I've come to the conclusion that maybe all these people are crazy and all they want is attention. I've spent a large portion of my life out in the wilderness here in the rocky mountains of canada and I've never seen anything i couldn't explain, however I've been out with friends and they'll see something and automatically assume it is something like a big foot or a ufo and i have to explain to them what they are seeing and even then they have a hard time with the truth. So unfortunately I am slowly becoming a nonbeliever thanks a lot hoaxers.

    1. While it might be possible, it highly unlikely that such a species could exist in any numbers without leaving any substantial evidence especially given the advanced tools we have. There are plenty of bigfoot hunters out there, and that the only thing they can come up with is some questionable blurry photographs or some study that they “will publish soon” tells you everything you need to know. That so many people believe in it, is only evidence that people will find excuses to believe in what they want to. It’s a similar story with ghosts. Billions of people have died on this planet. If ghosts existed, we’d be overrun with them.

    2. I can understand campers and hikers getting blurry crapy video but it not acceptable to me that these self proclaimed experts cant even get a good one. They've even maid careers out of this. Does moneymaker even have any pics or video cause if he doesn't then he's obviously not an expert, which to me he just seems like a liar anyways.

    3. No he has a box of Krispy Kreams a giant Starbucks triple shot and big bag of weed though. But its all for luring Bigfoot no doubt

  13. The bigfoot community does an excellent job of convincing the fence sitters that the whole thing is complete bullshit. Good work footers.

  14. lol Ya being a lawyer must not have been enough bullshiting for him he had to turn his whole into existents into a lie.

    1. he went to one year of law school and dropped out he isnt a lawyer but instead a douche

  15. I've always liked the idea of a hairy human like animal in the woods, but ya these guys sure know how to wreck a good myth thats for sure. especially with all this kethum b.s. it really shows you what these people are like.

  16. Yes, non-achievers are desperate for publicity, so they waste other peoples time with pathetic video like this, in hopes of "being somebody" and perhaps making the local TV news. The babes will follow.

    Normally, all you need is a computer and an internet connection, and you are an instant expert on the non-existence of Bigfoot. Then you post your blather on "Doubtful News", JREF, and here.

    ??If ggghosts existed, we'd be overrun with them??

    Haven't you ever heard the "ghost be gone" type people say, "Go to the light" for the really old ghosts who no longer have any of their relatives around to harass? That is how they clean house.

    Buy yourself a Gen 3 or 4 night vision monocle, then you will change your tune about nothing out there to see with our advanced tools. Animal Planet just isn't showing it to you. They are editing it out. There are lots of ordinarily invisible orbs, some of which have an attitude, for you to see. And they can both see you and read your mind. 24/7 F&B people lose sleep over them. Some Orbs are people spirits who are either temporarily or permanently in an "out of body" experience. The BFRO fails to acknowledge orbs, just in case you have not noticed. Ask Cliff about them and see what he says. He will have practically nothing to say because he has not studied them. Cliff is an eloquent 24/7 F&B nutcase, who can't speak thoughts that Matt does not approve of.

  17. The figure is wearing a Columbia Sportwear jacket, just like mine. That is why you can't see belt. You can even see the bottom of the jacket. If a Bigfoot was that thin, he would have taken the entire cooler, instead of just a diet drink.

    1. But she reached back for the cookies. That's the most annoying aspect of anything Waite puts out (he sells dvds and books)... he states everything as FACT, though he's never seen a Bigfoot face to face. Now he says the figure is a teenage female bigfoot, and the lighter area you see is her skin.

  18. Why wouldn't they get the boy to do the recreation instead if bobo. Never mind the only question these guys bring up time and time again is; How can these guys even have a show or call them selves experts.

  19. Yep that video was pretty bad... a guy gets a beer from a cooler, someone films him... must be a 'squatch! And not only that, the whole area is a junior sasquatch training ground! Un-f-ing-believable. I actually like those guys on Finding bigfoot, but this one takes the cake of pure idiocy.

  20. When someone solicits donations or asks for money. Watch out! Arizona may be called the grand canyon state. But sometimes I think it would better if it was called it the grand con you all state. There is NO shortage of back stabbers or snake oil types in AZ. I know because I have lived there most of my life. There are some good people there but just way to many BAD ones. Extreme caution is advised.
    Just my opinion.

  21. My favorite part of this video is how the waist of the "bigfoot" isn't that much above the top of the table.


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