FB/FB: The Most AWESOME collection of Digital Stabilization in 1080p without commentary

We agree-- This compilation of enhancements mostly by M.K. Davis and Bill Munns is pretty awesome. Thanks to FB/FB for putting it all together.


  1. Replies
    1. Homophobic waste of space and time!

    2. I'm not homophobic! Unless that means scared of assless chaps wearing, lisp speaking, tracklight loving, camo hating, obama voting, ball sack holding flit boys, but on a more serious note why does it even matter, everyone knows faggots don't count as real people anyway.

    3. Hahaha......who's scared of faggots? I'm not scared of them or fear them. I just don't like them. Thanks....

    4. This kind of prejudice is thoroughly disgusting!!!! Shawn, would you tolerate this hate-mongering if these fools were talking about people of color??? A lot of people read this site and get turned off by these kind of comments. It completely discredits Bigfoot Evidence.

    5. I agree it's deplorable but that's the way the trolls work, they're the working bees of whoever's behind the whole bigfoot cover-up scheme that's been in place for decades on authority level. They talk as bad as possible in the vain hope it'll tire people and all the ridicule turn readers away from the subject, they realize it's their only legal measure. Instead it only brings more interest and ultimately discovery.

  2. That was pretty damn cool.

    So, how did the ingenious costume designer get the toes to do that?

    Someone must have an explanation

    1. the toes don't move as much as you are lead to believe they do. with the fuzziness of the highly magnified image, you can point to any place on the screen and see stuff wiggling around.

      the other alternative is that ,well the suit has big feet on it, and if you walk in big feet the front is gonna kick up a little bit.

      it's obviously a suit, c'mon, use your brain for goodness sake

    2. stfu hill billy you fucking douchebag, you know it's no suit so quit your yapping you enormous turdfaced grizzly fart. It's been proven now god knows how many times over and over by expert after expert how this anatomy can't be faked successfully in suits or we'd seen it recreated, Tinseltown sucks at bigfoot suits they always did and they still do.

    3. Why would anyone believe Hill Billy at all. He is not an expert on this subject at all. His expertise is whacking off while pounding a beer at the same time ( and finishing both at the same time)!

    4. Hey don't go crazy on the guy, he made some valid points. I personally think the footage is real, and he has every right to disagree, and he backed up his opinion without being a total dick.

    5. He's usually a big dickhead though

    6. Them big hairy ass titties, horizontal lines at both hips indicating suit scrunching and the fact that neither ass cheek flexes AT ALL during her walk should be enough for any sane person to KNOW its a suit. You fools are beyond pathetic.....

    7. Travis = awesome. Thanks for infusing some sanity into the conversation (as some others have tried to do, also).

    8. MK Davis and Bill Munns pretty much proved both it's no suit and that there's indeed movement, funny the haters can see no movement but their imaginary seam lines they can. LOL

  3. This video I'm questionable about. It is not even as good as the Tugamylega photos. I've heard that the people that made it was hoaxers too. This girl is real attractive though. She looks a lot like my gf from the 70s. Ok fine, I've never had a gf, but I did hold my moms hand. Once.

    I dont know gais... this is probably a dirty hoax. I bet if we investigate we can find out who was in this obvious suit. Someone find out where it was developed and we'll check that shit out.

    1. keep telling yourself this. one day you might even believe it and then you won't have to be afraid in the dark.

    2. Bill has been doing fine work for years I have the utmost respect for him. Mr. Davies once advanced a strange theory of of Patty being part of a Sas cull by a developer. They wete considered pest.

      There is no logging or development at the film site. Pure baloney.

      Man does not need man to find God. Man does not need Patterson to find sasquatch. There is no holy grail in cryptozoology. It is a problem of physics, and systems of knowledge, that no 16mm camera will solve.

      Carry onward field research. The prize is at hand.

    3. Neither of those will be found Jim Jungle. It doesn't mean both aren't fun to indulge in the culture and phenomenon now n then.

      As soon as you start taking the proponent positions, you may as well start setting up some trail cameras to catch your tooth fairy, and santa. If you don't think they are real, prove they are fake! If you can't it must be real right?

      Bigfoot - that a teapot orbits the Sun somewhere in space between the Earth and Mars.

