Why Skeptics Like To Pick On Bigfoot

Skeptics or Critical Thinkers, as they like to be called, have a love a hate relation with Bigfoot. On one hand, they claim the lack of evidence supporting the existence of a bipedal man-ape roaming North America makes it too easy for them to debunk, and it's difficult to find common ground. On the other hand, although the topic is old and played out, they believe they have a public duty to promote “critical thinking” and that it's "critical to the mission of science education", especially now, with the popularity of TV shows like Finding Bigfoot.

To skeptics, Bigfoot is pseudoscience-- just like Aliens and UFOs. What makes the subject appealing is the fact that it cuts through all the prime demographics of self-described skeptics. Nearly everyone is aware of Bigfoot. Brian Dunning of Skepticblog.org writes, "These subjects are the ones on which we have potential to make the most relevant, useful progress. I find this is usually trendy stuff."

"I can go into any audience in the world and explain why Bigfoot and aliens are pseudoscientific, and they’ll agree with me, and know that I’m not nuts; and can then move on into more relevant subjects. But many other topics would not at all receive a warm reception. Go into a northern European audience, even a skeptical audience, and talk about 9/11 being caused by Islamic terrorists and they’ll laugh you out of the room — them Euros love their conspiracy theories. Go into a US college audience of skeptics and talk about gluten-free diets being worthless, and they’ll assume you’re a paid shill for the pharmaceutical industry. But both audiences are on board with Bigfoot and aliens."

You can read Brian Dunning's article, "WHY BIGFOOT AND ALIENS WILL CONTINUE TO BE A FOCUS" here.


  1. It bothers me that people think we know everything about everything.

  2. The Knower here.

    I myself am only a "skeptic" of the evidence.

    Heres what I know.

    The PGF suit is a confirmed fake. Kit's found it, and he sill be the one to show it. I've heard rumours of Bill Munn's telling a close friend he migt back out of examining the suit.

    The Ketchum Paper is deader than a Wood Ape shot point blank by Bipto. The "prize pig" hair was found to be fully modern human. Ketchum plans to use the Native American DNA part extracred for evidence of "Niphelim". She is in league with a very strange group of caucasian women, older, who falsely claim, like most Amerifats, to have Native Indian blood. They dress up as indians and do spirit rituals;(

    Its over.

    Yours Faithfully,
    The Knower (The Real)

    1. The Urinal here,

      Last night I was just hanging around the mens restroom wall at Red Lobster as I usally do and two men came walking in holding hands and walked into the shit house stall.
      One said 'Hey Knower,we got a good thing going.'
      Then the other one said 'You're right Enlightener,now bend over and show me that sweet taterhole.'
      After that,all I could hear was a bunch of groaning and butt slapping.

      The Urinal.

    2. Dr. Sykes study at Oxford is not dead and has only just begun. No one has proven the P/G film 100% fake OR real, and Bill Munns has not backed out of anything and is in fact going to speak publicly about it on October 20th at the Bigfoot Discovery Museums Discovery Days V in Felton:Santa Cruz, http://bigfootdiscoveryproject.com/

    3. That's why the knower is full of Bullshit! He makes crap up without anything to back it! He's on the outside of knowing what's going on.

    4. ^^^ The Knower here.

      I never said anything about the sykes study. I have NO inside info regarding it and therefore will not comment on it.

      I was talking about the Ketchum paper, of which i have inside knowledge. Not Sykes.

      Get your facts right.

      The Knower

    5. The Knower here,
      Bill Munns will NOT be speaking about the suit discovered by Kitakaze. He will back out of the visit, so I hear.

      Please read my statements before commenting on them Nadia. I hope you read through your science papers a bit better.

      Best Wishes
      The True Knower

    6. You get your facts straight.

      So,you and the Enlightener hooking up at Red Lobster huh.

      Were you the pitcher or the tight end?

    7. Bill Munns here,
      Who are you to say I will back out?
      The meeting with Kit is still on thanks to Cervelo.
      Really don't know who you are but you are out right lying about this.It's time to put this silly rumor to rest.
      Thanks for the heads up Mulder on this troll spreading lies.

      Oh,Hello Nadia.

      Bill Munns.

    8. The Knower here,
      So Bill, you WILL be visiting the suit with Kit?

      I heard from a very close source that xou had intentions of "stalling", then complrtely backing out, as it's now become obviouse to you that it IS the suit, and would ruin your reputation aka $$$$.

      My source might be wrong. It hsppens. Although I offer a 90% "hit rate" in terms of correct info.

      Best Wishes
      The Knower

      P.S as the owner of the suit to tell you the story of the "left foot". It is interesting. That is, if you actually go see it.

      Warm Regards
      The Knower

    9. Knower once more.

      Just did a bit of Research into this "mulder" character you speak of. Made a few phone calls and found out he was suspected of hoaxing a few years back. This is just what my preliminary sozrces tell me.

      I'll "probably" not pursue the matter further.

