Be prepared to eat some crow: Ketchum may be onto something

If this latest update from Robert Lindsay is true, then it's possible that both Dr. Ketchum and Dr. Sykes will be credited with the discovery of Bigfoot. According to Lindsay's source, both camps suggest "a new hominid in North America". The only disagreement between the two camps is on the origin of the new hominid says Lindsay.

New leak from Sykes study suggests that Sykes agrees with Ketchum that there is a new hominid in North America! A new leak from the Dr. Brian Sykes Bigfoot DNA study indicates that Sykes agrees with Dr. Melba Ketchum’s Bigfoot DNA study that there is indeed a new hominid in North America. However, Sykes disagrees with Ketchum regarding the origin of this new hominid. Since Ketchum says that she has proven the existence of the cryptid known as Bigfoot, apparently Sykes indicates that he also believes that Bigfoot exists. The leak comes from someone who appears to be close to Ketchum’s study. If this leak is correct, it’s great news for Bigfooters!

[via Robert Lindsay]


  1. Replies
    1. Footin' where there's no end goal its all about the ride! No self respecting footer actually believes there's 10 foot apes roaming around the highly populated and technologically advanced USA. No sireee.

    2. I have a tv and a car and the foots have been here before...

      I even have a laptop and a stove and they came around.

    3. plus you have first,but again the bigfoots were first

    4. What the heck is wrong with RL and is that a picture of the last elephant in America shouldn't that be a mammoth or something, what's going on.

    5. Anon 4:22 must be from New York city! Highly populated? Maybe where you live in your crack ho infested urban jungle. Maybe take a trip out west, BC / upper Michigan/Mn to name a few were Human populations are very low. I live in an area that has miles of forest and the main highway 99.99% of the people go by 65 mph and rarely leave the shoulder to enter the woods. Heck at night I bet no one for miles are hiking in the woods after dark let alone are prepared to do it. Oh you got me ... We have a campground. Most don't leave the 10 acres unless they drink and urinate on the wooded fringe. Party on!

    6. ^^^^
      Is just jealous that his jungle isn't more crack ho infested.

  2. Replies
    1. Homo sapiens is new. There are no "Native Americans". All are African immigrants.

    2. The Irish are angels, so...

    3. You can tell them that I'll watch from afar!

    4. CLOCKWORK ANGELS raise their arms and sing

    5. Us Irish are so far above plain humans and immigrants, we have a separate name that needs no definition, IRISH! My great Grandfather didn't just walk off a boat at Ellis Island. He enlivened the boat with his mystical powers, awesome strength, massive testicular fortitude, and STRODE forth parting the crowds without even touching a single person. Once ashore he declared that from that day forth the Irish shall rule this country and all will honor the Irish.

      And for those who didn't understand that above, maybr this will help. He seemed to have mystical powers since no amount of booze slowed him down. His testicular fortitude was showing no pain from getting lick in the nuts to shut him up. His massive strength was body odor. And that parted the crowds when he moved. ;)

      As for the honoring Irish, they did so by signing up almost every one to fight in this war or that war.

      I really have no idea of what my great grandpa was like as I never met him or his son, my grandpa. Both were called home before I was born.

      But the Irish truly are above all others in my book. Just ask any other Irishmen. ;)

    6. I don't know Jim something tells me you're racially biased

    7. You think? Maybe if I told you my great grandpa dropped the O' from our last name it might help? Nah, with or without the Mc or O' the Irish still rise above all others!

      On a serious note though, we Irish seem to be the only primarily white race that can be proud of our heritage and not be racist. Maybe because the Irish were treated just as bad as non willing immigrants.

    8. I like the Irish travelers

    9. native americans, blacks & latinos are the only ones who suffer. the white devil Babylon shall fall.

    10. Considering the above mentioned grandpa married a full blooded native american woman, I guess they must have had something in common.

