These Texas Bigfooters May Be The Closest To Capturing Bigfoot

The TBRC, after listening to their podcast, we're now convinced that these highly skilled and organized Texas Bigfooters are on the verge of discovery. Over the past year or two, they have recorded over 200 rock throwing events, opened fire on a Bigfoot and infiltrated a hotspot known as the "Valley of the Apes" or "Area X". Overall, these professional Bigfoot hunters have spent a total of 6 months out in the field, non-stop, learning as much as possible about the elusive "wood ape":

Over the last three years, the Texas Bigfoot Research Conservancy has intensified its efforts in an area it refers to as “Area X,” located in the heart of the sparsely populated and rugged, 7-million-acre Ouachita Uplift region. The region is approximately 225 miles from its easternmost extremity in Arkansas to its westernmost extremity in Oklahoma and is roughly 75 miles across from its northernmost to southernmost extremities. Alton Higgins, the TBRC’s Chairman and lead biologist, believes the Ouachita Uplift region, with its rich biodiversity and ecosystems, may serve as the central core area for the distribution of this extremely furtive and as yet unlisted species in the southcentral region of North America.

The TBRC is a "Pro-Kill" organization, and they believe a specimen is needed to prove the existence of Bigfoot. Many of their members are former military/special-ops type of guys and they are serious. The following podcast will give you an idea of who these people are and why we think they will be the first to bag a Bigfoot.

Click here to listen.

[via TBRC]


  1. of course not a photo or piece of film to be had!!!! just another tall story


    1. At least they're out there doing the work. Lazy asshole

    2. Doing the work ? They're murderers. Period. Far and away the worst bigfoot group out there, the species isn't a wood ape for fuck's sake. Can you imagine what it must be like to be the bigfoots to know these gun-toting jerk-offs are out there, it's equivalent to an old world slavery supporting mentality of feeling superior to other races and no different from the first settlers hunting Indians. The great white hunter and in essence a racist bunch, probably Romney voters too. Don't you realize it's left-over colonization ethics driving these boys with big toys, they're the shame of all America and a disgrace to the modern world. I bet every Native American they run into hates their guts.

    3. Anon @ 10/10/12:25 PM PDT, you have 0 evidence that says these things are anything other than figments of peoples' imaginations, so how could someone hunting them be anything other than someone hunting a fairy tale.

      Even if they are real, are these hunters doing anything more than hunting tall chimps? Again, no evidence for or against this theory.

      And, if they're hunting hominids closely related to humans, please do provide the proof of this, so we can all exhale, because, you know, we've all been holding our breath for that evidence, he said sarcastically.

    4. You want proof they're not apes? Proof is that we haven't and seemingly can't catch them to do so yet, so who's helping them. Were they apes sure we could find them and would've a long time ago, so evidently the big guy's not what we previously thought but something entirely different.

    5. If they exist this group is the only one with the organization and common sense to actually provide some proof. You will never have the species recognized nor any governmental protection provided without at least one specimen. To truly get enough funding and to attract the correct kind of field biologists, the people who should actually be studying these animals in the wild, you must provide the concrete evidence they will need to be convinced. No number of tracks, photos, videos, or even DNA evidence will ever be enough to start this ball rolling without a specimen. Stop deluding yourself, you want us to stop destroying land for lumber and farmland in this country and preserve it for the creatures who call it home then get out there and bag yourself a big guy. Otherwise you are just like all these other morons who are playing researcher in the woods, jumping at every sound and claiming its a "squatch". I have met two of the TBRC men at a conference in Tyler and I was extremely impressed with how clearly they see their goal and explain their reasoning. Living in Texas provides one endless opportunity to hunt as long as you are responsible and only bag your limit. I have a buddy who's father owns a big game ranch outside of Bowie Texas and have worked a single hunt there because of what I saw. They fly rich douchebags into the DFW airport and then bring them to the ranch on a helicopter. They pay 10's of thousands to fly in and shoot a ranch raised exotic. This to me is despicable hunting. The TBRC guys are responsible hunters who are taking the ONLY realistic approach to solving this mystery. No blood lust, just a level headed organized approach. A lot smarter than stomping around in the woods all night with Moneymaker screaming Bigfoot calls over your shoulder and whispering, "I think I heard a squatch," every time Bobo passes gas.

    6. Anon 12:25 fuck you and your "modern world" we dont want any of that gay liberal shit here in America anyways

    7. Anon 8:09, what makes you think you speak for America and what it wants. Shove your boyfriend's dick back in your mouth and shut the fuck up.

