I fear the death of Bigfooting with the upcoming DNA trials

Editor's Note: This is a guest post by Bigfoot Evidence reader Tyler W.

I just want to take a second to clarify a few things about myself and my take on all of this footin' business:

I want Bigfoot to be real.

I have loved it since I was a kid. There is enough out there as far as reports, legends, photos and film plus physical evidence for it to be compelling enough for me to keep searching.

I do not, however, take the FB/FB or BFRO approach and see any and all reports, pictures, and movies as real until proven otherwise. There is too much crap made all the time to look at it that way. I am first and foremost an evidence based person, but willing to suspend disbelief long enough to try and see things for what people purport them to be. I am not a 'skeptic' as termed in the comments here, because I think that there is a good shot that Sasquatch is real, but I can't say that I know it is real either. So I believe in taking a critical view of things.

That being said, on with the article.

As part of internal medicine training, we are coached to basically be a medical dictionary. We don't really do a whole bunch of surgical type things, or procedures, or even look at lots of imaging studies. We just have to know a bunch about friggin' weird diseases. One that recently made a few headlines was one called Morgellons disease. This is a condition that causes people to feel as if they have a parasitic infection in their skin that produces bits of fibers that remain below the skin, or protrude just above it. There was enough of a groundswell of concern for this disease that the CDC ran a large scale investigation and had a good number of afflicted persons come for research. Long and short of it, there was no evidence of any sort of infection, infestation, or foreign bodies found. Biopsy and fiber analysis showed that the threads were synthetics and cotton consistent with clothing or other man made materials, none of which were found below the level of the skin. But there remains constant explanation from different groups about how the study was wrong, and how the condition evaded the testing.

Now, is modern science fool-proof? No way. Is there a chance that this is a real condition? Probably not. Probably. The same science that let's me talk into my cell phone, and have these words typed out to basically the rest of the world says that it is not real. We put a man on the moon years ago with slide rules and explosives (and yes, we went there). I gotta believe now that modern medical tech could be able to find a trace of an organism that is physical enough to allegedly produce fibers in people's skin. If there is 0 trace of this, logic and sanity demands that we give that some weight.

I fear the death of Bigfooting with the upcoming DNA trials. The study setup is good science. They are letting US, the people that claim to be having these experiences and finding this evidence, send it in to be analyzed. We are not having this evidence planted so that we can find it. We can hopefully believe that these people are actually taking the same samples we send in and working them up. If everything is on the up and up (which I am going with for now) and they come back and have a species for each sample, I think we have to recognize that.

Now if they have a few that are suspect, or outside of what they can readily identify, then that leaves hope. And if they find something that they can say is for sure close to human, but not, and it came from the middle of the Washington forest (or anywhere else for that matter), then we really got 'em and myth becomes reality, and the world will be magical again for all of us.

Dr. Sykes from University of Oxford discusses Bigfoot DNA study:


  1. Wow, when it comes to dna and who's doing what this person is clueless. Everyone is overexcited for ketchum and sykes and i dont get it? Has either of them given much hope. Sykes is only testing so many samples that were handpicked by his team and there's no guarantee they will yield anything at all... Based on the samples he may possess, Doesn't mean the fucking end of bigfooting. Give me a break. Red flags for me on sykes were his negative comments (and backed by bbc possible agenda) regarding expecting to find anything when his announcement was made.
    Ketchum has given anyone with a brain, zero hope based on her actions and behaviors. The woman believes bigfoots fucking braid horses and mindspeak and you believe her?? Bigfoots either arereal or there not, does the author just want to be part of some club and he's worried about how he's perceived? Dont count on these people tyler, open your eyes and pay attention

    I think this field has alot of hope and theres a younger, brighter, bolder (and wise) type of researcher now out there like your Matt Pruitt's, Bart Cutino's and Cliff Barackman's to name just a few. Speaking of dna, look what cutino and his gang are planning to do with the sierras stuff, no promises or guarantees, just results and transparency. There is Hope looking at big picture, if you're just counting on melba ketchum well then you're an idiot dude.

