Phil Poling Believes M.K. Davis Is Playing Us

Is M.K. Davis hiding something from us? Phil Poling thinks Davis is leaving out important information about his investigation and where he gets his videos from. He wonders if Davis has a suitcase full of this type of footage. In this video, Poling finds some problems with the investigation photograph taken by Davis on the property of the "Fence Climber" Bigfoot footage.


  1. Replies
    1. U R A Troll. Congratulations.

    2. I guess those who feel an outstanding effort by anyone willing to share at the level MK does must also answer to their ignorance and insults. This site is fabulous, it has done more to ensure Bigfoot misinformation than any imagined Government conspiricy. Good work Shawn. To MK - you know this kind of focus on your excellent efforts reflects the voids in others, I imagine you ignire this tripe - hope so anyway. Kudos.

    3. What does 'ignire' mean Mr.Scholar?
      Ya Jackass........

    4. Your comment is a perfect example of insult over content in context. Thanks, you shine.

    5. You,ve just been TATERHOLED!!!!
      Congratulations, how does that make you feel?

  2. I am a professional photographer and I can tell you lens length, distance from subject, camera angle, aperture, focal point all play huge roles in perspective and thus how the size of objects are perceived. If MK Davis did not use the exact same camera lens and take his photograph from the exact same position, distance and angle as the original, then his analysis is a non-starter. I don't think he is perpetrating a hoax however, I just think he believes but doesn't really know enough about photography and post-production to be analysing anything that we should take too seriously.

    1. The fence is the same height in reference to MK no matter how close or far away u are. Shoulder height is shoulder height. Yes if he was 20 feet away from the fence but he isn't he's right next to it.

    2. Anon 5:45 - It would seem that simple but its not. I could take a picture of MK Davis at that site with a very wide angle lens from a very close position and he would appear bigger than the creature when overlaid because the original was taken on a narrower lens from a further distance. Lenses distort perspective - they don't reproduce the world as we see it. Only a 50mm lens is closest to our perception. That is why the full frame is important to make a more accurate assessment. Even with the full frame, unless the distance to subject and lens length is exactly the same, the results will be inconsistent.

    3. Anon 7:10 knows what he's talking about.

    4. No he doesn't because he accused MK of being not being very smart about photography then anon says that MK uses all these technical ways to distort camera angles when apparently to him MK isnt that technical . MK apparently isn't capable (according to anon 7:10) of sofisticated camera angles or using a 50 mm so the argument is mute!

    5. Anon 9:55 - Ooookay... I think you read my 7:10 post as an attack on MK. As I said in my first post (5:13), I don't think MK is perpetuating a hoax, I just think as good and honest as his intentions maybe, they are flawed from the outset unless the exact same equipment in the exact same position is used. My opinion that MK is not very well versed in photography stands and rather than contradicting myself, I was simply pointing out that, (in the first person but meaning anyone), I could take a photograph of MK at a different distance with a different lens and get a result that would make MK himself appear larger than the creature, purely accidentally or intentionally depending on ones knowledge of photography.

      But you need not take my word for it. You can ask any professional photographer or even call your local camera shop and ask them if you were to try and recreate a scene where the size of an object is critical, would it be OK to use a different length lens, a different angle and different distance to subject?

      Though the difference between a 28mm lens and a 35mm lens is negligible to our eyes, they both render the world quite differently. In fact it could mean the difference between a subject appearing 1 or 2 feet larger or smaller depending on the distance to subject and/or lens used.

      FWIW, I think there is something to all this BF stuff but any analysis done after the fact with different equipment and parameters in terms of the aspects I have pointed to in my posts will be flawed and we cannot accept it as accurate science.

      One fact that you should know when looking at data of this kind: It is impossible to estimate the size of an object in a photograph without knowing approximate distance to subject and exact lens length, even if you measure nearby objects.

      To illustrate this point, if Patterson had filmed Patty with a 25mm lens at a distance of 100 yards, Patty would, according to scientific calculations be only 4 ft tall. If however a 25mm lens was used, she would have been almost 8ft tall. The negligible difference in lens length doubled or halved the size of objects in the frame based on the distance to them, (100 yards). So you can see that even if an object is only 10 ft away, a difference in lens length will cause the subject to be a different size in the frame, even if it is as little as only a few inches. The further away you are, the more pronounced the effect.

      But again I urge you to find out for yourself. Pick up something with a zoom lens and experiment with different lengths and distances to subject and you'll soon see what we can do intentionally (and accidentally). The camera does lie and it is very good at it!