  2. ps "professional" bf hunters. who forgot to take a camera. they are pro killto identify the species as real yet a HD photo would go along way to doing that. if i spent 6months of my life tracking something id make damn sure i had a camera and video recored at hand for evidence. If not its jus another tall tale

    nonsense as per. if its not show us the evidence,since u havent, i can only deduce its another BF story time

    1. If these guys are operators running deep in the bush for long periods of time, then the pro-kill/no film approach makes sense.

      If your proof is a body, then why waste the energy luggin around video gear rather than a good rifle w/optics and some ammo.

      At least it's consistent with their stated objective.

      Without a body (evidence), this story is nonsense and suspect these guys would agree with you.

    2. Texas Yahoos. I hope they kill one and find themselves with all the conflicts that will bring. They won't be able to recast their role, they will be stuck with their actions and it will haunt them forever. They deserve that kind of future. And we can all forget them then and get on with something productive like making sure Texas is first on the list to ban hunting Bigfoots.

    3. 'making sure Texas is first on the list to ban hunting Bigfoots.'

      LMAO--- Won't ever happen you tree huger.

    4. Without tree huggers you wouldn't have state parks, federal , state, and county forests to hunt in and drive your 4wheelers, and federal parks and wildernesses for you to recreate at moron.

    5. I'm pretty sure it's sportsman who strive to obtain and protect those parks and habitats. You may not know that because while they are busy securing the funds and documents to continue conservation efforts. Unfortunately you credit the "tree hugger" because you saw some hoisting a cardboard sign.

    6. Cardboard sign made of wood,ohhh the irony!!!

      Fuck a bunch of tree huggers!

    7. Hey you true huggin Anon.

      If these guys are prior service operators, then you can assume they have killed men before, perhaps many. And in an upclose and peronal way so they are way beyond being concerned about killing a mythical animal.

      You really need to look past your own little culture and practice some of that tolerance for other cultures you tree huggin liberials preach about.

    8. I'm a hunter, fisherman, logger, camper, and a sierra club member. Trying to catorgize people who care about a sustainable environment as "tree huggers " is naive. Same people who complain about "tree huggers" are the same people using the very resources they don't have a clue how it came into being. If it wasn't for Trout Unlimited, Isaac Walton League, and Pheasants forever for example and their efforts general Joe Public who doesn't have $ for their own land would be screwed for hunting . Otherwise your alternative to all the hard work from these groups and "tree huggers" you would end up with paved over and sub-divided forests with " no trespassing signs" and polluted areas.

    9. Hey dick head when is the last time you looked into "tree hugging"? Of course people don't want 2000 year old Redwoods chopped, but do you realize "tree huggers" like me support sustainable logging! I support logging dickhead anon 8:38! I live in a logging town. Past work from " tree huggers" has brought the US to have one of the best logging practices out there. Try going to Malaysia and see what unregulated logging is doing to their landscape. Do you want to go back to the destructive practices from our history? Mainstream nowadays talk about how we are much better in forestry than we were 100 years ago. You have a lot to learn. Read a book! Talk to the DNR. Narrow minded views are ignorant. We are not against all logging-in fact logging is what protects our open spaces and hunting/ recreation opportunities!

    10. Merriam Dictionary

      Tree hugger
      Usually an upper class college student who is attempting to rebel. They are usually vegetarian which causes them to be skinny pale and sickly. They are also usually seen sporting MAC computers and VW beetles with pollyphonics spree blaring in the radio. They claim to be environmentalist but tend to just be mental. They enjoy pushing their crazy beliefs on people, not for the planets sake but to make everyone as miserable as they are. also see hippie

      "I dont eat meat, meat is murder"
      "I'll show you murder you tree hugging twit now take your 75 pound boney protein deficient hairy ass get back in your dads BMW and go find another piontless cause to adopt for the week"

    11. Not just sportsman who have secured the funds . Not just tree huggers either. Nature conservancy has bought, protected more recreational land in my state than all of the hunting groups combined. Guess what ? It can be logged, taxed, hunted , and atv'd on and used by all. Not bad for "tree huggers" who hold recycled cardboard signs! Thank them next time you hunt and fish on one of their protected properties ( or Squatch)!

    12. Anon 10:54 you must be extremely stupid. I'm what you call a "tree hugger" and I hunt and fish, I don't drive a VW but rather a Honda , and I support logging and recreation. You seem very out of touch. Very small amount of people are that extreme and frankly I think we need both sides of extreme to get a common middle ! Are you one of those freshman senators who don't believe in compromise and only see black and white?

