A Witness To "Fox's" Death Tells Their Story About The Dying Bigfoot

We received an email from a person who wishes to remain anonymous today. This person claims to be one of the people invited to see "Fox" before he passed away. Robert Lindsay reported a week ago that Sally Ramey, Dr. Ketchum's former publicist, was also a witness to Fox's death. Could this story confirm that the event at Janice Carter's property actually happened? You decide:

I was a part of the group that visited “Fox” while he was dying and needed to share this story.

There was Sally Ramy, myself and a few other people. I was invited because I work in the environmental field and was open minded about the existence of Sasquatch. I had never seen one until that day but heard many stories about them in the area. The goal of my being included was part of a larger goal, that goal to get as many “credible” in the field to believe in the creatures.

I rode to the area with Sally and John. John is a biologist and professor from Canada, and Sally later told me that he is regarded as one of the top researchers in the field. I did not speak with the others as we needed to be quiet when entering the area and we had driven there in separate vehicles.

We hiked into the area and saw a large hole. I was later told this was the hole where Fox was to be buried upon his passing. This was located at the base of a rocky ledge. There were 3 or 4 trees by the ledge and it was an area that would not wash away over the course of time from rain. The creatures bury their dead and John began shaking when he saw the hole. He later said this was because he finally saw proof of what many people have believed for years.

We walked past this area and saw a number of Sasquatch. A male and female were on each side of Fox, with juveniles peeking from behind trees. I then saw Fox had extremely swelled feet, and they looked almost like he was stricken with gout. His feet were bleeding as he lay on the ground. We had to wait for him to make a sound and then we approached him slowly.

We each had to bring a “gift” or “offering” for Fox. We stopped at a local store on our way to the area, to buy some things Fox had come to like over the years. We each carried one item and laid it next to him upon entering the area. They included a bag of chewing tobacco, peanut butter and some type of short bread.

The bag of tobacco was opened and Fox put the pouches entire contents in its mouth he never bothered to spit and ate the peanut butter while having the tobacco in his mouth. Fox spoke in a weird dialect with the occasional word of English.

Upon viewing Fox, John became very emotional and began to cry. He had a difficult time maintaining his composure and tears were rolling down his cheeks.

It was exciting and also frightening. I admit I was shaking the entire time and did not want to do anything that may anger them. I did notice that male sasquatch are very dominant over the females. The male sasquatch struck the female when she got to close to the gifts we brought for fox. It said “chutack chutack” and became very angry.

Below is the post by Robert Lindsay:

Sally Ramey, Ketchum’s former spokesperson, reportedly paid a visit to a dying Bigfoot friend to say goodbye to him. If you have read the incredible book, 50 Years with Bigfoot, by Janice Carter Coy and Mary Green, you know the unbelievable story that is told in that book. I won’t reiterate it, but the author discusses how she has been habituating with Bigfoots for most of her life. A male Bigfoot named “Fox” plays a large role in the story.

Janice’s father rescued Fox when he was a baby. A tree fell on him and pinned him under it. The father rescued the baby Bigfoot and nursed it back to health in his shed. The father and the Bigfoot formed a lifetime bond. The father is said to have taught the Fox some words of English and in return, Fox taught the father some words of the Bigfoot language, whatever the heck that is. The family then fed Fox and the various members of his family for many years. At one point, when Janice was a 15 year old girl, Fox charged her when she was riding her horse. He knocked her off her horse and she broke her leg.

There is much more to the Fox story, but I will let you read the book to figure that out.

At some point a while back, Fox was getting very old and nearing the end of his life. Apparently he sent for Janice and some of her friends to come visit him at the place where he was dying in the forest. Janice Coy, Sally Ramey and possibly other persons went out to the place in the woods where Fox was dying. They visited him there and paid their last requests to him. Fox apparently died about one week later.

Well, that’s a pretty incredible story, no? And this is Ketchum’s main spokesperson we are talking about now.


