Carl's Bigfoot Encounter At The Sierra Kills Site

When Carl Olinset shared his Sierra Kills experience on YouTube in August, he didn't reveal much about what happened, except that he was a changed man. Carl had an experience of his lifetime on the first night while many of us were asleep in our tents. He was awoken by the sound of heavy bipedal footsteps coming from the tree line behind him. When he stood up and turned around, he was faced with the decision to either point his flashlight at the creature for a better look or film it-- His whole mission was to film a Bigfoot.

Carl posted the following report in his Facebook group, The Bigfoot International Group - Team-BIG, explaining what happened that night when he reached for a camera:

I have permission now to talk a little bit about what happened on the trip to the Sierra Site. Feel free to ask questions - although I am heading to church in a minute and then on the road for a few hours to visit family. Here is a brief description of what happened:

After conducting the polygraph at Justin's house we immediately loaded up our vehicles and headed to the location of the shooting. Our purpose there was to film on site as Justin recounted the story and showed exactly where things happened. We also planned to look for footprints and possible bones or evidence while there.

We set up camp and decided we would start our research in the morning. After sunset we walked from our campsite to the site of the shooting and did some tree knocks and took turns trying whoops. We heard nothing in response. Back at camp I walked away from everyone and did another series of whoops. Again-- nothing in response. Everyone went to their tents and went to sleep except for two of us. I had run all my camera batteries dead so I put my camera in my car and was charging the batteries. A few hours later I heard loud footsteps that were clearly bipedal walking through the forest toward me directly at my back. I stood up and turned around. The footsteps were absolutely something walking on two legs. The stride between the each foot fall sounded as if it was extremely tall and heavy. The creature walked out from the tree line into a clearing and stood approximately 30 yards away, but stayed just within the shadows of the trees so that only a vague shape of something standing there was barely visible.

Then about 40 yards to the left of me, uphill, there was another three steps from a second creature and a twig snap. There were at least two of them. I pulled my flashlight out of my pocket and was ready to turn it on to see clearly what was standing in front of me, but under the intensity of the situation I realized that my camera was in my car. I didn't want to 1) Make it made and cause it to charge and attack. 2) Run away before I had a camera ready to film it. So rather than turn on my flashlight I walked over to Ro's tent and attempted to wake him up to grab his camera. As soon as I opened the tent flap I could hear it turn and begin to leave back through the trees. We grabbed Ro's camera and turned on all our flashlights and ran along the trees trying to catch footage of it as it moved away from us. It headed directly back toward the kill site. We ran after it for maybe 150 yards before realizing we weren't sure where the second one might be. We never did get footage of it. We headed back to camp and woke everyone up. A couple of hours later, when the sun came up, we discovered a trackway of footprints that had circled our camp that had come within 20 yards of our campfire behind some small trees. I was able to cast one good print but did not have enough plaster or experience to get any other good casts. All of this happened on the first night we were there. Nothing happened on the second night.

More details about what we did during and after this will be revealed in Ro's documentary, but at least everyone has an idea of what happened on the trip when I was there.

Carl Olinselot driving back home from the "kill site":


  1. Replies
    1. How dare you appropriate my name, have you no shame? I realize your male cis gendered identity might be unfulfiling but you have no right to use my identity.

  2. Amazing... Thanks for sharing Carl

  3. Bart apparently went up to the area with smeja and several others and got his thermal footage a few weeks later. Pretty trippy

    1. That may be true, but why has no other Smeja evidence been brought forward? Why did Meldrum say it looked like a canine sample with underhairs, NOT primate?

      Where are the supposed DNA samples? I believe in Bigfoot but this is a bunch of total bullshit, similar to George Adamanski and his alien visitations.

      IMO Smeja is a tool and liar, good researchers like Carl are suckered into the scam and become a legitimate source of credibility, except they dont realize its all bullshit. IF Smeja has evidence then bring it forward.

    2. If people bring any evidence forward you would dismiss it and call it a hoax anyways so why would he bother! The Internet is not the place for people who never leave their laptops to discover evidence. He releases it to people who actually handle stuff in the real world and not to the peanut gallery!!

    3. Again where is it? What real scientists have Smejas DNA results from baby bigfoot?

      Bear poacher and liar, nothing more. Maybe you fell for it.

    4. Again they don't release crap to you because it would be senseless . You have no idea what's going on behind the scenes. Try getting new cancer drug research results from Norvatis before they are done! Not going to happen Jack! Is Norvartis lying because they won't release results to your demands on the Internet? Hell no. Quit acting like a child and wait like the rest of us!

    5. Oh by the way I don't fall for anything. Unlike u I actually wait for results before I make my decisions . Rarity in today's "Need it Now" or it's fake world. What basis are you relying on your decisions about lying and fake? Your impatient attitude, people you never met on the Internet opinions, and thinking your privileged to get first hand info? You sound like you are easily influenced and can easily be scammed. Apparently you already fell yourself to the hoax camp with no proof. I'll keep an open mind. Keep drinking the Koolaid.