      Warm Greets,
      The Knower

    10. ^Give it up dude,you don't know shit.
      Seems like Ol' Bill let the air out of your balloon,just like 'Balloon Boy'.

      You too damn stupid to even know your game is over.

    11. Knower,Enlightener here,

      Are we still dating since the cat is out of the bag?

      Please don't dump me.
      You've always said I have the best taterhole you've ever had.

    12. The Knower here.

      Has Bill seen the suit? In person?


      Not yet?


      Then, speak. Until them. Wait.

      Best wishes
      The Knower

    13. I actually know The Knower is lying about this, in fact I know who this No-Knower jerk is from other sites and there is no Patty suit because Patty's a real Bigfoot and only warped morons think differently after all the thorough footage examination so why Munns would waste his time with this nonsense is beyond me. What he'll find if he does is a lame Blevins type rug at best, worthless and hardly a suit.

    14. I actually know that you know The Knower is lying about this.

      This is as silly as stepping in a pile of dung!

    15. Hey Knower, Im the guy who speculated on your source yesterday; its not so much who it is as much as that you actually HAVE a source. I think I'm right, but it does not matter. You seem to be right about the Elbe hoaxers being footers: Moneymaker would have outed them by now save for the fact they are fellow footers threatening to give him a hard time. i now pronounce you legitimate!

    16. ^ Hey dummy(Knower),it is common knowledge they were hoaxed,so quit making yourself look like you know something that nobody knows.

      Talking to oneself is bad for your brain.

      You must have 'Dain Bramage'.

    17. Um, don't give percentages. We all know where 99.98% got ME. You will be feeding the believer trolls just like I do to skeptic trolls.

    18. Please refrain from using someones sexuality as an insult. Its homophobic and not intelligent. As you have access to the internet you have no excuse to be so ignorant.

  3. I will be interested to see how all the smarty pants react once some legitimate and SCIENTIFIC DNA evidence is released.

    Some people are going to have to resort to amazing new levels of self denial and delusion to refute that.

    I have already seen enough evidence myself to be convinced something unknown is out there.

    Nadia Moore
    Zoologist/Avian Scientist
    M.S. UC Davis 1997

    1. yer a scientist and you talk like that on a bog comment section? I think that your tenure should be reconsidered as you obviously don't understand the scientific method at all...

      unless of course you are just a hobo at the library pretending to be a scientist thinking it will gain your asinine statements more crediblity

    2. ^Cork Soaker extraordinaire.^

    3. There is more chance of rediscovering the ivory billed woodpecker than of proving bigfoot exists. Would you agree with that statement?

    4. Nadia,
      Thank you for your post. I look forward to learning more of the evidence you have seen.


    5. Ugh! No wonder bf hides....... one day my furry friend, one day!

  4. never mind, I came to the conclusion you got a degree so you could better take care of your horde of house cats

    1. Taterhole licker.^
      Likes to pick on girls because his momma abused him.

    2. ^^^coward

      likes to post anonymously on blogs so nobody knows what an unimaginative weakling he is.

      Pick on girls eh? Women demand equal treatment right? well when they say dumb shit I call em out on it.

    3. And I guess Hill Billy is your real name?
      JACK ASS!!

      "Women demand equal treatment right? well when they say dumb shit I call em out on it."

      What a big man. I bet your butt buddy wears the pants in y'alls man to man relationship.
      Sorry your momma beat you as a child but that is really no reason to pick on the ladies.

      I'm the real Hill Billy.

      See,not my or your real name,dumb ass.

    4. Insult and troll all you like but when you show your homophobia you simply show you are wrong and your comments are not worth reading.

    5. Well then quit reading them you closet perv!!!

  5. I think someone needs to learn the meaning of skepticism before making embarrassing blanket statements about skeptics. It makes you look very dumb.

    1. Skeptics like to act clever pants for several reasons, and none of them means they're right. Fear and ignorance mostly for the average Joe, or actual knowledge the species is there but instructed to oppose it. These people are infiltrated in front positions everywhere, in science too - probably there especially.

    2. There are a lot of people out there calling them selves skeptics, who deny all evidence, make outrageous claims.
      I think the mentality is:
      I don't believe in something so any evidence of its existence is false and should be ignored and any witnesses are ether hoaxers, idiots or have been hoaxed themselves.
      These fools are just as bad as the believers who think every shadow or sound in the woods is a bigfoot.

  6. Even skeptics should keep an open mind, scientific knowledge is always growing and changing, you never know when some paradigm shiting evidence may be just around the corner and you certainly won't find it if you close your mind to the possibility. Stubbornly believing that the established scientific knowledge is complete, entirely accurate and free of corruption or errors isn't skepticism it's dogma, the exact thing science should fight against.

    The reason bigfootery is pseudoscience is because the taboo prevents real scientists taking a decent look at it.