    13. Anon 10:54 is a redneck! Look that up in your "own version ) of the dictionary ass wipe!

    14. Sounds like anon 10:54 is doing exactly what he is accusing tree huggers of doing- pushing his views on others! What a hippocrit!

    15. What does anon 10:54 have against BMW? Sounds like a very spiteful individual. Must not like to hunt and fish himself. Hey where do you take your silly ass hunting and camping? Oh a " state forest"? Public land? What a Dork!

    16. the tree higgers are pissed because their pet obama isn't going so well for them. so that is giving these libtards a bad day. he's still right your are tree hugging, bleeding heart STUPID LIBERALS! you treehuggers better take a long look at your commie red president, cause he's going bye, byes! AMERICA WILL RISE AGAIN!! so f-ing long barry soetoro!!!

    17. Commie? What country are you reffering to moron? Last time I checked we live in a democratic country and communist countries don't have "tree huggers" ! Your a friggen hypocrit if your against free speech and the right to organize! Yes we have to even listen to your crazy ass shit because we live in America . So go back and read your post and see who is the commie! Tree huggers are allowed in a free country and have a right to express their opinion. It's when they are banned and not allowed to speak or express their views then you will be living in a communist country. Dumbass!

    18. Frothing at the mouth, right-wing loons like yourself are the reason that moderates helped vote President Obama in, back in 2008. Don't look now but they're going to do it again in 2012. So thank you, Mr. RWNJ, your assistance is invaluable.

      PS The south will never rise again.

    19. Webster Dictionary

      tree hugger
      Tree huggers are people who aspire to live in trees for months on end in order to save the trees from being cut down to make room for commercial endeavers by the owners of the property on which the tree(s) are located. Their environmental activism is often funded for by the capitalism of their parents.

      'Myra is going to live in a tree for six months while her parents pay her student loans and credit card bills. She's such a good little activist.'

    20. Being a veggie actually makes you stronger and live longer, meat eaters don't know that because they're dumb and fat while we're healthy and pale which is a good and beautiful thing unlike tans and bad yahoo teeth.

    21. A veggie? What are you a fucking potato head?

    22. That's right,I even have sour cream for brains.

    23. Abraham Lincoln, Yeah, right Obama will win re-election... LOL. He couldn't put two words together without a teleprompter and someone else writing his speeches! He showed what a commanding figure he is during the debate. Vice-Stupid is debating tonight and i can't wait to hear this fiasco!

    24. X 1,000,000,000,000,000,001

    25. Ryan is the worst liar of the liars. 9/10 fact checks he was wrong, incorrect, or flat out lied. I'm voting for a write in!

    26. I'm in the 49% of hard working, tax- paying , college educated, fully employed leeches apparently Romney thinks doesnt matter. Screw him!

    27. Damn Bro,you're all alone on that one.

    28. Apparently not. There is a lot of working married couples who contribute huge to this economy ( mortgage, prop. Tax, autos, consumer goods) that have children and get deductions and child care credit that get most fed taxes back but pay heavily in other taxes. Those represent about 30 percent of Romneys 49 %

    29. Can't help it if you're poor,bitch.

    30. Wrong again, the Vice-Presidential debate is Thursday night, coprolite for brains.

    31. @12:32

      A study was just released that links a protein deficient diet with early-onset dementia. Yeah, I know you have other sources of protein, but the article addresses this and points out the number of vegetarians in their 40's who are showing up with dementia. I honestly could care less what you do for your own diet, I have a few friends who are vegetarians, I just thought I'd pass this on to you. Man certainly has the choice to choose to not eat meat, but biologically we are meant to. It's all right there in the teeth.

    32. I dont think 82k/ yr is poor bitch! Middle class!

    33. A study has been released that an all red meat diet gives you a 78% chance of having a massive heart attack by your early 50's and a 65 % increased chance of colon cancer!

    34. Who said anything about an all red meat diet? You grab for straws because you got nothing. Vegetarians are trendy douchebags who love to think they are better than everyone. The rest of us laugh behind your back while we enjoy not passing out from breathing too hard. You constantly make unfounded claims that a vegetarian diet is healthier while the rest of us can just look at your pasty ass and tell you are vitamin deficient. Go drink your mochafrockalatte and shut the fuck up. I think I will forgoe any diet tonight and eat a rare porterhouse in your honor you pretentious waste of space.

    35. Plenty of way to get vitamins like milk for one or even fish for some. Sounds more like the pretender is you, meathead. And trips to the tanning studio won't help you either.

    36. ^Gets protein from the end of a dick.

