M.K. Davis Gets Roasted By Steven Streufert

"Here is ANOTHER part of the new one from MK Davis' "M K Davis looks at quick clips of a white Bigfoot". NOT A BIGFOOT. Human fingers, obviously, with no hairiness evident." - Steven Streufert

Steven Streufert, the founder of the Facebook group, "Coalition for Reason, Science, Sanity in Bigfoot Research" just published some breakdown images of the recent alleged "Bigfoot" videos released by M.K. Davis this week. Check it out and see if you agree with him.

Here is ANOTHER of the new ones from MK Davis' "M K Davis looks at quick clips of a white Bigfoot". NOT A BIGFOOT.

- Steven Streufert

Here is one of the new ones from MK Davis' "M K Davis looks at quick clips of a white Bigfoot". NOT A BIGFOOT.

- Steven Streufert

Here is yet ANOTHER part of the new one from MK Davis' "M K Davis looks at quick clips of a white Bigfoot". Probably... NOT A BIGFOOT. Human walking motion, again showing the characteristics of a white SHIRT, not a "White Bigfoot." Keep trying, MK. Maybe if you try hard enough, and wish hard enough, Bigfoot will appear before your eyes...?

- Steven Streufert

Here's the video:


MK's "White Bigfoot" is simply a man on a bicycle or other vehicle.
Watch the video, as clothing is readily apparent, as is a backpack or other object following the "Bigfoot" as it rides past.

- Steven Streufert

Another "White Bigfoot" from MK Davis. It is NOT a Bigfoot. Note, this "Bigfoot" wears clothes, and even tucks his shirt in...

- Steven Streufert

MK Davis' Fence Climber... A Man in a Ghillie Suit.

- Steven Streufert

NOT a Bigfoot! This is the same man in pants and white shirt.
It only seems to be a "white Bigfoot" due to poor quality, blurred video.

- Steven Streufert


  1. I am reevaluating my life and thinking it must suck because I opened this article.
    Fortunately, I did not play the video or really read any captions to photos.
    I am fairly bored with Streufart's opinions of Mk Davis's opinions.
    I feel bad about it.

    1. Football would be far less boring than watching you mock someone elses's opinions. ZZZZZZZZZZ


    3. MK values visual evidence. The visual evidence is clear. It isn't a matter of opinions. Click to enlarge the images. LOOK at the videos paused in full screen. You too may find the truth. It is a human, a man, wearing clothing.

      Plus, it seems these videos all came from known hoaxer, Mike Sells.

    4. Seriously? I like the glowing white one in the middle of the clip. Looks like the glowing squatch has the decency to close and latch the gate behind him! And the one that passes so close to the trail cam has a nice fabric pattern to its skin; not hair, but fabric. So it's getting pretty dang lame when some dude adjusting his trail cam,. and walking in front of it, ends up as bigfoot evidence.

      Are people's standards really set so low that this stuff even merits posting?

    5. My point, exactly!
      These videos are some of the worst examples of wishful thinking I have ever seen.

    6. The same could be said of your videos criticizing MK.

    7. The only video I have criticizing MK is where we proved him utterly wrong about the PGF site location in Bluff Creek. We used surveying, real historical investigation, mathematics, and science to do it. What did he do to find his location? He guessed, using his feelings. He was wrong. That is all.

      So, what was your point, now? Oh yeah, you didn't have one. Oh well.

  2. Well it looks like MK is running neck and neck with Tim Fasano for the Mark David Chapman award.

  3. Doesn't nature usually grace us with genes that will contribute to our survival? If I was a big predator like a polar bear living in the Arctic and my very survival depended heavily on my ability to be somewhat camouflaged, I would be very upset and very extinct, very soon with genes that made my hair black.

  4. u reaching steven.. i DON'T see what streufert CLAIMS.. in my opinion!

    1. His claims are as unverifiable as MK's. They are just not clear enough video clips to tell anything with certainty. The story behind these clips is the important thing, and we never really get that. You can't analyze rough video evidence on it's own and come to any halfway meaningful conclusion.

      And for the record... always consider that human and bigfoot may not be mutually exclusive terms.