    6. Great point anon 644 about cancer research!!! Makes sense to me!!!

    7. Someone who has a clue about Science and MedicineMonday, November 12, 2012 at 9:19:00 AM PST

      You anon, above, completely lack any understanding of the scientific process of discovery. Nice pharmaceutical reference, unfortunately we arent talking about FDA regulated, closely controlled scientifice standards testing, typically involved in new therapy studies. We are talking about discovery of an unknown animal, hominim or otherwise. In either case, there has been no credible scientific evidence to support a species like this in North America, none whatsoever. IF a Sasquatch was killed, and a private forensics lab identified human DNA, regardless of haplotyping variations, the proper authorities would be notified and the shooter taken into custody. If unknown primate identified, Smeja would be vindicated as sort of a hero who had brought the exemplar specimen, and sanity, to the Bigfoot movement.

      Instead we have continued storylines, promises of non-existent results and the reacharound of stories.

      I work in a very high position in the Medical/Healthcare/Forensics field and I can PROMISE you that there is nothing to Smejas Bigfoot story, except something other than Bigfoot. Bear poaching? Murder? Lies or hallucinations? Who knows, but what is known is that no evidence is being kept back or prepared behind the scenes. It isnt there and wont be any time soon.

    8. Anon at 0919 sounds legit. So big man why are the tests still going? Why would Smeja and Ro and Bart all be lying? Makes no sense there is something to the story. It will all come out at some point since the govt is involved.

    9. I hope the hell you don't work in that field because you would be an embarrassment to that field with your reasoning ! Your relying on Internet comments about your facts, timelines, and promises. I couldnt give s crap how high up in ( who knows if your lying) in the Medical field you are. You Lack common sense ! What we are talking about is that you and I don't have reliable information to form a conclusion or fact on this case because neither of us are privy to the actual facts. Until then I will wait for the results. God I hope our upper paid people in your field don't take rumor and try to present things as fact without considering the source, waiting for official facts, and common sense . You might consider a job in the field of Fox News Journalism.

    10. I thought dna testing was done by blind study. To prevent assumptions of what the dna is from or who it might belong to. A specimen is found. It is brought to a lab and tested. It is identified. So since they will need a second or more validation to ensure the test is valid a sample is taken from the specimen. The sample is then sent to a few labs to identify the dna. No back story is given. That way the testers can't just read the back story and say, "oh, this is suppose to be from bigfoot? Bigfoot is not real so I will just say it is contaminated by human dna".

      Or let's say a lab gets a sample to ID a serial killer or to link a person to killing. With no back story they can't falsify data.

      That is how dna testing is suppose to be done. If it can't be duplicated it can't be proven. It also can't be valid unless blind studies are done. It actually us the same way drug testing gets done.

    11. You can't take someone into custody for shooting a human like ape. There is no law to take anyone into custody. I hope your forensics methology is done more professionally than the way you just presented it here. Crazy how certain people get jobs. Dang Dude!

    12. I know for certain that bart and tyler have part of the "steak" being analyzed at two indep labs as of about 5 months ago and one is a univ lab. Ive seen zero promises were ever made by either of those men that results would be coming soon or that the results are some unidentified primate. Never!!! They actually said differently on Alexs show that there is NO timetable. All those guys promised were sharing those results And getting to truth of the sample. Thats all they promised and I've seen not one quote from Bart saying anything other then preaching caution. If i were them, id be a little frustrated with that as there were many promises made by others through ketchum about coming soon, dna is bigfoot" blah blah Blah

      Imo, that's all we can expect for the researchers to do and bart did make clear all emails between those labs will be shared and those emails will have dates on them. I believe him because i know him and know he's trying to do the right thing orat least believes he is. I think Ro, shawn and many others are as well as those guys weren't even believers not long ago according to their comments on podcasts or am i missing something??

      I for one am glad we dont have to depend solely on melba ketchm and someone else took the bull by the horns. I dont think anyone is stalling that process and if they are they will have to answer for it. Ill eat crow happily if that happens but my money is on bart and company to get it done right And get us the truth of at least the evidence. I also am looking forward to this thermal footage and hoping we get to see ut soon as by description i wonder if sharing it is the right thing to do considering where it was. Im sure he's got reasons for it but i dont know if I wouldv'e shared it at this point.

    13. Damn straight and Ive seen the footage as these guys are really going to make a good case for it being legit. Its exactly how cutino described it which makes him pretty damn credible in my book among many other reasons

  4. New here. Been doing this for a decade; I know what is BS, who are trolls, and who are ignorant. Justin is telling the truth and so is this gentlman.

    1. Oh really? IF the DNA showed human it has to be reported to authorities. Since Justin is free and no results have been obtained or presented it just proves he is lying to sell a book.

    2. You know nothing! Anon 4:03

    3. Uhh actually he's on to something. +1 anon 403

    4. Stop replying to yourself Troll!

    5. A book? It's either going to be a really short book or a really long boring ass book. Still would sell more than Fb/FB You're A Squatch.

