Reality TV Show Rewarding $10 Million Prize For "Irrefutable" Proof of Bigfoot

Remember the Hollywood casting firm that sent out the memo to Bigfoot hunters a while back ago? The firm said they were casting for a new series on a "Major Cable Network" that "will bring together the nation’s most elite Bigfoot researchers and follow their pursuit of concrete, verifiable proof of the beast’s existence." The series was going to be a race between Bigfoot hunters to see who will be the first to find Bigfoot. Their offer was "a substantial cash prize for whomever finds proof first." That was back in January, and it looks like they have their casts, and a brand new television show on Spike TV. Here's the news release via Hollywood Reporter:

If Big Foot does exist, proof of that just got very lucrative.

Spike TV announced Thursday a 10-episode pickup for 10 Million Dollar Big Foot Bounty, a new reality competition that's offering what would be the largest cash prize in TV history. The only catch is that the titular $10 million, backed by insurers of the bizarre at Lloyd's of London, can only be awarded to a contestant that provides irrefutable evidence that that Big Foot exists.

Scientists, zoologists, trackers and actual Big Foot hunters are among the competitors the series is lining up, with casting already underway. Teams will present their evidence to Big Foot "experts" in attempt to win the prize. And of the 10 episodes will follow different teams tackling the search with different methods.

Production will take place at locations across the U.S.

The one-hour series comes from Charlie Corwin’s Original Media (Swamp People) with Corwin, Michael Riley and Jon Kroll (The Amazing Race) serving as EPs.


  1. Lil peanut says she's first..!!

  2. Someone collect the 10 mil and stick it to those dirty skeptics!!!

    (secretly, we know it will never happen, because bigfoot is only in my dreams but shhhh)

    1. What you mean "we" Willis? You know about as much as a bug on a bush. It will happen.

    2. Sure buddy, when is that? Later? hahahahaha

    3. I am convinced bigfoot is real, but even I know no one will be collecting that reward. They might as well have offered 100 billion dollars.

    4. Keep fooling yourself. If the reward was 10 grand, it would be enough if the thing was real.

    5. Why are pussies like you always Anonymous ? Yeah thats right , I said PUSSIES like you !

    6. What would you do if you had his name? Would you drive to his house and beat him up? Maybe you could say bad things about him on a Bigfoot blog, that would show him how tough you are.

    7. Ha, in your face Mean Gene Romo!

    8. Gene Romo: do you pronounce that like jean e homo?

      Why are people that dont believe in your fantasy ape pussies? I think your reponse says it all. You hate that we know bigfoot isnt real, and you know it too but you're too commited to the position to admit it.

      So face it, you're just a dumbass living a lie. Truth hurt?

    9. Laughed so damn hard, I thought I was having a heart attack. Kudos, Anon 7:51, kudos.

    10. You still haven't told us what your brilliant plan is? Oh yeah you're on the Internet talking tough and no one cares.

    11. Your all absolutely correct . I reacted poorly . Normally I would ignore your post and chalk it up as another uniformed armchair quarterback with an opinion. I guess Im just sick of the same old shots from behind the computer screen based on zero evidence. So every witness is a liar or delusional ? Of all the hundreds verified footprint castings nationwide , not one is real ? I humbly apologize for being an Ass , but I do so openly . And by the way , yes thats very close to the correct pronunciation...;)

    12. Bigfoot is real, like smoke is real. Good luck trying to put it in a cage.

    13. Oh yeah I have one more question Josie Gene did you ever find a ride to the Bigfoot symposium in Eugene, OR?

  3. hehe theres no bigfoot to be found :)

    1. Shhh... they exist, they are just bashful. That's why you don't know yet. ;)

    2. oh yea i forgot, you have to be chosen aswell!

    3. did you say chosen?i'm chosen for the changing of the butt plug.i am damn proud.i will cherish the butt plug if they let me keep it.

  4. Todd Standing once offered 1 million...........I wonder why Smeja never called him.....

    1. Standing's offer was valid only if the creature died of natural causes.
      Maybe Justin could find a loophole and say they died of "lead poisoning" LOL.

    2. Standing would not have accepted Smeja's body even if it did die of natural causes. Standing only deals in Muppets.

    3. Tzieth hasn't a clue! lol

    4. Dark crystal muppets - good quality only

      - Todd Posing Standing

  5. Time for Justin to join the show.To get on the show he needs to show the pictures he took of the juvenile. Then on the first episode he should drag out the body of the juvenile he has stashed.Then he could tell everyone "I'm rich bitch"!!!!