      But you really should look into Irish history here in the US. The Irish were treated very badly by the english and american immigrants who ran the US from the beginning. They were press ganged into slave labor just like African slaves were. US military troops literally forced thousands to join the civil war by signing them up as they stepped off the ship.

      The Irish were forced to live in ghettos too. But no one living has been a slave in this country. They may have been treated badly and discriminated against a lot, but even I have had that happen. Once by a African American manager of mine, and by the Japanese staff of a restaurant in Hawaii.

      So it seems all races can be racist and make people suffer.

    11. No such thing as "Native" Americans. Wherever they are, by whatever route, all homo sapiens are out of Africa.

    12. Big Jim, read your Irish story and had a great laugh. That's some funny stuff. Sounds like 'Big strong man ( my brother Sylveste ).

      It's an old Irish folk song. Give it a listen. Nothing like telling great big fibs about yourself. Most cultures have them.

      While it's true the Irish overcame obstacles and did quite well outside of Ireland, they certainly still had the advantage of being white and not easily identified after a generation or so. This certainly didn't hurt. Every wave of immigrants go through a process of integration. There's an element of heroism to all.

      The Irish story, like the Irish themselves, just happens to have a flair for the dramatic.

    13. Really I know the Irish and Italians did but the Irish had red hair and the guineas held their herritage we litteraly made the work on the highest level of the sears I'm sorry the Willis tower when it was being built

    14. So tell me anon when is this great uprising starting. Come on now you know so much. I did not see any Laotians suffer nowhere near the same as blacks and native Americans so this is the biggest mismatching of people I've ever seen. And you do know that there is fighting amongst these groups in many other places right.

    15. The Irish are decent folks. Not a patch on us Scots though.


  3. Well I'll dig out all of recipe man crow stuff
    Claiming first

    1. Where's that clown Merchant at now? Team Tator should issue an apology for posting all the smear content.

    2. still waiting on an actual paper there.

    3. Or real confirmation that Lindsay is telling the truth and not just speculating based on a post directed at him on another thread the other day. How do we know there was a leak from Sykes? There was a post from an angry Ketchumite saying if Lindsay's sources were that good they would know that Sykes and Ketchum were collaborating. Who knows what's true anymore?

    4. Rush is a great rock group my friend,it's true,believe your ears

    5. Most overplayed ever.

      Let's spin Limelight one more time!

    6. stop listening to the radio,expand your Rush horizons

    7. I really admire your devotion to Rush but it's just something I can't appreciate rumforlife. It's not you, it's me.

    8. thats ok,to each his own,I also like Gordon Lightfoot

    9. Has anyone heard from Autumn Forest lately? Where did she go?

    10. All this machinery making modern music...

    11. If you could read my mind. Most beautiful song ever written in my opinion. Light foot was in Saginaw MI last year and still has it. The women were wild for him

      Mid michigan

    12. You don't have a sorce numb-nuts. You just make up shit and we all know it. get lost fucking commy!

    13. ^ Beat it loser no room left for you wankers now anywhere. Get ready to be blown away by the wind coming from all the laughter hitting you.

  4. Lindsay is wrong. It is a leak from the Ketchum camp to boost up their own credibility.

    Lindsay is DEAD WRONG. Just as all his posts are.

  5. This leak was from the Ketchum camp...of course it was. Trying to make it looks like Dr Sykes agrees with her,huh. I will believe it when I hear it from Dr Sykes himself.

