"Camper" Video Now FB/FB's #2 Video Of All Time, Next To Patterson-Gimlin

We hate to say this, but FB/FB has convinced us that this is a real Sasquatch. Even though Rick Dyer says it's his video, we're going to overlook the fact that he helped pull off one of the greatest Bigfoot hoaxes of all time in 2008 and just go with the flow. FB/FB says this is one of the best footage since the Patterson-Gimlin film, and you know what? Since they're experts, we believe everything they say! Check out their awesome 12 minute video breakdown:

Filmed in an unknown location on Sept. 6th 2012. FBFB obtained the original files of the videos shot by the camper in 720p. With the addition an additional clip that shows a Sasquatch treepeeking. Clip number two looks to have been just a picture that turned into a movie. The higher resolution clips show the tendons and muscles moving under the Auburn hair. We have waited a very long time for a clear picture of a Sasquatch face. Fantastic! This replaces the woodpile thermal as the #2 video of all time behind the 1967 patterson gimlin film which shows a female Sasquatch with year round pendulous breasts. We have waited a long time for a video that is close enough and clear enough to show that Sasquatch have a hooded nose with downward facing nostrils, just like all modern humans.

FBFB has no connection with the making of this video.


  1. I like how the original footage admits the footage is from bigfoottracker.com - Rick Dyers website. This is such a hoax! I think facebook find bigfoot has a love triangle going on with Rick Dyer and his rubber suits right now. Drawing yellow angles on nothing on the screen?? What a joke!

    1. Would love for this to be real. This is why it's not...Just a little after the start,the camper turned the camera towards the ground. In his lap you see a rifle. At that point he could have changed history. He could have killed the "BigFoot" and forever changed world. Forget video footage,he could have had the ultimate proof. A complete body,from head to toe. For that very reason,I believe this to be a hoax.

    2. Maybe he did, maybe the other videos are of a wounded bf being nursed back to health, you never know.

    3. Bigfoots have been shot at or killed before in history but we don't ever see or hear about it because the authorities will intervene and prevent you taking a corpse like that back to society. Imagine the hysteria and world changing reality please, it won't happened, period. They won't let you. So all this talk and dreaming of bagging one forget it you won't even be able to. If the shock and near-human species realization doesn't stop your intentions they will, species or authorities.

  2. Anyone who thinks this is real either hasn't seen a real Bigfoot or is just dumb as a box of rocks. Anything associated with Rick Dyer is a lie. It's his video - everyone knows it. If you think this is real then you are an idiot.

    1. Then i am an idiot, because i do not come to a conclusion without first examining all the facts at my disposal.

    2. Here's a fact for you. Rick Dyer was involved. Case Closed.

    3. How do we know he was ? If he was then yeah it's surely a hoax and cheap suit and not the work of genius FB/FB's on about.

      They also have several clear hoaxes in this presentation anyway, Minnesota and the white one to name two. It also irritates me there's like a jump in the image briefly when the thing looks at us, that's suspect to me.

      Odd the narrator doesn't mention those big thick light colored lips. Would be great if it's real but I doubt it is, and I'm someone who knows the species is 100% real I just wonder about this clip.

  3. Geez this blog is a total piss-take, but I like it.

  4. Well it seems to be real and WE stand with FB!

    1. The use of "we" is a literay device that a writer or speaker uses so as not to appear egotistical and to keep the focus on the content and not the writer. I've seen it used plenty of times, especially in mathematical writings. No disrespect, I didn't get it either right away.



    1. Rick, if you'd keep your mother off the streets she wouldn't get fucked.

    2. She safer on the streets than at home with Rick in her basement!

    3. That's right,I can see Rick now looking down in his pit in the basement.

      Rick-" It rubs the lotion on its skin. It does this whenever it's told."

      His 'friend'-"Please mister, let me go! My family will give you anything you want!"

      Rick-"It rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again."

  6. Off topic, but anyone know why Robert Lindsey's been so quiet lately?

    Did his leads fizzle or did some organization tell him to tone it down on bigfoot?

    1. Moneymaker told him to find some other topic to write about.

  7. The REAL Knower here:

    Now that ive been made into another Sally, im not getting the credibility that i once had. So i will try and make it up for you by giving you a little tip here. The Mask in this film should look very familiar. It was made directly off a copy of the mask used in the patterson film.