    6. This is so stupid that even dumb footers are too damn stupid to comprehend it.

      If it was human DNA, (which is what was alluded to) then the police would be butt fucking Justin. Since they're not butt fucking him, that means that the human DNA bullshit is just that.....BULLSHIT.

      All of your mothers and sisters suck the devils filthy pig cock in hell.

    7. Even dumb footers? Didn't you mean smart footers? Man your stupid. Your also mentally unstable after your rant about the Devil! Forget to take your Medicine dude. Wow, just wow!

    8. Labs are not required to report dna results to the police. Most samples sent are small, tiny pieces or hair. And many get handled by humans in collection and are contaminated. Do you really think a lab is going to call the cops because a piece of unknown something has human dna on it or in it? No, they are going to test it, report the findings and send the results. They keep the sample not used up in testing and a copy of the report.

      Too many people watch too much CSI.

    9. So you really believ scientists doing the testing do not ask where the specimen was obtained, what is is purported to be, etc? They just take a sample, and run the primers to narrow it down then say "oh we dont care where this large chunk of flesh we've just identified as human came from we have no responsibility but to provide results to clients". Wow.

      IF a "steak" was identified as human its a guarantee a phone call would be made to the authorities, just like a pediatrician calls the cops when he suspects child abuse. Obviously no one here has ever done research, works with/for or is a doctor of any kind....CSI geez....

    10. A sample sent to get tested is not some big slab. It is a small slice or a hair or three. The testing is suppose to be done blind. There is a huge difference between working in a job that requires all cases of abuse etc be reported and in a research lab that processes hundreds of samples of all kinds of dna. Just because a tissue sample is from a human does not mean it was collected by murder. It could be an autopsy sample. The reason it is kept blind is to prevent some person just like you jumping to conclusions.

  5. Bigfoot encounter at Carl's Jr?

  6. I think I will always try to remember to keep one battery in reserve. Just in case. Seems to be a lot of people who get the best chance to film a bigfoot, right after their last battery dies. I wonder if bigfoot might know or understand english somewhat. Saying, "damn, my battery is dead and I don't have any charged" just might be the ticket to gettibg one close. Who know, they just might understand language or body language. They get credited with other abilities way more out there.

  7. Big Jim, a) yer imagining these creatures appearing on your own terms. They won't. b) yer imagining when you do see a creature in front of you (perfectly centered where you expect it) you casually film it, change batteries, and then continue. It's gone, kid.

    1. I was trying subtle sarcasm. I don't bring a bunch of batteries or camera gear out in the woods. Too easy for it to get damaged. When I go hunting, fishing bigfooting, I have my camera with video capability and my cell phone with same. Then I don't waste time filming or taking pics of the ground or trees. I only take pics of what I can get good shots of.

      Since it seems bigfoot always does very short cameos in most videos, and then only gets credited later as a blur, why waste the battery, film, digital storage. If I can't get a good steady clear shot, I won't take a pic or clip.

      One day I might see one. If they exists anyway. Maybe I will have my camera ready or not. Either way, it will prove nothing until a body is brought in.

  8. Why are you given permission now to talk about it? What is coming?

    1. My understanding of what I read here is that Carl is friends with Ro and so Carl is trying not to post spoilers of Ro's doc.

  9. Sorry Bigfoot Evidence you have no cred now!You are involved with this hoax!

  10. The The Sierra Kills hoax is just that a hoax. No pics no body no proof. Its sorta like the old "Whitley Striber, Communion story and best selling book, "Communion", great story but, no real proof.

    In order to go forward in the "bigfoot search", we MUST put these types of stories behind us.

    Lets go forward and leave unproven stories behind (like Melba Ketchum paper-what a waste of space and time)there is something going on and it has to be looked at with "real scientific research and openness" lets turn around and go forward.

    1. Oh come on guy, he has glasses, a cap and a beard, give him a break as it must be real.

    2. There you go. But, looks can be decieving!Lok at the adventures of "Ted Bundy",Silvia Brown,Mitt Romney, etc..

      If I had a billion dollars, I would go to areas where the "berry pickers" go. Bigfoot and first nation people like to pick and eat "Berries". this is where to start.

    3. Anon 4:35 your a hipicrit! You have no proof to the contrary so STFU. Why would I believe you?

    4. This story is complete bullshit. You would have to be as dumb as Shawn's little Asian pee pee to believe it.

  11. This story is made up. Total crap. I hear the DNA report is coming out soon and our questions will be answered. People need to wait with tatars

  12. "I have permission now to talk a little bit about"

    LMFAO, what a crock of shit.

  13. Carl, you ought not talk atta way.......

    Carl likes mustard on his biscuits.......

  14. greatest speech since Lincoln's Ghettysburg address !

  15. this guy is mulder from the bff??????

  16. I need to see more to give a accurate comment.

  17. Of course your camera was somewhere else. Bullshit!!

  18. If the government got involved, and there really was a Bigfoot, we will never hear about it. They are not yet ready to let the public in on Bigfoot.


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