  6. Replies
    1. Since there is no bigfoot, there are no footers. Please remove this blog immediately.

  7. They see me toonin' they hatin'

    1. Always tryin to catch me ridin squatchy Catch me ridin squatchy

    2. Not a damn thing I had to go back to work yesterday which sucks ass but that's life

    3. Yeah so I made a tin foil helmet yesterday so as not to get skull raped by Sasquatch and my wife said wtf are you doin wasting my tin foil I said I'm not wasting it I don't want to get mind raped so she says carry on then so I finished it up and tried it on to see how it fit and as I walked in the bathroom to check it out in the mirror my Rottweiler woke up and said Ahh daddy they got you then he bit me

    4. So apparently tin foil hats are all good and harmless till your dog bites you for being retarded

    5. they should never be worn indoors

    6. I guess damn non informative blog tells me how to make a tin foil helmet but not to wear it in the house. Lol I was just waitin to see if someone would comment taking it seriously at least people do realize this is just a joke I was beginning to doubt myself on people's level of intelligence

    7. Not Bigfoot the tin foil helmets I see where this can get misconstrued

    8. Should have made one for your do first. They couldn't reach you so they used your dog to get you.

      (That is also a scary truth of mental illness, especially paranoids. Everyone is out to get them normally).

    9. Lol like all the conspiracy " the government is after me " theorist on here

    10. I agree with Big Jim. Dr. Ketchum has mentioned that sasquatches are willing to control the minds of other creatures in addition to human beings. I hate to say this, but sounds like your dog was mind-raped and forced to do the 'foot's bidding.

    11. Oya boya not my buddy that's why his head is so hot lol. No my little buddy has a grey beard from worrying so much I call him grey beard the ass pirate because he's always trying to hump the other dogs

  8. ya know, the NA say BFs were here when they arrived and the oldest known modern human in the US is about 16K years old. Sounds like humans arrived during the Bering land bridge as asians and turned into Bigfoots and Indians. Sasqutch were here most probably as a form of H. erectus, ubiquitous in Asia well before the 75,000 ice age to cross over.

    1. Ain't no foots. If you believe the native Americans just check out the other crap they believe, Looney toons!

    2. These things exist in Eastern Europe, China, and Australia. Will be interesting to see how the DNA between them is related, and if they all have hybridization, or if that is just a North American artifact in the DNA.

      The skulls of Homo Erectus are missing any sort of bony aparatus for sagital crest, and many report bigfoots with cone shaped head.

    3. Homo Erectus was shorter than modern man, on average. The claim that they were giants was based on a few outlying specimens - the tallest of which was 6'1. Hardly a species of giants.

    4. There ain't no 'foots. Fairy tale for big fat losers. I, on the other hand . . .

    5. was so frequently raped by my step father that my mind had to go to a "safe place." Hence all my cartoon world insight. You see, that is where i have to live or insanity will take over.

      I have to believe everything is fake. I'm much to fragile to except reality as it is. No amount of evidence will cause even a glimmer of thought. Nope, the brain is completely void of truth, I'm just roll'in in cartoon land. Happy and free and dumb as a rock.

  9. The bigfoots could certainly have evolved very quickly after the last ice age. Just look at how fast women have evolved since 1900 into the 400lb bruisers that block the entire isle in the grocery store.

    1. ha ha ha ha ha so true and LMAO!! Thats why I can't get me a girl friend!! She to fat for me! hahahaaa....theres something on the hill!

    2. Can't you just see Melbut bending over for a jumbo can of Green Giant?
      Ho ho ho.

    3. lmfao!!! Look up that episode of South park with the grocery store go-carts. The boys go around tipping them over.

    4. I actually sometimes am hindered in getting my goods by these big-as-Buicks mamas. They lean forward on shopping carts as walkers, and the yard-wide buttocks barely miss tumbling the goods off the shelves. I sometimes can't get what I need because they fill the aisle, and just stand there blocking it, like a mountain of sandbags.

  10. I really don't believe any of Robert Lindsays storys anymore. Each more outlandish than the previous story.

    1. Where is the Knower when you really need him?

    2. He likes to speculate. I really don't think any north american sample are included in the Sykes study. We hear people sent stuff in, but never more than that. Book it: Sykes will release a statement describing most, if not all, of the samples that were included in the study. He will not say what he learned from them. If asked he will say "Wait for the paper."

