Wayne Tells Us What It's Like To Have Bigfoot Throw Rocks At Him [Team Tazer Bigfoot]

In this video by Team Tazer, Wayne Burton shares his stories with Michael Merchant and Bill Brock on their trip to southern Ohio.


  1. It would be cool if bigfoot hit Merchant with a rock.

  2. I don't know if that hillbilly saw a Bigfoot or not, but I don't think he's going to have any videos about diction or conjugating verbs anytime soon.

    1. Well, Ohio is one of the redneck states not located in the south.

    2. apparently it has the largest klan enrollment of any state....

    3. Stank, what a terrible thing to say. They are out there doing their best. I've seen you be mean before but that first statement tops the others.

      Why even make a comment unless you're looking for attention or to antagonize someone. That was uncalled for.

      These are good guys who are serious about what they do.Are you that jaded that you have to come up with that kind of comment?

      Speaking of diction and conjugating verbs, what's your excuse in any of various past 100 posts?

      I expected something like that or worse from the tater guys but not you. Not about these guys.

    4. @anon 11:28 Live in Ohio...can confirm

    5. anon@12:36

      I was talking about the hard to understand hillbilly they were talking to, I love the team tazer guys, they crack me up (and I suspect that their entire act is just messing with squatchers and laughing to themselves behind the scenes).

      lighten up francis

    6. And I was talking about the hard to understand hillbilly. I understood them perfectly and Wayne and Dallas are good people.

      Why do you call yerself Hill Billy if you can't understand hillbillies?


  3. Is Team Tazer Bigfoot the people that re-directed their website to Porn?

    Just wondering.

    1. You redirected that domain Rick Dyer. And then you continue to come into Shawn's site and leave this tired flawed comment. Everyone knows you highjacked that domain name, your finger prints, address, phone numbers, company name, and your name is all over the registration. Why don't you take your side show off the couch, out of the burning RV with no window or seat and cast a track, made a video with a device other than your circa 1980 wvga phone? Do a casting video and prove your expertise I.D. tracks. You can't do it Rick, because you are a poser, and a serial hoaxer.

    2. X 1,000,000,000,000,001

    3. Uh, no, im not Rick.

      I'm some average guy that can't keep up with all this BF garbage. Rick or Team Tazer was behind it. But It seems that the only note worthy news is coming from Tazer or Rick, so thats why they get all this free press.
      Im just trying to piece together all the worthless info, dont know why.

  4. Nothing to see here. Just the team tazer fags out making fun of people again. How can people not see this? They're not being serious by being out with these 2 guys from Ohio. They're there for the sole purpose of making fun of them.

  5. Rick Dyer lives for Team Tazer. He must love em cause he can't talk about them enough.

    He such a narcissistic person that he can't see people don't even care about him anymore. Just in case someone might not know that kind of person is in love with themselves.

  6. actually Wayne is from across the river in Kentucky...Dallas is from southern Ohio...

  7. probably some land owner trying to run off some crazy rednecks.


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