Listen to this incredible Bigfoot return howl from North Alabama

Bigfoot researcher, David Crane believes he may have found himself a hot spot around a 1.2 mile pathway at an undisclosed location in North Alabama. Based on a tip in June 2008, he found what he had suspected all along-- that the creatures were using this path as a travel route and decided to set up camp about a mile from the location. After noticing some strange things happening around his camp, he took out his recorder and captured this awesome return howl.


  1. What makes all of these return calls and wood knocks and such Bigfoot?

    1. man, nothing more annoying than people that say, "and such"

      in a perfect world, next time you say "and such" a big hairy, sweaty, naked ass would come out of nowhere and press into your face leaving you stunned and speechless.

    2. Well, since so far, nobody else has anything of value to add, I'll have a go:

      It's the need to believe. Hell, it just might BE bigfoot, but just as easily might not. But if not, then what is that thing?

    3. What else could it be , Human ? The answer is no . Speaking for myself only , I know what's in the wood's when I'm there. I check the area for vehicle's , camp's ect to rule out any possibility of mistaking noise in the wood's for bigfoot activity. All noise's in the wood's are not made by Bigfoot , But the vocalization on my video was made by a bigfoot . Believe it or not that's O.K. with me . , I know what I know .

  2. Would really like to know where in North Alabama this guy is researching we could be in the same area.

  3. look forward to more of this guy's stuff

  4. Replies
    1. Again with the coOycat... what's wrong with you? What do you tie fucken marshmallows to your fingertips before you type?

  5. That is NOT an animal....that has a "voice" sound to it. If that is not a man, then it is another "primate".

    1. so you mean to tell me it never crossed your mind that bigfoot might just be an offshoot of human or neanderthal? Or more human than ape? Maybe they are like fucken parrots and can mimic what it hears.

  6. This guy doesn't know anything. LOL Just kidding David. You're solid dude and you've done well.

    1. LOL... Good one . I am waiting for you to come and visit with me . Thank's for the compliment . Hope to see ya soon.

  7. There is no bigfoot in Alabama.

    1. We all know they don't ever cross state lines. They can see them as they go through the woods!

  8. Good work, looking forward to seeing/hearing more!

  9. lol there's only 2 things in the world that can go yeeeeeeeee

  10. That's another man.....nothing interesting about it.

    1. you're right, nothing interesting. ^ just another twerp sitting at their computer, ready to dismiss something just because it doesn't fit their little world.

    2. Oh yes, it just HAS to be an UNPROVEN 8ft 800lb hairy fairy-tale ape-man yelling like that in the woods. I mean there's absolutely no reason to believe its ANYTHING OTHER than that even though it sounds identical to another man yelling. Buy a clue or 1,000,000 of them before you comment next time. The adults are talking.

    3. is it me or does anon 6:24's post remind you of something a 40 year old fat virgin dork would say......

    4. 6:42 - there are reasons to believe bigfoots exist and sound like this. You have not looked deeply enough into it to have any real opinion that matters yet. Keep researching the subject, and you may someday.

    5. Yeah a virgin definitely came to mind. He probably is fat and old too.

    6. No there's really not any reasons to believe it. There is no proof. Just tons and tons of lies and hoaxes. Somepeople hoax for attention, some for money and some for a good laugh but ultimately, theres just tons and tons.of worthless crap, like this audio of a human.

    7. Anon 8:24 - that's one of the most stupid posts i've ever seen. All liars and hoaxers. Right . Too bad you didn't get past the 3rd grade.

    8. Yes, yes it is all bullshit. Otherwise wed have the proof we need. If it exists, prove it, should be easy eh?

    9. Ok so 100 percent bullshit. Whatever. There is lots of evidence, but you would dismiss it anyways so in your world of course it doesn't exist . People I personally know have seen them and the don't lie or hoax. It's like calling all cops crooked! Unbelievable ! They don't tell hardly anyone and gain nothing but ridicule from jerk assholes like you .Legit witnesses suppress most stuff because jerks like u and They don't want to listen to your crap!

  11. At first I thought coyote, but then it reminded me of the roosters around here early in the morning, definitely not a Bigfoot.

    1. Are fucking kidding me? Roosters? You really think that was a rooster? You're an idiot fuck. "Definitely not a Bigfoot" Why is it "Definitely not a Bigfoot"?
      Huh? Tell me why? Just the same it may be a human, but you can't sit there and say, "Definitely not a Bigfoot"

      You fuckhead!

    2. prokill, angry much? You can't sit there and tell me what to do asshat.

  12. "That is an authentic bigfoot vocalization..."

    Unreasonable and unjustified conclusion. You immediately discredit yourself by making such definitive statements. You do not know the source of the sound. You can only say, within reason, at most, "I believe" and "possibly."

    Sounds like a fairly common coyote call to me.

  13. coyoteor that dog , there are not BF in alabama sorry charlie

  14. Coyote.

    These idiots out declaring every coyote sound to be a bigfoot aren't doing your "research" community any good.

    This is just are retarded as those retards who play owl sounds and then say it was too loud to be an owl and it must have been a bigfoot.

    So much herp and derp in the bigfoot world. You people really ought to self-police and ignore absolute idiots like the guy in the video.

  15. Great clip! Thanks for posting it, Shawn!

  16. He is sincere, but you cannot rule out another human.

  17. He is sincere, but you cannot rule out another human.

  18. Simply not enough evidence to say, one way or the other, what, exactly is making the return call. Could it be another person? Yes. Could it be a bigfoot? Possibly. With no evidence to support either claim, refer back to Occam's Razor: "...when you have two competing theories that make exactly the same predictions, the simpler one is the better."

  19. The wind probably caught his sisters twat just right... what your hearing is the wind catching her labia just right forcing the air into her cavernous uterus... kinda like when you cup your hands and blow through your thumbs.

    1. could of been her quifing.

    2. Nice immature comments Nepolean . Sounds like your from junior high.

    3. Actually I'm by your mommas thigh,not Jr High.

  20. could + have = could've

    you + are = you're


  21. Sounds like a Bigfoot to me. Good Catch!!!!!!!

  22. lol - trade secrets... I get a kick out of what people consider evidence. I have all kinds of stuff like that recorded. I have clear wood knocks, whoops, hollars, yells...and people think they get something like this and it's "SO COOL" Yeah, have no trade secrets. You really have nothing. I've heard whoops for hours into the night and finally decided to go to sleep because it was 3am - and they were still going. I'm not even concerned about what I missed out on. Audio is - in all reality - not evidence. I wish people would be critical in their evaluation, until we become that way, we will continue to be ridiculed. I've had 2 sightings, I know the truth....why should I care if you know? If someone isn't willing to accept it, I am willing to let them continue to remain ignorant. I'm out there for me, not to prove it's existence to anyone else.

  23. U guys com down u cant get stuff like this sittin in ur chair
    u have to b in the woods thats takes time and money ive been to the woods with dave and can tell u belive it or not i dont care its real as u and me ive heard many call backs its all part of it and he will get a video sooner or later good job dave i understand u have more when u and randy were out sure would like to here it. Lets go to the woods

  24. ATTN: David Crane, Paul Hulsey,(and anyone else who IS serious) please email me we need to discuss your evidence and expeditions, research, trips, facts and figures, etc.
    Thank You, BFRO Investigator - Alabama


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