    3. For once Lindsay's actually right and I'm glad it's this time.

  11. Well, well, well. Well.

    We're all in an agreeable mood tonight.

    The Forest people are bringing us all together!

  12. Of course Bigfoot exists, dodo birds. For those of us who have seen one, that is not in question.

    1. There's something on the hill!

    2. Look! Up in the Sky! It's a Dodo Bird! It's Superman! No, it's Bigfoot!

    3. maybe bigfoot is just a large wingless bird


    4. I like Dodo's, at least I think I would if I had ever encountered one, kinda like a big flightless pigeon, damn you humankind!

    5. It's Patty with her granddaughter, Matilda, getting ready to go Christmas shopping.

    6. It's the damn Dodo's fault for being so tasty !

  13. listen to what the forest people say

    1. Not just their vocalizations- I have learned just as much from them by interpreting their primitive, fluid movements.

    2. yes,they walk like they have a stick up their ass

    3. There is trouble in the Forest...

    4. Same place footers have their doom ching!

    5. And the Creatures all have fled, As the Maples scream oppression, And the Oaks just shake their heads.

    6. like a steely blade in a silken sheath we don't know what they're made of,they talk about love but when push comes to shove,they look for things they're afraid of,and the knowledge that they fear is a weapon to be used against them

    7. He's not afraid of your judgment He knows of horrors worse than your hell He's a little bit afraid of dyin' But he's a lot more afraid of your lyin'

    8. Blue blue is the sun.
      Brown brown is the sky.
      Green green are her eyes.
      A million miles a million miles

    9. You're a poet, and you don't know it.

  14. I've heard so many things about what a DNA analysis can accomplish. Does the DNA happen to mention we will have to wear tinfoil hats when camping now so we do not get mind raped?

    Does the DNA suggest that they can turn invisible and change color on demand? Has anyone consulted Kewaunee and Jeffrey Prichett and the church of Mabis on this?

    Surely we must consult with the bigfoot gods like matt moneymaker michael merchant and jeff patterson.

  15. But will SnowJobPrime be man enough to catch a crow in his fancy snare trap, drive down to Texas, and eat it right in front of the "cat vet" while apologizing for the absurd and extended defamation of character? Find out for us, Shawn! I wouldn't even bother wondering about such a question with Moneymaker...

    1. Ketchum's character is defamed no matter what happens.

    2. You believe things that come out of Robert Lindsay's word-hole. Nuff said.

    3. Do you believe dogman is part of the study?

    4. Do you believe catlady has ESP?

    5. Who let the Dogman out? Who? Who?

    6. Ketchum's only been attacked by the foolish likes of the weirdos here, she'll be the champion in the end.

  16. I knew it! All the naysayers are really going to be eating a heaping pile of crow now! I imagine that Melba has been letting Sykes now of her advances in Sasquatch psyonics. There is no way that a researcher of Dr. Ketchum's stature would be willing to undergo torturous mind-rape for nothing! We just had to be patient.

    No we have to start worrying about the public. When this news hits, people all over the US are going to be flooding into the forests searching for bigfoot. I doubt that Dr. Ketchum wants people disturbing the gentle creatures that she has spent so much time interacting with. We need to begin educating our fellow citizens now not to approach sasquatch because they will be risking devastating telepathic assault.

    1. not professor X,he would kick their butts

    2. Will the Big Guys mind rape the forest intruders up their taterholes?!

  17. How come they are so big? If it weren't for that..I might just think about the possibility! But, I just can't see 7-12 foot ape-men running away from anybody. It doesn't fit in with the whole thang.

    I think there are a lot of fairies around though. They are being found more than ever!! When I was a youth, you couldn't find a fairy any where. Now you got male and female fairies all over the place, even in government!! Jeeeze!!

