Chief Wildlife Biologist In New York Says "No" To Protecting Bigfoot From Hunters

The state Department of Environmental Conservation in New York dropped a huge bomb on Tuesday. According to DEC Chief Wildlife Biologist Gordon Batcheller, there is no such thing as Bigfoot.

In a response letter to Peter Wierner, the founder of the Chautauqua Lake Bigfoot Expo, who called for a banned on hunting Squatches in New York, the DEC wrote the following:
The mythical animal does not exist in nature or otherwise. I understand, however, that some well organized hoaxes or pranks have occurred, leading some people to believe that such an animal does live. However, the simple truth of the matter is that there is no such animal anywhere in the world. I am sorry to disappoint you. However, no program or action in relation to mythical animals is warranted.
Here's the full letter:
Click to enlarge



  1. Replies
    1. yup bigfoots dont exist so theres no bigfoot to be found.

      thats not an opinion thats a fact folks.

      A population of 9 foot ape men running round america... lol noone actually believes that.

    2. exactly... prove bigfoot exists.

    3. Prove it doesn't, or stop making claims that have equally little value as claims that it does.

    4. idiot. you cant prove a negative by its very definition. idiot. idiot. idiot.

    5. Exactly. So why do you keep making claims of a negative? An idiot maybe?

    6. its not a "claim" like one would "claim" evidence of bigfoot

      its being rational you idiot.

    7. You are making a claim of fact which isn't supported by evidence of any kind. That makes you not just an idiot but an ignorant blowhard as well.

    8. it is a fact that bigfoot dont exist, a clear demonstrable fact. deal with it sucker.

    9. I clear demonstrable fact? Then by all means, clearly demonstrate it for us. Please apply the scientific method to your answer. Extra points for not being a dickhead.

    10. no need. you have already made up your mind that it "exists" as some bizarre fantasy you have.

    11. There is no more proof of the existance of "Bigfoot" than there is of its non-existance. All we know for sure is of the existance of self-righetous blowhards like you, who's lives are so dismal and colorless that their only outlet for validation is to spoil other people's fun.
      The internet is a vast expanse, Zippy. Why not find a Bigfoot debunkers board to vent your frustration? Or would it take all the fun out of it to insult people who agree with you?

    12. you can not compare the concepts of "evidence for bigfoot" and "evidence of its non existence"

      apples and oranges my friend.

    13. Science advances when it finds out it's wrong...This will take time, people - try and have an open mind.


    14. *yawn*

      Killjoys are so boring... and their tortured self-justifications so pathetic.

    15. science is correct about this one.

    16. Either This Gordon fella's totally stupid - holier than thou he already is like most such guys - or he's part of the cover-up, and truthfully I find the latter the most likely here. You can almost tell by his writing and lecturing tone, that he not only gloats with arrogance he's probably also covering up here. It's pretty wild that he even says they don't exist anywhere in the world, yet they're reported almost everywhere for centuries. By his letter he's assuming, like most Bigfoot ignorants do, that this elusive species is an animal because up until more recently most Bigfoot researchers would tend to put that label on it. Fact however is, that the odds are very much against such an animal existing (only thing he'll be right about) but if - as much seem to indicate - the species is more manlike then the odds go up significantly. Up also goes then the chance of a massive cover-up by mainstream science under authoritative order, for reasons why we can only speculate, but it would be things like fear of public panic or logging business losses and maybe most importantly religion. Especially should this secret primate species not be Earth made, it's simply evaluated too great a risk that the institution of religion would crumble if this species' origin and thus our own became known.

    17. Agreed, Gordon is covering up, having a laugh or he is a crazy conspiracy theorist.
      Don't get me wrong some conspiracy are not crazy, but this mans conspiracy is totally illogical.

    18. Another creature is not a threat to the Creator.

      Why do you God-haters think that it is?

  2. Wow what a ridiculous statement, "no such animal anywhere in the world", how foolish and unscientific.
    And the claim that a group (secret society?) of hoaxers have traveled around the world for hundreds of years, waiting in isolated locations and hoping that someone comes along to see them with there advanced secret technology that allows them to look and smell like humanoid creatures... i think this ludicrous theory is less believable than fairies.
    I truly hope this person isn't being funded or paid with government money.

