Matt Moneymaker's Thoughts On Tim Fasano's Skunk Ape Video

Tim Fasano's work in Florida has caught the attention of Finding Bigfoot co-host Matt Moneymaker. After watching Fasano's new footage this morning, Moneymaker thinks the Bigfoot hunter may have captured an actual footage of a Skunk Ape. On Twitter, Moneymaker seems super-excited about this new evidence coming out of Florida and he's giving mad props to Fasano and his team. Check out what he's currently saying below:

Floridian Tim Fasano seems to have gotten some legit BF footage. Persistence pays! From Central Florida (Green Swmp):

Regarding Fasano's footage from Green Swamp (best guess). Yes, there are bigfoots in that area, and yes, they hide among palmettos like that

Fasano is not a BFRO member but we know he's in the field a lot. His odds were better for that reason. Also that part of FL is losing swamps

The relevant figure in new FL clip is visible very briefly. Only uppermost part of body is seen (4:09 - 4:20 >rewinds). It crouches & hides.

Fasano's Skunk Ape video:


  1. Replies
    1. I'm just glad we got to have this talk, I feel like we can be friends now.

    2. Chinaman is not the preferred nomenclature, asian-american, please.

    3. "I've been investigating Bigfoot for over 25 years"-Matt Moneymaker.

      IF he were an attorney actually, he'd realize that eyewitness accounts have the LEAST validity in a court of law, unless validated my two or more witnesses. Very few cases of three or more witnesses exist. And Moneymaker is an unscientifice joke of a researcher. I will debate the "evidence" with him anytime.

      "There cant be an owl there, no branch on tree so definitely a Bigfoot". All we need to know. Line him up against the wall with Ketchum, Fatsano, Dyer, Patterson and all the rest.

    4. The eyewitness was the camera. I showed a blown up image so you could see it. There were five people with me and nobody saw RD in a suit.

      I have reems of video to show of this expedition. It is all awesome.

      Matt payed attention. The action starts at 4:09 - 4:24. He is an experienced researcher and knows how to watch a BF video.

      He saw a squatch and so did my team. Checkmate. Game over.

    5. Did the lil' monkey rupture your brain when he jumped on your head and did you in the ear?

      Thanks. Please let us know Tom.

    6. Tim show us those old pics of yourself naked..the REAL Skunkape!

    7. The footage is total crap! Fatsano you are a "view" whore from Youtube that is all. Checkmate. Bigfoot FAIL

    8. View Whore? That's kinda giving him way to much cred, his view count was shit and became shit once he was a proven hoaxer. Please Tim save your "reems" of video that only you, a mass majority like my self witch knows you are in fact a proven hoaxer(your vids are a good comedic laugh especially with your input before something "happens"),and your blind and clueless subscribers watch.Yeah I bet it's all awesome!Checkmate, Hoaxer

    9. Fatasno, if you have reams of footage post it.. Notice the word reams, it has an A in it. thanks

    10. I love how petty you faggets all get, it's the only reason i keep reading this site.

      GOOD JOB Tim! Seriously bro, don't let these worthless idiots bother you.

    11. Moneymaker needs to study and research PT Barnum a bit more often.
      “There's a sucker born every minute.”

      Fasano is right (for the most part) "The eyewitness was the camera." But "Checkmate"? Ole Fasano don't know anything about chess. Checkmate is the conclusion of a game. This video concludes nothing. In the world of chess his name would be Mark Fasano... For you people who don't get it.. "Mark" is the term used at people ignorant towards something.
      2 things.. 1st, Fassy, your camera was the "eyewitness" to a "don't know THING"!
      2nd, I got a bucket full of money and a chess board a-waiting.

      To folks who (for some disturbing reason(s)) feel this is "Proof" of any type of unknown primate/animal etc... you seriously need to check yourselves.

    12. "He is an experienced researcher and knows how to watch a BF video."

      Too bad you don't know how to take one.

