Robert Lindsay: Dr. Melba Ketchum is working with National Geographic Corporation on a Bigfoot media project

Robert Lindsay just released enough news for us to chew on til Christmas. We're not going to post it all here, so you'll have visit his blog and read the entire "Bigfoot News" there. The following piece of news from Lindsay speculates that the National Geographic TV program is currently following the Ketchum Project. If Ketchum ever releases her study, you'll know where to tune in for the latest TV scoop. How does Lindsay know about this? Read below:

This is great news, and I am 100% certain, given the source, that it is true.

This was originally reported me that “National Geographic” was the name of the journal she had submitted to, and that National Geographic was part of the Nature Group. However, National Geographic is not part of the Nature Group, and National Geographic at any rate is not a peer-reviewed journal; instead it is more of a popular magazine. I was also told to look for a journal associated with National Geographic, but there are none.

In addition, I was told to fish around with sources associated with National Geographic try to flesh out more about this. I don’t know anyone associated with National Geographic, so I can’t do that. But I will just throw this out to the Bigfoot community. If you can dredge up any sources associated with National Geographic, you may be able to elaborate on this scoop, which I am 100% certain is true.

What is the nature of Ketchum’s work with National Geographic? I am not sure. She is either working with the magazine or with National Geographic TV show or possibly with both. There has long been a rumor that Ketchum had a deal with National Geographic TV show lined up, and now that appears to be proven at last. How did I find out this information? Well, I can’t tell you that! But the source is a young woman with a postgrad degree with deep ties to the Ketchum study.

The question is why National Geographic would work with her on this absent a peer reviewed study published in a reputable journal. The answer is that they must know somehow the results of this study. I assume they are awaiting publication until they run the story in either the magazine or on TV.

As a reader of the magazine, I can tell you that National Geographic Magazine will not run any cutting edge science story that has not been run through first level science publications first. National Geographic is not an academic journal!

What is the nature of Ketchum’s work with National Geographic? I am not sure. She is either working with the magazine or with National Geographic TV show or possibly with both. There has long been a rumor that Ketchum had a deal with National Geographic TV show lined up, and now that appears to be proven at last. How did I find out this information? Well, I can’t tell you that! But the source is a young woman with a postgrad degree with deep ties to the Ketchum study.

The question is why National Geographic would work with her on this absent a peer reviewed study published in a reputable journal. The answer is that they must know somehow the results of this study. I assume they are awaiting publication until they run the story in either the magazine or on TV.

As a reader of the magazine, I can tell you that National Geographic Magazine will not run any cutting edge science story that has not been run through first level science publications first. National Geographic is not an academic journal!

[via Robert Lindsay]


  1. He's an admitted commy so propaganda is old hat to this pinko. He doesn't know shit. He just works on the WAG principle. Wild Ass Guess!

    Thats all we ever get out of Gay Bozo!

    Since everyone keeps telling you your pic looks gay, and you keep using it, well I guess if the shoe fits.....

    1. So what if he is gay?? So what if ANYONE is gay??? It is NONE of your business.

    2. ^^^^
      Are you that same faggot that wrote like an entire page where he talked about how “we're all a little bit gay”?

    3. I am not gay or bi, for the record. But if you think I am gay or whatever, it's ok. A lot of people think that...

      I would to mind being gay or bi, but I didn't get wired up that way. I don't mind guys who are like that if they really got wired up that way.

      So like most of you, I am stuck with women. Good luck to us all!

    4. 10:25, you are the gayest of gays. Learn to accept it already.

    5. ^^^^
      Your refusal to accept that the natural role of your kind is to die is predictable but unfortunate.

    6. Craigslist - casual encounters

      I would to mind being gay or bi, but I didn't get wired up that way. I don't mind guys who are like that if they really got wired up that way.

      So email me with "wired up that way" in the subject line so I know you are real.

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Robert may be many things, but he is generally a reliable source. He is clearly "in" on the ketchum/Smeja hoax, and is working in collusion with the hoaxers, he mey even be the main puppeteer(in my opinion). He also gives footers what they want. Entertainment. Thats all BF is, since BF is confirmed not real. Unfortunately.

    Maybe NG will interview her for a "Forgotten Monsters" or something episode.

    1. There is no hoaxing, loser.

    2. ^ at this point I'm about 90% with you on this theory man. I don't really agree with the Sasquatch CONFIRMED not real comment, but the collusion does seem to be the best explanation for any of the bullshit surrounding this story.

    3. Yea, that makes a lot of sense, the good Dr. Ketchum is going to ruin her career and her reputation on just a hoax ! There would be no gain sir only a big loss !

    4. How could it be a hoax ? They could gain nothing from it !

  3. Robert "Machine Gun" Lindsay is still at it. Hopefully some of this stuff starts panning out or it should all just go away...

  4. Robert 'stranger danger' lindsay. you tit. Dogman, I rest my case

    1. I'm totally going to start using the Stranger Danger moniker Harry, brilliant sir.

  5. Replies
    1. I find that comment highly offensive.

      -Kermit the Frog.

  6. Robert Lindsay thus far has produced absolutely "nothing but rumors and his own wild assumptions." Why the bigfootevidence blog still posts anything with his name on it is seriously beyond me.

    This man is obviously one of those "media whores" which enjoy having their opinions and/or theories posted; nonetheless, NEVER having producing any kind of documentation, video, audio to back up his "insanity."

    Yes... I called it insanity... Insanity is the one and only word that I can conjure to describe Robert Lindsay's activity on your blog. He keeps attempting to gain recognition by telling lies and the result is "ALWAYS THE SAME." That result is that people come to the realization that this man is "full of shit."