    6. In the second sentence of my second to last paragraph there is a mistake. It should have read ...

      "If however a 15mm lens was used, she...."

    7. This isn't going to make it a wizard of oz midget. This is stupid . It's still big as hell. Give or take a couple of inches so what. If we are talking a couple of feet then sure, but all these adjustments and technical crap isn't going to do much this close up. Maybe if the picture was taken from a mile away, but it still always comes down to how close he is the object and you don't have to know squat about photography to use common sense.

    8. Just keep your eye on the fence posts.

    9. Anon 5:25, you couldn't be more wrong.

    10. To anonymous (the photographer): thank you for sharing your expertise (and you're spot on; I have a couple of pro photographers in my family and they say the same thing). Unfortunately, though, you've entered an altered reality here. I'm a scholar myself, exactly the type of person they will have to convince with evidence. However, I've found that although there are some very open minded folks here, too many dispel expert opinion without understanding what it is the expert is attempting to say. It's not just expert opinion that is dispelled: common sense is often ditched too. Again, there are some great BF investigators here, open minded and scientific, but unfortunately you're more apt to run into those who choose to believe regardless of evidence. I hope you stick around to post again in the future.

    11. I know a lot of book smart people who have very little common sense . I also know a few very smart photographers who don't know what a sound in the woods means. There are bigfooters who are not technical , but can spot crap in the woods others who just walk by and don't notice. Have you ever watched crocodile Dundee where the one dudes are in the woods with guns and crap while Mick and the aboriginals are screwing with them and avoiding them? Good depiction. Lots of bigfooters are outdoorsman and hunters ( at least the ones doing the work) so they know their crap! School of hard Knox ! Most footers who are serious try to first discount evidence to attempt to narrow down possibilities. Just listen to MK.

    12. Anonymous 1:14 -- thank you for the reply. You have - understandably, because I can't be as clear as I'd like on an internet comments section -- inferred something I never said or meant. It's not mutually exclusive that a healthy number of people on here (some believing in Bigfoot; others equally rabid in NOT believing in it) dispel scientific rigor while at the same time there is a group who really knows their stuff. I agree with you that there are Squatchers who are great outdoorsmen. I would trust them in a heartbeat to tell me about the flora and fauna of the woods. But what is beyond their expertise is photographic analysis, anatomical analysis, etc. I've seen countless individuals on the net say that the moon landings were hoaxes, and they based their opinions on an ignorance of photography. In the present case, we have a pro photographer taking the time to explain distortions arising from lens selection and all that, and several folks simply missed his point because they want to believe that MK Davis filmed a bigfoot. MK Davis, by the way, seems very sincere, the kind of guy I'd like for a neighbor, but he's hardly rigorous in his analysis of these videos. And as a human being, he will be suspect to me until he can explain where these tapes come from. They all are very clearly -- to me -- a guy in a suit. No question. They do not even approach the sheer believability of Patterson-Gimlin. I can't believe, actually, that his videos are still being posted here.

    13. Hi - It's the photographer again. So let me just make my position clear so as not to cause any confusion. I am not saying MK is trying to hoax people or is helping perpetuate one - only that his methods are flawed. As is FB/FB or any other photographic recreation using different parameters. I've said why and have encouraged you all to test this for yourselves. There may be real BF creatures in all their videos but we cannot make a good assessment unless the photographic methods are replicated exactly, so if it were a court of law they would be inadmissible. If it were your life on the line, you would be concerned about angles and lenses, believe me.

      I like watching BF videos and to date, there are several that are very intriguing. I believe the PG film is that of a real living creature and to date it is, unfortunately, still the best photographic evidence we have and I'm sure we all consider this to be the base line from which we judge all future photographic data until it is surpassed.

      Hoaxes and blurry videos pop up all the time but it does give us all something to look at and discuss - it keeps the belief alive and I think thats important in a contradictory way. Moreover, the more we see this material and the more we learn from each other, the better we can judge future material.

      I respect the guys that are out there looking - I don't live in a country where they are known to exist, but I'm not just a theory guy. I shoot location stuff in some pretty hairy situations and am an avid outdoors-man. I know instinct is just as important as science, especially in the field. I listen to what the hunters and trackers have to say and I hope the knowledge that I have to share can be understood and used somehow. There is no reason why we can't listen to each other and join forces and for us arm-chair critics that can only comment on videos and photographs (like me), the more tools we have at our disposal, the better an analysis we can make.