  1. Timmy Parnassus, head of Team Tooner, Team Tinfoil, et al, should be here any moment screaming his head off.

    1. Im not any of those poster but this story is ludicrous, idiotic bullshit. What a joke.

      Just like Smeja "well hell I shot both of 'em for no reason, but just couldnt seem to get a specimen then when I decided to get one and sent it out for testing, just cant seem to get any DNA results"

      What a joke!

    2. Did Ketchum's paper come out?

      Did Smeja's DNA results come out?

      Did Erickson release his HD vid and pics?

      Did Matt and Bobo find Bigfoot?


    3. This is Looney toons gold. Oh you bigfooters are making it too easy

    4. You give yourself away with "et al"...Muldur

    5. Veeeeery interesting but, ridiculous.

    6. The bad spelling is enough to tell you it's probably bullshit, not the species of course they're very real alright but that tale just sounds made up to me at least as it's presented here.

    7. Chuntack is a word in Punjabi language. Strange a sasquatch would know it. This shows that the whole thing is made up. Sasquatch are real but the Carters did not have one as the clan would have came to the farm and retrieved a baby. Come on people. I will say this Dr. John Bindernagle did not visit. There is nowhere in this article that says the last name. You are all supposing it was. You are being sucked into another Carter fairy tale. Dr Bindernagle would have spoken up about this. Come on. He is dead now but he would have said it.

  2. I would like to hear what Dr. Bindernagel has to say.

    1. If he confirms this happened I would completely believe him. As far as credibility is concerned he's on the top of my list. Very interesting account.

    2. I agree with you Tim. A credible source with a verifiable identity.
      This anonymous might be telling the truth, or spinning a yarn. We don't know because we don't know who the person is.

    3. It would be great if he would confirm this.
      His word counters any and all skeptics that stalk this website. Must be somewhere in the Appalachian chain.

    4. It does not matter how credible Dr Bindernagel is... The negative credit of Janice Carter would dis-credit him.

      If he was involved, he would do best to stay silent about it even if this is true.

    5. yeah,it is kind of shameful,like banging fat chicks

    6. If this witness is so "credible", explain why he/she won't give up their real name. Oh yeah, in Bigfoot, Inc one must always sign those pesky NDAs. It's always about the money.

    7. So, let me get this straight. If somebody who is “credible” discovers something, and somebody who isn't credible agrees with them then the person who is credible should keep their mouth shut so as to avoid association with the person who isn't credible?


      So if I discover a new species of whale, and “the reverend” Jessie Jackson says that the whale exists I should never say anything about the whale ever again so as to avoid association with Jessie Jackson. Because my credibility would be negated by his lack of credibility which would make the whale not exist?

      Tzieth, you should stay on the moderated forum.

    8. I went by Janice's house a couple years ago on vacation. It was being rented out at that time per family members at the trailer next door. I took pictures to add to the collection. I talked to some folks that know Mary Green and Janice and never did anything negative come up. I think the most important thing is the encounters. They either are or aren't. It is difficult if stories are part of the encounters but the bottom line is a living breathing sasquatch.
      I work as a professional and am not doing this for blogging fun by the way.
      Goggle map Reynolds road in the Madisonville, Tn area. Look at the dog leg in the road, thats were the Carter farm is.
      As to Dr. Bindernagel, his opportunity, if true, was a blessing. I would think he will never be the same again.

    9. I was there back in 2006 and I encountered just the opposite impression from the neighbors concerning Janice Carter. You state they either are or aren't and one thing I can assure you of is they AREN'T on Carter Farm and never was. It all originated in the mind of one person - Janice Carter. Even Mary Green who wrote the book about it now says she was lied to. It is pure fantasy and a complete waste of time for anyone seriously looking for bigfoot.

    10. Liar!
      I live by Janice and they are there!!!!

    11. ANON @7:24- you are a moron. You don't even know how to make an analogy. You call rev. Jesse jackson not a credible individual, do you even know who he is? You may be a racist or just totally uneducated and ignirant of american history, but jesse jackson marched with dr. King and is one of the most famous civil rights activist in the history of our country, making your analogy bull $hi+. Here's to you sucking again. Read a history book, i assume you can read since you are on this forum. Or maybe you have your sister-wife make the picture-shapes into sounds for your ear holes.

