TBRC's Analysis of Possible Wood Ape Hair That Was Recently Sent to Dr. Sykes

"Conclusion: Source unknown, possible wood ape — Further analysis recommended"

The Texas Bigfoot Research Conservancy (TBRC) just wrapped up their analysis on several hair samples they found during one of their major operations and concluded that they may have a possible Bigfoot hair. Over the course of 90 days, the goal of "Operation Persistence" was to observe and document the local wood ape population near the Arkansas-Oklahoma border. The operation took place in an undisclosed area located in the Ouachita Mountains region:

Members of the TBRC have operated in this area for more than a decade, including during 2011’s long-term research study, Operation Endurance.

Over the course of Persistence, investigators collected a large amount of digital and physical evidence. While the digital evidence (in the form of unattended trail-cam photography and audio recordings) is still being analyzed, several hairs collected near the group’s research facility have been inspected microscopically. Following are our conclusions regarding each of the six samples recovered, including associated photomicrographs.

Out of the 8 samples collected, sample #6 seems to be the most likely candidate for Sasquatch hair as it’s clearly missing the medulla (innermost portion of the hair shaft).

"Collected from a windowsill of the research facility. Sample is reddish brown, fine, approximately 6 inches long. No medulla present, bulbous root, tip is flat, but shows significant damage. No scale cast taken." - TBRC

According to the group, although it’s possible the hair came from a human, “sample 6” does not fit the general profile of human hair. They believe it’s more akin to “exotic species, such as an orangutan.” They are now working with Dr. Sykes at the University of Oxford to have the hair analyzed:

The TBRC has been in ongoing communication with Dr. Bryan Sykes, Chairman and Professor of Human Genetics at the University of Oxford, regarding the submission of other biological samples collected or obtained by the TBRC for the Oxford-Lausanne Collateral Hominid Project DNA study. Sample 6 has also been submitted for inclusion in that study. According to the project’s webpage, analysis is scheduled to start this month and continue into November. Publication of the study is scheduled to occur at the end of the publication phase in December 2012.

It is possible that Sample 6 is from a human, though as we detailed above, it does not fit the profile of human hair. It could also be from an exotic species, such as an orangutan, though that possibility seems highly unlikely due to the incompatible climate of the area. Based on our analysis, we believe there are enough intriguing attributes to warrant its inclusion in the Sykes study. We look forward to learning its findings.

You can read their full analysis here.


  1. Why would trail cam photos need analysis? Either you get a "wood ape" on it or you don't. Every other animal caught on trail cam, guess what you can see it exactly what it is. Bigfoot? Nope its always some ambiguous joke explained by bigfoot licking the lenses or some other bullshit.

    #looneytoons approved

    1. Why get angry about it douche ? If you're always disappointed then get Bigfoot off your brain and go do something constructive with your life shit for brains.

    2. you're in the wrong place-this is about hair analysis-did you even look at the above picture?

    3. Maybe they have a lot of photo's and video's to go through?

    4. And maybe they should ask MK Davis to help analyze it.

    5. Looney tunes is .. Well.. Looney tunes

    6. Obviously this Asshat has never analysed audio or video medium. His every statement belies an unmatched arrogant ignorance and stupidity. I don't usually rise to the bait of trolls like this idiot... in his case I'll make an exception.

    7. @ all the comments above: guess the truth hurts

    8. ^ and why are you always the first post on every thread?

    9. ^Yes that same guy whos name is "Anonymous" seems to be posting more than everyone else!!!

  2. Replies
    1. Indeed, but wth is a wood ape ?

    2. An ape with a stiffy.Ie,Woody.

    3. I actually think a wood ape is a way better name then Bigfoot .

    4. Why if they're not apes? Anything's better than Bigfoot but nothing beats Sasquatch.

  3. If Sykes doesn't confirm BF, it will only be because he didn't get the right samples. BF DNA is not easy to obtain.

    1. Get used to hearing that excuse because when the DNA comes back inconclusive(and it will because they have nothing to compare it to)That is what the believers will use for the next 50 yrs.

    2. Hehe. But they are so sure its bf when they send it in.

    3. That will change to: I thought it was Bigfoot hair. Damn those guys really are elusive.

    4. Not true 5:24. Having nothing to compare to is proof too only means there's something unusual nonhuman out there, and that's the very start we're looking. It's the same for SETI listening for alien noise, if they find something strange they have nothing to compare it to either but it still shows something unknown is there. We have to start somewhere so 4:40's correct. Besides, if they or Ketchum find something interesting worthwhile in the DNA, and I think they already have done that, then DNA is excellent evidence to present because it can tell much about the host. And a lot more than you probably think it can which is why it'll be successful.

