Breaking: Georgia man claims to have Bigfoot in a freezer! (Updated: conference video included)

This just in: Robert Lindsay is reporting that a man from Georgia (we can't reveal the name due to privacy issue) is claiming that he has a Bigfoot in a freezer. As expected, FBFB is super excited about this news:

"Well, well well. We would like to get everyone's opinion on this blog post by Robert Lindsay. This is one for the books. We will be trying to talk to [Georgia man] directly concerning this matter. We stand behind the #2 Camper/Tent video as very real. If true it would be the new definition of irony..." - Facebook Find Bigfoot

Here's the report from Robert Lindsay:

I know you are all probably LOLing at that one, but this time, it may be a real Bigfoot. I reported earlier that [Censored] Films of the UK was filming a documentary on Bigfoot hunters with [Georgia man] on September 6, 2012 when [Georgia man] shot cellphone video lasting 1.2 seconds of a Bigfoot eating meat out of a bait trap in a tree. [Georgia man] was in his tent. In the next tent was a BBC film crew with two cameramen with shoulder-mounted cameras. At the same time, the film crew captured a 3 minute video of the same Bigfoot eating from the bait trap. After [Georgia man] recognized there was a Bigfoot at the bait trap, he ran out of the tent, clad only in his underwear, carrying a rifle.

I can now report that at that time, [Georgia man] raised up his rifle and shot the Bigfoot in the back of the head. At that point, all Hell broke loose as the crew wrestled the rifle away from [Georgia man].

Shades of the initial reports of Smeja Sierra Kills shootings where the JE was said to have taken the rifle away from Smeja after he shot the baby Bigfoot, stating, “If you shoot another one of those things, I will shoot you.” Subsequent reports cast doubt on that account. We have also heard other reports of hunters who had Bigfoots in their sights and were prevented from shooting by their fellow hunters.

At any rate, at that time, it was too late, as the shot to back of the head killed the male Bigfoot. The shooting was caught on film by the film crew. The Bigfoot’s measurements were 7’8 tall and 490 pounds, a bit on the small side for a male Bigfoot. Measurements and weighting were done postmortem.

Additional supportive proof, including a photo of what appears to be a dead Bigfoot, is available and has been examined by investigators. In addition, in the Camper Video, the videographer pans down to the floor of his tent at one point and one can see a rifle on the floor there.

Now you are probably wondering where the Bigfoot is. The Bigfoot is either with [Georgia man], or it is with the film company. I know who has the body, but I can’t tell you who they are right now. Apparently  [Censored] Films has some proprietary interest in this whole affair. At any rate, the plan is to release the body only after the documentary comes out at the Tribeca Film Festival in mid April of 2013.

This post will be updated today as more news comes in…

[Update] This press conference video was uploaded moments ago:


  1. Replies
    1. Robert 'stranger danger' lindsay strikes again. That bush pig is the worst thing to happen in the Bigfoot world.

    2. Yeah...This shit worked for Ricky Dyer before why wouldnt you footers buy it again?

    3. Isn't the camper video linked to famous hoaxer named Dryer. Why do you give coverage to known hoaxes Shawn? Is the title "Bigfoot Hoaxes" or "Bigfoot Evidence"? WTF?

    4. Y'sure 'Bigfoot in the Freezer' isn't just Georgian slang for a nice cold one in the fridge?

    5. I live in Georgia, and I would like to apologize for these fools.
      I mean ....really

    6. Let me get this straight.You uploaded a video from 2008(In december of 2012) that turned out to be a hoax?????Is this the "50 Large" hoax.

  2. Replies
    1. I talked to the guy at Minnow films, said that Dyer set the whole thing up

    2. You could probably email BBC pretty easily and ask for varification. Maybe Shawn might try? If you Google BBC news you can find them and there is contact info, I can't do it as I'm on an IPhone and you need to be on a desktop to get full access. Using the BBC in a hoax is pretty dumb if that's what's going on because they aren't hard to find! Plus, if it was real I'm sure it would be newsworthy enough to have been mentioned by the British Media!