    1. The secret society he they invented to explain bigfoot, yowie, yeti etc would have to be thousands of years old, not hundreds.

    2. actually it is very scientific.

      no such species has been described by science. there is not a single shred of evidence to support their existence. this is scientific fact. deal with it looney toon bleevers.

    3. ^Well, anecdotes and legends are inadmissible and none of the videos or pics have any kind of provenance. But footprints are of course valid objects of scientific inquiry. You think they are all fake?

    4. yep all fake, meldrum has even acknowledged that the dermal ridges from the same trackway differ from print to print showing how its just an artifact from the casting process.

    5. I thought the Bossburg cripple-foot tracks were interesting until I learned about Ivan Marx's involvement in that episode. You are probably right. Thanks.

    6. Claiming as fact that Bigfoot doesn't exist is just as ridiculous as claims of fact that it does. People making such definitive statements should be prepared to present incontrovertible supporting evidence, which as of now does not exist either way.

    7. no it isnt.

      claiming bigfoot exists is ridiculous. like it or not it is ridiculous.

      claiming bigfoot does not exist is sensible, logical, rational, reasonable, scientific, informed, educated etc.

    8. Informed by what evidence? Scientific? Maybe you should google that word.

    9. there is NO evidence for bigfoot therefore we can infer that bigfoot does not exist.. jesus...

    10. Inference is not evidence. It is not a scientific and does not support claims of fact.

    11. Footprints all fake? LMAO at the trolls you guys hide it so poorly that you're in on the hush-hush of this species' existence.

    12. No evidence? Really you people should do a little research before making fools of your self.
      If you have seen a bigfoot up close, and know it to be real, it is highly illogical to then think them not real.

    13. Most of us haven't seen one. It doesn't mean they don't exist, it just means we'll believe it when we do, or when enough tangible evidence (a specimen) us found to create a scientific consensus. Until then I'm listening, and I'm not bashing anyone who believes.

    14. look up "the null hypothesis"

      should explain that those making claims of existence are bound to provide evidence to back up their claims, those claiming the null hypothesis are not. It's science 101. it's logic 101. anyone who thinks differently either does't understand or is moving the goal posts or handwaving... show me the monkey

    15. The "null hypothesis" is an assumption for testing purposes only. It does not and is not intended to support claims of fact. Maybe YOU should look it up.

  3. At least i know two places not to hunt now. Think about it. With hunters in Texas and New York getting a pseudo passport to shoot upright bipedal animals (real or imaginary) those forests just became exponentially more dangerous for fellow hunters. Apparently arm waving will not save you either.

  4. I cant see protecting a species that hasnt been identified yet. The real reason why some towns/counties make a law in regards to Bigfoot is for name recognition.

  5. What an ignorant and uneducated statement! Really, no such animal anywhere in the world? He is clearly ignoring sightings and evidence from every continent except for Antarctica. At least one of these legends must have fact in it, and some of these animals actually have a lot of good evidence, including DNA evidence, for their existence. He is also clearly ignoring e fact that bigfoot like animals are known from the fossil record! We have Gigantopithecus, Paranthropus, Meganthropus, and are discovering new hominid species all of the time! This statement was very uneducated in my opinion and he should've thought before saying "anywhere in the world".

    1. Please do link to the reputable journal reports citing scientific study and conclusive proof of bigfoot DNA. Oh wait, there are no published findings about alleged bigfoot dna in a reputable journal. There is no repeatable verifiable source of DNA. There are no photographs that can be called irrefutable, nor video, nor a body. It's all blurry speculation and questionable conjecture. And giganto and other fossils are just that. Fossils.

    2. Yes. Speculation and conjecture. But no proof of a negative either. Such a blanket claims are just anti-scientific and stupid.

    3. saying bigfoot does not exist is not anti-scientific, infact it is scientific

    4. How so? By what scientific methodology does one come to such a definitive claim?

    5. you know the one that says a species of 9 foot apes in america is looney toons!