    12. Jesse Jackson's a fucking race pimp and a hypocrite. The fucking end.

    13. If Dr. Bindernagel disclosed this to be an accurate encounter it would be very significant. Shawn should pull out all stops to get an update..one way or another

      PS some of us lurk in and out of the moderated forum

    14. Anon 7:24 here. Well, I wasn't precisely trying to piss you off “laissezfairescience”, but if you're that big of a douche, then I'm glad I did.
      Firstly, no, it's not a perfect analogy and I didn't intend it to be. It's somewhat more extreme then what Tzieth actually said so as to help illustrate the absurdity of Tzieth's nonsense.
      Secondly, I picked Jessie Jackson because he has a bad reputation. I didn't say that he deserves to have a bad reputation and I didn't say that he didn't, but the man has a bad reputation. I'm going to go out on a limb and hazard a guess that a lot of his bad reputation has to do with that affair. When a minister has an affair it makes them look like one hell of a hypocrite and looking like a hypocrite can damage one's reputation pretty severly.

    15. Thing is, Dr. Bindernagel's already said he's seen a Sasquatch so if he's always been credible to you I guess you can trust him on his sighting too. I know I do. Thoughts on that angle, Tzieth?

    16. I am aware of rev. Jacksons affair, so that may make him not a very good husband, but every man has faults. He is hated by racist for his contributions to humanity. Racist and biggots alike love to bask in the glow of that failure, all while belitttling what it was he helped achieve. So yes he is not a perfect man, but he has done more for mankind than any of us on here arguing about a bf. On that note i would agree with your point, just not the vitriol for a civil rights activist. You don't keep quiet just because someone in your group is cuckoo for coco puffs. You keep quiet because if you say you had tea and biscuits with foxy brown the sasquatch, people are going to laugh at you hysterically.

    17. Also why is the sasquatch called fox? I should name my dog-cat, my cat-mouse...p.s. Everyone knows bf's are all Harold's, but prefer Harry.

    18. FYI, Jesse Jackson never completed his seminary studies--his ordination was an "honorary" one. But he's still a hypocrite and a race-baiter, not to mention a bastard child himself.

    19. Tim Ervick? Isn't that the guy behind the Temagami hoaxes?

    20. They are in the Appalachians to the east, north and south of her home. Scott Carpenter lives to the north and he has had plenty of encounters. I had an encounter to the south . I can assure you they are there.

    21. Hello all:

      Just got off the phone with Jack Bindernagel who confirmed this story is 100% true.

    22. Umm wrong I use Harry here I much prefer Harold in my everyday life thanks for your concern

    23. Jesse Jackson is a race pimping hypocritical bigot. A waste of space, he should go cheat on his wife some more. Pimp some more race garbage.

  3. I think he said "chutack,chutack".It's romulan or something,Rush Rules.I said that....rip fox

  4. Team Poser will enjoy talking even more on how much greater they are than any other poser. lol
    Just a story, like the book.

  5. OT If you have not heard, there is more info on the supposed bigfoot killed by Dyer from another source.

    1. You mean by the same hoaxer from 2008? LOL. Who's buying this crap? Gullible fools.



    4. I dont believe it but it is interesting that it looks like there are other people than dyer feeding the rumors.

    5. Placing my bets that they will claim the government took the body or it was lost at sea. hahaha. Gullible Bigfooters. Please watch the 2008 Bigfoot conference to see who you're dealing with here.


    6. wow,lots of people wasting time on youtube,you didn't just call bullshit?

    7. Trolls are hypocrites, they're scared to admit they know it's all true about this squatch species so like the little children that they are they giggle.

  6. I am currently preparing my anonymous email to reveal my story of visiting squatches. No real substantial or conclusive evidence, details, etc.....just random parts of a story with a lot of questionable statements.

    1. Thats a real fukkin Bigfoot story right there bits and pieces with no real evidence

  7. did he have a big schlong,just curious?