    1. I am not worried about appearance (using my real name for posting here and such), just a healthy respect for what I understand the Sykes study to be. I want to be wrong on this. Write up your understanding of what Sykes is doing, and the bbc agenda and send it to shawn. I would really like to hear it.

    2. Someone who has a clue about Science, Research, Medical testing, etcWednesday, November 14, 2012 at 5:38:00 AM PST

      Sykes WILL either vindicate believers, or destroy belief in Bigfoot. With all the supposed "evidence" and "DNA projects", Ketchum, Erickson, Yeti study, and now Smeja's supposed killing with tissue samples....yet ZERO concrete proof or confirmation. No promises of results or outcomes and later backpeddling are the norm. IF Smeja or anyone else presented a document from a certified DNA test facility (DNA Diagnostics, Mayo, ARUP, Oregon State, etc) that said "sample is unknown primate-hominim...is not this haplotype human because of this...is not chimp, orang, gibbon because of this....truly unknown primate"- THEN you have 100% proof Bigfoot is real. Sykes understands this concept, unlike Bigfoot promoters, because he is a scientist. If all samples in his study are bears, beavers, human or even a lost ape, he will identify that and Bigfoot will disappear (except on this board of course)

      No offense, but anyone promising to share results later, as they come out, and all that malarky is simply leading the believers down the path to book and film sales. Sykes will likely demonstrate that, as most adults realize, there are no giant primates, human or otherwise, hiding out in the woods...just us and our incredible gullability and obsessions. .

    3. From a BF witness: If Sykes says "none" I will be relieved as it will be the death of Bigfooting.

    4. The first poster must not know who Tyler is. Tyler hit it right on the head for many of us believers. There are many of us who look at "evidence" and go wtf? While so called "experts" call it real. Most of us had high hopes for the Ketchum paper, which is looking more and more like someone was high to start with. The Oxford/Sykes study has made promises with dates. He got the number of samples he wanted and then some. I think it was ten good solid not easily recognised hair or tissue. I thought I read he got over twenty after culling hundreds. So if the study sticks to the time line, the end of the world as we know it just might happen. Either with good solid dna evidence of bigfoot. Or evidence of nothing. Because all the major stories of dna samples, the Seirra kill, the nail board, and many others, all submitted to the study.

      Tyler is saying, I think, that if the study shows nothing, it will be very hard to ever get proof of bigfoot and it will likely kill the shows Finding Bigfoot and it's knock offs. But if it shows real dna proof it will also kill bigfooting as we know it.

      Millions of dollars will be dumped into getting a body. People will be stomping every piece of woods bigger than three trees deep looking. It will be the death of bigfooting.

      And if that is not what Tyler meant, it is how I feel. I almost secretly hope the study gets nothing. That will result in most people drifting off to other subjects leaving people to poke around the woods in peace.

    5. Tyler you gullible jerks is Timmy. Get with the programme, ffs. LOL I don't think there's a serious Bigfoot bone in anything Tyler says study the writing between the words. And no of course Sykes won't be the death of bigfooting if he finds nothing, maybe for all the trolls as they might get tired but the search continues with or without positive Sykes/Ketchum results.

      What we're currently going through I think is a public period of just stalling actually more than really studying this. It seems the more we study this the less we know, or are allowed to know, so once this media hysteria dies down again it'll be back to normal for bigfooters and more surprised witnesses having their encounters because that'll continue you can count on that. There's no century old legend people still keep reporting about seeing if there's nothing to it, current media frenzy or not. All part of a tiring scheme perhaps.

      The real question we need to ask is, when sightings continue as they will and even new videos turn up yet no discovery made, then we'll have to wonder if this being is of this earth or alien and if that's the case it's business as usual from authorities vs. witnesses because that's one thing they will not tell us about.

      So Sykes may well not find a damn thing and all the trolls will joke (because they knew all along), but it'll only lead to many more new questions in need of answers because this subject sure as heck doesn't die just because officials decide differently.

