Listen to: Les Stroud Talk About His "Second" Bigfoot Encounter Publicly For The First Time On The Joe Rogan Show

For the first time ever, Les Stroud talks about his second encounter with a Sasquatch. We've heard about his first encounter in Alaska where he heard a "Great Ape" whooped at him while filming an episode of Survivorman. The second story he has never talked about was revealed on the Joe Rogan Experience show last night. It was an actual sighting he had with his ex-wife during a yearlong camp-out. According to Les Stroud, the Bigfoot came within 50 feet of the tent before walking away. He says it sounded like something large and bipedal, with two feet walking towards the tent. He's pretty sure it wasn't a bear or a moose.

Watch how the hardened survival expert describes his unforgettable encounter with something science says isn't supposed to exist:

Here is Les Stroud's Alaska encounter featured on the Discovery Channel:


  1. Replies
    1. Skeptics will keep claiming that.

    2. Actually, I think it's spelled bipenile Hashbrowns.

    3. footers will never find their imaginary creature

    4. Bwahahaha!!! Footers will NEVER find their imaginary creature!


    5. I would just like to thank all of the little people: the Les Strouds and Joe Rogans of this world that helped make this momentous occasion possible.
      I would like to especially acknowledge the Wanna-believers out there, who either from a child-like simplicity, or from a seething hatred for all of humanity hope that definitive proof is found soon.
      Those that believe it is their solemn, nay, sacred oath, to expose the myriad charlatans that prey upon our oafish hopes, and to rake them over the rocks until it hurts.
      So, in closing, before the horse tranquilizers kick in, leet us remember that':Dmoav ,'acz

    6. ^^^you would be the little person, not Les Stroud. Your undeveloped and child-like emotional intelligence, spewing insults on good people like some junior high schooler. You embarrass yourself hashbrowns5964. Les Stroud can survive, where you would quickly perish. Why bother us here at this site. You could not thrive in any professional setting. We only hate people like you, people that come into a happy place and try to insult others and spread negativity for no good reason other than a twisted sense of enjoyment. You're not smart, not funny, and not well liked. Congratulations.

    7. We all agree! Hashbrown is a Moron and nobody but Butt Cheese ( who I believe is the same person) ever agrees with him. He is the worlds most annoying man!

    8. Skeptics will never find their imaginary creature.

    9. Hash brown dude when refering to little is surely talking about his brain size for he is genuinely a mental midget. Definitely DFTNU.

    10. Again, I would just like to thank the Academy for the Complete Abolition of Scientific Method for their rich and rather flowery endorsements.
      Who could have guessed that that a guy with a potato for a screen name could knock off a thirty second rant that would pose such an existential threat to the fragile belief systems of so many delicate doilies?
      It is this narrow and dogmatic, or perhaps 'squatchmatic', view of the Bigfoot phenomenon that is the running gag. This site does an exemplary job of concentrating and crystallizing the absurdity inherent in the 'True Believer-Finding Bigfoot-Sylvanic' mentality, that is enjoying a temporary spike in the popular culture yet still remains a comfortably minute percentage of the rational human population.
      Keep the faith. You are the low hanging fruit.
      Peace out!

    11. ^^^ "Peace Out!" ??? Fire up the Mr. Fusion and return to 1994 ! There is no place for you here in the future.

  2. When I heard him say he pretty much has a acquaintance to that standing guy he lost all credibility to me

    1. You bastard. Now he's in the corner crying his head off. Your acceptance was the ONLY reason for him to carry on. You were the wind beneath his sails. The wind... Who will blow him now?

  3. Survivorman seems like a credible guy, but with this experience he didnt see the animal, or hear calls. From fifty feet away I hink even the most accomplished outdoorsman could misinterpret the sound of an animal walking.

    1. He didn't misinterpret these sounds. Both incidents he had probably were bigfoot. If no other animal can make those sounds, that's what left. He's as honest as they come, knows what he heard, and now is on the hunt for bigfoot apparently. Good for him. When you're out there alone, you're far more likely to be approached by one. He spends a lot of time in the wilderness, unlike the negatively oriented skeptics who drivel unintelligent babbling inanities on this site.

    2. There is nowhere else for the skeptics to be.

    3. you are exactly right. Bigfoot is all you are left with. His idea to spend 2 weeks or more is as sound a one as there is, just keep the camera and recorder close especially at night.
      Better watch out Les. I believe you have the Bigfoot fever and your life will never be the same.


  4. Oh no, Les associates w/ Todd Standing

    1. Poor Todd the only hoaxer with good intentions.

    2. TS is the most legit MAN associated with Bigfoot research and his video stills are absolutely real.

    3. His video stills are real. Those puppets exist in real life.

  5. He also states that he is working with the network "at this moment" to do his own search for bigfoot. Renea, Bobo, Matt and Cliff will be outdone soon if he braves it out in "America's bigfoot hotspots."