    I have been in contact with my sources close to the ketchum camp also, and i can confirm that the blood in the drainpipe sample was actually a mixture of skunk and Navajo indian. I also was told that the Smeja sample was actually from a variant species of mongoose that has similar traits to human hair. In fact i was told that their hair is almost identical to humans.

    Have faith in me friends. Their are big things on the horizon. Later this weekend, ive been told a major announcement will occur.

    Yours in knowledge:

    The Knower

    1. ^^^ The Knower here.

      I did not post this.

      I will never ask you all to have "faith" in me. Everything i say will simply happen. Then you will "know"

      Best Wishes,
      The Original Knower

    2. Not the real knower, anon 2:55 ^^^^^^

    3. The Knower here, the real one this time and un-knowing what I know. There'll be an announcement and here's a little teaser - I'll be confessing soon that I just love confessions especially those from elderly men about pretending to be inside ape suits, as a man of word I love those that's why they sold me so easily on that pgf.

  8. The bigfoot has Bette Davis eyes !

  9. Lol - the mongoose, one smart little snake-charmer. Invasive as hell in Hawaii now.

  10. lol I didn't even know they confirmed the fence jumper video...but then again, why wouldn't they.

    So what happens when Ricky's 15 seconds of fame runs out on this video and then he confesses to the hoax to try and stir it up for another 15?

  11. What the hell are "year round pendulous breasts"? Get your mind out of the gutter, perv. I think we all know what the PGF is without your unnecessary erotic clarification.

  12. I'm sorry but this the best footage I've ever seen. It seems to me that people are just jealous the hoaxer got this footage I'm going to hold of my judgement till I see what else they have. This is the problem with the Bigfoot community they getting their group the little packs and all they do is sit around and judge people or maybe they will go down and meet some people going to nature walk so they can say they been Bigfoot hunting with somebody special. bigfoot community needs to look at their self first. Because chances are there's no big foot.

    1. "It seems to me that people are just jealous the hoaxer got this footage"


    2. You are a glutton for punishment. Rick Dyer is a bigfoot showman who participated in a widely reported hoax and is now presenting this highly questionable footage with a "mysterious backstory" that he can not talk about.
      Don't forget to curse "Dick Ryder" when this one goes sour.

    3. The footage is amazing. The best i have seen.

    4. I looks suspect to me, the swaying is human and if Dyer's involved it's case solved right there. Bet Biscardi's in on it too ready to milk it some.

  13. Its about time you had a real news story about the camper video.

  14. Does anyone care what a few internet reviewers of YouTubes has to say? Lord folks, it's No. 2 now b/c it generated publicity and a point of discussion. Nonsense all around. I love this site as it has done more to debunk the Bigfooters than any skeptic or MIB could dream!

  15. I guess they're just going to ignore the halloween costume thats been pointed out to them TWICE and just double down on bullshit.sad.Hey Lindsay,where are you,on holiday?

  16. OK. I've had enough. I'm the Bigfoot in the video. I was checking out the campsite and I had no idea that someone was in that freakin tent! Damn it! Who stays in the tent in the middle of the day! Anyway, I gotta go, I have a press conference in Felton at 2:00.

  17. Damn it Jeff! I better not be catching your cold! sniff

    1. I make you tube videos and if i have a cold i always remove the sniffs during editing. its just polite. And freaky sounds!

  18. It looks like it's the real deal...

  19. Shouldve kept filming and opened the tent for a better view. Even if it would have spooked and ran it would have been better than this shot that looks like you were jacking off and got caught. BS

  20. Soon to be the number 1 fb/fb video:

    There are people in our community that should begin to at least consider the possibility Roger hoaxed his bigfoot film. He said " I am the worst guy to come forward with this footage", so there is no need to trash him: he did not say "I never lie, and have led a blameless life."

    There are plenty of other indicators of a hoax, and they were known in 1967. There is also a possibility "the knower" is not full of it, and that the hoax will soon be revealed. If that happens, save your anger for the people(popular researchers) who have been talking this footage up for their own advantages. Don't hate on Roger,he passed in 1972 and just wanted to hoax the American people in general and make some dough. He did mean to harm a committed bigfoot community; one did not exist in 67.
    When the shit hits the fan, put the blame where it belongs.
    Start emotionally divesting and remember existence does not depend on 1 clip.