    1. Why do you think the horse threw the girl? He saw that schlong and jumped.

    2. I knew it,foot size does matter,shit I just wear 10.5

    3. As the Redwoods video shows this squatch species is not terribly well-endowed great apes usually aren't.

  8. Really? Lets just go dig up old Fox and put an end to this thing once and for all.

    1. you wicked ghoul...chutack,chutack

    2. He didn't die, he just hoaxed you suckers to give him free shit.

    3. that lying douchebag,I'll bet they pull this stunt a lot

    4. I knew he was scammin us when he asked for 'bling'

    5. and I got him that grill for his teeth

  9. How come no one ever talks bout their smell. . im assuming if people come into contact with one a b.f. it would have a distinct type of smell. . most likely a musty dirty smell. . i think if someone was around one or several there would be a scent to describe as well.

    1. they actually smell like roses when they die,they also shit cake in their final hours,I know because I was there...sniff,sniffle....don't laugh,thats how I cry...oh Fux,I hope you enjoyed my gift of sweet rum,well the empty bottle anyway,because I was there and thats a fact.

    2. From what I've heard, they don't always give off an odor. It's thought (by some) that the odor is released under certain situations only (for example, when they're stressed), and/or that they can control when and how an odor is released.

    3. Through intense concentration I have developed the ability to control when my odor is released.

      -Melba Ketchum

    4. Shit so now Bigfoot has the characteristics of a skunk too that's it now I have to find one so I may learn of all this amazing wonder that is Bigfoot next you'll tell me they're smokers

    5. So when ManBearPig and ManBigFootSkunk fight on Celebrity Death Match, who will win? Al Gore and Melba will be the guest referees.

  10. Tune in tomorrow for the next tear-jerking episode of All My Sasquatch.

  11. Or is it impolite to say they stink?! lol!

  12. This is all a stinking, lying pile of horse shit.

    1. wrong, Bullshit

    2. Ladies, there's no need to argue about the specific variety of excrement which best describes the falsehoods that Janice Carter has produced. What's important is that her lies are recognized as lies and denounced. Let us not be divided at this crucial moment when Ketchum is attempting to hoax the world into accepting a myth as truth. Instead we should be united in our common skepticism and our shared disdain for liars......

      …...besides it's OUBVIOUSLY CAT SHIT!!!

    3. I think I saw you on Hoarders

    4. Here's a fun fact: the difference between Bullshit, Horseshit, and Chickenshit is as follows:
      Bullshit is harmless joking and kidding around, like you do with your friends.
      Horseshit is strictly political. For example, "President Obama is a great President" is pure Horseshit.
      Chickenshit is just bad bullshit--it's not funny or entertaining in any way.

    5. A republican who likes yes,maybe bigfoot does exist...jellybean rocks

  13. guess no one thought to bring a camera????

    1. he didn't ask for one,say if they didn't talk that proves he mentally told them all the shit he likes,amazing

    2. With camera's on almost every cell phone you think they could have at least taken a blobsquatch photo.

      I'm surprised they didn't say they were inter-dimensional beings who travel back to another dimension when they die.

  14. I'm getting sick of reading bs, this is like a circus of freaks in fantasy land, proof not fairytales.

    1. Well, the BS is fun to read, but yes, by all means, bring on the proof. Monkey me!
      But keep the fairytales coming too.

  15. Why is nobody thinking of poor Janice you insensitive bastards.

  16. your right,she may weep into my crotch

  17. That's a pretty good story! Let me tell you one...........

  18. I would have brought it season 2 of Parks and Rec on dvd.

  19. Oh, I have compassion for Janice but this story is a lie. FABRICATION. You got nothing better to do than make crap up, you attention seeking cons?

  20. This whole story is pure and utter bullshit! So why didn't they take pictures or video of Fox or the Sasquatch couple?

    1. Because they weren't out to prove the species but perhaps rather to protect them from discovery.

  21. Too hard to email Dr. John or Sally Ramey?
    BTW Sally's last name is spelled Ramey.
    This flunks, but well written Reader's Digest worthy.