    6. Sykes wom find anything you ranting schizoid, because there isnt anything to find. Bigfoot is a joke, a cultural phenomenon not a real animal. No o e is holding out i doesnt exist get it???? No one shot it and found a body no one photographed or dna tested it because it doesnt exist.

      Wait and see.

    7. Not a real animal, retard ? They're not animals they're hominins.





    1. Yes. A real specimen is required. We have 50 years of casts, hair and scats and still no tangible "proof". Not siding with the teen-angst nonbeliever trolls I see in other posts, but this comment can't be denied. Catch em... or live with the hater lurkers, UFO conspiracy freaks, and crystal-gazing new age habitators on your backs forever.

  3. So by Tyler's logic, if my bucket of chicken from KFC is dry and tough, i should never eat fried chicken again because all chicken is dry and tough? Well sir i reject your logic and i will continue to search for chicken and eat my bigfoot with slaw.

    1. Not what I said. If you and 30 of your friends all got KFC from different parts of the world, and the vast majority of those were dry, then you could start frequenting your local Popeye's (which would be UFO's in this case?... this metaphor is getting away from me).

  4. Nice write up Tyler. Echos my feelings exactly.

  5. Did I get this right? They are going to start a chain of Kentucky Fried Bigfoot meats after the DNA test results are confirmed? Wow, I would have never imagined eating Original recipe bigfoot.

    Another bit of info. I just gathered: Popeye the sailor is an alien who captains a UFO. Cool!!!!!

    1. And Nessie runs a Long John Silvers. NEVER forget Nessie.

  6. So if I taterhole a really hot chick and get doo doo all over myself does that mean I'm supposed to turn gay and stuff? This metaphor is REALLY getting away from me.

    1. Mud Helmet is a serious disease.

    2. Yes it is. Gays and inmates are at the highest risk of contracting mud helmet. Please donate to the American Mud Helmet Association today!

  7. For me, the dna stuff isn't a deal breaker. The great thing about beleiving in the possibility of bigfoot is that no one will EVER be able to prove it DOESN'T exist. It's impossible. Beleivers can always say it still out there, but we still don't have definitive proof. In this way, it is a mystery that will most likely never be solved and will live on forever (unless it really does exist and is discovered of course).

    1. Possibilities what this species is are slowly running out, the ape theory is dead and done unless you're a romantic mad man, then there's the hominin or human idea which is still very likely and probably what this is (not fitting in our present day view at religion thus denied) or bigfoots are from another planet. In the latter case scenario, we'll keep having sightings just like we have with ufos and status quo scientifically as the powers that be are against us knowing about that. Could also be for our own good actually, alien life forms may not react well physically to us and vice versa which could explain why the ET facts are covered up, security or panic or religion other reasons.

  8. I don't think a positive or negative result from a DNA study is either going to 1. stop the investigation into bigfoots, or 2. convince people that they exist. A positive DNA conclusion will drive more serious researchers into the field, but until part of a body or bones are found, or even better footage than the Patty film is made by someone the scientific world deems credible, not an amateur researcher, the scientific community & the public at large are not going to accept the existence of Bigfoots.

    1. That being said, I think the body of evidence for Bigfoots is pretty overwhelming.

    2. They're already faking it at Smithsonian so why wouldn't that happen with Sykes' samples.

  9. 20 something Tyler, apparently thinks that his opinion matters, and is sound. Neither is the case. Sewing seeds of doubt, will not kill the phenomenon. The US Government has piles of captivity studies. The US Government has bodies. The US Government knows everything about the subject matter, and the subject matter is very real. But not real in the sense that you define real. John Q Public, will not likely be able to fully comprehend the subject matter, since they have been deliberately kept in the dark throughout their formative years, and are now set in their ways and beliefs. Unless one witnesses the Bigman's transdimensional/shape shiifting capability first hand, then John Q Public will continue to blow off all suttle evidence that they have been exposed too, and stay firmly rooted in their quagmire of ignorance. Like young Tyler here.