  18. This is exciting. Me and my brother-in-law were out in the woods 'squatchin just a few weekends ago. He's a bit of city slicker and brought along his fancy GPS and satellite phone. We got sight of what might of been a squatch, so I tried to catch it on my camera. Unfortunately, the squatch zapped us with an electro magnetic pulse from his mind. It shorted out all of our electronics. Thankfully it spared me and my bro from being mind-raped, but it haunts me at night thinking that might have happened.

    At least now the question will be answered without putting anyone in harm's way.

    1. I've been on the hunt for bigfoot for 35 years. Over that time, I've been pulsed on four separate equations. It's like sticking a fork in the toaster. Really fucks you up. I've been mind-raped once before. Back in the summer of '82. I will never forget it. You can't forget something like that.

    2. WTF are people coming up with the stuff about Ketchum and telekinesis and mind-rape?? What is this shit? Did she say squatches can move stuff with their minds?

    3. No it's just on major troll making shit up about Ketchum! He says most of the immature crap on here. If u want real info go straight to the source or wait for the real news. Mind speak is some paranormal shit the skeptics came up with and can't let go of it.

    4. They've been hit with the Carrie syndrome.

    5. Ketchum was also a victim of alien abduction.

    6. I think she said she communicates with a family of 5...something like that. The rest of the crazy stuff Robert Lindsay made up-mind rape, dogman in the study, Biscardi involvement.

    7. That's what makes her a footnote.

    8. Hardly so sonny but more like the co-discoverer of this new species.

  19. The wonderful thing about squatches is that squatches are wonderful things.

    Gotta catch them all!

  20. Yeah, and I have a bigfoot in a freezer.

  21. How did primitives live without Chinese Takeaway? I just can't get that.

  22. I don't care what anybody says, "Signals" is a great Rush album.

  23. Sykes wouldn't give any info to the Ketchum camp. This is bullshit as usual.

    1. I don't know. Everyone has been laughing at Dr. Ketchum since day one. But she is the one who has put her reputation and career on the line. She is the one out there, interacting with these creatures, feeding them blueberry bagels and watching them build stick structures with their minds. All of the skeptic assholes who have been flooding this site to rip on footery are going to be eating a steaming pile of crow. And who knows? Maybe it the tray will be lifted up telepathically and served by the sasquatch that mind-raped Dr. Ketchum?

    2. yeah melbas not a Rush fan

    3. hey rum! check out the Waterboys fishermans blues album I think youll really like them also Blue rodeo (five days in may)(hasent hit me yet) etc...:@ ) very canadiana lol enjoy...

    4. waterboys (fishermans blues album) :@ )

    5. ok,will absolutely check it out,thanks

  24. She's got big boobs, but that's irrelephant.

  25. Sykes agrees with Ketchum?


    They are likely both Fake.


    Sykes and Ketchum Team up, Paper will be released March 43th of 2013.

    Thanks for listening.

  26. I just had a thought. I am wondering if Dr. Ketchum has been intentionally feeding Robert Lindsay all these leaks so that we have an idea of what is going on with her study.
    Chad W

    1. I very much doubt that Chad. She could speak for herself. Many people were involved early in the study: her original collaborators, the sample submitters, the money people, and last(but not least)Sally. He probably got some info from any number of these people.
      I think all Lindsay's recent stuff is just speculation: the study is done so there is no one around to leak anything to him. Just my guess, of course.

    2. She doesn't speak to me at all. We aren't exactly on good terms you know.

    3. Thank you for being on top of these developments regardless, Robert.

  27. Sykes wouldn't associate himself with Ketchum if it was that or certain death.

    1. But... but... Melba's the authority. THE AUTHORITY!


  28. Who is Robert Lindsay? I seriously don't know. Is that the actor?

    1. Yes Lindsay and the famous British actor are one and the same person, as insane as it sounds.

    2. He's an admitted commy and likely a child predator.

      Know that if Lindsay siad it, it's fabricated bullshit.

      He only plays "turd darts!"