  22. Ivan Rumblefarter here yes
    my friends change my name cause of big fart I make today

    but that not issue here issue here is

    this is very very sad story to hear that fox die

    I do not even know fox but it brought tear to eye

    Even RENANYA was crying when DOO DOO read story out loud to her
    and she never cry

    KILFF Barikshnikoff was just quiet and not say anyhting

    we will all drink extra toast of VODKA for fox tonite

    and pour some on ground as fox was someone how you say HOOMIE????

    good night my comrades

    1. Do you guys know where the pouring liquor on the ground came from

    2. no yes and los angeles

      have goood night tovarishes

    3. Nope the act came from a ritual in Africa called pouring libations

    4. Ahh Good Comrade Harry

      thank you soo much for clear that up

      always think that

      it was started by Blood and Crip gangs in
      L.A. I have seen so many american rap video
      i thought that is where come from.


  23. The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated.

    The reports of my existence have also been greatly exaggerated.


    1. so are the reports of your life

    2. Well yes, since I don't exist I don't have a life....oubviously.


    3. what a sad existence it must be for you
      to not have even the basic things in life that really is a sad thing

      so are you even here or are we just seeing what could have been you?

      just sad

  24. Team tazer are fucks. Shawn post news on the tent video. Team gayzer sucks.

  25. Fox really did pass. But not the way you think.He was ran over by a Mack truck trying to get roadkill so we could have Roadkill Jambalaya. Thanks to Matilda she recovered his body parts and the roadkill. See,we don't bury our dead we eat them.Hence no Bigfoot bodies.


    1. Fuck Yooooooooooou Knucklegrunt,

      I know yoooooou were driving that mack truuuuuuuck. Yooooooooou killed me sooooooo yooooooou could be with Matilda.

      I'm gooooooooooonna haunt yooooooour ass something fierce!

      -the ghost of Fox

    2. Oh shit.....


    3. “haunt your ass something fierce” sounds incredibly gay.

    4. is mucklegrunt like fukmukkling or


    5. Could be if you like it in the taterhole like you.

    6. mmmmm m,mmmmmmmm
      whooo hoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


  26. You man to tell me that all these kind and sympathetic people didn't thim to call in a doctor so that Fox could get some real medical attention?

  27. So, what was the cause of death? heart failure? pneumonia? Was any prognosis made? Any attempts to administer medication? Is any of this in the book?

    1. As is common to mythological critters, Fox died of not being believed in. If only more people had clapped their hands and said “I believe in the magic ape” he might still be alive today.

      -a doctor

    2. I heard it was a really bad case of gout that killed 'em.

  28. Freeloading bastard doesn't have any insurance. Plus everytime I started feeling sorry for him he would rip the loudest and sourest farts imaginable, then sit there with his hand out grinning like an idiot. I wanted to shoot him in the face.

  29. Jeffrey Teagle was the guy who wrote this. He was banging Janice at one time.

  30. We buried Fox today, sadly i was the only one who could attend. You can learn all about it in my new Book and DVD Series entitled "Footies so
    easy toCon". Which in Sasquatch means Goodbye Fox. I'll be releasing sketches of the HD photos and vid i have for a nominal fee. Screw ya er See ya later.

  31. Fox was scamming the visitors for Lorna Doones. Its so obvious!

  32. As long as people behave like the commenters on here do, the people who know and have the evidence will not come forward and subject themselves to junior high potty humor and ridicule. Can you blame them?

    1. So you mean that if liars are sufficiently afraid of ridicule they won't lie?

    2. Hey, every person who steps out of the anonymity of the crowd gets slammed by hecklers and assholes, no matter the format or the subject. The only thing that shuts them up is undeniable proof, which no one seems to have.

    3. Bullshit! A body would change everything! Anyone claiming to have one but is holding out is full of it. This story included since we now were one is buried apparently.

    4. Aaaaaand you all missed the point again.

  33. This story must have happened before the advent of picture machines called "cameras."

  34. "Well, that’s a pretty incredible story, no? And this is Ketchum’s main spokesperson we are talking about now."
    TALKING ABOUT - not talking to.