    1. What makes you think your opinion matters but Tylers does not?

    2. I didn't write that but I think Tyler is Timmy that's a good guess anyway. And yes of course the government knows, or the shadow government pulling the strings know. You think a president at any given time is informed about everything? No he certainly is not, he doesn't need to know certain things as he's only the front office face and replaced every 4 or 8 years. It went horribly wrong for Kennedy, he knew things about space he felt the Russians should co-work on and bang he died. You are in fact being governed by a whole other group than Obama or Biden and all these other faces, that's all they are, the face the public must relate to while the power plant so to speak is someone else, the White House is just that a white house.

    3. You sir, are a tin foil hat loon.

    4. LMFAO, get this guy committed. He's one flew over the cuckoo's nest type crazy. No wonder this field is the joke of all jokes.

    5. The days of covering up are over dirtbags, face it trolls.

  10. I posted the question around 4 or 5 months ago what would it take for you to stop believing in Bigfoot with this very thing in mind.
    What if these studies come back with no results pointing to their existence and I think if nothing does come out of this the skeptics will still say what they do now and the believers will say that they just diddn't get any good samples but that doesn't mean they don't exist and of course the knowers will say the do because I have seen them.
    If something worth while does come from the studies maybe main stream science will put more effort into this.
    Either way I don't think a lot will change without a specimen.
    You can't tell someone who has seen one or had an encounter that they diddn't unless you were there and you can't tell a skeptic they are real until they see one.
    For me I think the studies are a good thing but they won't change anything for me in the long run.

    Thanks for the post Tyler.

    1. Thanks GnRfan! Your comments are always good. The only thing I have against what you said is that WE are the ones who are convinced that we are sending legit evidence to him. It's sorta a grass roots experiment. If we say it is Sasquatch hair, toenail, spit etc... and he tests and can account for it coming from somewhere else, then we are wrong, and there is less and less to keep a good plausible deniability going on the belief argument.

    2. Specimens have been tried for before and it's failed everytime, this is a species obviously that both forest rangers and scientists have been instructed not to encourage anything on. Remember, the victors always write history not the losers so the winners get to decide what's up and what's down in all official things the public hears about.

  11. Speculation is not fact. It seems very popular these days to express opinion as fact. "I think Mr X is guilty therefore he is guilty" and other such nonsense. As if being trialed in the court of public opinion is more relevant that the actual trial, y'know, the one where FACTS are presented.

    Pictures and film are not adequate evidence - unless they can be replicated by independent parties - a tall order for any elusive species. What can DNA really prove without a known source to make a positive ID?

    The DNA results will not deter those out seeking the best proof - a body. We need a specimen, preferably alive, that can be fully analyzed. Period.

    1. Perhaps but will be even be allowed to that's the big question literally. Unless this species is otherworldly somehow, how else can you explain it always gets away even in stories of deaths and captures decades old. The Iceman display body disappeared from public view just like the Roswell crash became a weather balloon, you think about it. It's not possible for a simple ape bipedal or not to escape, face it, so something else and real it has to be but the jury's still out on that. Clear however is, they don't want be be found and somebody doesn't want us to either.

    2. And they whoever they are got to Dr. Ketchum now it seems.

    3. Probably, she's disappeared now hasn't she.

  12. Start camping out in the woods near some berry bush by yourself-bigfoot will find you!

  13. If you have spent anytime looking into Bigfoot and arent sure if it's real your stupid.

  14. if a hen and half can lay an egg and a half in a day and a half, how long will it take a monkey with a wooden leg to kick the seeds out of a dill pickle?