  2. Replies
    1. Sadly, second place doesn't count. There is no trophy, no ribbon. Only shame.

    2. Look, we all know who is at fault here, so what the fuck are you talking about?

    3. I did not watch my buddies lay face down in the muck so that this fucking strumpet, this fucking whore, can waltz around town....

    4. Relax Dude, no ones going to cut your dick off.

    5. Hey Walter, yes you did you fucking cheating sack of lying shit, yeah bitch, we know you and what you did.

    6. Hey Walter, yes you did you fucking cheating sack of lying shit, yeah bitch, we know you and what you did.

    7. The Big Lebowski shit isn't funny. Not at all.

  3. Replies
    1. ^go away you childish idiot.

    2. How are they gonna keep em on the farm once they get a look at Karl Hungus?

    3. I dont drive a car, i dont ride in a car, i dont turn on the oven and I sure as shit DONT FUCKING ROLL!

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Fucking Germans. Fucking Nazis. Some things never change.....Cmon Donny, they were threatening castration.

    6. I watched my buddies lay face down in the muck so that you and I could enjoy this family restaurant!

    7. Please lay face down in the muck again and STAY THERE this time.

  4. only took me one comment and I was blocked from his channel, it's just a attention gainer, nothing new of this fat slob, like I said in my posted comment to the video he and dyer should roomie up to give each other the ego boosts they need.

    1. You should be banned from this site as well.

    2. Someones butt hurt,and good for you man, call him out for what he is.

    3. Who the fuck are the Knutsons?

    4. You were blocked because your comment was unwanted, offensive and off topic. If you had stuck to the issue, you would have been fine.

      My work (not yours) is being validated by people that matter. I am sorry troll but you don't matter in anything. You are to scared to give your real name.

    5. So you take hoaxing offensive? Stuck to the issue sir, that you are in fact a hoaxer. Good for your "work" and in fact my real name was posted next to my comment on your utter excuse of a "skunk ape caught on film" video. your nothing but a attention gainer, nothing more. Go create a fake website to bash yourself some more you lonely wack job lol, or better yet, impose and photo shop some more lion masks into your trail cam photos. later T-Fats, you got nothing, and never will.

    6. See Tim thats where you are wrong around here anons do matter and your hoaxing ass doesn't.
      You run your mouth about matt moneymaker all the time but as soon as he gives you a bit of validation his word is gospel.
      The absolute best that anyone can say about you is well at least he is out there and thats true you are and I'm not but one of us is a proven bullshitting hoaxer and it's not me.

    7. Oh, ouch! Talk about haters. Ya ought not talk so nasty about Tim, he's doing his job as a footer. Job description says, stick around for a few years, prove your loyalty to the cause, and once you are justifiably indoctrinated into the brotherhood, you can start producing your own hoaxes. If they are good enough top pass muster, you get to move up the ranks. If they are really decent enough, you might have the privilege of the almighty king pronounce upon it, as we have now seen above. Tim has struggled through his probation period long enough, it's now time for MM to bring him into the fold and recognize his hoaxing efforts as worthy. Tim knows it was his friend in a suit ducking down behind the bushes, nobody should even question that. It's how he presents it that is what determines his worthiness, if his plot line was believable or not. Good enough for the BFRO, no doubt, but that bar is not all that high.

  5. Preposterous insinuations and gregariously imposed guidelines that that cling to the vile coprolite theories he spews leaving the reader absent of a true understanding of the phenomena.

    The object seen in the video is a bird taking flight.

  6. So because Moneymaker thinks it is a "Squatch" that makes it real?That is the very problem I have with Moneymaker he is always trying to tell us what is real and what he knows Sasquatches do.
    When it comes to what they do Moneymaker has the same thing we do, opinions thats all.
    Having Moneymaker saying anything about this doesn't make the video any clearer or change the fact that Fasano is an attention seeking hoaxer that hangs around with other hoaxers.
    Moneymaker is not the be all end all final word case closed guy he thinks he is and no neither am I.

    1. He needs to justify another episode, simple as that.

    2. He is a professional bullshitter.

    3. Moneymaker is the best bigfoot researcher around, period. That's why he got that TV show, and that's why he's the head of the biggest research group.