    3. And a U.N. black helicopter pilot coming to steal our sovereignty.

  29. Robert Lindsay is a metatroll.

  30. Replies
    1. You talking the network? the animal? The rabid little poster named Mulder who takes bigfoot all the way down to the root? Specify please.

  31. I'm pretty certain that this whole DNA thing will come crumbling to nothing as usual. Even if it did, half of the people wouldn't believe unless they could see a sasquatch in a zoo.

    I've never seen one, but I heard something in the mountains in Montana that will haunt me forever, and that is the only reason I follow these stories.

    1. People believe DNA data. It doesn't lie. What about you? Will you accept Bigfoot living here, now if the DNA shows it?

    2. He'll have to just like every other nutcracker out there, and even if he doesn't nobody cares. People only care for what's official, as long as something's official most people will follow that and that's how governments rule over you anyway and gets away with shit. Squatches won't be in zoos though they're not animals.

    3. Wrong government rules with threats of prisons

  32. I refuse to eat crow when Smegma has bigfoot steaks in the freezer.

    Pro Kill straight to grill, baby.

    1. Who cares what you don't want to you'll have to.

  33. Sykes is gonna put the final nail in the sinking ship that is footery. This long drawn out circus show started by a conman in the sixties has run its course. Time to shut it down. There ain't no 'foots to be found folks.

    1. Why don't you run along now your welcome has come to an end you pain in the ass dunce anon 601

    2. Timmy at 6:01 and several other posts above.

    3. No, he won't. He will say what the samples came from or, if they are something never seen before, he will say what the donor is close to.
      What I don't get is how he gets published if all the samples are from known animals. Where is the original research(the first criteria for publishing in a peer reviewed journal)?

    4. It'll be published somewhere, just not in a major journal like Nature or Science. It'll go in some niche journal as how to speciate samples of unknown or potentially novel provenance.

    5. If Sykes has some of the same stuff Ketchum does then it's all good and he'll co-prove it with her.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Anyone else get the impression that Lindsay is manufacturing these "leaks" from "insiders" merely to shape public opinion?

    1. Oh he definetly is. I know for a fact he is simply inventing his own brand of history. There are also things he knows about but won't release since it will ruin his credibility.

    2. Same guy, yep. The famous British actor is also a famous troll Bigfoot journalist. Believe it or nuts.

  36. Your ignorance on the.subject anon 601 is monumental.

    1. someone should put that fucker (6:01) in a jar! : )

  37. you know 6:01 it just occurred to me that if were all lost then were all lost tgthr but you well your just alone sad miserable shit talking a group of people who believe in smthng I kind of feel soory for you :@ ( Nawh just kidding your a fucking Douchebagscrotumlickingtaterhole :@ )

  38. The best part of this latest "news" on Lindsay's page is the part about Rick Dyer coming out of the tent in his underwear, chasing the Bigfoot (the cell phone video).

  39. I say, gentlemen, who are these anonymous commenters obsessed with being raped?

    Come now, my friends, please calm down and all will be revealed hopefully before the 21st.

  40. Robert Lindsay and his Laotian BuTt Boy is at it again!

  41. "Homo Erectus was shorter than modern man, on average. The claim that they were giants was based on a few outlying specimens - the tallest of which was 6'1. Hardly a species of giants."

    The case of Turkana Boy is quite interesting in this manner.

  42. The Knower has the real scoop on the paper I hear , but is keeping quiet.. At the moment.

  43. From another Source: We have it on good authority that Dr. Bryan Sykes has not even begun testing on his Bigfoot DNA study. This is from two independent sources that have heard this firsthand from Dr. Sykes Himself.

    Mr. Lindsay is a penile implant.

  44. Not sure why this claim by Lindsay changes anything? The guy posts some very outlandish, dubious stuff right? Is this any different or more believable? He could be spot on, he could be bullshitting or his source was yanking his chain. Either way when will we know? When someone publishes a paper or a peer review has been officially rejected. Patience people.....


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