    3. Calm down everybody! Let's wait until Phil breaks this one down.

    4. The Bigfoot’s measurements were 7’8 tall and 490 pounds, a bit on the small side for a male Bigfoot. REALLY???

    5. At 7'8" it should without a doubt weigh far more than 490 pounds.

    6. Its not up to Rick to prove he's not a hoaxer! How is that fair? The Bigfoot community should be more supportive!

    7. At 7'8" it could weigh 480lbs. I am 6'7" and 400lbs, but have gained a lot of fat. At my peak of powerlifting, I was 330lbs same height. Add a foot and 150lbs? Very possible.

  3. TOTAL and COMPLETE Barbara Streisand....

  4. Replies
    1. Yeah...shouldn't it really be "L-ingOL?" I thought Lindsay was supposed to be a genius.

  5. hahaha... I can't believe that people are biting again.

    1. Here's the deal...

      Every time the public eye turns towards bigfoot with any kind of positive attitude, like "maybe they will prove it with DNA", something like this happens and bigfoot becomes a laughing stock again.

      This is because the government is involved, and wants to discredit the subject in the eyes of the public. So now we have another freezer stunt in the making. Typical.

    2. The govt is involved? Are you kidding?
      Just look at the trolls on this blog!
      The govt doesn't need to be involved.

    3. The government is trying to protect US citizens from the threat of mind rape. After a Sasquatch has raped your mind, your thoughts are free and no longer subject to control. It also unlocks the 90% of the human brain that go unused. Look at Dr. Ketchum. Since her mind raping, she says all manner of things that most people subject to thought control would avoid saying: angel DNA, horse braiding, stick structure architecture, mindspeak, mental electro magnetic pulse blasts, etc. incidentally I have it on good authority that Dr. Ketchum is fine tuning her own psychokinetic powers gained from interacting with a playful family of 5 Sasquatch.

  6. Justin Smeja is an American hero

    1. Murderer of human-like hominids. Even shot a baby in the neck - that later event makes him a tiny coward and a murderer.

      Justin has never said in initial interviews he did this to provide proof for scientific community - it was just a gut reaction to shoot, b/c murder by rifle is something he enjoys. Justin also lied saying he felt threatened. Well, he's in a f*cking truck with a high powered gun hanging out the window - any fear he felts was pure B.S.

      The fact that science may benefit does not change who Justin the original "shoot first, think later" into a hero.

      He may have to be prosecuted to fullest extend of the law to set a precedent.



    4. He shot hairy forest monsters,bless him

  7. It's gotta be real cause nobody from Georgia would say they have a body in the freezer again. Right?

    1. Right on anon. And a hoaxer could never be a hoaxee. That sort of thing just does not happen. Ever. I have declared it so.

    2. Right on Mulder! No one in their right mind would ever doubt the existence of Patty. Bobh is a dirty fucking liar that's why Paddy is so real.

    3. Sometimes I can't bear to look at Patty. The realism strikes me I cry like a little girl afraid of the dark and I require actual medical attention. True Story. Patty is real.

    4. Squatting Squatch sucks Tontars lil' peeped.

    5. Hey! Lay off Rick and Melba! Show me anything that either one of them said that was wrong!!!

    6. Get that thing out of the freezer before it turns to rubber. It happened once before it will happen again.

  8. LMFAO!!!!

    Give it up Rick.
    It didn't fly the first time me and you did it.
    Don't believe it people, it's a hoax again.He told me he was going to do it sooner or later. Rick does not, I repeat, does not believe in Bigfoot.

  9. Charlie Brown says "OK" Lucy, just hold it right there...


  11. Are you f*ckin kidding me? Not again!!

    * Sweaty Yeti

  12. My kittens breath smells like cat food.

    1. It did yesterday too, damn-it man get that pussy-cat out you face!

  13. I really, really hope this isn't true... It's turning my stomach.... I've gotten used to hearing all the pro-kill talk on this blog, and can deal with it okay; but the reality of such things is something else altogether. I sooooo hope this is just another silly story.......