    4. Moneymaker is just that.. A Moneymaker, he Makes money from
      myths, he does not truly believe the creature exists.
      If he did then he would want one captured, but if it existed and one was captured then bang goes his living and in comes animal experts etc. Mystery sold, buissness disolved.
      His lively hood is based on it not being real and therefore cannot be captured, found, shot or whatever.
      Mystery solved, hunt over, cancel the the tours, shows, books and interviews, the pros are taking over

  7. Darn ... he didn't see what he captured in digits? Pay attention much?

  8. Small hairy hominids resembling chimpanzees, Napes, were seen in Florida long before the Skunk Apes were. Neither cryptid has been captured or killed.
    Melba Ketchum recently claims to have interacted with
    a family of these crytids while vacationing in Florida with her tater buddy Rick.

  9. This does not prove the existence of bigfoot. I think T-Fats should only get five million for this video.

    1. I'm watching you McCheese.You were friends with that pothead that got banned.

    2. Ah Jesus, whats that smell, man?!!

    3. Herb did not get banned he is gone Deer hunting.

    4. Herb didn't get banned. He went travelin'.

    5. He at least deserves a big mac for his efforts.

    6. Herb going to Washington or Oregon where he can smoke in peace..its legal now in those states...

  10. Given the circumstances and background work that went into this video by Tim and EA it is totally credible. We worked hard on this project with Tim and will continue to investigate this area for the foreseeable future.

    1. Ummm, no it isn't... "I worked really hard on this rocket to mars so it is totally credible..."

      Congrats on working really hard, but that lends no additional credibility to this piece of "footage".

      It's a picture of nothing, it has no value as evidence.(it barely has anecdotal value honestly).

      Once again, the Bigfoot footage is conveniently blurry, covered by twigs or branches , stops right when the subject would be in clearer view or is mysteriously JUUUST off screen there.

      Either Bigfoot only shows up when the worlds worst photographers are in the woods, or they are all hoaxes

    2. So whats with all the anger Stank?Why would you say people should kill themselves and their kids and want to watch us all burn in a fire?
      Being a skeptic is one thing wishing for children to die is a bit over the edge.

    3. I have my reasons.... my ID is in overdrive today

    4. Still dead kids Stank thats not right and is very low even for you.

    5. Says the fine honest Christian that is colluding with Fats on this hoax. How do you justify that?

    6. I'm no christian and I think Fasano is full of shit but Stank's remarks are over the line.

    7. it's words people. if you can't handle words without falling to pieces how are you going to handle the real world?

    8. apparently you can't handle words or you wouldn't have freaked out like you did.

    9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    10. No, I handled those words of stupidity with words of my own. Now go get your shine box nimrod

    11. Or what stank,you gonna throw us and are kids in a fire looney fucking loser.

    12. the word is our, not "are" jesus people learn to spell

    13. You never make a typo you psycho fuck?

  11. Fatsano should just toss a friggin mattress out in the middle of the Everglades. The Skunk Monkeys like to sleep on them, like we do. Matt said.

  12. Anyone seen that DNA paper that was meant to get released 2 years ago?

  13. Who cares what MM want the truth then here it is.

    Dyer and Fasano are still working together. What you saw in this video was the same costume that Dyer used in the tent footage.

    Fasano is a horrible actor. He was obviously setting the stage with his comments prior to the filming the object that comes into view at 4:09. He couldn't shake that shit eating grin off of his face, he was giddy with excitement and writhing with anticipation.

    Mark my words, Dyer and Fasano are hoaxing together.

    1. I believe all that about as much as i believe that this is a real Bigfoot, that's to say its possible but i wouldn't bet money on it.

    2. Maybe. I think the call was the signal for the costumed hoaxer to get into position.

    3. You'd be losing money then.......These guys love the attention. Easy to put two and two together. We have the Dyer/Fatsano "split", then, not long after, Dyer brings in a hoax followed shortly by T-Fat bringing this to the table.

      Easy to solve this mystery.....too easy.