  4. well, before watching this i thought the patterson/gimlin film wasn't faked, now i KNOW it wasn't faked. the toe detail is just insane, they MOVE, you can't do that shit now or in the 60's. mind blowing.

  5. how do you explain the line at the waist that above it the suit moves one way while below it the other way?

    the thigh subduction?

    the diaper butt?

    the static boobs?

    why is the ball of the shoulder located 4-6 inches below where it should be?

    not to mention all of the suspicious backstory involving it.

    there are a lot of real,honest questions about this film, and I think this removes it from the realm of being reliable. Regardless of what you think of Bob H's story or ANYBODIES story about it. That doesn't have anything to do with the subject on film. and the subject on film leaves a lot of questions that don't add up.

    1. So the hoaxers think to make the feet detailed but just leave a waist line exposed..doesn't seem to make allot of sense to go to that kind of trouble.

    2. they aren't detailed, watch a guy in a cheap gorilla suit, the feet move in those too....

      you should really look stuff up before you say dumb things.

    3. You mean dumb things like static boobs, thigh subduction, ball of the shoulder located 4-6 inches below where it should be? Do you even think before you type??

    4. Give it up hill billy kid it's no suit you know that it's impossible to have this much detail in cheap 60s suits or now even, you're so way lost in denial it's insane. LOL Are you really that mental or you just hear what you want to hear? MK Davis has dozens of videos explaining all the things you mention in fact do move on Patty you only appear too dumb to really grasp any it.

    5. Stank just likes to read his comments over and over because he thinks it makes him look smart.

    6. I am smart. I don't believe in magical forest creatures....

      The only people who think this has any credibility at all, are you pseudo-religious footers. (heck even the smart footers are suspicious of the PGF). But nope, you have assigned such a large amount of personal conviction to the film that even if gimlin himself came out and said he faked it, you would just say he was lying. Sorry, but you know it's true.

      And the claim that good suits weren't around back then is laughable. go see the murders in the rue morgue. and I guarantee, that any basic suit shit at 100+ feet with a similar camera would be equally as convincing.

      Not to mention that in the following 45 years not one single person has gotten even a half assed decent film? nor a body?

      There is equal evidence that santa is real. why not go believe in that too!? :-)

    7. You do believe in " forest creatures" you freak Hill Billy! Wow how stupid are you . Your not smart because you follow this site even though you think it's not real! Are you a blind follower? WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU? Someone who harrases? Your stupid as F*ck! Your posts prove that! Santa Clause? Really . No comparison. Not even close. You to stupid to even explain the differences so I'll leave it at that.


    9. Hey you stupid fuck hillbilly. Santa was real. his name was St Nicholas. He was a boat captain and felt compelled to go into Gods service. He gave to the needy.

      Truth is often rooted in myth!

      I've seen one (Bigfoot) and so have thousands of others---- so just fuck off for good!

    10. Closet footers like hill billy's clearly aware it's no suit or he fears it is, almost religiously guys like that keep telling themselves before they can sleep at night that it's fake. They don't have the brains to imagine anything larger than what they see and hear on television, they're blind sheep and our governments thank them eternally for their trust.

  6. If you pause it at 4;53.Look at the size of her nose.Thats plain ass huge,incredible!

    1. And when they show the best frame no. 362 you are looking at one huge flexing right bicep that would flat put down the world's best arm wrestlers instantly, and this is a woman.


  7. lol still a hoax get over it

  8. Beginning at 1:18, you can clearly see that the bottom of the two feet are not the same. The left foot is more square and does not match the right. They are not the same.

    Case closed. Patty is a hoax.

    1. Sorry the rumor mill's run dry it's no use - and no suit. Case closed now get on with your pathetic life.

    2. And you can see that ? STFU! The casts didn't show that! More square? Lol. It's some freak like you trying to debunk it from your laptop? Nobody believes you anon 3:28!

    3. I believe it, silly slipper feet.

    4. yup. you can tell that the left foot has a diffrent shape

    5. LOL anon 4:32. If it's a hoax, then the casts are also hoaxes.

    6. Bad straw to grasp at anon 11:57, watch any clip and you'll see how wrong your are.

  9. Damn, Patty sure was fat with a lot of junk in the trunk too, was she preping up for the long winter, and when was the last time she had a shave that's more then a five oclock shadow she's sporting, nice glossy coat though.