    That is if he did shoot a couple a Bigfeets.

    1. And you know this?
      Were you the driver?
      Do you have pictures,a head of the juvenile or anything that shows irrefutable proof?
      If so let the cat out of the bag,if not you have nothing.

    2. Hey Hurr Durr well your cats out !!!!!! what like the polygraph test he took and passed ? That's nothing , nope never happen.well Shit were you there ? Did you drive the truck ? Do you even know what your talking about . Shit no Hurr durr, I just like to take a Shit in my mom's vagina and tell people who believe in Bigfoot there's no such thing cause by god my mom and I have never seen one !!!!!

    3. The guy that says hurr durr gives reach arounds to anyone doing him in the taterhole.

    4. You really need to stop viewing the website it's fucking you up.

    5. Yea hurr durr,listen to what hurr durr has to say.

    6. How do you know about
      Just sayin.

    7. I was looking for car parts and spelt it wrong ;)

    8. Hurr durr says says screw pornhub !! XHAMSTERS IS WERE IT'S AT

    9. Herr Durr loves him some Bart Cutino. He wants those arms around him, he wants that porksword....

    10. He did.
      Perhaps it's smarter to wait and see.

  6. Gotta love the offer of $10 Million because they know it will never be collected. Now who was saying Bigfootery isn't about $$$$$?

    1. Incorrect. They'll get their money back, and then a whole lot more. Humans haven't really mustered their collective resources to catch one yet. The drones will help get it done. It might take a bunch of them with NASA quality satellite cameras.
      Humans are no match one on one in the woods, or even a hundred to one, but not even Bigfoot can outrun a 24/7 drone with state of the art cameras and sensing equipment. It would probably take several drones working together to field 24/7 surveillance. How much do you think that would cost? 10 million might not be enough. I'm guessing drones won't be allowed to have weapons, but it could happen quick if they were allowed. It might take an army to corner one on the ground once they've been detected by air. We'd have to tag team them with atv's, block off the high ground, be in coordinated, mobile, teams, each and everyone with tranquilizer guns. It can be done, but it's not going to be inexpensive nor easy. We need the Sykes dna confirmation of a new species of hominin to really get our species dedicated, focused, and determined to catch bigfoot.

    2. Do you have any idea how many acres of forested land there are in North America? Detecting anything through the forest canopy would be almost impossible.
      Block off the high ground?? With what?
      You are correct when you say your proposal would cost more than $10 million, and for that reason alone it's not realistic.

    3. Thanks for your thoughts James. U are bang on the money!

    4. Spike TV has nothing to do with bigfootery. They just know bigfoot = ratings right now and want in.

    5. Well, that's one of my points would block off the high ground with people with tranquilizer guns, and it might take an army to do so, smaller army if you're in Texas and these people have real guns, no easy task to coordinate. It WON'T be easy, nor cheap, but is possible with perseverance. The main point is Bigfoots really could be tracked and followed with the latest drones and cameras and sensing equipment, which can easily see through the forest canopy, in high definition, day or night. Our military already does this on a routine basis, and have advanced drone technology exponentially in the last few years. These companies that are producing drones for the military are now promoting and making them available to homeland law enforcement agencies, but privacy issues are getting in their way. They need a market as the military budgets are getting reduced. The people on the ground would have to actually capture or shoot one, since domestic drones are not going to be allowed weaponry. In short, this project needs military like precision, organization, technology, and determination. You'd need highly trained field operatives, and a whole bunch of them, on the ground. Or somebody could just get lucky. Luck hasn't worked so far. Definitive proof could only mean a body, dead or alive. (if I have to pay)

  7. For Ten million I'd blow the fur clean off his ass "Great Outdoors " style!!!!

  8. Hey ... great idea!

    They could do the same thing for God. But then if in one year there was no "irrefutable" proof, they would have to take all the "christian" propaganda and programming off TV and radio.

  9. Well, this development certainly puts the DNA study in question. Llyods does their due diligence and they wouldn't insure for 10 million if there were a one tenth of one percent chance evidence could surface.

  10. For Smeja that's money in the bank. You'll see.

    1. Putting things into perspective!

      Slick, Hersom, Barnes, Erickson not to forget all the other researchers over the past 40 years.

      In total I think this all far exceeds $10 million

      And guess what? Not one iota of undeniable evidence that Bigfoot exists.