    2. Does Bigfoot wear blue jeans and white shirts, then?

    3. Only when he takes his wife out for dinner!

  5. who is streufert anyways? another EXPERT, seems we have to many EXPERTS whom can't get a photo or video of sasquatch but when others may have it on video they are quick to say no it can't be a sasquatch, i've never actually seen one but i know thats not it.i believe that MK davis is not trying to pull the wool over anybody's eyes, what i've seen in the videos i DID NOT SEE A GUY ON A BIKE, SCOOTER, FARTING WHIRLWIND or any thing else, looked like something white moving very fast on two legs. well, i guess i'm an expert now, so go fuck yourself strasfart or who ever you are. this expert thinks you are full of shit.

    1. Silly, I'm "Bigfooter of the Year."

      I'm just a guy, doing my own thing. That is all. Some people are just very insecure or juvenile. I can't help it they act that way, rather than addressing serious thought with real ideas, or just laughing at satire.

    2. Typical post from you Steven, maybe you and Phil, the sock dog guy, should stop watching videos. All you every do is complain,complain........ Here's an idea, save yourself some time and stop watching them.Do the rest of us a favor!


    4. It isn't complaining. It is called critical thinking. I guess that is a new concept to you, and you just believe EVERYTHING?

    5. oh fuck urself fish eyed bastard! u ugly sommabitch!!

  6. Ok, bring on the eyeball comments, ye wankers.

    I certainly never claim to be an "expert."

    Anyone can hit pause on the video while in full screen mode and see this subject is a human wearing dark pants and a white shirt. It is clearly evident, without expertise.

    Shawn was supposed to publish more of these, where the clothing is even more clear. Why didn't he? Shawn, are you covering for your hit-generating MK?

    1. I'm sure it's a conspiracy to close your book store down as a favor to MK. Heaven forbid Shawn doesn't post the "definitive" pics. Sheesh!

    2. Well, don't get all butt hurt because some of us don't see what you see. MK presented them as open ended. I'm not sure what I'm looking at, but I couldn't make your call as fact either, so why bother?

      Thanks for being negative and wasting our time!

    3. Critical thought is a positive thing. It is not "negative." Are you seriously telling me you don't see the pants and shirt on that guy? Are you really even looking, or do you just want to see a bigfoot there so badly you will accept anything?

    4. MK presents everything as open-ended, so no one can ever pin him down with serious criticism.

  7. Replies
    1. I'm pleased to see you demonstrate your level of intelligence so clearly, Anonymous.

    2. Actually your first use of the verb "demonstrate" was correct. You're just an idiot.

    3. Smurf, typing on a phone isn't always best, especially when distracted by so many idiots like you. I would have retracted my correction, but there is no delete option on my phone version. Actually, both are grammatically correct.
      What was your point now? Oh yeah, you didn't have one.


    1. Nah, I'm just looking at these videos he puts out, and they are truly laughable. So long as he continues to post ludicrous junk and bunk theories I will be there to critique them.

    2. Not honest Steven. Discrediting MK has been a focus of yours for years now. Eventually no one listens because you are biased and it shows.

    3. Demonstrate how I am biased.

      I point out clear factual errors in MK's videos and theories. Everything I have said is backed by actual facts or provable points. If you have a criticism of any particular critical point I have made, well, make it already. MK has been incredibly wrong about many things, but where praise is due in his good works I have freely and repeatedly given it.
      Those concerned with reality and truth will listen and look into it. Those wanting to believe fantasies can keep on praising the Massacre Theory and White Bigfoot. You are welcome to your delusions.
      If you are going to criticize my analyses, then make a damn point already, rather than just blabbing out your feelings and your own clear biases.

    4. Here's an unbiased analysis. MK is posting videos that he knows can from Mike Sells AND he knows that they are hoaxed. That's the reason he deletes the posts on his YouTube channel asking if they are from Sells. Now why would he delete those questions instead of answering them? I'll tell you why: for one he'd rather get rid of the Sells questions than answer them. Why? Because he knows if he says they're NOT from Sells he'll be caught in an indisputable lie.

      There is really no REASON to be deleting the questions of where these came from. Face it people, MK Davis is KNOWINGLY PROMOTING HOAXES.

      How can he EVER be taken serious again? He can't if you have at least one functioning brain cell.