  10. Now let's use science, dynamics, and careful analysis to analyze the hell out of this...Oh, wait we have and it still can't be proven a hoax. The claims of hoax are founded in attempts that go outside science into the realm of gossip and rumors.

    1. Yes it's a sad mixed pool of idiots scared of the truth and scared of looking outside the box due to scientific colleagues and the status quo - and of course instructed by authorities to never admit or change anything because that means loss of power and control of these power mongers and leaders in both politics and religion. Before we burst that sad deceiving bubble of lies we won't know, it must be torn down for success or go on a slave in ignorance.

    2. OR bigfoot just doesn't exist

    3. Not too likely. Similar beings are seen almost daily all over the world, we really have to start looking outside the box to get to the bottom of this mystery.
      There's no way around it, we seriously have to consider other possibilities than a mere primate of this earth if they remain this elusive. Consider this, if ufos exist (they do and they perform like nothing of this earth can) then aliens must exist too so in the very least as a possibility we should consider squatches could be from somewhere else too originally.

  11. The thing that bothers me as I have said before is that M.K. has done great work with the PGF and could work on other vids but chooses to keep doing the Mike Sells hoax stuff I don't understand that.

    1. It's also possible that he has other information regarding those videos that we don't. Just a possibility. I personally think MK is quite intelligent and wouldn't be analyzing known hoaxed vids without cause.

    2. Dddon't throw the uh baby out with the uh uh uh bathwater.

    3. Herb, you rock, and 4:01 has the 411. But anyway, the videos M.K. is analyzing are not hoaxes. He explains why there's so much confusion about this in this interview: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/midnightwalkers/2012/05/03/mk-davis-famous-for-his-analysis-of-patterson-film

      Great line, among others (this is paraphrased): "Just because Tom Biscardi shakes your hand doesn't mean you get turned into a hoaxer." Makes sense to me! But he also speaks directly to your question, Herb -- even more directly than that quote might suggest -- so it's worth checking out that interview.

    4. Thank you anon 4:33 I will be checking that out and I agree Davis does seem to be a very smart man with a real interest.Does MK. speak of Sells in this interview?I will be checking this over the weekend.

    5. Yes, M.K. does talk about Sells in that interview. It's verrrrrry interesting, what he has to say...... P.S. 4:21, that's hysterical!

  12. MK should analyze the Freeman video.

  13. Hill Billy = Timmy. His exact words used in other posts.

    The one thing that always makes me think that this film is legit is the pattern in which the hair is rubbed off of her right side (torso, glute, thigh) from her arm/hand swinging. It's not impossible, but I doubt Roger gave the so called "suit" that much thought. Yes, I concede that the boobs could have been a great idea for a hoax, but that hair wear pattern isn't something I've seen anyone attempt since if it were faked. It's either real or Roger was far smarter than even the skeptics give him credit for.

    1. I'm not Timmy,ask the admin, he can verify the IP's are different.

    2. Patterson worked in rodeos. He was an expert leather worker with a set of professional leather working tools. Not only did he have the skill to craft a detailed suit, he had the tools to do it.

      It's often said that Patterson was too simple, too stupid to pull of a hoax with such a costume. How does anybody know this? Just because he worked in rodeos and wore a cowboy hat makes him stupid?

    3. A simple rodeo man had tools and more primate anatomical skill than Hollywood guys when even they couldn't do it? LOL

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Replies
    1. Don't waste your time these footers are too dumb to understand its a hoax

  16. Hahaha nice enhancement of the big floppy fake fe. Self owned.

  17. The foot of the man in the suit has to clear the ground, there for making him lift his leg(s) when walking to such a degree.