  11. The only way to catch a BF is from the air, in the open and with a strong net. A tranquilizer would be good to have too.

    Hunting is expensive, takes much preparation and patience. Hunting BF from the ground is a worthless effort.

    1. How's hunting Expensive?

      4-5 days worth of food, your camping gear and off you go. Yep, damn expensive.

    2. Do you have to be on the show or van we show up at Spikes headquarters with a body screaming Im rich bitch

    3. Oh, I thought you could just smear peanut butter on a tree and lure them in?

    4. Did you know in the past one area was wired with cameras and ground sensors? and ohhhh so much more.

      You need to look into what was tried in the 60s and 70s. It has all been done before with zero results.

      Apart from tieing a menstrating virgin to a tree and....ah never mind.

    5. Apparently all you need is a whole bunch of soiled tampons and they'll just come running to you.

    6. Doesn't work. Loren Coleman tried it and attracted a shit load of cats to his home.

      Somebody should of told him to hang them outside in the forest not from his fucking ceiling.

  12. This saddens me. Pretty crude stuff.

    1. Well stop reading the fucking comments if you can't handle them Biatch!!!

  13. let me tell a good story worked in swamps of wisconsin 20yrs and deep woods you name it hunted
    all that never seen a track or nothing if you ask me 90% are bears 5% are deer or 4%wind 1%shadows in the wind moving that people see

    1. This coming from a near and far sighted person.

    2. Well that proves it. I am convinced you never saw one in Wisconsin.

    3. Chain sawing, gun blasting , wheeling, noisy recreation nut. No wonder you never saw it.

  14. $10 million is sure to bring some hoaxing out though!

  15. If I am not mistaken the people who sent DNA samples in got their results but cannot talk about it because of the NDA did they not?
    If that was the case first of all if I could get ten million to break the NDA I would walk up to his honor and say yes sir I sure did break the agreement I am guilty and then after the judge gave me a slap on the wrist for breaking the Bigfoot NDA I would collect my money and be happy for the rest of my life.
    Now if I was the one to be putting up the money I could afford to have people check in to these studies before wasting more time and money on a T.V. show to see if anything came out of the studies so it would seem to me that nothing has so far or these people are not as greedy as the rest of the world.
    I have always thought someone would have talked by now anyway.If I am mistaken on how the NDA works feel free to correct me on that.Lol like you would hold back on correcting me anyway,Forgot where I was there for a sec.Thats my opinion anyway.

      BAN HIM NOW!!!!

    2. I say ban your ass and keep Herb!

    3. Let's not split hairs, BAN everybody.

    4. there are no results, no ndas, nothing, no bigfoot

    5. That was my point earlier. If there was any "positive" DNA results for bigfoot from the studies Lloyds would certainly know about it. As for the NDA agreements that they are bound to, its only speculation, but maybe the civil lawsuit they would open themselves up to is more than 10 million if they leak an info.

  16. Well $10mil is coming to !

    1. You should be fine as nobody pokes, prods or touches it then proclaims its real.

      You better work fast however, as I bet Biscuits thinking of shit to hoax on this also, and a few others.

    2. the irony of bigfooting is that rick dyer probably deserves the money more than any of the looney toons "researchers"

    3. Nah,I say give it to Matt Whitton.

    4. After all I was the brains behind the hoax and Rick was just the mouth and book burner.

    5. Too late, Dick, I collected already. Watch Spike for updates, as I am under NDA for now.

    6. And he did do a very fine job at burning that worthless shit.

      Come on Rick, MORE of Colemans book burning videos it really pisses that worthless cunt off.

    7. Dick 'CAPTAIN OBVIOUS' Ryder.^
      C'mon Dick you're trying too hard.

      Hey,are you and Fatsano still butt buddies?
      What about Biscuit Biscardi?

    8. Last I heard yes, they played Black Laces 'Gang Bang' while all having a reach round.

    9. I meant to say I keep my poop in Dick Ryders freezer.

    10. This is more fun than a barrel of Stank Apes!

    11. So many people hind behind anonymous....

    12. Come on Dyer, A Squatch isnt looking to buy a used car or hangout with you in yours. You still out in Cali?

  17. Ed on the head Smith has a bigfoot body according to the MABRC.

    1. Dude, where have you been? Everyone's got a body these days. They just can't or don't want to show it... yet. But soon, they promise!

