This Canadian Sasquatch Song For Kids From The Late 1980s Will Soothe Your Soul

The Charlotte Diamond show was a hit with kids during the 1980s. The award-winning, family-friendly music show featured a song titled "Saskwatch" that was shot in Stanley Park, Vancouver. Yeah, it's corny as hell, but your kids will love you for it. You can thank us later.

Watch below:


  1. Thanks Shawn now I'm gonna have that song stuck in my head for the rest of the night!

  2. LOLOLOLOLOLOL! I gotta stop tokin' up before I click on this blog.

  3. We don't need a real flesh and blood Bigfoot, no we don't need that at at all. What we do need is Bigfoot songs, aw hell yeah. I obviously don't even watch this shit any more.

  4. This put a smile on my face. How did bigfoot research go so unnoticed in Canada in the 80's with them playing it on kids shows even?

    Sask-watch, sask-watch wont ya come on down...shed your furry coat and let the sun shine in, the door is open come on in? What the hell...?

    How about these lyrics.
    Sask-watch, sask-watch please don't break my stink like a dirty dog and sneak around at night, I won't shoot you but Smeja might.

  5. Delightful. She has a good singing voice. Thanx for sharing that. Nice friendly message. Cute song, except for the "shed your furry coat" line - how are they supposed to do that?

  6. They are as afraid of us as we are of it.


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