  18. It's a hoax. Suits been located. Sit on your thumbs and wait a while. Goddam taterholes.

    1. Boring...,,here we go with the suit crap again. Whatever! Next!

    2. Anon 4:48 still trying to convince your wife you can last more than a second in the sack? Your penis is a hoax!

  19. I was on the fence with P.G. film, but now this has me leaning more towards it being a guy in a monkey suit.

    1. That's dumb! Hill Billy posting under anonymous!

    2. Yeah, I'm thinking a modified gorilla suit with football shoulder pads, a football helmet, and arm extensions.

    3. LOL Except all those lame excuses have been explained ages ago as non-valid impossibilities anatomically.

  20. The job done by M. Davis is just awesome. Hoaxers be warn.

  21. Let them live and leave them alone!

  22. Replies
    1. That drunken bumb? He doesn't even own a driver's license.

  23. Suits been found this film is old news, get some actual evidence if your so certain this thing exists.

  24. No it hasn't . The suit hasn't been found! Show us your evidence and alleged monkey suit! Who are you relying on to get your magical monkey suit info? Oh somebody told you on the Internet ? Ha ha. I have lots of shit to sell you Sucker!

    1. Show us the monkey looney toon bleever

    2. I will believe the suit has been found when I see it. I don't think Kit is lying, but I suspect someone might be trying to pull a scam on him.

      IF DeAtley has the suit in a glass box in his house, how the crap are they going to smuggle it out of there? seems unlikely.

    3. The suit is found, and it is the suit. The problem is, the owner doesn't want the publicity involved with a reveal. The owner isn't a bigfooter. The owner and suit leaves no doubt as to its origin.

      It may come out soon. It may not. It is there though.

    4. Musky 'TATERHOLE' Allen.^

    5. Indeed. Get lost Ajr you jerk, go blow Queen Randi some more.

  25. The frame 362 is very cool................but, I hate saying this, the ass just doesn't seem right?
    Even when you watch from 2:18, it just doesnt seem right? Anybody have an opinion on this? I have always, and still am a Patty supporter.........this is something that just jumped out at me today.


    1. Diaper butt. Once you see it you can't unsee it. I thought there was some merit to this film until the day I noticed the diaper butt.

    2. I don't have a problem with how the ass looks because to me it is very reminiscient of a gorilla. Anatomically I think it's correct for it's body.

    3. Of course it's correct yes and MK's shown movement in both butt and boobs, if the cynics don't want to see that they're just lying to themselves then.

  26. LMFAO, even faker than ever.....

    Big hairy ass titties that don't move, horizontal lines at both hips which indicates suit scrunching, neither ass cheek even flinches let alone flexes during the walk, the fact that Roger was on ANE 's payroll and that he was a conman.

    Faker than ever.....case closed. Thanks for this.....

    1. Love these troll geeks with nothing better to do with their time than haunt bigfoot blogs. LOL Hey kooks MK's shown crystal clear there's movement in ass AND breasts, denying the developments and discoveries in this historic footage says more about your mission here.

  27. Back to this old mess, huh? Because there hasn't been any better footage in the 45 years since? That fact alone should tell you all you need to know, but carry on.

    1. We will carry on, thank you. And there is just as good and important footage since.

    2. Nothing but blobsquatches since.

  28. Hoaxers make your money now. Bigfooting will soon run it's course and fade away into oblivion. Shitty, monkey suit. Thanks MK.

  29. Shitty, monkey suit. Thanks MK. Bigfooters, I hate to say this, but the ride is over.

  30. obvious gorilla suit is obvious

    1. Only idiots think of gorillas in connection with bigfoot they're a hominin species.

  31. stop trolling me. my panties are in a bunch and bigfoot is real.

  32. Wow. The part that is zoomed way in and shows her back side has amazing detail of her butt. It shows independent movement of each cheek. It looks natural and muscular. The left cheek looks like it has a natural looking crease underneath at one point. Maybe we have that clear footage we all want after all.

    1. You're being sarcastic right? You're commenting on the diaper butt, right?

    2. No, I've been down the diaper butt road for many years. That was resolved as artifacts in the film, like some dark background pieces near the butt edge. Seriously look at the frames, he replays them many times for you, it is around the 1:25 mark. It is a female muscular butt and it changes shape no question.

    3. Exactly my good sir. From now on we can conclude anyone still using the diaper butt/tit excuses is a hoaxing moron hopelessly stuck in the past, MK's locked that lame nonmovement crap down for good as anyone honest and willing enough will agree to acknowledge.

  33. The still at 4:42 proves that the PGF subject is a costume.

    1. Wrong. Every MK video proves the PGF subject is a real living unknown hominin.


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