      MK's videos used to be pretty intriguing to watch but over the years he's cracked, lost it even and now he's even went as far as promoting hoaxes to keep his name out there in the discussion of Sasquatch.

  9. Betty Davis at it at again? U OL FISH EYED FOOL!!!!

    1. Ha ha. Got anything intelligent to say for a change, buddy? I guess not.

  10. I have nothing against MK personally. In fact, I think he is a nice guy. However, nice guys can be wrong about the facts, too.

    1. I can't understand why MK would release this footage. It keeps getting more and more obvious that it is a guy in a white shirt and jeans with practicaly every new video!

      Thanks for these stills by the way.

  11. No offense, but I'm not sure so much time and effort is needed to debunk these. Anybody with a brain who watches it once can see it's someone running around the yard. The people who need convincing otherwise will never accept your findings anyway. But to each his own I guess.

  12. Everybody needs to start listening to MK's reports. He NEVER claims it is a Bigfoot. In fact he usually says "I don't know, see what you think" But no one seems to THINK..... This Steven Streufert fella is a Bozo. I am having a herder time seeing what he claims it is than what MK claims it is. WAKE UP PEOPLE, IT'S CALLED JEALOUSY.

    1. I don't think you are listening to MK's reports. In his last video he clearly states he thinks it is a white Bigfoot, not only that he says there are probably more white Bigfoots. IMO I cant tell what we are looking at. The only way to get to the bottom of this is to call a town hall meeting!

    2. I don't have any envy of MK, nor reason for such. What he does is use Weasel Words to evade the truth. I'm just pointing that out. It is sad that he is so desperate for attention that he needs to publish these shoddy hoax videos. Surely MK, in possession of the original videos, is as capable of looking at them as I am, and seeing the clear fact that in paused frames it is a man, a human, wearing clothing. That he does not calls much into question.

    3. I saw a white bigfoot. Scared the bajeebers out of me...almost drove off the road.

  13. Try connecting Steven to Tom Biscardi through Mike sells.It aint gonna happen.
    MK is a hoaxer who tries to save face by not calling the person in the video a Sasquatch.

  14. Steven you nailed it one every single one of the examples you put up! I can't see how people can even be upset!? Why is that in Bigfootery people who point out the obvious get attacked? We all have right to our opinions but c'mon people! Non of the videos posted by M.K. contain a Bigfoot! Zero. It would be better for us as believers if you all would stop looking with your hearts and start using your eyes.

  15. Who the hell is Steven Streufert and what are his credentials?! oh yea and Shawn your still a JACK ASS...

    1. My qualifications, all that are needed for this case, are common sense, a computer screen, two eyeballs, a pause button, and a mind that works.

      Beyond that I have two MA degrees, run a bookstore, and have studied Bigfoot culture and issues seriously since 1999. I'm just an ordinary guy looking with a critical eye at some really low grade videos and seeing the obvious fact that there is no Bigfoot in them.

    2. wow steven you have TWO MA DEGREES?? im impressed.. may i ask in what??

    3. He's looking at it through Betty Davis eyes.

    4. Whatever, dude.

      I have degrees in Literature and another that centered primarily on Psycholinguistics in a context of Education. My constant emphasis was on Philosophy and Critical Theory, in the background. I'm not bragging. It's just a response to silly questioning above. I chose not to pursue a PhD degree, as I did not want to spend my life in academia.


  16. My problem with M.K.s work is that he films his computer screen further degrading the images. Why do that if you are trying to present possible evidence of Bigfoot? I like that this Steven guy finally just said it, there is no way anybody can come to a conclusion that any of the footage M.K. releases could be a Bigfoot, the quality is just too poor and cannot be taken serious.

  17. If Davis would get rid of the sells crap and analyze other video I would have no problem with him at all.
    As it stands right now he is working on tapes that he knows are hoaxes and that ain't cool.

  18. Since people here have questioned my "credentials," may I ask an obvious question?


  19. You got Shawn to remove some comments. Good for you. But don't let him publish your "opinions" if you don't want to be subject to the free-for-all that is his blog. It's the way it is. No one cares is you are called names. rEally, they don't and gosh, it probably makes people research you more and maybe even buy a book from you. Huh. Hit-driven websites. Imagine that.