    1. Are you really that STOOOOOPID?????^^^

    2. I love the Lord and the Forest people that our Lord saviour placed here to gaurd our forests.

      This does not make me stooooopid but sensitive and caring.

      I will pray for your soul.

    3. Stop picking on Rick and Sally! Will you apologize to them when Rick is proved right?
      Where's our Bigfoot Community unity???

    4. in the jar next to the poop

  14. Replies
    1. I keep having jarring poops! I RUSHed to the bathroom, not FIRST, but number two. I was in DYER need of some FB/FB, so I MELBA do with my hand and then TAZER washed it. I don't know where the TT (team tazer) went, BFRO for all I care. I wuz HOAXed into BLEEVERin' that striking DNA paper wuz going to be there for me. Next time I'll wipe my FATSANO arse on a BLUEBERRY BAGEL PANCAKE and tape it to a tree. Yes, I'm RUMFERLIFEd right now! Have a nice BF night...

    2. 8:33- Is is from eating TATERHOLE tots?

  15. Team tazer nutsack worshipers! Melba will f your world haters.

    1. Right, anony! They'll have to apologize when Rick is proved right.


  17. Dick Ryder is just copying what he sees other people are doing.
    He's a fucking monkey that likes to smell the taint of other monkeys.

    1. you're right. he's trying to copy shawns blog. what a dick.

  18. They got measurements. It has got to be real! Tall and pounds I understand. DNA not so much.

  19. Dyer....Dying....Dead-----^-------^--------^--------------________________ (cut the machine off now, for Christ's sake!)

  20. *he ran out of the tent, clad only in his underwear*

    did it say who was a follerin' him?




    1. Biscardi with a stick.

      Or FB/FB. Same thing.

  23. I've got Bigfoot in my sauna

    1. Is sauna code for taterhole?


    2. Turn the sauna off for a week that will get rid of most bigfoot infestations.

  24. You would need a Sasquatch cock to fuck the giant bikini beach, eh???

  25. Is this a humor post? Another dead bigfoot in Georgia in a freezer? Come on, not gonna fool me with that one again.

  26. I don't think "a Georgia man" is claiming this, Lindsay is.

  27. We if Melba gets it right I would invite her over for a cookout at my house in the Sahara Nevada’s where we would enjoy steaks (Bigfoot of course), play pin the tail on the Moneymaker, have a few laughs at Justin Smeja expense. Watch Robert Linsay leak to my nabors that I visit this website. We would listen to Renee’s latest Sasquatch call and rate it on a scale from 1 to 10 on the Squatchyness meter. Poke fun at M.K Davis’s Herniated Muscle. We would probably have to help Cliff escape from Michael Merchant’s snare line and break up several fights between “Dr” Meldrum and Jim Lebus because Jim won’t leave Meldrum’s balloons alone. Then to top off the whole experience I would then let Melba play with my Bobo, then bend her over my Game Cam and do her Bigfoot style… then apologize!!!!!!!!

  28. Shawn, you are making suicide look like a reasonable option.

  29. I'm new here. I just have to agree with the gentleman above. Lindsay sure as Hell ain't a genius. He can't spell and can't speak well either. Saw him on some podcast. He looked and sounded twelve years old, retarded, and stoned.

  30. But in Lindsay's defense, if you're twelve years old and retarded, I guess you might as well be stoned.

  31. Why is the attached video the one hoax one from 2006?

  32. Is this an December Fool's Joke for 12/12/12?

    News conference was August 15, 2008, of course.

    Someone's got a strange sense of humor, I've got to give you that.

  33. So attention whore Lindsay does it again. Remind me Robert, bigfoot rape, dogman DNA, mindspeak etc. etc. You are truly a gobshite.

  34. Loren Coleman, get with the times old guy.. your website sucks and is outdated!!! Bigfoot Evidence is THE premiere website for all the latest bigfoot news..