  7. As a true skeptic and critical thinker I have come to the conclusion that Bigfoot doesn't exist. Why? Because there is not one shred of evidence to support its existence. None of the thousands of eyewitness reports, audio and video recordings, footprints, hair and scat samples. etc. count as evidence. Why? Because they can all be easily faked, including the Pateerson-Gimlin film. No, no, don't ask us skeptics to re-create it if it's so easy to do. Why? Because it's not up to us to prove it's fake; it's up to the believers to prove it's real.
    Even if the DNA findings come back as "unknown primate," it doesn't mean that it's from Bigfoot. It could mean that there's an undiscovered species of monkey out there. Never mind the fact that people aren't claiming to see monkeys in the forests of North America. That's beside the point.
    In conclusion, I really have a hard time believing there are eight-foot tall apemen eluding us to this very day. Ironically, I have no problem whatsoever in doubting that ANY of the so-called evidence is legitimate. Why? Because if even one piece of evidence is authentic, that would mean I was wrong. And I'm far too proud to ever admit that.

    1. I know who the knower is.he is either Robbert Lindsay or Robbert Lindsay's long time boyfriend..that is all I know!!

    2. Wrong 1:24. DNA will tell quite a good deal about its host body, like height which is very crucial knowledge here and it's hardly realistic to assume there's some eight feet tall new monkey out there no one's ever heard of before. Nope, Sasquatch it is.

    3. You are not a critical thinker. Eyewitness reports are evidence. Your claims are extraordinary and therefore require extraordinary proof. You yourself admit no evidence will be good enough for you, that proves your not a critical thinker. You would need to investigate all evidence from a neutral standpoint.

  8. To every post not written by The Knower or The Urinal thank you.

    To every poster not mentioning any orifices of the body or sick sexual innuendos a double thank you.

    I personally don't think there are skeptics as much as cynics who claim they are skeptics.

    SKEPTIC- dictionary definition

    a person who questions the validity or authenticity of something purporting to be factual.

    CYNICS-dictionary definition

    1.a person who believes that only selfishness motivates human actions and who disbelieves in or minimizes selfless acts or disinterested points of view.

    2.a person who shows or expresses a bitterly or sneeringly cynical attitude.

    I personally think there's a big difference in questioning and condemning another for their belief.

    Does the bitter sneering cynical attitude sound familiar to anyone familiar with this blog?

    1. CYNIC n. A blackguard whose faulty vision causes him to see things as they are, not as they ought to be.

    2. Sorry had to go somewhere. The Devil's Dictionary by Ambrose Bierce.

      Google Bierce. Quite a character. Disappeared, he did.

    3. Good grief, for a moment I forgot where I was. How could that have happened? LOL

    4. The proper combination of mary jane and beer does that to me on occasion.

    5. So funny anon at 5:21pm

      Regarding Bierce, he was an accomplished author and recognized military hero.However, disappear he definitely did and very mysteriously from reading about him. He was a famous Critic.

      Lol look at his definition of birth from the Devil's Dictionary.

      BIRTH, n. The first and direst of all disasters.

    6. I agree and the worst of these cynic-skeptics are now claiming to be critical thinkers.
      I also agree the homophobia on this site needs to stop it is sick.

    7. Thank you anon 6:28pm I agree.

      And you are right it is homophobia. I've had a couple of people tell me they will not read anything except the front page because the comments are disgusting.

      I also know a few who have left completely.

  9. The Enlightener here....

    To believe in bigfoot in this day of age is on par with believing the world is 6000 years old or the world is flat.

    The PGF was proven a hoax the day it was first examined by scientists in 67 but as some footers just cant let it go the suit is going to be revealed shortly.

    To believe in bigfoot is to associate yourself with the paranormal, mindspeaking forest men, sasquatch birthing stations, picnics with a family of 5 and so on.

    Finding bigfoot season 4. Point proven right there. Theres simply nothing to be found.

    The Enlightener

    1. Spoken as a complete twonk who completely misrepresents scepticism.

  10. Replies
    1. However, I'd be far more inclined to believe in Bigfoot's existence than the earth being 6000 years old and/or flat.

  11. Is it true that BFF footers Tontar and Kitakaze hoaxed the Elbe tracks ? Is Kitakaze defending him vehemently because he doesn't want Tontar to tell that he was the technical advisor ?

    1. I wonder if Kitakaze going to let Tontar take the whole fall for it.

    2. Who is Kitakaze and Tontar?

    3. Kitakaze and Tontar are a tag team in the World Bigfoot Wrestling Federation.

    4. Funny guy! Apparently they are hoaxers, right?

      Are they debunkers who hoax to prove they're right? You'd think they'd know enough not to get caught so easily.

      Perhaps they don't know as much as they think they do?

    5. Kitakaze is a flat out pathological liar and I can hardly believe more people can't see that. I can't to see how he lies his way out of pretending to have found the P/G suit.

    6. ^^
      Correction.. can't wait to see how he lies his way out of pretending to have found the P/G suit.

    7. Crazy bastards - my head hurts from reading the Elbe threads over @ BFF

      I think this whole thing was sponsored by Scaleburgers

      I like a good burger, but something didn't taste right there if you catch my drift Big Jim


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