  15. I'm gonna shoot the first one I see and then all this hokus pocus DNA shit will be unnecessary.

  16. funny story: Uncle of one of my best friends worked as a forest ranger for years. One day we were up at the hunting camp and he comes in and tells us a story " These 3 guys came out to the park today said they was lookin for Bigfoot. I got real angry and told them that they oughta leave them alone or they were gonna get in big trouble" we looked ta him kinda strange for a second and he started laughing , and added "there ain't no Bigfoot in them woods, I just like to scare the hell out of those folks that come out here trompin around making our lives hell when they get lost or hurt cuz they don;t know what they are doin"

    so, this whole theory that somehow Park Rangers and Forestry people are all involved in some big conspiracy to suppress proof of Bigfoot is a bunch of made up nonsense

    1. Bigfoot is made up nonsense.

    2. To gullible sheep trolls indeed.

    3. Actually, the USFS human resources department in Albuquerque, specifically excludes applicants if they know anything about Bigfoot. The USFS also internally blacklists male employees who know about the phenomenon, if they talk about it in a field office where the consensus is that they don't exist. Conspiracy? NO! Field experience and observation skills good enough to recognize that the phenomenon exists? NO, NOT THAT EITHER! Preselected for naivety and inexperience with the phenomenon? BINGO! YOU WIN! The USFS has no experts on Bigfoot because they do not intend to recognize that they exist. The only US Government employees that know in mass about the phenomenon, are the FBI, the CIA and the NSA. And they aren't talking. The US Government has already decided that John Q Public cannot handle the full Bigfoot story, so they do nothing to facilitate the spread of the story to begin with.

  17. Bigfoot will continue to exist as long as money can be made.

  18. Don't fool yourselves footers. This WILL be the end. These are supposedly the best (evidence) the entire Bigfoot field has to offer. When it.comes back no good it IS over.

    The only people left will be the ones seeking attention, YouTube fame and money.

    Buy a fucking clue people, this is the big kahuna, the whole enchilada, the omega: when this very scientific study Sykes is conducting ends, so does the legend.

    1. LOL What are you a pre-schooler ? It's only the beginning, douche.

  19. Maybe Sykes will be bought or threatened by the authorities. Very very likely to say the least.

    1. A possibililty yes, overall it depends on the nature of this species. Authorities I suppose could just about live with an ape discovered but that's not likely since odds and logic say it would've happened already, so we're dealing with something else entirely which really can only be another human(like) species or of other planet origin. Why there's a cover-up is easy to see.

  20. I am new to this, so pardon my ignorance. Does'nt the overwhelming number of legitimate (seemingly legitimate, anyway) sightings point to the existance of these creatures? Even if you toss the bullshit stories, which have to be a significant percentage, you still have what seems to me as enough testimony to say that there must be something out there. I consider myself to be a hardcore skeptic, but I am about 80% sure Bigfoot exists.

    1. You're correct about that and while it's true no hardcore proof has been made public yet of their existence, much points to it if you go by pure logic alone. Skeptics will say it's not logical for enormous apemen to be roaming the states undetected, but first of all, they're not undetected they're spotted frequently and second even without conclusive proof something must exist before it can be discovered so obviously they can still exist. These beings do for instance when for centuries people have seen them so it's relatively safe to assume they are in fact there, and whatever they are and wherever they live (underground or caves or mines presumably) they seem to be not what we previously thought they were.

      Apes can't elude capture this long nor can they speak and even a humanlike new species is getting harder to support as time goes by, though it's still way more likely than the traditional search for a nonhuman primate, so we simply have to consider every possibility of origin including alien.

      And if the latter, then we can probably kiss any discovery soon of this species goodbye for the time being because we know authorities' attitude on life elsehwere in the universe or even here it is currently in denial mode though behind the scenes they're well aware it's all real, but the public seemingly deemed too stupid or frightened to know these things.

      Hence the snail pace game of NASA and their space programs like the current Mars project, we're still in the early stages where the safer and distant water or microbe to be found is the plan of introduction because we have this dream we're selling where we like to see ourselves as an advanced and inventing species of exploration, we want to be clever enough that it's us finding these new things not have it dumped in our laps So if Sasquatch is alien it's probably too big a shock literally so they still prefer the odd witness game now and again.


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