    37. Lol, fish is meat dumbass.

  3. I don't come down on either side of the kill argument but the person who took the shot at a supposed BF needs to have his weapons confiscated for being a horrific shot. People like that are going to get others killed in their rush to be "the man".

  4. The Knower here.

    I have it from a good source that one of the men in this photo is respobsible for about 199 of those 200 rock throwing incident. There is also some heavy mass psychosis / groupthink going on... Lots of "did you see that?.. Yeah.. I think so.. Me too!" Stuff.

    There was ONE incident a suit was used. Not a gorilla suit, but a dogmanesque ghillie suit. The person who hoaxed them has since stopped working with the group. However, the other fella is still in the group. He has organized "shootings" and was responsible for the "wood ape" crashing up against the cabin, which he coordinated with another bleever/hoaxer via text message from inside said cabin.

    There are no Wood Apes in area x

    Best Wishes

    The Knower

    1. Now we really know your making EVERYTHING UP now "knower" .please remove this waste of life's comments off of this site! Wasting all of our time .

    2. The Knower here.

      You can try to silence the truth. It's what hoaxers like you want. I just want to help the bigfoot community weed through all the BULLSHIT hoaxers like "Area X", so that maybe, just maybe, if bigfoot exists in N.America, you might actually find him.

      P.S, yes, the property owners themselves are involved in the hoaxing of Area X, and hoping a "erickson" will come around purchase the land for triple its worth. Also, Bipto is hoping for a Finding Bigfoot episode, as is the hoaxer on his team.


      Fuck Hoaxers.

      Best Wishes,
      The Knower

    3. P.S
      The fact that several of the members are "Special -Ops" might give you a clue as to how easy it is to infiltrate and hoax an event such as tree knocking or rock throwing or whooping or whatever. It also explains the ability to stay out of gun range whilst wearing a ghillie suit. But that guy wasnt shooting at anything anyway. Thats why he shot alone and told the other members to "stay behind

      Your's in Exposing Hoaxes

      The Knower

    4. The Knower did give us all the details on this group several weeks ago. He doesn't seem very angry or mentally deficient. Calling people "retarded" seems to be an anger related issue. Just saying. ;)

    5. He's a bad liar sitting im mommy's dressing closet that's all.

    6. The Knower was going to out the Elbe tracks hoaxers but failed to do so, just like Matt Moneymaker...Hey, wait a minute. Is Moneymaker the Knower?

    7. The Knower here.

      The Hoaxer is the guy that found em.

      Best Wishes
      The Knower

  5. I would love to see their "spec-ops" credentials since I have heard them speak and have no reason to think that any of the ones I heard have any such background.

    1. Special-Ops "type" backgrounds. The key word there is special as in short yellow bus. I read this as, they are unemployed Special Ed bus drivers.

    2. Sounds like you know a lot about the short bus there sport.

    3. Yeah, I was your bus driver.

    4. ^Thinks he's the bus driver and everyone lets him think that,poor little fella.

    5. ^Is that the best you can come up with "Sport"?

    6. Wow you really are retarded! Sorry for making fun of you.

  6. I cannot support a kill mission. Have you considered the potential repercussions of such a act...

    1. Nobody cares about what you think or support. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

    2. No, kill one, drag it to the nearest network news station immediatly and broadcast it everywhere.

      The best repurcution is real scientists and biologists will finally get invovled and protection legislation would move forward as well.

    3. I' don't know who said it but the definitoin of insantiy is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results. Shoot to kill is different and will get the job done.

      So far all the video, photo, dna, foot print, scat, audio, eywitness evidence hasn't got us any closer to proving this creature is real. Time to take a different approach since the current approach keeps yielding the same results.

    4. You cretins forgetting something? Smeja, hello? He killed two for you and that's still not enough for some trolls, trolls don't really give a shit for this species they don't think it exists anyway but it does of course only these clowns won't find it. The hairy ones been shot at for centuries and they still escapse. Think hard about why that is and think about why they smell so horribly, could be they're not of this Earth so these Texas dudes can blast away all they like they won't ever catch them. Not one. Nor would they be permitted to carry through with it, like most squatch groups they're likely infiltrated by feds and any attempt at recovery of remains stopped. It'll be like it never happened which is why there's never been any government sanctioned research or expeditions as they already know and protect these beings from public detection. That is, you can have your solo run ins privately in forests but you'll be ridiculed for the sighting, at least that's been the agenda thus far who know how tactics will change now DNA is the new alley of proof.

    5. Show us Smejas dead Bigfoot body.
      What,you can't?
      It's too secretive?
      I smell Bull Shit.

    6. I bet you wont be saying that after a bigfoot shoves that guitar up your ass and turns you into some sorta weird musical human popsicle. Freak.