    2. You're right I have 3 in my freezers! I had 4 but last year was a tough winter so we ate on.

  18. Just out of curiosity, is TeamTazer part of this show? well they are the worlds most authorative group on Bigfoot.

  19. Dick Rider couldn't find a Bigfoot even if it bitch slapped him while he was recording videos from his car.
    I've never seen any videos where Dick is actually in the woods.

    1. Well you pretty much summed up what I was going to say SN.

    2. SN "I've never seen any videos where Dick is actually in the woods." lol..ok

    3. Perhaps you can put a link up then Rick. All of your videos are fluffy self promotion, nothing more. So, if you have videos of you out in the woods, please post some links to these.
      If you're the "best Bigfoot tracker in the world", where is your evidence to date? Surely you must have hair samples, casts of foot prints or maybe pictures of stick structures. Please enlighten me, show me some evidence, any evidence.
      Oh, and you're a known hoaxer and a liar. Not much credibility there.

    4. Sn it sounds like you are a little upset at dyer. Guessing u drank the koolaid in 08

    5. Anon @ 6:37- Lol, no I didn't drink the koolaid. He is the poster punk for everything that is wrong with this community and he hasn't contributed one valuable thing, not one.
      He pissed me off when he made the outrageous claim that he was allowed to come to Canada to kill a Bigfoot, which was a lie of course.
      I despise him and all hoaxers, he just happens to have the loudest mouth. He hasn't shown one piece of evidence despite his bleating on that he's the best.
      I'm trying to use small words so he can 'git' what I'm saying.

  20. No one will ever collect that 10 million dollars.

  21. I think Loren Coleman made a good point on his site, i think someone will wake up and stop this. Bad idea all around.

    Finding Bigfoot ain't looking that bad anymore ;)

    1. Yep, all fun and games until someone walking through the woods in a black hoodie gets shot.

  22. "Irrefutable" Interesting word. I don't think anyone will get that money. Not because bigfoot doesn't exist, im not an idiot. Of course they exist, there's too much evidence for them not to exist.
    The word "Irrefutable", some skeptics are going to blindly refute any and all evidence, even if doing so defy s all logic.
    So therefore unless the evidence that will be accepted is specifically defined, they will never have to pay up.

    1. Uh, all it takes is showing the world the monkey. It should be easy right? There's "too much evidence for them not to exist".

      Well, this should be an absolute Cakewalk.

      Easy pickings......put up or shut up.

    2. If you don't think there is evidence for "bigfoot" i can only suggest you do some research.
      The evidence that is required to get the reward should be clearly defined, The above poster proves the point, some skeptics will refute all evidence that challenges there bias.

  23. I see the JREF'ers have made another worm their hero, Tontar.

  24. This is good news! ... maybe we will get some professional trackers in here now with tranq guns that aren't afraid to go more than 50 ft from the road... 10 million cabbage coupons, man I should get my bag of fucken tampons ready and go to work.

    1. As The Beard of Bob Titmus, I approve this message. This should be as grand as: "The Great Pony Poop Caper" I pulled off in Tom Slick back in the day. Boy was I living large then, what a bunch of suckers.

  25. Time to put up or SHUT UP........there's just so much "evidence", therefore, this should be EASY, riiiiight?

  26. So who are their "nation’s most elite Bigfoot researchers"?

  27. I've got their number on speed dial. I'm gonna get me one. I know where one is. They love salmon.

  28. Rofl, aint nobody gonna find the tooth fairy.

    these offers are just like stink to a pile of shit. All the flies come out, and all they get is a buncha shit.

  29. Lloyd's of London, Bigfoot, SpikeTV. $10,000,000.

    What a bunch of crap.

    Folks, come out west and I'll show you one for only $19.99 (final price, no sales tax).

    - Russ in Oregon

    1. If I gave you a twenty,would you give me back my penny?

      Awww fuck it,keep it as a tip!

  30. Where are all the habituators and footers with their bigfoot evidence now???

    Let me guess, *insert excuse here*

    1. Theys under ma traylor poorch. I's seen em thar. I gotz these here peek turs of em. See them sticks rite thar. Thems bigfeet. SEE


    3. What makes you think people want to give that shit up? Some don't care about proving the existence to others, they just want to know for themselves - you dig? Marinate on that.

  31. Looks like Donald Trump is at it again. Will we have to produce bigfoot's birth records for the money to be collected ?

  32. If they include Fasano, Dyer and the other hoaxers I wont watch.


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