Tim Fasano Reveals More Details About Skunk Ape Sighting

This morning, Florida Skunk ape hunter, Tim Fasano, published some more videos of the Skunk ape he captured on film last week. Fasano claims that there are at least two Skunk apes in the scene "desperately trying to hide in the palmettos". "You will see it bob up and down before it shows itself in the open," he says.

"This video shows 1) SOCIAL INTERACTION 2) USE OF PATHWAYS they used the horse trail behind them to enter and exit field 3) The are DESPERATELY TRYING TO HIDE they don't want to be seen by man."

Check out Fasano's blog to see the videos: www.floridabigfoot.blogspot.com



    Oh there's a boatload of desperation here, that's for sure.

  2. Once a hoaxer,always a hoaxer. He is supposed to this
    "all mighty" BF hunter, and he does not have a clue
    on how to operate a video camera, and the camera is total shit. How easy would it be to but a head on a stick and bob it up and down behind the tree.
    I'm a believer, but these video's are getting worse instead of better.
    Shawn, come on man, you keep pushing his shit, and Micheal merchant's bullshit, you are not going to have a blog that people visit.

  3. so basically what he meant to say is......

    TWO OF EM!


    1. I hear the brush poppin'

      There's two of em

    2. i don't know where the dog gone thing went

    3. get up on this hill where i can see um right quick

  4. I would be hiding as well if I knew Fasano was out in the woods !

    1. LOL...that's what the skunk apes are saying....."whoa there he goes"

    2. No no no. You got it all wrong. It's "whoa there he GO!" Not "goes"

    3. can you imagine what he would do with an ape?

    4. Acyually, it's "Oh, there he go".

  5. I might suggest he get a couple of well trained doberman pinscher dogs to go with him next time and release them with orders to sub-due.

    But, that's to easy. It ain't no animal that could take on two of 'em out in the open like that with-out getting seen and shot by the dog handler.

    1. Supposedly no dog will track them, so if that is true I don't think it would work.

  6. true stories drawn from real memories aren't typically narrated in chronological order; that's not the way the brain organizes them. The more dramatic the story, the less chronologic its structure. Why? Because our emotions guide our memories. The more powerfully we experience an event, the more likely we are to make it the first thing we talk about, filling in the less emotionally fraught details later.

  7. The Prologue

    Whether it contains details from the beginning or the end of the story, the prologue sets the scene for the main event. This part of the story is usually light on detail when someone is telling the truth. It should only take up about one—third, or less, of the total time it takes to tell the whole story. In a lie, however, the prologue might be quite detailed. This is often where the liar's story contains a lot of truthful elements, such as time and place. The liar feels comfortable in this relative safety zone—after all, he's not lying yet. He will spend as much time as possible here.

    The Main Section

    The main event section that follows in a truthful story is normally the longest part, since it's the whole point of telling the story, and is where most of the action lies. In a false narrative, the main event section is often glossed over. An unusually short main event section should give a liespotter pause. It's the part of the story that answers the question, "What happened?" Under truthful circumstances, therefore, it should be the focus of someone's account.

    The Epilogue

    Last, an honest storyteller will usually provide an epilogue. While it's unlikely to be the most dramatic part of his account, the epilogue can be very emotional—possibly even more emotion-laden than the main story. Often, when we experience frightening or surprising events, we're so caught up in what's happening to us that we don't have time to pro cess how we feel about them. It's only later, once a perceived threat has passed, that we'll calm down enough to be able to acknowledge the emotions that have been triggered.

    Therefore, those emotions are likely to crop up as we describe the aftereffects of the main event. Ninety percent of the time, a liar's story will not include an epilogue; he'll simply conclude with the main event. An epilogue would require him to fabricate the way the event affected him. But of course it didn't affect him at all, because it never really happened—or at least it didn't happen the way he says it did. Liars will do their best to avoid lying unnecessarily, so once they think they have said what needs to be said, they'll stop talking. True stories are often jumbled and filled with irrelevant as well as sensory details. Deceptive stories are often logical and streamlined, yet lacking in vivid sensory descriptions.

  8. i see 12 skunk apes; 13 if you count the face on the tree.


  9. Oh good he has managed to cobble together some more footage has he so why wasn't it shown with the first clip, I guess because everyone was so underwhelmed at the time he knew he had to up the anti, sorry I can't even bother to look at his vids now.

  10. I'm just throwing this out there but if they are trying to hide themselves why does this- "You will see it bob up and down before it shows itself in the open."

  11. Once again, there is absolutely NOTHING in T-Fat's video. What an attention whore he must be, to continually claim he has the "best evidence" when in reality he has nothing. What a sad, sad little man.

  12. That was his amazing footage we had to wait an extra day to see...
    That is nothing special, despite his claims, it does not show what he claims it does, i hope the TV company see the footage and do not give him a show.

  13. All T-Fats actions show is a cry for attention, the man has some serious mental issues, either a borderline personality disorder or he's a scitzo

  14. Woe is me; there he goeth.

    Bobbing up and down.


  15. You think Ranae looks that good in a sppedo?

  16. I think Mr. Fasano's footage is quite good, I can't understand why you're all being so mean to him.

    1. Cyndi, The man is a proven hoaxer, he even admitted himself on a blog talk radio show and theres a youtube video of that conversation out there that Mr. Fasano had with TCSJR Bigfoot(I know people are not fond of him as well but I am, the man isnt a hoaxer and does not post videos with such claims as Fasano, nor does he hype shit up, hes a actual researcher)Thats not what Fasano is about, he's about youtube views, getting people to watch him, its all about him if you have never noticed, he does not care about his viewers at all, only the views he gets from them. Ive seen on his older vids(I dont watch them anymore, I wont lie, I use to be a sub to him, only will I watch them for my entertainment of him freaking out, bringing up this blog and so on)of people that research them selves giving positive criticism, or constructive criticism is a better term, giving kind, helpful advice to the man only to recieve a hateful comment back and then blocked. The mans a nut case, and the comment above fits him well, I looked up borderline personality disorder, Yes I dont know the man, but from knowing his history, and the way he has portrayed himself Id say he certainly does have it. He will also claim his one hoax was just a joke, but if that was the case why didnt he say so in the title of the vid? or the vid description? He did it for views and once he realized he couldnt pass it off it back fired on him. This man is the biggest bull shitter in bigfootery. Here is the link to his one interview, listen to him back pedal and back pedal out of it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RL1_Od3-Nww

    2. Cyndi, even if what he has "is the real deal" good for him, after all his prior claims and actions he wont be believed by arm chair researchers, or any major field researchers. The man has always flamed Matt Moneymaker, but when Matt made a remark about this video, a nice remark Tim was bowing, loving the attention, thats all a borderline personality is about, manipulation, controlling, and attention. Hopefully Matt will wise up but knowing him he wont.

    3. I use to sub to his site also, but when he blocked me because i made a comment that he didnt agree with. then he started cutting down other researchers because they would post youtube videos he didnt agree with. He is a horrible man, just wanting attention and he doesnt care who he has to run over to get it, if you agree with him he will be your friend but disagree and he cuts you down. enough said.

  17. there were more than 5 actually


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