      If people can take blurry videos and make money from it, we will continue to feed an economy that is using its energy to perpetuate hoaxes rather than look for the real thing. I mean, finding these things seems to be quite challenging and if one can make money by just uploading unidentifiable pixels to the internet, then why not just do that?!

      That's where we, the community come in. If indeed as I suspect, these creatures do exist, we should be focussing our attention and feeding a community of professionals whose intentions are honest and true. If we can share our knowledge and raise the bar, I believe the standards we'll see in the future will improve. There is nothing wrong with wanting to believe. It is belief that has driven so many for so many years to dedicate their lives to this and we can thank them for what we have today. However, we don't have to believe everything to sustain our beliefs, especially when the science behind it is flawed. For progress to happen, we have to ask questions and build modals that work and set standards that need to be met, not just believe everything that anyone tells us - including what I'm writing here now!

      We have our beliefs - remember we cannot prove BF does not exist, but we can prove it does. So your beliefs will always be with you. If you want them to be verified anytime soon however, we need to encourage a more professional approach to this study indoors and out, by amateurs and professionals alike and encourage more experts to join the search. A solid community of believers that work together, respect each others work and share knowledge rather than squabble is a great start!

      We raise the bar, improve the standard of acceptable evidence, stimulate interest in amateurs and professionals alike which will encourage more like-minded people to join the search which will ultimately lead to verifying our beliefs.

  3. Replies
    1. He gets paid for his rants? Guess saying any 'ole thing pays. I am jealous.

  4. MK Davis sounds very credible to me. But it is odd how every week there is another great video. I am suspicious. It is also weird how he never gives details about how the videos are obtained. It doesn't ring true.

    1. Davis explained where the video originates on a recent Bigfoot tonight blogtalk radio show. It sounded like he thought it was a credible source, and he searches many hours of footage to find these tidbits.

  5. Simply look at where M.K. Davis' crotch is in relation to the fence and where the crotch of the "bigfoot" is. There is at least a difference of a foot in length, so depending on the height of Davis, it can be logically assumed that the other dude is much taller. BTW...can anyone tell me what Phil Poling has ever produced in the bigfoot world?? Beside his opinion...

    1. We'll leave that one alone.

    2. Producing nothing is better than promoting a hoax. Don't forget, MK knows these videos are from Sells, that's why he deletes those questions from his YouTube channel. Notice he doesn't deny they are from Sells because he knows he'll be caught up in a indisputable lie. Instead he just deletes those questions and pretends they never happened. Use your 2 brain cells, its not hard to figure this one out.

    3. There you go again Phil. Assuming we all have 2 brain cells. Certainly not an endearing quality.

  6. how about getting a photo with a tape measure next to the fence. That would give a better perspective of how big the subject in the video could have been ?

  7. Wow, that Poling guy is an angry jerk. I wonder if he's ever heard the term "Constructive Criticism". Someone should tell him that he can catch more bigfoots with honey than he can with vinegar.

    1. He sure likes to tell the world that its only his "Opinion". Someone should tell him that opinions are like assholes. Everybody has one, and the only one I care about is my own, and I sure as hell don't want to hear about yours!

    2. He says I don't care what your opinion is but he sure wants you to listen to and care what his opinion is. That pretty much sums up this guy.

    3. It says a lot about this blog that such defamatory bullshit is allowed to be posted by yahoos with no vocabulary or brains. Readers are stuck swimming in a pool of filth and idiocy, hoping to find a crumb of intelligent content to cling to. The trolls that comment on here are wasting space and oxygen. Doesn't say much for any of the content's worth when it seems to attract so many bottom feeders and so few people willing to show their names (and even in the intelligent commenters refusing to be named).

    4. hes right, and MK needs a career change, like rodeo clown.

  8. What does he have to be so angry about?

    1. I would characterize his demeanor as "annoyed" more then "angry". The hoaxing is getting tiresome and, based on what we know, it is not unreasonable to suspect that MK is a hoaxer.

  9. Cut old Philly some slack guys, I doubt anyone loves him, and thats why he sits alone in the dark at his computer looking up bigfoot all day.

  10. I agree with Poling, but does he have to be such an ass.

  11. I bet Phil Poling is the number 1 Troll on this site!

  12. I enjoy all the videos MK brings us, fake or real (they make for good discussions), so I hope idiots like Poling don't make him turn tail and run like that Rex Dutton guy.

    1. "...fake or real..."

      Which one is real?

    2. The fake OR real not the fake AND real. I'm giving this troll remark a big fat fail.
      Trolls on here are getting stupider by the minute.