  7. Maybe you and your guitar can go out and sing one in.... fag.

    1. Joe tried that and had one come in but the Bigfeets took his guitar and beat him over the head with it.

  8. No way these clowns are gonna shoot a BF in texas, it will never happen..Jokers have a better chance of killing the toothfairy...LOL funny post

    1. Firstly, Texas does have Bigfoot. Secondly, they're trying to shoot one in Oklahoma not Texas.

    2. Next week on South Park...Ned and Jimbo go looking for Bigfoot.

    3. Why not,Stan already killed Scuzzlebutt.

  9. F'ing idiots. They haven't learned much in their efforts, except maybe how to piss off a Bigfoot. Good luck when you down one. You know they rarely travel alone, right? F'ing idiots with delusions of grandeur.

    1. Yeah, the cluster flock will get them.

    2. Bigfoots are sissys. They mindspeak with lame new-agers like Arla and Melba. Weak. I hope the TBRC blows the whole lot of them out of their panties.

    3. Can't think of any reports with Bigfoots wearing panties. Have heard that more than one hunter shat his own.

  10. They ar epushing very hard as to "dumb down" the "wood APE" as being just an animal and not having any human character. This asumption due to the "apelike" behaviors observed in area x. The potshot was supposedly at 30 yards or so with OObuck and 3 slugs..12 ga. Buck winged him a litle ..slugs missed. Probably not too safe of an area to hike in the woods what with pissed off BF and trigger happy hunters. Sad and typical of our human condition. easier to kill than to be friendly.

    1. That's why these gun idiots are deplorable simpletons like some late flat earthers not seeming to understand what they're messing with that they'll likely regret the day they ever went out there, so if the big ones don't get them the authorities that already protect them will. Bottom line is, the hairy man's no ape they're forest people and that's the whole secret.

  11. Psychologists say that we project our own values/views on others, in this case the TBRC is projecting their own lack of intelligence and ape behavior onto Bigfoots.

  12. RIP Alex Karras,AKA Mongo from Blazing Saddles!

    Loved that movie and his scene where he knocks out the horse.

    Again,RIP Alex.

  13. BTW it was stated early on the written discourse how it was believed that the TBRC would be first in obtaining a "dead" bigfoot. My question is it more important to be "1st" or is it more omportant to further the study of an unclassified spieces? Is it more important to be bigfoot hunters or to be habituators and study these creatures? Alive specimen would go a lot longer in verifing the bigfoot than a dead one. What if te bigfoot is proven to be close homo sapiens? and who would be accountable for its death; yes death and be accountable?
    Some bloggers this morning have also raised the question about film shot.

    1. if bf is human or close .killing it would be murder

    2. How is it murder? Aborted babies are clearly human based on their DNA but because of their state of development, society beleives it's ok to murder them.

      Society doesn't even consider bigfoot real so at the time the shot is taken, it would not be an issue even if the DNA came back close to human.

    3. Techically it'd still be murder, legally who knows but definitely a criminal offense in the future.

    4. There is not a court in this country who would convict someone of murder for this. You are living in a fantasy world if you believe a species that is an average 2 feet taller than a man and covered in hair is 100% Homo Sapien.

      Please shoot yourself in the face in hopes of strengthening the gene pool.

    5. No, technically it would NOT be murder. Murder is for humans; homo sapien sapiens. Since there are NO OTHER genius's of homo known to exist in the first place, then how can you murder something that doesn't exist? You can't, period.

    6. Both you trolls would end up on death row for murder or hunted down by angry bigfooters, so no matter what you do you can only lose. Killing something that isn't an animal that's murder ultimately in the eye of the courts, especially when this is hominin, but it's not going to happen anyway since it's been prevented to get to the public's attention in the past. That's why these Texas clowns can shoot all they want they won't get anything out of it, the powers that be don't want this species' true nature revealed and the hairy guys themselves aren't interested either.

    7. Talks to himself and answers his own questions^.

    8. So angry bigfooters wouldnt be committing murder when they hunted me down? No one was trolling, just stating the facts. Hopefully you got a deep breath before you shoved your head entirely up your own ass.

    9. Still talks to himself and still answering his own questions.^

  14. Every time someone calls me a tree hugger I'm going to call them a gun humper.

    1. Yea,that'll hurt their feelings ya jackass.

      Think about this,if a rapist was attacking your child would you beat him off with a stick or pull your 9mm out and shoot him in the balls?

      Just saying..........