    1. He keeps posting here because of the number of hits these bullshit stories get. If we all boycott the articles maybe he will just die off. That being said, I am just as guilty as anyone for spurring this on, as I have always commented negatively to the RL articles, shit I have already commented 3 times on this thread alone. This is it though, I'm not going to help Shawn/Robby make any more money off of me by reading this crap. Good luck, hope you join me.

  7. Thanks Robert for continuously sharing the information you get. Your are a valuable source in BF community :)

    1. Thanks Robert for continuously sharing the information you get. Your are a valuable source of shit in BF community :)

  8. Lindsay is a tit headed muppet. I'm sure that he reads this (while 'working' from home i.e. he is unable to gain regular employment as he has personality 'issues'). Come on Robert, please throw your toys out of the cot and say you won't touch the topic of bigfoot again...because we are all low life nut jobs (unlike you). Lindsay you are an anal wart.

  9. Lindsay, reading your blog is like watching someone on the toilet

    1. Harry,

      This is your fifth post on the same page. If you are just going to be verbally abusive and not actually funny you should limit your comments to one post.

      -The Bureau of Comedy

    2. Go tell that to Anonymous. He posts like a bitch

    3. Obviously, you enjoy watching people on the toilet because you have just admitted to reading his blog. ??

  10. I did find this intresting

    Friday 7 September 2012 at 21:00
    National Geographic Channel

    1. I think things are getting really close! This NatGeo may be the catalyst that gets things started.

      Seriously, next couple of months are going to be really interesting times in the BF community.

      Thanks Robert Lindsay!

    2. Natgeo channel has turned into a joke. I am not sure what happened but that channel doesn't have the reputation it once had. For example, they have a new show "UFO Hunters" which is, by all accounts, a big reality piece of crap. Even the two guys on the show have spoken up about what an embarrassment it is. They seem to be all about ratings now and getting them any way they can. If you have to lie..... Well so what? In the past I would have never thought NG would get involved with the Ketchum fiasco, but now it wouldn't suprise me.

    3. Robert,
      Does this have anything to do with the copyright application for books and docs concerning a "New Tribe of Feral Humans"?


    4. What's happening to National Geographic is the same thing that happened to the History Channel. They went from serious history to Hillbilly Hand Fishin' and Swamp People.

      It's all about getting ratings. The average television viewer has the intelligence of a 10-15 year old and a ten minute attention span. These viewers aren't going to watch intellectual programming. They need Pawn Stars, Ice Road Truckers, and Bigfoot.

    5. Amazing how ^ can recite all of the simpleton television shows from Nat Geo. but act like you don't watch them. I can't name all of these shows and I watch them on occasion.

    6. Robert,

      Does this have anything to do with the copyright application for books and docs concerning a "New Tribe of Feral Humans"?

      No, that project is defunct.

      I am not sure what is going on. She is working with Nat Geo on some sort of endeavor, either the magazine or the TV show or both. I would guess the TV show for starters at first, then maybe the magazine later.

      That's all I know. You know, all this stuff is so shrouded in secrecy, and everyone is wrapped up in NDA's and whatnot that it is so hard to figure out what is really going on.

      But she is for sure working with that media corporation, I guarantee that 100%!

    7. So just put out your hand and let Robby shit in it! There's your guarantee!

  11. Don't let us down Linsay . I trust that this info is correct.

  12. What I don't understand about all of this talk is that from what I know, the Ketchum camp is dead broke and seeking any kind of investors. I'm sure she would jump at the first chance anyone approached her never the less National Geographic, however, I call Bullshit on this one.

  13. This whole Ketchum thing keeps coming clearer as a hoax as time progresses, and Robert Lindsay is in on the whole thing. First the paper was "submitted for multiple peer reviews" , now they're saying the paper has only been submitted to NationalGeo and needs scientific peer reviews. Clearly this story keeps changing because there is no paper and that's what hoaxers/liers do in order to avoid admitting to lying

  14. Nat Geo used to be owned by a conglomerate out of Atlanta,Ga called Crawford Communications. They are now called Encompass Media. They held the broadcast rights to the original Patterson/Gimlin tape for years too. They've since sold Nat Geo and it is now owned by another company and is run out of Colorado. Lindsay can find the rest of the info on his own. Incidentally, has anyone checked out the Rolling Stones cover for their new greatest hits albums??? It was announced this morning. It's called "Grrrrrr" and features a large ape sticking his tongue out.
    --You're welcome.

  15. You people want so badly for Bigfoot to exist that you'll put your trust in anyone, as long as they promise proof of Bigfoot. This whole project was nothing more than a money grab. There is no paper and never will be. All of the samples ended up in the garbage can and the money is long spent. The woman can't even do proper dog and cat testing and you believe she can prove your beloved Bigfoot exists? All of the smoke and mirrors hoaxy crap is just her trying to slither out the back door like a snake oil salesman.

    1. She don't want tarred and feathered.

    2. Hey, what do you mean "you people", that's the problem with you people you are always calling other people "you people"

    3. It's more polite than saying: you delusional freaks.

    4. That went over your head without you even ducking..snigger.

  16. The point is, there is no bigfoot, retard.

    1. Yes there is, I saw ones. It was dark and he was about 100 yards away in thick brush, but the moon was full and I could tell it was a Bigfoot.

  17. Bwwaahahaha... She tries to sink her hooks into any and all willing... PLEASE do not fall for her bait! It is a "bait and switch" game.

  18. Made up news. Neat. Why didn't I think of that.


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