  13. This Phil guy is a Fat Stupid Fuck. There are 3ft bigfoots to 10ft, bigfoots depending on their age. Sure MK Davis should have taken a pic of how high the fence was with a tape measure, but nobodys perfect.

    1. Yeah he assumes they are born as adults and there is no adolescence !

    2. You guys are douchebags. MK didn't even measure the height of the fence. Therefore, he's either the dumbest s.o.b. in analysis OR he didn't measure it for a reason and instead decided to purposely try to pull the wool over your eyes with an incorrect angled still shot. So which is it going to be? Either way, it clealry shows MK's analysis is NOT to be taken seriously.

    3. Well if a bigfoot is under 9 feet tall it has to be a guy in a suit because humans can get to 8 feet. See, this is called the logical fallacy game.

    4. You cant move like that in a suit! Plus the shoulder to elbow test.can prove any suit wrong !

  14. He has fancy mike so he must be an expert!!

  15. Why doesn't Davis address the questions about where he is getting the tapes?If they are not the sells tapes say so if they are then Davis is right up there with Biscardi and Dyer.A hoax is a hoax.

  16. That was funny that guy cracks me up. The debate this guy verses mk Davis in the UFC octogon! Lets get it on!!!!

  17. This video needs a (R) rating with all the F-bombs. Why is this Phil guy so angry? Atacking MK is like attacking Mr Rodgers! Does this Phil guy do anything else except sit in a dark room ranting about others who actually are trying to do something? What a moron.

    1. Easy to be a Monday morning squatcher! Get in the field

    2. That should have said I agree that guy need to quit being a monday morning squatcher..

    3. Hey thinks your name is Phil the Pill

    4. Me thinks,really?
      How old are you,10?

  18. Sing it phil, good on ya mate....cheers

  19. Playing us is what all serial hoaxers are attempting to do.

  20. Phil needs exercise ! Sitting in the basement , overweight, no exercise, and anger issues=heart attack!

  21. I think we need to have MK clean up the princess Kate photos for us.

  22. Why is Phil wearing a hat? I bet he hasn't seen the sun in years.

  23. Give him a break he wants an ancestor as much as me,and you that dont judge us.

  24. as i said before it is what it aint.

  25. To me bigfoot if he exist is one of our last frontiers of freedom.He should be respected as the one freedom that did not let us down. elusive,smart, agile the ultimate survivor. What a badass.

    1. Did your parents name you Star or Rainbow or something like that?

    2. God Bless the USA, and the American Bigfoot!

    3. I think God is tired of blessing the USA.

    4. I'm a Canadian, God just keeps our land glorious and free...

    5. And ripped up with Tar Sands!

  26. Phil, Although I may disagree with what you say, or how you say it, I'll defend to the death your right to say it.

  27. Is Phil short for Philadelphia?

  28. No but the first book i ever read was nobody meets bigfoot.HES my child hero.

    1. Who are you talking to, and what are you talking about? Context, context, context...

  29. What I find very odd about the MK stuff is that this location has supposedly been visited by bigfoot for a very long time. Whoever took the vids supposedly knew the basic locations, times and routes these creatures took across the property all the time. So much so, they set up the video cams and have captured it on all these tapes. Having said that, why then is every single MK video dark, grainy, bad lighting, no detail at all??? Why? If I had a bigfoot on my property, I'd buy every freakin' camera, trail-cam, surveillance system and audio component at the local Best Buy and have every conceivable angle covered. I'd have parabolic microphones, nightvision cams, high-def vid surveillance systems. His videos show absolutely nothing conclusive. They suck. I don't even waste time in watching them. It's like he purposely placed the equipment in low-level light areas knowing they wouldn't catch the pertinent details needed to establish any type of credible proof whatsoever. I think everyone misses the fact these vids show NOTHING! And this old fart MK with his "awe shucks", "whoa is me", "I'm only the messenger, they could be real, they may be fake" "I'm only the messenger, just my two cents" attitude is fooling everyone. It's all worthless drivel.

    1. Maybe they can't afford the best of the best equipment. We should be grateful for anything we get. Keep them coming MK.

    2. or just buy a gun and smeja the damn thing.