    1. How is it "commenting on my opinions" if idiots are just making stupid remarks about my eyeballs, ethnic slurs about my German last name, and false and libelous accusations of pedophilia? That is what is known as ad hominem, straw man attacks, and does nothing to further debate or sensible discourse.
      I know how it works, really, but I'm sick of it. People should learn how to actually discuss things, rather than making stupid attacks. THAT is what really bugs me. All the lame false criticisms just make the accusers look like childish fools, and I look better in the end. That is not the point. Even then, it should stop. Why? Because it is idiotic. That's why.

    2. Steven, the day you look better for doing anything, is the day tim fasano gains credibility back. Youve sealed your fate by having so much penis envy over MK. Your videos are pathetic that you actually took the time to make them. If you were actually intelligent on any level and wanted to debunk MK, you would have made videos that at least showed you had two shreds of intelligence and scientific method. But your just a dumn hillbilly trying to get his 5 seconds of fame.

    3. I notice you did not make a single point of fact with any detail or explanation of anything you are supposedly criticizing. We have made 67 videos of historical exploration on the ground in Bluff Creek. We found and documented and proved the long lost film site location. We were joined at the end by some of the best minds in Bigfooting. For this achievement we received the Bigfooters of the Year award from one of the sharpest guys in the field, Daniel Perez. Along the way we proved MK wrong about nearly everything.

      So, what was your point now? You didn't really make one.

    4. You have done nothing for this field every fish eyes. Not one thing. Your lying about everything you fish eyed fool

    5. Again, no substance. Where have I "lied"? Do you have ANY facts at your disposal, or the ability to construct a single rational idea??

  20. This is the same kind of thing this guy did on Hovey's picture. Yaaaawwwwwn.

    1. No it isn't. I did make FUN of the Hovey picture a few times, but I didn't do this kind of analysis on it. Why? It was pointless.

      Here is a satire I did of the Hovey/ABS photo...

  21. Aaaaaand there we are. It's the Hovey lemmings or Hovery herself taking cheap shots at Steven.

    1. Yep, for sure. And MK's little GCBRO cult. Or the MABRC Randy-types.

  22. I used to be a skeptic . however I Think Mk davis work is outstanding and he changed my mind about bigfoot also i know someone who has seen one. It seems like steven and Phil for some reason gets upset with mk .seems like they are jelous . They kinda act like 4 yr old kids becouse they didnt get something thier way .what a shame .

    1. Jealous, over what? I am the one who found the real PGF site, which MK could not do. I was there with Bill Munns making measurements of the site, which will produce much better results than anything MK has done.
      MK did some good film stabilizations in the past, and since then, not much more.
      Please give ONE good thing that you have gotten from these recent efforts by MK. Just one?

      Don't you see? It is YOU who are "acting like a 4 year old kid" by making these stupid and shallow accusations without substance.

    2. No anon. You're comment was constructed precisely as a 4 year old's. You brought nothing to the table other than "waaaah waaah waaaah, my feelings are hurt" because you're too damn stupid to figure out that MK is promoting hoaxes from the likes of Mike Sells. There's a reason he deletes the questions of where these videos came from INSTEAD of answering them. I know your head will surely explode if you seriously try to muster some critical thinking out of them 2 brain cells you have but maybe you should do it anyway. The world would be a better place. There's really no reason for complete morons to be here.

  23. Didn't Streufort or whatever give everyone a big lecture a while back about not mocking other bigfooters, etc.,etc.,claiming that someone threatened him,blah,blah. He and his coharts have no credibility. They think they are important along with the other jokers like the chicken whatever. Strufort follows a pattern-victim,mocker,know-it-all. Watch he'll go for the victim role again soon. He needs help.

    1. You are simply making yet another straw man argument. You clearly did not read or understand what I said before. I spoke out against AD HOMINEM attacks, straw man arguments and libel/slander. GET IT? If you want to actually "discuss" things, MAKE A VALID ARGUMENT FOR AN ACTUAL POSITION. Here you have said just about exactly NOTHING. And no, that is NOT me claiming to be a "victim."

    2. OH, and yes, I have received "threats," many indeed. And making death threats is serious, especially when I have my 11 year old daughter in the shop here much of the time. Not only that, it is childish and illegal, and WEAK, to make such threats in lieu of actual serious discussion and debate.