    2. This is my weapon, this is my gun, one is for fighting, the other for fun...

    3. Guns are phalic symbols and basically an impotence replacing tool for some men, we should really pity them this lethal masturbating hobby leaving wifey unsatisfied at home.

    4. Yea,use your dick to beat off that rapist while I shoot him in the head.
      See who stops him first you tree hugger.

    5. If he runs out of oxygen due to the lack of enough trees then neither will survive nut job!

    6. You Sir are living in a fantasy world.

      'If he runs out of oxygen due to the lack of enough trees then neither will survive nut job!'

      I cannot believe you just said that. This is 2012, not 3999.

      Maybe you were just joking,right?
      I hope so.

    7. That's what I meant. Try pumping alcohol at a rate of a case of beer a day From now on forward and sprinkle a little meth in and see if it doesn't change your health. Now do that with pollution on the planet and chop 2/3 of all the trees down and see what happens. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what happens ! Takes years , but it will change. To think different would make you a simpleton idiot. -the knower!

    8. The Knower doesn't know his asshole from a
      hole in the ground.

      'That's what I meant.'

      Jack ass.

    9. The Knower is the Red Neck.

  15. Someone needs to bag a Bigfoot and bring it in already!

    All this shit talking is getting old.

  16. Maybe after a lot of their research they may find out that big foots are more intelligent than previously thought and will have the heart not to shoot. Maybe? Or, they may just be a bunch of crazy monkey people!

  17. The TBRC is a bunch of dumb rednecks that actually think there is a real bigfoot out there. I'm glad they're in TX and OK, please stay there.

    Tards with guns and beliefs are dangerous.

    1. Tards with half a brain and a key board are dangerous.

    2. How so? They won't be shooting some innocent hiker or camper.

    3. Why is it ok to "tolerate" cultures but single out others "dumb rednecks"

      The only gun culture to fear is the inter city and those who collect guns illegally.

    4. How do you know they won't shoot some camper or something, it's totally irresponsible behavior they're conducting.

    5. It's private land.
      Do you go camping on private land?
      If you do it's illegal.

  18. Sunglasses - Check
    Webbing - Check
    Camo - Check
    Cap - Check


    1. yeah, GREY cameo on the turd on the right... he'll be the first one picked up and thrown against a tree... then bigfoot will silently drop from a tree next to johnny 12 pack on the left and push his super cool mirrored sunglases into his eye sockets.

    2. I guess they should be wearing pink tutus.
      Is that what you wear when you go to the woods?

    3. No sunglasses, under foliage (NOT REQUIRED) webbing (NOT REQUIRED) Cap (NOT REQUIRED) Camo (why? NOT REQUIRED)

  19. i didnt get that when i contacted the TBRC they said they were a NO KILL group, this doesnt make sense...

  20. Americans have to be the most gullible people I know.

  21. Is the guy in front Bipto - founder of the Bigfoot Forums?

    Also, the guy on the right didn't forget his camera.

  22. Exactly who are these special ops guys???? Brian Brown? Kathy Strain?? Chris Buttonbaugh?? Alton Higgins??? LMFAO

  23. To the anon that posted:
    AnonymousWednesday, October 10, 2012 7:43:00 AM PDT
    'making sure Texas is first on the list to ban hunting Bigfoots.'

    LMAO--- Won't ever happen you tree huger.

    First of all, it's HUGGER, not huger. Second of all, why won't it "ever happen"? It is ALREADY a law on the books in one county in California. That is one area I know of for sure, I believe there are a couple of other ones too. SO, banning the killing of bigfoots is already a reality.

    1. That's California where all the FREAKS are you jack ass.
      It was put into law so the fuckers like you would be appeased,you tree hugging long haired taterhole sniffing dog fucker.

      Have a nice day.

    2. You can get five years in jail and a $10,000 fine for killing Sasquatch, in Skamania county, Washington. Also, Whatcom County, Washington has been declared a Sasquatch Protection and Refuge Area and a no-kill zone for Bigfoot.

    3. Oh yeah I forgot to say , You jackass!

  24. Clearly if you believe there is a bigfoot, and intend to shoot one then it'll be interesting how much of your life you'll spend attempting to bag the tooth fairy. I hope you don't accidently bag something that might look similar.

    It takes a mental midget to go in the woods armed looking for bigfoot. Education, get some! Before you end up killing some innocent hiker.

  25. I say KILL ONE! and lets get this over with!!!!!

    1. Cool, let me know when you first find one and prove they exist. Then shit man! blast those puppies into the next millenium.