    3. Lowlight, blurry, blobsquatchers, hoaxes and pareidolia IS Bigfoot. Without those, it doesn't supposedly exist.

    4. Yeah. And then all the fun and yuck-yucks come to an end. Please no, I need my yucks.

  30. As a child bigfoot was my hero.

    1. Now that you're an adult what is Bigfoot to you?

    2. Sexy. Especially around the mouth.

  31. MK DAvis most likely has severe mental problems. Quit posting his stuff. It cheapens everything else posted near it.

  32. Maybe you have mental problems.

  33. What does it take to be a Bigfoot expert? A web cam and a willingness to subject your balls to a lot of busting!!

  34. The 'Forest Gump' of Largefoot he is.

  35. The comments from all you ass mashers make this site worth checking from time to time.Hell, better than any of these fake ass videos.

    1. Thanks, I'm just one person, and I wrote half these comments myself... Gotta love the Anonymous feature.

    2. Yeah, this site attracts the jackass comments. It's great.

  36. This FAT, Wolfman Jack, looking clown needs to STFU and leave MK Davis alone. He is showing his jealousy to its max. Hey FATSO, MK has you smoked, and your left in his dust you Bozo. He has his panties in a wad because MK has something to show us, and Fatty-a*s here has nothing.

    1. Jealous of a hoax promoting mentally ill person? OK.........I guess the truth hurts MK's ignorant fanboys.

  37. Just looking at the thumbnail at the top makes me wonder if there isn't something there. Elongated head, wide shoulders, sloping brow.
    Check this sighting in Washington in 2007. With cellphone pics. Huge and leaning forward at an almost impossible angle.

  38. More power to you, MK. Never reveal the source of your videos.

    Phil, you are a condescending, jealous ass with no credibility whatsoever.

    1. Um, we know the source (Mike Sells/Biscardi)

  39. My two cents: the photographic technicalities explained above are generally correct. Lens, angle and distance are critical. Having said that, you can still get an approximate size comparison by positioning yourself in exactly the same location and posing in exactly the same way. If M K had actually posed in the fence clmbing postion at exactly the same place that would have helped, even if the camera angle has been a little different. To me, when the figure's left leg lifts over the fence at 06:54 it appears to be wearing shoes/boots. The leg is also very thin for a bigfoot, even though some reports suggests lankiness. Mr Poling obviously has strong feelings about M.K's motives and/or competence. I don't, I quite enjoy the videos even if I don't rate them as being very relaiable. I want to see some more bottle throwing footage please.

  40. Shawn you are a HUGE Jack ASS and Phil Poling is a DUMB ASS

  41. this is just more of that teamtazerbigfoot shit, i used to watch them but realized all they do is pokev fun at all bigfooters, they really don't believe in bigfoot, the are aetheist, hate god, hates anybody that believes in god, mike merchant, phil poling, voodoosix, and a few others are better ignored, i blocked them so i don't have to listen to any more of thier BS.

    1. If you are an atheist, you don't believe that there is a god, so you can't hate something that doesn't exist.

  42. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  43. Don't care to listen to this particular person anymore.
    His basic argument is MK is faking it.
    Loads of suppositions.

    Enough f bombs and name calling?

    he doesn't care anyway..


  44. Hey Phil .Lets see if you can go out in the yard and go over a 4ft fence. you said anyone can do it. lets see you do it ..Skeptics hide behind a computer and bitch. but never go outside and video something to show how its done .show us outside in the yard phil how its done .

  45. Replies
    1. Windows has detected that your computer's performance is slow ;)

  46. Mr Phil Boling...I had to turn off your silly commentary because of all of the junior high style f-bombs and cursing and foul mouthed language you use. I dont want my kid to learn your bad habits by listening to your immaturity. Say what you want about Mr M.K. Davis but at least he has the decency to speak like an adult and frankly I bring into question your credibility and not Mr Davis.....Shaun I really think you have to be careful about some of those videos you post. If the posters of these videos cant use mature language then they material shouldnt be posted...period in my opinion....dont forget there is a younger audience here watching and this kind of potty mouth frankly does everything a disservice.

  47. MK Davis is a mutherfucking liar. PROVED! Great work in debunking this fraud. MK Davis should smoke some meth to get that long drawn out yapper of his to move faster than two turtles fucking. Phil Boling is right. Fuck you people who worship these con men like MK Davis and Rick Dyer and Barack Obama.

  48. MK Davis is a lying hoax artist. He is as low on the septic tank as Rick Dyer and Justin Smeja. MK Davis has been proven to be a fraud. Why? Because he need to keep his name in the spotlight by CREATING fake bigfoot videos and authenticating everything he posts. He has zero knowledge of lens optics and all associated disciplines. Anyone who believes this man is a fucking idiot. But that's ok. As long as you fucking idiots don't actually harm anyone.


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