    4. See there, Bill Bailey has some sense..... Listen to me, Dyer and T-Fats are at it again....pure HOAXES. Too easy....

  14. Replies
    1. Just a taste man, that's all I ask.

  15. Could have been any creature, man or beast, but not clear enough footage. Why bother putting it on the internet? I just don't get it.

  16. MM said "Floridian Tom Fasano seems to have gotten some legit BF footage."

    MM has no reasonable basis for drawing such an unjustified and indefensible conclusion. None whatsoever. There is nothing to in any way definitively indicate legitimacy, and there is nothing that in any way eliminates the more likely explanation of hoax.

    1. There's nothing in the footage that indicates its a hoax either.

      Moneymaker has done several expeditions in that part of Florida. He knows there's bigfoots around there and he knows how they operate in that terrain. That's part of his basis for saying it looks legit.

      Fasano got interested in bigfoot research after seeing a local news story about Moneymaker holding an expedition in a state park outside Tampa.

    2. To the OP: That is now standard operating procedure in Bigfootery. Everything is BF unless the "skeptics" prove a negative. The first sentence in the reply above crystalizes that mentality perfectly.

  17. And he probably called him Tom on purpose...

  18. Everyone knows that sasquatch are blurry. They have been known to bob up and down. Sometimes my friends Neil and Bob come during expeditions to the sasquatch.

    Since there are no eagles being devoured we can assume that this must be a juvenile with a bigfoot suit on, trying to masquerade as an adult. Sometimes sasquatch that are blurry can be mocked into submission. If that doesn't work, I will brow beat them with my e-rage tactics.


  19. Unfortunately devices of Technology provides people with intentional mental or personal problems to post their unreasonable and disturbing thoughts to forums-blogs. The same type of people who run down people while texting and driving. The up-side to these disturbed posters, most of them live a very sad and unhappy life. Their choice. Thumbs Up! Now to the topic at hand. As with (100%) of all "unknown primate video's", no hair, no droppings, no DNA=None Confirmed! "If, Should, Could, Would". Yet its these type of videos that enlightens peoples on the thought process of a "Professional Bigfoot Researcher"(If there is actually such a person?) To get the least bit excited over this video of none conclusive evidence is a longggg stretch. Myself, "yawn"!

    1. Unfortunately, the joke comments are just as spot on as the real deals. One of them is just a lot funnier! I like the humor, and that is most of the reason I read this blog aside from everyones common interest in bigfoot.

  20. Shake your Moneymaker, shake your Moneymaker !
    Yes Matt is right , he did get some legit BF footage and BF = big fraud.
    I will believe it when he gets a very close up lengthy shot which is clear and can leave no doubt as to what it is.

  21. Fasano is the worst. Read this:

    He's had even more vile behavior since, and should be shunned and reviled by all. He's a hoaxer. This is a hoax.

  22. Anyone else notice the zoom out right before the guy in the suit stood up?

  23. I wonder what David Ickes views are on bigfoot? an interdimensional being with the ability to shapeshift would be a likely answer from him.
    i saw a show where a bigfoot expert estimated there to be approx 2000 bigfoots roaming around, they hide there footprints to avoid people following them. did not explain how they managed to do it though , how the hell can they hide there footprints?do they cover up each one carefully:)

  24. More Fasano wasted time and footage. MoneySpanker is only interested because the rest of the world is in clue that 1....he is running out of places to go where he won't be laughed at. 2.....Him and Fatsano are birds of a feather. 3.....They both should travel the world together because they are both the laughing stock of the cryptid world. The footage is filmed in 3 foot tall palmettos where deer, hogs and other known animals can be partially seen running through. If you noticed, his beady little eyes kept shifting as wanted to wait until the just right time occurred to hide what he was actually filming. I mean....he once claimed an armadillo running in the weeds was a skunk ape. He has had his "borrowed" low resolution camera installed in the woods not far from HCSP for months and this is the best he can muster? He only posts these outlandish things so idiots will re post them and he can gain exposure for being the fraud that he is. WO....that sounds just like MoneySpanker!!!!


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