  26. Special ops my ass. More like the short bus. Great story, some rednecks think the best thingto do is to go kill an endangered species just to prove it is alive. Highly skilled and organized, that's a joke. At least i can hope for a "hunting accident" to happen with brokeback TBRC. SHAWN get your shit together and stop helping douche bags like these liars (spec. Ops)and fatty sano, how many times are you going to post about that stupid Halloween crap. Is your own blog a joke to you now? Do you have any filter or is any shit good shit to you? Hey everyone guess who doesn't hang on fasano's and dyer's every word, bigfootlunchclub. Shawn is obviously in with fasano probably dyer too or else he would have quit posting their bs.

    1. And the sad part is,squatches aren't even
      animals they're basically giant people only their bodies are covered in hair so it makes them outcasts to us. TBRC are morons, pure and simple. To prove anything endangered lives by killing it, why that's insane when they're not even endangered to begin with and doing fine these clowns just want bloody glory. Ask any environmentalist in the modern age if killing anything rare is a good idea, I think they'll say you're mad and need to change your principles. Preservists observe and collect data, that's the genuine approach not gung-ho like it's still the Wild West. We can't at the same time protest similar digusting means elsewhere and still do it here, grow the fuke up.

    2. will one bigfoot corpse be enough to prove it's existence? Or will just one body be considered a "freak of nature"?

      It might take more than one body.

  27. this site should be call

    1. This coming from a guy with a name of a$$hole.

  28. I'm wondering if the number of 'encounters' has been the same since the property was sold.

  29. All I'll say is hunting is difficult with keen animals, pressured animals, hunted animals.

    You can sit among whitetail deer all day in a field while they are 50 yards away in the thicket; you wont see them during legal hunting hours. After hours you'll only see eyeshine.

    1. Or, I see them all time until I have a gun in my hand and I'm actually hunting them. Animals can sense a "killing intent" it puts them on a higher alert state. If hunger or sex is driving them to ignore it, then you may get a shot.

    2. Yea I'm the say way when it comes to Burger King or a prostitute.

  30. Being fat seems to be a requirement for the best bigfoot hunters.

    1. That's fucking slander right there. Name one person who searchers for bigfoot who is...ah, never mind! ;)

  31. i hope bigfoot kills these fuckers

    1. Didn't anyone hear me? I said KILL THE BIGFOOT!!! Lets put an end to all this crap!

    2. No, I'm still suffering from MK's infrasound!

    3. They claim to have opened fire on a Bigfoot but have no kills under their belts. Former military/special OPS? LOL.

    4. No we didn't hear you 11:29 now buzz off.

    5. I hope they are using machine guns in their hunting. Blast a squatch! Blast one! Blast two! Blast three!

      I am sick and tired of people wasting time with cameras, recorders, thermal imaging, prints, scat, hairs, etc. We have all those things and have for years.

      It's high time for a kill and the proof that goes with it.

    6. I would but I'm busy doing your mom,sorry.



    1. There's that buzzing again.

    2. That'll be MKs infrasound clip, my ears are still throbbing also.

    3. What a total geek, there'll be no studying them closely because they aren't animals they're a sort of people you can't get close to. A tribe all by themselves now, they got here by foot or by spaceship who knows but it's a big hush-hush in any case.

  33. Saying these are anything but animals is nothing but an emotional response. There is absolutely no evidence regarding that. Saying otherwise is just false. For those that actually read the articles and listen to the podcasts, you know that hoaxing in this case is less likely than this being the real deal. You don't get hoaxers at all hours of the day and night in rough terrain for months on end. That's not even remotely critical thinking. As for the spec ops stuff, I don't know where that comes from. The ones I've met seem pretty solid. They are in fact educated, and in most cases more than the average commenter that is calling them morons. Try reading their research, its on their website.

    The guys in the picture are Lyle Blackburn, Jerry Hestand, and Chris Buntenbah. Try reading the article. And lying about them being a hoaxer could get you sued. I do know there are several folks that used to be in the TBRC that left on less than good terms. I've seen them spewing the same kind of stuff every time a positive article is posted. Sounds like The Knower is one of them that is holding a grudge.

    1. To insist they're animals is to justify killing, it's the only emotional response here because it goes against all logic to assume that's all they are. If they were wouldn't we have found them many years ago as well as safety warnings issued concerning such wild beasts.
      Had the legend said they were knucklewalkers and not bipedal everything would've been different, authorities would've acknowledged their possible existence and issued statements. Now instead they're afraid to why this is still a secret subject.

  34. 6 months in the field and nothing but rock throwing stories huh. Can't be too skilled, maybe full of ground sloth shit cuz this seems like a big pile to me.