    6. Love how scientists think they know it all, when in fact everything they know they've only gathered from discoveries never made by themselves mind you. LOL

    7. science is the reason you are able to post a message on here, science has given you everything in your life that you take for granted.

      cryptozoology on the other hand has given you fuck all

    8. Wow nice people here haha just kidding, I'm not trying to start a fight :). I just meant that I think that the upcoming Bryan Sykes Oxford Collateral Hominid Project will have some good results!

    9. Yes he ignored all the sightings, the footprints, the film and made an uneducated, unscientific claim.

  6. Not only does Batcheller think bigfoot is bullshit, he trolls this blog. Turns out he is the guy who keeps posting "I keep my poop in a jar"


  7. I dunno, maybe it's a good thing, it might keep the hoaxer's heads down.


  8. Is that a picture of a hunt for the famous marine bigfoot.

    1. To learn more about the aquatic ape theory read our book "You Are Sasquatch"

  9. He's gonna have to be careful leaving the house when those 197 people that actually believe in Bigfoot find out about this!

  10. Well that's it. Game over. Stop the dna studies. Erase all the sighting reports. Burn the PG film. Smash your casts. Facebook, find something else.
    FML..... :(

    1. might aswell, all of it is nonsense which started with a known conman in 1967.

    2. Started in 1967??? Somebody hasn't done their homework...

    3. the looney toons bigfoot subculture of north america start in 1967 by a conman. deal with it.

    4. And idiot trolls coming to the surface began with the Internet. In fact, this squatch species has been reported way before movies and television in the past made the subject matter cool.

    5. ^ That is a true. In fact, there are reports pre-dating the yeti newspaper stories of the early 50's.

    6. "That is a true statement." -sry

    7. Bigfoot reports come from all over the world from thousands of years ago, that is fact.

    8. ^ Looks like somebody DID do their homework!

  11. Sounds to me the usual statement from public officials that are avoiding the truth and avoiding more heaped on their plate of things to keep tract of of. Agian WHEN the DNA studies DO come out then and only then will state officials cop to the facts and will be forse to address this issue. Agree wholeheartedly that this official is ignoring the evidence already retrieved. ptangier

  12. There you go...The Goverment officially confirms that Bigfoot does not exist,official confirmation.

  13. Face it, until there is a body there will be no proof.

    new anony

  14. Anon 6:59...... That about sums it all up. If the field was not filled to the brim with hoaxes and con men the perhaps the Sasquatch/Bigfoot phenomenon would be taken more seriously. As it currently stands most of the tangible evidence that does come to light is tied to known hoaxers and generally with a price tag attached or it never comes to fruition; The erickson project dna? Sylvanic ? et al.

    1. Of course there's a lot of hoaxes some probably even sanctioned officially, they're doing everything they can to discredit the subject with all these bad videos while their own citizens have to suffer some shocking and real encounters in the woods only to be ridiculed.

  15. And with that statement, the wildlife biologist just gave a green light to shooting humans dressed in dark clothing, because the shooter can just claim that he thought the subject was a Bigfoot.

    1. i hope the government BAN people frolicking in the woods looking for bigfoot, its retarded and someones gonna get hurt.

    2. You nanny state loving libtard!

    3. We can shoot bigfoots in libtard new york as much as we please,can you,Mr. Redstater?

    4. Ugh.. I come here to get AWAY from politics.

    5. Sorry...lets be independents here,sorry again

  16. fake they wouldnt even comment back on such a letter,we wrote the state and they said it was possible to hunt bigfoot since it wasnt on there known species list.but contacting the unknown species dept with more indepth info could change that status..the proofs there you non believers your just to ignorant to look at it all and make a logical decision.freakin tards

    1. as a non believer i want to see this proof... please show me....

    2. proof as in a specimen at the zoo?or photo evidence?since people can manipulate one opinion it becomes my word against yours.but as a whole with eye witness and photos sound recordings,foot prints and hair samples,nesting and habitual signs that are equal to each other thousands of miles apart. is huge!there is alot!thousands of sightings by honest logic people who logically out ruled other critters.if you live near a documented sighting area the best way to further expand your knowledge is to either join a local group or explore those areas using the knowledge provided from other incidents and with in time you will prolly get more than you want if your lucky enough to actually see them,it is possible and a proven excercise repeated time and time again..when it all comes out it wont be such a big deal.