    3. Learn to spell, by the way, Anonymous.
      My name is German, and it is spelled STREUFERT.
      Pronounced like "Deutsch."
      Get over your petty ways.
      It is not useful, and it really isn't funny either.

    4. Haha, there you go again - victim, mocker, know-it-all...you probably deleted the mocker paragraph. Its weird how you mention everything that should refer to yourself. Your argument against Davis is completely ad-hominem. Because he attacked your holy cow ... Bluff creek...hmmm....pretty close to Willow Creek Book Store,eh...you attack everything he does. Now that is childish. My impression is that Davis is much more valuable to this work than you are so it would be smart on your part to just let it lie.

    5. Death threats...really ? There you go ... victim. Now how about a little mocking and know-it-all to make up for it.

    6. I only attack bullshit when I see it, and have not made as hominem attacks against MK. I have criticized his theories and videos. You clearly have no firm grasp of what ad hominem even means, as right now you are making a pointless and fallacious ad hominem argument yourself.

      How did MK "attack Bluff Creek"? He didn't. Is something wrong with your brain that you can't even form a coherent thought? MK loves Bluff Creek. He is just wrong about most of its history.

      And yes, the threats were real, so shut the fuck up about it already Anonymous Coward.

  24. I'm not done. Davis never said that any of these things were Bigfoot. He asked for help in figuring it out. You would think that if you have an opinion to help Davis then do it in a professional way without all the self aggrandizement and mocking.

  25. I have to say I'm pretty disappointed in you, Shawn for your constantly teaming up with the joker goofballs...you know this Streufort flip-flopper and the chicken mocker of Meldrum. Honestly, if you hang out with these guys you end up being categorized with them. You should change if you want to be a part of the real action.

    1. Straw Man Argument. The above are not really jokes. They are showing a false ascription of Bigfoot to video images of a MAN, a human, in clothing.

      If you are going to say accusatory things, at least say them with a substantive claim. What have I "flip-flopped" on, and have you even viewed what real research I've done, other than the joking satire I do on bad photos and videos?

      Rational and critical analysis of hoaxes and false claims HELPS US get closer to the truth. It is a positive thing, even if couched in humor. That you don't get that shows your intellectual shallowness.

      And no, I've never actually met Shawn. And if you listened to the interview between the Chicken and Meldrum, it WAS NOT mocking. It was a sincere, but humorous interview, and Jeff was in on the Chicken joke.

      So far your bag above holds no water.

    2. Plus... Shawn himself IS kind of a joker and goofball, so far as I can tell, having talked to him a few times. I say that in a good way. There certainly is nothing wrong with humor, is there?

    3. Not likely that something is serious and humorous at the same time...that adds up to being a backdoor attack. If Meldrum went along with it then he made a mistake. That episode was not good for Meldrum nor Bigfootery. You guys will continue to gain readership from those that once were legitimate bigfoot fans but have lost the vision...you will lose readership from legitimate researchers...

    4. Meldrum was laughing about it at the time, and the Team Tazer guys obviously admire Jeff. Where is the harm? There is none. It is great to see humor in this field for a change, and Meldrum obviously has a sense of it.

  26. could Shawn be getting paid by someone to let these people couse trouble and doubt in the bigfoot world .

    1. More likely Shawn is a closet bigfoot skeptic just like Streufert. Both of them have moments of brilliance but soon fall back into their real selves.

    2. Actually, I am not a closet skeptic. I'm an everything skeptic. I'm skeptical of human systems of thought and belief. I am inclined to believe that Bigfoot is definitely possibly real, though it would be quite rare if it is, and that most perceptions of what Bigfoot is or what constitutes a Bigfoot encounter are certainly deeply flawed. I am rather impressed with the sightings record as a whole, and feel that it is very hard to dismiss.
      Also, I happen to know from Shawn himself that he is indeed now a real believer. He used not to be.

  27. Here it is, enlarged, for those who just don't get it. That ain't no "White Bigfoot."
    Take a closer look, folks:


  28. Here is another one did. Not a Bigfoot!
    Copy and paste into your browser:


    This is no more a "Bigfoot" than the ones in MK's videos, but it was claimed to be, in a YouTube video recently.