    1. You're off-topic here, douchebag.

    2. ..I meant "..he did NOT mean to.."

      12:35 Kiss my ass. Decent people are going to be hurt by this. You are in the anger stage or one of the self-serving liars who kept this hoax alive. Its fake, moron. Deal with it.

  21. It seems to me, as an outsider, that a lot of people in the "bigfoot community" are jealous. that a former hoaxer has such great footage.
    Now i don't know if it is a hoax or the real thing, no one does (well a few people who participated would obviously).
    Anyone claiming to know for sure is simply telling a lie, or is a person who was there. Otherwise its just opinion.
    But taken on the films merits, and giving the assumption it is not a hoax by the video er, or perpetuated against the videoer, this footage is the best i have seen in a very long time.

    1. that was filmed by a HOAXER you gullible fuckhead,just send me all your money now you dumb tard.jesus is back at Waco too,run see him you stupid lumpbrain.

    2. I am the gullible-f8ckhead-dumb-tard-stupid-lumpbrain above.
      I dont really know why you were so offended by my comment...

      You gave me a good laugh, and i would like to complement you on your name calling abilitys.
      Very creative, well done.

    3. Can i remind you of this websites motto?

      "Encouraging readers to draw their own conclusions from the evidence and arguments."

      If you don't agree then argue a point, dont just insult people, actually give your opinion and try to give a valid reason for that opinion.

    4. Why be so surprised if a known hoaxer catches the real thing one day, it happens you know like it did to Freeman. It happens because people are out there looking and they have a change of heart. However, I wouldn't trust Dyer as far as I can throw a rock as he doesn't strike me a sincere bigfooter so if he took this it's likely fake.

    5. Are you just ignoring that halloween costume too?I hope you two walk instead of drive.

    6. let me apologize for my language...believe what you wish,c'est la vie,apologies again.

  22. It's certainly possible that an admitted hoaxer can get good footage down the road, but it's hard to wash themselves of that past.

    Paul Freeman is a good example, look at the great footage he got, while admitting to faking prints a few years prior.

    Stranger things have happened. Collecting BF evidence isn't as clean as people think.

    1. I want to believe in bigfoot too but lets not be retards

    2. Thats basically what i was trying to say above.
      It casts a lot doubt on the footage credibility for sure, but the footage itself looked good to me.
      I will wait and see.

  23. Has anyone else noticed that the edge of the tree next to the face is not stable? In other words, it's as if the face of the "Sasquatch" goes THROUGH the tree edge. If this is a CGI head plopped next to a real tree (as I suspect it may be), then the place where they will have the most trouble is with the edges. Look carefully for anomalies where the the head overlaps the tree; I'm seeing them.

    By the way, as you all know, FBFB constantly speaks beyond its expertise. The idea that you could not CGI this is ludicrous.

  24. I think it is Homer Simpson lost in the woods.

  25. First of all, FB/FB should stop stating their opinions as facts because we know they've been fooled before.
    What's his name records a "Bigfoot" on a cell phone, yet he claims to have lots of money. What? He can't afford a decent camcorder?
    He has a rifle in his tent but doesn't shoot the "Bigfoot". Why is that? Probably because that is no Bigfoot recorded on his crappy phone.
    Rick Dyer has always been, and always will be, full of shite.

    1. yet people are still buying this SN,too many will believe anything from anyone.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. I don't get it. I KNOW these things are real, because I have seen one. FB/FB's breakdown makes sense on some points, but ignores other factors of the video. IF this video came from Rick Dyer then I am 100% convinced it is a hoax. But if it is not, then I am not so convinced. One thing I DO know, is that their comment that this would be impossible to do with CGI, is dead wrong. (Along with a few other of their "facts"). The two biggest pet-peeves I have with FB/FB is the way they state their facts with ABSOLUTE authority, like they KNOW for sure that this is the way it is. Even if, like me, you believe these creatures are real, you CAN'T "know" anything about them, because we haven't had the opportunity to study them. And the guy that does those videos really needs to rehearse his narration before going on camera. That drives me NUTS that he is always screwing up the words! Any word over two syllables and he just can't read it fast enough. Ugh

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