    1. But there the TBRC, the best of the best who shit on everybody else....

    2. The hair sample they found will not be included in the Sykes study. We would have been informed otherwise by now. The inside hoaxers are most likely the ones who found the hair, and it is from a known animal.

    3. Oh get fucking real will you. You can't get clear photos, you can't get clear video BUT who hoo we have some hair we found.....

      It's fucking laughable. WE NEED 'IF' they exist 3 bodies.

      And unless somebody really has the balls to 'GO' wild to hunt one for months, this will never, ever, ever happen! So round and round and round we go.....

      It's so simple to resolve...but!!!!!

    4. Their hair sample IS being included in the Sykes study. That has been stated more than once and in more than one place. Do you people read?

  35. Alright!!! I like the words "open fire" and "pro kill."

    Finally some serious bigfoot hunters who aren't pussyfooting around with cameras!

    Getting a specimen is the only way to go.

  36. Shoot the thing in the head-drag corpse in to be poked and prodded....then we can discuss ethics, morality, human relation ect.. Without a body on a slab,no amount of pictures, video, eye witness accounts will mean anything. Unless someones got a humane BF trap, so we can study and release. Although I am believer, BF will only exist with a physical specimen.

  37. There is no bigfoot in texas. Lower case t intentional

  38. yes there is... I have seen them kill hogs, does not matter if you believe me or not, I know they are real.

  39. How is one body going to help? Won't it simply be chalked up to a freak of nature? Seems to me that two maybe 3 bodies are going to be needed to make this approach scientifically viable.

    Not worth it in my book... live and let live!!!

    1. If someone uses the freak of nature excuse to you, please shit in their mouth.

    2. "freak of nature" is the most ridiculous excuse. A freak of nature is a 2 headed calf or a lizard with 2 tails. a freak of nature is NOT an 8' primate living in the forests of North America. A single body will immediately establish a modicum of credibility to 1000's of reports and spur legitimate mainstream interest in the species. With the ability to fake video and photography, nothing less than a "body" will do.

  40. The Knower uses the word "whilst". Seems he is British.

  41. So you think they will be first to "bag" a bigfoot? ........ more like they will be the first to be torn to pieces by a group of bigfoots far larger than they anticipated.
    And is it me, or does the guy on the left need a one, two, front hand, back hand slap with a chain mail glove?

  42. The most awesome part is that once the TBRC finally brings a specimen in, all the rest of you couch potatoe "big footers" will be rendered useless, and all the skeptics will eat a huge pile of crow shit.

    The Squatchanator

  43. The TRBC is f#$king EVIL. They are bad guys. I will be glad to see them go down.

  44. Replies
    1. Then just run in any direction until you can no longer smell the scent of cheap cologne and home made beef jerky, and you'll be safe.

  45. Does anyone know where that show is from? Is it a weekly podcast?


  46. There is already two in the bag alive. Just ask yourselfs who has gone silent?

  47. I wouldn't want to be in those woods now with a wounded BF. Some one is going to get their head ripped off...

  48. Ummm...the injured one was over a year ago. You folks really should read things in context. I'm guessing no one got their head ripped off yet, because they seem to still be doing field work, unlike everyone else that is posting. Unless of course you count the ones that seem to be frolicking in the woods with the bigfoots and fairies. Lay down the crack pipe folks. Its a big ape if its real. And after all of the sightings, at least SOMEONE has gotten off their ass to go look for it. Kudos to the guys, fat or not, that actually DO something instead of just sitting in their mom's basement talking about how evil people with guns are.

    1. There are Plenty of people who have got off thier asses and have done good work in the field.

      None of them act like this bunch(TBRC) Of A-Holes, I think your the one who needs to put down the crack pipe and go back to your fry station.

    2. yes, sound advice from someone who calls himself phartgoblin . .. lol

    3. Would someone PLEASE just KILL one of these hairy assholes (Bigfoots) and put an end to all of this frustration!!!!!!!

    4. Yea... But he forgot to bring it back!!!!

  49. Phartgoblin, tell me who has done "good" research that actually proved anything? You can't, because this animal still doesn't officially exist. That means their "field work" meant nothing. You can't protect an animal or its habitat that doesn't officially exist. Having to kill one sucks, but it has to happen in order to protect them. It doesn't matter if its natural causes, logging truck, or shot by someone. There has to be something to document.

    As for how the TBRC acts, explain. You call them A-holes and talk about how horrible they act. What have they done other than try to collect a specimen, which you disagree with? Scientists collect specimens every day. Sometimes of known species, just to verify ranges or other information. I don't see a difference. And honestly, your attitude seems to be one of the worst.

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