  35. Fox here: I can confirm Sally was there, but the group decided to bring jif pb when I specifically asked for skippy! i sent them back to correct their mistake.

    1. sorry fox, they were all out of skippy...i suggested goober n grape (pb and j in same jar) but was over ruled by the group...

  36. "chewing tobacco, peanut butter and some type of short bread?"


  37. Foots go to heaven, footers go to hell.

  38. There was a documentary a few years back where a Russian scientist/investigator interviewed a woman whose name I don't remember. It was in Kentucky, I think, and she referred to the head of a bigfoot clan as "Fox" and reported he would come to her door and request garlic to combat fleas.

    1. Ya mean he was polite enough to make *request*?...Wow...

      FOX: IT'S FOX

    2. Lisa--that was Janice Carter and the bigfoot was Fox--the very one this post is about. I saw that one too, I think it was National Geographic. Igor Burtsev was living there at the time, working with Janice to work out Fox's family.

  39. You guys are a fuggin' RIOT! Prolly shudda said *guy*?..No matter...cuz i'm lovin' this shit>
    Carry on...

  40. This blog is going to shit. Half the shit you dumb fucks post on here is absolutely worthless and meaningless. You fucks have no lives. I never thought there would end up being so many non-believers taking the time out of their worthless lives to come to this blog just to talk shit about something they believe doesn't exist. Say what you want. I could give three fucks. This blog use to serve a purpose. Good people could have intelligent discussions about the topics at hand without childish rebuttals and stupid taterhole jokes. Which is getting old and is fucking stupid anyways. It doesn't matter when it happens but when this creature is absolutely proven without a doubt, you fucking skeptics will have nothing else to talk about and will have no purpose coming to this blog just to talk shit.

    1. Yep
      Just wait until Deadly Dyer shows us the real deal..yep..you can bet your ass that'll make those *non believers* shut the fuck up. I mean he's got that SUM BITCH on ICE BABY! yeah..he sure does..hehehe

    2. Aww, Prokills prolapse must be rearing its ugly head again.


    3. Prokill you believe this bullshit? Than it's YOU who are the problem. YOU killed footery.

    4. no body, not evidence. Everything else is theater and open for ridicule.

      It's time for someone to go all in if they have any real evidence.

    5. Veeeeeery interesting but, ridiculous.

    6. For once I agree wholeheartedly with Prokill. Wonder what the troll agenda is all about, they probably think the more they crap on against Ketchum and the subject of Bigfoot in general people will lose interest and think the whole field is insane when it's clearly these trolls that are insane. They're only accomplishing the exact opposite of their schemes, the interest grows and casual readers figuring out who's right and who's not. Say, could this massive troll onslaught be a form of whistleblowing disguised as ridicule. There's little doubt with the name Bigfoot on everyone's lips these days we are building up to a discovery/disclosure.

  41. Watch the bigfoot episode of the National Geographic show Is It Real (available on Netflix). In this episode they interview Janice Carter, and she tells the story of Fox and the bigfoot clan near her farm.

    If you watch this episode, you will see that this whole Fox story is BS from top to bottom (if you didn't already deduce that).

  42. If I was invited to a sasquatch funeral the last thing id bring is a camera,SOme of the bigfoot interaction could be true,Its not impossible to believe a co relationship due to property ownership with bf.ANd after dark all rules are off and stay outta the back yard or there gonna get yah!believe it fools

  43. Fox-Da-Squatch here,
    Do not believe Lindsey! I am not dead!! I just pretended to be dying so Sally would bring me an entire bag of Tobacco and peanut butter. And yes, it is true, i are the entire bag of tobacco AND peanut butter.. AT THE SAME DAMN TIME.

    Sadly, my friend.. Er.. "RavenWalker" is also dying at this very moment. Please Footers, meet me.. Er.. Him, in Ketchums lease. Please bring gifts to this dying squatch!! Beef Jerky, cigarettes, Photos of Melba (easier to mind-molest if we have photos of our victims to focus on) zagnuts and bacon.


