Video Game Player Releases Another "Bigfoot" Footage

We call this YouTube user a video game player because of his name, WiiStandUnited, and also because of all the video game content posted on his channel. We have no idea where or how he's getting all these questionable "Bigfoot" videos, but they seemed to be getting a lot of views lately.

This latest video by him shows something that looks like a bear, but some say it looks like a man in a monkey-suit.

His other video: "I was on my way back inside after playing basketball when I glanced out at the tree line and saw something, big and black. I ran inside and got out my camera. I placed it on the gutter and filmed a large black animal of some sort. To big and quick to be human. I'm still shaking"


  1. looks like some one running while you sit in your car !! stop posting Fakes !! Get a grip

  2. what happened to the good ol' days of "camper" videos in blue and white tents . .. seems like so long ago. wait a sec, wasn't it only last week?

  3. Fake and gay. I don't like to use that word.. Screw it I'm saying it again, fake.

    1. Wow you can tell the sexuality f the bigfoot from this footage,amazing!

    2. I disagree its fake and straight!

  4. Good Lord, these are awful.
    Stationary camera with a distant dark subject. I'm guessing the kid filmed himself.
    Shawn, this still reminds me of the kid from last year who used his real name. Shortly after you ran the video, the kid pulled it. The surroundings in the second half of the second video look very, very similar to the one from last year.
    I would almost be willing to bet it's the same person doing this. Even the "oh, it's scary" routine is the same.
    I'll have to see if I can find it here.

    1. You wasted way too much time on this to post all that.... as did I... damnit.

    2. I know, but.... whoops, there I go again ;)

  5. A big big bombshell is about to be dropped on the Bigfoot world. Lets just say it was roger wearing the suit while gimlin filmed him. Remember when gimlin stated at a conference it was only him and roger at bluff creek that day... well he wasn't lying :)

    1. Well, that's a new twist. Now all you need to do is prove it. Either you need a film of Roger putting on the suit or you need Bob Gimlin to admit this in a video.
      You know, extraordinary claims and all that stuff.

    2. The Knower here

      Yes, Bigfoot IS real. You want the reason I'm in this at all? Because we could, you know like the dog. Same reason any other faker will give you, we fooled you for awhile that's all;)

      We HAD a suit yes but plans got railroaded and ultimately abandoned. Do you really think we'd advertize this months ahead? No we WANTED a bomb here and it blew up before I could control it, hence the conflicting comments lately by trolls and impostors:(

      I'm no technical wizard but personally I thought the result resembled Patty, it's partly on grounds of business betrayal we've parted company with our initial suitmakers.

      Best Wishes
      The Knower

    3. talk about calling the kettle black

    4. Off topic and a wild allegation!

  6. HMMM..bigfoot seems to be running out of trees in these videos,makes for tough tree peaking.not much of a vacation spot either.oh well,at least someones posting something bigfoot related,distantly,but still related.

  7. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...precisely

  8. This looks pretty fake but did anyone else notice the thing/person actually glides or floats between the trees at 00:32 to 00:33? Really weird. I don't know how someone could do that without a device of some sort. Any ideas?

    1. I saw it. It was an orb, which is a tiny ball of energy, a physical manifestation of a spirit... Either that or light reflecting off of a dust particle.

    2. I was talking about the 2nd video. Not sure what you are talking about..

  9. Moving right to left--must be a hoax!

  10. Ahhhh it's my grandma I would know her and her blue wigged friends anywhere


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