Short Guide On How To Find Bigfoot

Mitchell Waite has written an article on about "How To Find a Bigfoot: Part 1". Waite says that in order to find Bigfoot, one has to understand what Bigfoot need to thrive. Besides looking for sufficient food and water resources that might support such a creature, you also need to seek locations where there are no people around (this includes researchers). Waite explains:

Bigfoot needs the absence of man. This criterion is constantly changing for the Bigfoot. Man keeps encroaching on Bigfoot’s territories making it more and more difficult to find places to thrive in peace and safety. However in the human world, this presents a “Catch 22” for the Bigfoot. On one side, Humans want to know about such an animal, and there is a scientific need for a Bigfoot corpse to establish the actual existence of such an animal. On the other hand, Bigfoot could be considered an “extreme endangered species” and needs the protection as such.

You can read Waite's full article, "How To Find a Bigfoot: Part 1", here:


  1. Loved the photoshopped picture on the site - lots of hidden Bigfoots in it. That would make a cool poster.

    1. Fake evidence then draw attention to yourself aka Cliff Barakman and Elbe Tracks, Monkeyfaker and his show, Ketchum and her (nonexistent) paper, smeja and his sierra kills bullshit

      bigfoot is a very human myth its dna definitely homo sapiens

    2. @anon 9:52 , why waste your time coming here if you have such a closed mind? You're either a closet-footer or a fuckwad with no life who is determined to anonymously convince others that you're "right". Either way, get a backbone or a life.

    3. + 1000000. I never get idiots like Anon 9:52! Never has made sense to me that someone that closed minded would be here. Just a great example why there is some really stupid people out there.

  2. Replies
    1. Lots of people. Requires you to get off of your ass , back your car out of the garage, drive yourself out of the concrete jungle, and get out into the woods (central park doesn't count) And stay late . Then maybe your chances to see or hear one go up dramatically . Good luck.

    2. nah,that sounds like work

  3. And this is why knee jerk reactions will close off the forests. It is also part of the reason I think bigfoot is not ever going to be proven by normal methods. Too much money is at stake. Bigfoot has lived with hundreds of years of people clear cutting timber. Yet they are still around. Wildlife like bears and cougars are thriving in many states with heavy forest use policies. These same states also have the highest number of sightings of bigfoot. They utilized the same food sources as bears and cougars and human. They have been seen in towns and on many farmlands. What do you think they are doing on farms and orchards? Harvesting food. They have adapted to us just fine. We don't need to "protect" them by closing off the forests. This is what needs to be done. A bigfoot must be killed. It must be brought to the local tv news stations in the middle of the day so there are plenty of people are around. Once it gets broadcast it will be too late to cover up. Then science can figure out where it falls as a species. While the scientific study is going on, state and federal laws can be emergency enacted preventing further killing of any bigfoot. Including any further profits made from bigfoot killings. The reason I say a bigfoot must be killed and not captured is any live bigfoot will be tortured nonstop. Poked, prodded, tested, stabbed, cut, probed, and all kinds of things that would likely drive it mad. Nothing should suffer like that. It sucks to kill one, but nothing else will prove existence except a body. Either one that is dead or one we will make suffer horribly.

    1. sound like what has happened to me for last year.( Poked, prodded, tested, stabbed, cut, probed, and all kinds of things that would likely drive it mad).dont beleive me go to reelthng4u on utube

  4. I dont know why someone with a lot of resources wont agressively pursue and capture or kill one. Sure, there are groups out there that listen for wood knocks, do call blasting and maybe see evidence of one or a fleeting glimpse. But a large group of well equiped hunters with some serious financial backing could finally answer the question of its existence (for the rest of the world that hasn't seen one). That would only be one of the most important scientific events.....ever! And it would serve to protect them.

    1. Right on. Well said. Systematic "hunt" with 50 hunters in a hot sighting area, we have the skills, technology, volunteers, get close to one(many people seem to while searching for them at night)shoot one(sorry, only way to prove it) worry about repercussions after the body is recognized by science,since they don't exist, anyway, done in a month or so, end of mystery, then they can sell the footage and story, make investment back. Just need someone with the cash and this attitude.

    2. no one can catch a fake animal

  5. They don't avoid all people. They jus avoid stupid people. That makes them smarter than me for reading this article.

    1. You must be the one person who bought FB/FB You Are Sasquatch.

    2. +1 comment. They avoid Mitch, he claims in a recent youtube a Bigfoot attacked his homemade trailer and bent the angle iron trying to get at him. I feel stupid for knowing that.

    3. 6:33, Now that is a great comment!

  6. I like the new ad on this page for Sassy Glassy


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