    Ps and Garlic.. Er.. We use garlic as part of a.. Um.. Native american burial rite.. Yeah.. We need it.. So.. Bring some.

  44. Lies!!!! I was AT Fox's funeral!!!

    His dying words were: "z..z...zag....nut.."

  45. There are some seriously funny comments in this thread. Really, the jokers and trolls make it bearable to read the garbage being proffered as a story. "..z...zag....nut.." Priceless.

    Janice had no evidence, has none. She seems delusional, a classic textbook case of bat guano crazy. Then, this witness could have been anyone, but it's reported as if it's a credible eyewitness account of a real event.

    If they could just add a climax to the tale, and end it with the funeral, it would make a great motion picture, but that's about it. Good fiction.

    1. The comments are the best part of this blog.

  46. real doctors don't believe in bigfoots

    so how can they treat him???????

  47. When is this asshole attention-seeking blog going to start writing the truth instead of bullshit lies????
    Get a clue.

  48. Tall tales, all of them.


    Well let me tell you my story, I have a BF right here in my living room. I'm into habituation.

    I will take some pictures and upon my death - you can release them. I spoke to an attorney already.

    I even took a lie detector test.

    I'll even publish a paper, a White paper, see I'm selling Bigfoot, so it's not peer reviewed. It's merely a White paper.

    Ummm, yeah I'm a hunter and my cousin's name is Justin.


  49. This has to be the funniest delusion to date!

  50. I now understand it... Shawn is really insane and in an institution and to pass the time he runs this blog

  51. I have to admit I had a chuckle hearing that he put all the tobacco in his mouth and then proceeded to wash it down with the peanut butter.
    I prefer not to assume that crazy stuff like this is lies, it's just so magical, so there you go. Maybe it did happen. I'm sure crazier things have happened.

    Pretty cool story if nothing else.

  52. This just in from Janice Carter. Her letter to Robert Lindsey regarding this post. She has asked me to share it:
    Here is the content of the email I sent Robert if you would also like to post that.

    Hello Robert,

    This is Janice Carter and I have a major complaint about this story you posted. I do not know who gave you this information but it is a bold faced lie. No one other than myself, my youngest daughter and Sally Ramey were present when Fox passed away. While the story is very touching it is a lie none the less. I've never even met John in the person, only shared some minor information by emails when Dmitri B. and Igor B. send them out in mass email contacts.
    While Fox and his family members are/were in Melba's studies, I've basically stopped interaction with anyone in the bigfoot community and no longer follow much of what is and has been discovered of them. Only by way of two personal friends was my attention drawn to this article. I would very much appreciate it if you would debunk this story on my behalf, since I can not find how to respond to the post on your blog directly. If you like you may copy and post this email to you but please leave my contact address out. I show dogs for a living and do not need every nut case in the nation contacting me.

    Thank you,
    Janice Kaye Carter

  53. Thank you Jan, eoyta her-bi,
    Hahki Eoyta. Thank you for posting this. It explains so much. Over the past week I fell back into a Bigfoot obsession...that overbearing curiosity. I kept wondering 'why am I thinking about Bigfoot at Christmastime?" Thank you Ms. Carter, Assur Tsayum Swaygeshaid,for your loving care of the Nocona...I have always believed you and I believe you now. May Hahki Fox rest in peace.

    I am so glad I found this site...just a few days ago I had an overbearing desire to do my own Bigfoot blog. I didn't understand why I was feeling this... now I know.

  54. I was once raped by a bigfoot. Just aweful... hurt like hell! I was bowlegged for two weeks after.

  55. Short as it is, this purported report of Fox’s death doesn’t even succeed at achieving internal consistency with Janice’s famous account of Fox and the rest of his Bigfoot family.

    In the “50 YEARS WITH BIGFOOT” book Janice says several times that the Bigfoot refuse to eat peanuts and that she doesn’t blame them.

    But in this story, the dying Fox is gifted peanut-butter because it was specifically one of the human treats that he “has come to like over the years.”


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