    1. Treat him nice,don't you want to get in the will?

  35. bob lindsay, what can i say? you're losing it....i use to look forward to an update from you, but now it seems like you are making this shit up!

  36. If the BBC had baited the tree with meat, was it Spam or Rat on a Stick?

  37. Biscardi has stained bigfoot research permanently. I don't think even a real body nor an HD video will do. Skeptics will come out in droves to discredit a real body plus they will also claim that every single piece of footage is a hoax. There will have to be one in a zoo. Hopefully Tom will be locked in the cage as its mate. Nothing would be more fitting for the man.

  38. I wanna hear it from the horse's mouth not the horse's ass

  39. Bigfoot in a freezer? OMG please let him out or he going to die!! No not a again, please not again, you idiot Dyer!!!

    LOL hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahha

  40. The video is DATED 2008..... nuff said!

    1. Shawn just posted that old video because this is a similar story. That video is of the original Georgia hoax of 2008.

      Pay attention damn it!!!!!

  41. I commented a few months ago that a squatch was shot and killed during the filming of the camper video. I couldn't believe it myself but it's true. It happened.

  42. Don't know why it is censored here, it isn't on Lindsays blog: "Minnow Films retained possession of the body, and they farmed out its storage to a third party. It is not known what arrangements were made between Minnow and Dyer regarding possession of the body. Apparently Minnow Films has some proprietary interest in this whole affair. At any rate, the plan is to release the body only after the documentary comes out at the Tribeca Film Festival in mid April of 2013."

    1. Proprietary interest = It's their suit. Probably cost a pretty penny.

    2. Sounds like a plan by Minnow Films for a viral marketing campaign so are they just riding the camper video or did they create it.


    Good riddance

    1. Oh you know you love it!
      Here's a juicy leak for ya- Matilda's baby daddy is having a psychic affair with Melba. Knucklegrunt MURDERED Fox for starting the fire that killed Mucklegrunt, whom dna tests confirm is Matilda's baby daddy.

  44. I'd love for this to be real. The video would be awesome to see. Think about what that video would be like. Use your imagination. I doubt this is legit but if it is we will finally have the proof we've been looking for and the video to go with it.

    But it's most likely BULLSHIT!!!


    1. No, BULLSHIT hasn't posted on this thread yet.

  45. Just the idea that a guy could barge out of his tent in his chonies with a rifle and get a shot in the back of the head with out the BF knowing about it and reacting (fleeing/attacking) is fucking absurd.

    At least come up with a better story......

  46. I thought you said you weren't going to give this fucker any more blog time. The "fucker" part is my word.
    Seriously, just ignore the ass clown. He's a liar and a hoaxer.
    When this is proven to be another hoax, I'd be surprised if anybody got angry over it.

  47. Robert Lindsay gets you guys fired up, doesn't he? I'm not a fan of his other works, just stating a fact. "I believe him, yo!" You can't make some of this shit up. He gets us news sometimes by making it up. The defaced people are gonna give their two cents, whether he's right or wrong. (Now think of Wilford Brimley while re-reading the post.)

  48. Opinions are like rear ends,,that old saying. . As everyone has them,there's always a few that reek and can be loud and obnoxious,,and usually not wanted. I myself have been guilty of this,,but not in the stupendous capacity of others,,as in some anons who spew nonsense or trashy comments out of jealousy. If a supposed video has a supposed party in it,let me put it this way,,despise would be a nice term for my feelings.but ,,a lot of antagonism and hatred,sometimes instead of the desired result,,as in running someone off out of a community for good for some crime or another,can back fire,and cause a desire to accomplish something to prove a point. IMO,I hope it's not true. But,considering R.Ls record for rumors that happen to be legit more times than not,,and the supreme irony of this,,as in a supposed person,,being labeled a hoaxer by many(its safe to say many I believe lol) ends up with the facts. That would add insult to injury to damn near all of us,,unfortunately life seldom happens they way we want it.


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