    5. What if the samples show nothing at all ape related, just common animals? What then?

    6. Then we can't confirm Sasquatch simple as that, but word on the grapevine says much of the (Ketchum) DNA is unusual and detailed enough that we're indeed talking whole new different primate species.

    7. Then they will say they just couldn't get there hands on any bigfoot hair BUT that doesn't mean they don't exist, when reasonable people would let it go and move on.

    8. Anon 9:27 That is true. A species that is very close to Man, much more so than the Chimp.

    9. The study yes not her own.

  4. Anon 7:12 Something has been found, Bigfoot is sexually compatible with Humans.

  5. TBRC should invite a die-hard skeptic on their next operation and make a believer of them.

    1. They would make the bleevers look like fools who attribute every bump in the night to bigfoot.

    2. Since there are no real skeptics that post daily about Bigfoot and the last people the TBRC should be concerned about impressing is a bunch of anonymous internet clowns, if these wood apes really exist they should invite or recruit the best hunters or marksmen they can find.

    3. 9:56 is so deluded he/she thinks noone could possibly think bigfoot doesnt exist!! ahahaha!!

    4. @10:09
      Ummm...I said that post daily about it and the mentality of your post proves my point.

    5. He is considering it, according to his comments on JREF...

  6. The TBRC? Is that the same group who claim to be having encounters with wood apes for 5 years now and have deployed trail cameras in the areas they are having these encounters but have absolutely ZERO photos?

    Either these guys are lying or hullicinating or in the unlikely case that it is bigfoot then they are getting trolled hard by the big fella.

    1. From what I have heard on various podcasts, the TBRC (now the NAWAC) hasn't had a video as it's goal. I'm not sure, I'm not a member, tho I would love the opportunity to be in the blazing sun of the southern Ozark range (of which the Ouwatchita are a part) for a week with a group of people.

      Who cares who finds what when that convinces mainstream science that bigfoot / sasquatch / n.a. wood apes exist? Why do those of us who are skeptical believers so nasty and mean in our skepticism?

      It's not like seeing/experiencing a sighting or interaction makes anyone rich. Indeed people make fun. I don't believe much of what I see on tv or the 'net, but what good does it do to be hurtful to another person who, frankly, is mainly being teased anyway?

      Wow - we bully one another! We can not believe, be skeptical, or jealous without being mean and nasty. Apparently, not.

  7. ^^These are the people who are hell bent on shooting one. They already did, but it "got away" according to them. They claim they have 3 mos worth of full time recent studies on an as yet discovered "wood ape" living on private land in OK/AS. They say they are NOT human like...more ape. I guess there are different species that are more ape-like because alot of encounters (and evidence, IF you believe it) state they are more human-like. Don't know that anyone will ever figure it out.

    1. There has to be more than one type of these things because the ones that are living on my property are more human looking. I'm tired of mine and about ready to run them off. Sounds like they're having wild orgies back there or some shit.

    2. I think the spunk apes are another species as well. I would tell you what their origins are but the sensitive fat girls will call me racist.

    3. We're the only ape that walks upright and speaks, so do these big guys and they look and move pretty humanlike too so the animal character ape we can safely count out. In English - or Texan if you will - that means you'll be committing murder one if you shoot and kill.

  8. Wow, the JREF footers have whipped themselves into such frenzy over the story that their posts are being edited for civility and now the thread is under moderated status. You can almost picture a kangaroo court of wild savages dancing around Bipto who's sitting in a huge pot of boiling water.....LOL

    1. ^'Bigfoot-Anyone Seen One' thread on JREF forum.

    2. That was brilliant you F'n wanker

    3. ^
      I don't blame you for being embarrassed douche.

    4. Bipto is not hiding, exaggerating or lying. He is up on the forums taking the heat.Everyone should give him credit for that.

  9. Are you JREF lemmings still going to pile in a van and storm the TBRC's area X ?

    1. who's hrpuffnstuff ? A sid and marty croft character posts here ?

  10. Sounds like the sample made it passed the screening process, or even by-passed it as they say they are communicating with Sykes directly. Hopefully the hair will be included in the study and we will hear more about it.


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