  17. What did anyone expect him to say. You do not become the chief wildlife biologist of a state by being the best in your field, you get there through political appointment which means you are politically savvy and an ass kisser if you wish, and in a state like New York this goes double.

    I can guarantee you this guy knows nothing of the warehouses of evidence for the Bigfoot or talked to anyone who has seen one, or an astute wildlife biologist that has done research. Frankly he could care less, and if I was in his position it would probably be the stance I would take. Of course I am not and of course I know better having had a very close encounter with one.



    1. lol^ are these warehouses of evidence at area 51 with the crashed alien spaceships? hahaha

    2. To Chuck/Alpha Dog: Thank you for all your posts. You are A W E S O M E.

  18. As for BF hunting, not to worry too much about those shooters for they venture only on the roads in their quest to bag a BF. I do not see a threat to the safety of those trail... However transitioning keep a good eye out for BF hunters in lifted 4x4 with barrels of guns sticking out windows and the ...ting... of beer cans being thrown from their trucks. Yahooooooooo...

  19. Actually you can not prove a negative, noone could prove god doesn't exist, only that he does. This doesn't mean its real or fake. Just like i can prove that trolls are douches, not that they aren't douches. As for this official, you cannot say he is a politician first, if he didn't have credentials he wouldn't be an option s lead biologist. Are you doubting his education or work history? Because no self respecting ph.d gets to the highest position in the state by advocating for cryptid creatures, that is unprofessional. Would a doctor advocate for untested medical treatment on humans? No it's irresponsible and so is passing laws based on conjecture rather than fact. I am not saying bf doesn't exist, but what kind of country would we live in where laws are based on wood boogers and alien ships in hidden bunkers?

    1. You live in a country where your changing governments have lied to you nonstop, they could reveal it all tomorrow if they wanted to but of course they're not going to because automatically it'd mean loss of their power over you which is the first reason for secrets to begin with. Calm people with lies and keep the ugly truth from them, that's how you create a somewhat stable society and suddenly introducing Bigfoot is disruptive in this order no matter what the species is i.e. hired hands like Gordon's just the hospital orderly.

    2. Actually, the letter-writer is a career service guy, not a politician. He wouldn't have authority to unilaterally declaire something in the nature of "Bigfoot Protection"... that would have to come from the elected types. His comments about such things as "mythical animals" however, seem a bit overblown and way out his perview.

    3. New york state actually lacks a bigfoot expert and given our budget i doubt we will get one anytime soon.

  20. Did the Chief Wildlife Biologist also declare that there is no God. Therefore all religion is a hoax as well?

    He should know, right? After all, he's a government employee.

    1. Of course, which is also why TV's Ancient Aliens is still on the air because it's probably a commissioned teaching tool. Not that they'll tell us everything right now, but it's planting the seeds so we can keep pondering these things until we're deemed ready enough for disclosure one day. It's perhaps not around the corner but it's coming - look at the Middle East it's a hotbed of chaos and religious madness so it's still some ways away with revealing the truth - but the thoughts are out of the box now for the peanut brain public at large to begin debating the possibilities and preparing mentally for that future.

    2. switch out your tin foil hat for a saran wrap one,wrap it tight

    3. rumferlife, you're in for a rude awakening, with that attitude. Why don't you try opening your mind just the tiniest bit. It might make your awakening a little less shocking.

    4. I think i will just sleep in if its all the same to you.feel free to help yourself to my cup of paranoia though,sounds like you enjoy it.i have worked federal and local govt and found nothing but people running things,some are dicks but i can assure you they mean well and are not sinister,they also put thier pants on one leg at a time,just like you and i,friend.

  21. More of a New York cop attitude to me.
    Classic " shows over folks move on"
    I / We were present with one. It checked us out
    From a safe distance.
    I have already had long conversation with a southeastern state wildlife biologist who knows. Guess Gov. Cuomo wouldn't like that.
    So many other important things to protect or allow in New York.

    1. you saw a shadow in the woods

      good job.

    2. hi dave dinkins,glad to see you get out of the city for a change,that was percy sutton stalking you.

    3. Cool, Dave. Thanks for the story! Always interesting to hear about people's encounters. Give us more details when you get the chance.

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