    Will anything happen for him? I don't know but I'm already interested more than I am "finding bigfoot."

    1. Finding Bigfoot sets a pretty low bar for video proof of their existence. Heck Finding Bigfoot can't even capture a branch snap for heaven's sake. We are continuously asked to take their word for it that something happened to them, when the FB crew will not take somebodies word for it that something happened to a non-BFRO researcher. The solo overnight FB camper has yet to come up with anything at all. That is clue one that when it comes right down to it, nobody on the FB team has a clue as to what they are doing out there.

  6. The video has been removed?!?!?!

  7. Awesome video. Les Stroud with his own Survivorman Bigfoot show!!!!

    That's what needs to happen. One guy in the woods for an extended period of time with a camera. He's the perfect guy for the job. I can't wait to see this.

  8. Todd Standing? Les is a hoaxer then.

  9. Les is the MAN!! I would LOVE to see any video of him going out by HIMSELF to get some evidence of Bigfoot. I would watch that in a heartbeat! YES! He is right, too. That is the way to do it, not with 100 man camera crew and Bobo screamin' his head off!

    1. No television show will ever capture proof of bigfoot. The process involved in making a show means it's impossible right from the get-go.

  10. I have been saying this for soooo long. Get in a hot spot and stay put. I can't believe he's going to do this, and I'm stoked. But like other commenters, when he mentioned Todd Standing i couldn't believe my ears. The hoaxer with a noble cause. Yeesh.

    1. I believe that he, alone, without cameras, could indeed find bigfoot. However, his show will not deliver proof of anything.

  11. @moneymuckraker, u sure have been saying ^ THAT^ for quite some time! you were beginning to get on our nerves with it.. lol

  12. Great video!! Also thought provoking. I'd congratulate anyone who finds the big guy. Well,,just about anyone. Lol. I'd like to see Les get in the wilds. May be a good show.

  13. How many encounters has he had?


    So I guess what you could say is.... TWO OF EM!

  14. I also heard that Les is a skilled owl tracker -- that should serve him well in his search for a real squatch.

  15. Why don't they ever use dogs?

    Too easy?

    1. It has been tried. Most species run off or won't follow a scent. There are dogs like Akitas (sp) that run bears off that might trail a bigfoot. There are many stories of bigfoot killing dogs though. Then the problem is finding a fresh bigfoot scent to track. There will be skeptics who say dogs can't follow a myth too.

    2. Watch the Legend of Boggy Creek sometime.

  16. Les and Joe on a bigfoot expedition. How much fun would that be? I would actually pay money to go. Oh, oh, I know how they could capture one. Both Joe and Les know a lot of "herbal" or fungal sources of drugs that would slow bigfoot down. Les could whip up a batch of food that Joe correctly doses with mushrooms and "herbs" and leave it for bigfoot. Once one eats it and is tripping, Joe can use his mixed martial arts and a triangle choke to put it asleep. Les can film it. Then once asleep they can take blood samples, hair samples, and lots of good measurements all on tape. Then once bigfoot wakes it won't remember anything and we have indisputable proof.

    In all reality, Les has the best chance of actually getting good footage. He controls his fear of the unknown and wild. He lives simply while shooting episodes. And he is alone. I hope he follows through on a bigfoot episode.

  17. I was enthralled by this important interview, but I was left with two vital questions:

    1. Why is there a stormtrooper helmet sitting behind Survival Man?

    2. Is Joe Rogan related to Seth Rogen with the slight difference in the spelling of their surnames attribuable to a conspiratorial attempt to dupe the public?

  18. "The skeptics are under no obligation to disprove all or, for that matter any of the evidence. The burden of proof rests with those who think that the animals are real. The skeptics are not obligated even to look at the evidence....Science requires solid evidence for the existence of a new species...A "type specimen" must be obtained, which is then described in a scientific journal and continues to be available for other experts to examine."
    Grover Krantz: "Bigfoot/Sasquatch evidence"(1992) p. 3 & 7

    1. ^^^Science first puts forth an hypothesis, based on available clues and evidence. Done. It's a solid hypothesis. That's where we're at. We'll keep going. It's far more incredulous to dismiss all the evidence as hoaxes, and wait until one comes up and slaps you in the face, in the middle of your living room. Idiot.

    2. @ 10:00:00 What evidence specifically can you say definitively came from any bigfoot? How did you come to this conclusion? What evidence do you have to support a bigfoot made/left anything?

      There is only "alleged, unidentified, proposed, insert any other non definitive word here" evidence of bigfoot. There is no verified evidence to support it. It is a myth, and nothing more. There is no evidence of bigfoot to dismiss. There is plenty of evidence showing that man leaves this evidence you claim, and man misidentifies (sometimes purposely) the same (elk lay what?)

      Science does not bend its rules for bigfoot. You must follow the same protocol as any other animal that is listed on the taxonomic charts. Bigfoot gets no free passes. Sorry for you.

    3. Mainstream science for a large part probably is in on the cover-up, unfortunately.

  19. As a true skeptic and critical thinker, I have come to the conclusion that there is no evidence to support the existence of Bigfoot. Bigfoot has never been proven by mainstream science to exist; therefore no evidence, no matter how conclusive, can be directly tied to Bigfoot. None of the thousands of eyewitness reports, audio/video recordings, footprints, hair/scat samples, etc. count as evidence because they can be/have been faked. Now, since we don't have any definitive evidence of Bigfoot (since it has never been proven to exist), we can reasonably conclude that Bigfoot does not exist.
    Now that this matter is finally settled, I'm going to visit a Christian website and, using the same circular reasoning that I did here, convince those gullible believers that Christ never existed.

    1. You may be a true skeptic but critical thinking by its very definition is something that you just do not possess. Mainstream science is many times the last to get on board and when they do they treat it like it was their discoveries. I heard a guest a couple of nights ago on the radio show Ground Zero talking of this about his endeavors which is real research into past European and Asian cultures that were in North American long before Columbus.

      Mainstream science just prolongs the inevitable while stroking their own egos and agendas, but they will climb aboard when they can no long dismiss it. This is the reality of our time and has been for many centuries.

      Now go and seek out your Christians and be sure to spew forth your ignorant agenda and comments that could only be the actions of an ignorant mind and of very low class character. For in the world of the Bigfoot Knowers you are irrelevant and we have moved on way past the likes of you long ago.


    2. Hey Dumb -ass. If you go on youtube, you can watch video's where they have found------
      1. Noah's Ark, 15 miles from Ararat.
      2. Mount Siani, local of moses recieving the ten commandments. The false golden calf, A giant rock split with evidence of it flowing millions of gallons of water in the dryest place on earth. And the 3000 graves of those who died for worshiping the calf.
      3. The crossing of the Red see with all those chariots 80 ft under water.
      4. The city of Jericho where God brought the walls down.
      5. Sodom and Gomarah.
      6. The Crucifiction sight along with the
      ------ Ark of the Covenant. Yes it was found along time ago. It was burried under the very location of the true crucifiction location. Christs blood fell on the MERCY SEAT, COVER OF THE ARK, JUST LIKE WHAT WAS PROPHACIED.


      As an example, look how you are filled with HATE for Christians with no real reason, you are fo-filling the Biblical prophacy of people hating Christians for no good reason. You are filled with the hate of Satan. You may say you hate all religions, but you go after christians. Thats because Satan knows which one holds the truth.

      Look up Ron Wyatt, and look up Klaus Rona.

      You should really do somework befor you make such STUPID statements about PROOF!

      Bigfoot ir real too dipshit!

      ps. forgive all the spelling errors.

    3. Leon W. Amen brother and Jesus Christ be praised! Like all of those that don't believe Bigfoot is real, you naysayers of Christ will all EAT CROW in the end!!!

  20. If Les knows Standing, why doesn't Standing offer to take Les to Sylvanic? Sounds like Les would be up for it. You know why? Because Standing is full if shit.

  21. Here is the problem with Standing --- he is a Libtard!!!!!!
    He has had real sightings and encounters--- so he knows they are real! But becuase he is a Libtard, and thinks (falsly) he has some kind of supperior intellect (common with Libtards) and so he can Justify falsehoods and lies to get to his END GAME.

    THIS IS THE PROBLEM WITH lIBTARDS! They take a good idea, but don't think it through to the end! They also make know room for God (cause they think they are) and don't really think things through his instruction. Wellfare is a good example! And now thier trying with healthcare. We pay woman to have babies and then pay to raise them, and then pay to house them in prison!!!!!
    No father --- no God
    No father --- no respect.
    No father --- no direction.
    No father --- no purpose
    No father --- no moral guidlines
    No father --- no principals.
    No father --- no truth.

    This is where were at in Amerca!!!!
    Sinking fast and brought to you buy the LEFT!

    so it is OK in his mind to make shit up!!!!!!

    This concludes your psychology lesson for the day.

  22. God that is creepy! Thit is exactly what happened to Bear Grylls in his Hotel room after he refused to tip the bell boy. He heard crashing and moneky howls for hours afterwards outside of his door.

  23. The giant chimp they were talking about is not called a skunk ape. It is called the Bili Ape or Bondo Ape and it lives in the Congo in Africa. Just an FYI

  24. he's campaigning for another TV show...I can't be mad at him.

    He would do it a lot more justice than Moneymaker and his minions.


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