  29. Steven its pretty obvious from your last few post you are very jealous of mk

    1. Oh fuck off already. Why on godz green Earth would I be jealous of him? Simply ridiculous.


    3. No, it was such an obviously false statement I really felt compelled to say Fuck.

      And by the way, who the fuck are you, idiot, coward?

    4. wow! Why are you calling me names steven? i did not call you out of your name!

    5. Steven you are so jealous of MK that it just pours out of you. He has credibility and respect and you never will. All you have is fish eyes

    6. If anything, it is MK who is jealous of me and my group. We rediscovered the film site, which no one could do for years, including John Green, Bob Titmus, Daniel Perez, MK Davis, and the whole lot of them. We found the trees and stumps and proved it. The last one to go to the film site with reliability was Rene Dahinden, and he wasn't talking in his later years.
      The last documented visit to the PGF site including identification of the trees and landmarks we could find was in the 1980s, aside from Rene. MK was adamant he was correct, but his location is about a quarter mile off downstream.

      MK "retired" after talking to me on the Bigfoot Tonight show, just an hour later. He was defeated and he knew it. These latest videos constitute his attempt at a comeback, and frankly a sorry one it is.

  30. To be fair Steven, your analysis shows nothing but blur either. How they are obviously men in white shirts and blue jeans I don't know. They could be literally anything and yes MK is presumptive of it being Bigfoot but you're just a bad.

    1. Yes, but you can see clearly that it is indeed a blurry human form with dark pants on the lower half and a white shirt on the top half. That much is obvious.

  31. To MKs credit he has handled this with class .while people on this cite has called him names and ridiculed Him .He has not said one bad word to or about anyone .MK if your reading this you are a class act ...

  32. Steven, calm down. Man are you pissed. You should have known this was coming... I for one agree with you, M.K.s work is highly suspect, and does not show any such thing/being as a Bigfoot.

    1. MK Davis is scanning films for anything legitimate and asking us to help him. You are miscategorizing what he is doing.

    2. No, I am certainly not pissed. I find this highly amusing.

      All MK had to do was actually LOOK and he would have seem the clearly human form, though blurry, which shows obvious clothing and human proportions consistently across the videos when paused at clear moments. He didn't need help. He just wanted further attention. He is jealous of our success in Bluff Creek, I guess.

  33. hey steve, how about your dumn fat ass stop using the term "straw man" over and over, sounds like your nickname in high school. Its pretty damn obvious your as jealous as can be over MK. Its pathetic. And the fact you had shawn erase comments about you? Your pathetic. Then you have such little free time that you feel the need to try and defend yourself in every comment to try and act like you know what your talking about. Your just a bored pathetic virgin who is so envious of MK Davis that you feel the need to do parody videos. How sad is that? That you take time out of your day to take photos and make video of videos you think are fake. Think about that. You literally have no life. Your obsessed your fish eyed fool.

    1. I agree with you 100% Anonymous 4:29

    2. You, sir, have simply proven yourself an intellectual incompetent who cannot make any argument that isn't flawed with the Straw Man Fallacy. Keep doing it. It just makes me look all the better. Learn some Logic, perhaps, while you are at it.

    3. there is ANSOLUTELY NOTHING that can make you look better...NOTHING!

    4. Why would I care what you think, some intellectual coward hiding behind "Anonymous"? You contribute nothing, and worse, you are a mere filthy troll gnawing on his own excrement.

      The only relevant point here is that these videos presented by MK Davis of late show a man, not a Bigfoot. The rest of the detritus most of you have posted here is mere ad hominem, straw man garbage.

    5. ARe you trying to set a record for how many times you can use the term straw man. You have as much of a hard on for that is you do for MK.

    6. Do you even know what the Straw Man and Ad Hominem fallacies are? How can there be a rational discourse here if you do not? Do you realize that you are making an ad hominem fallacy in your statement above where you attack me for saying "straw man" along with whatever you are trying to mean by hard-on?
      Make a real point already.

  34. Steven. If you were so secure about yourself you wouldn't bother posting responses to everyone here. Why do you care?

    1. I'm doing this to expose logical imbecility, and because it is fun to do so. Why are YOU here? Do you have any valid point to make, about anything? I am perfectly secure in my own intellectual abilities. I certainly have nothing I need to prove to my critics here, who have all consistently demonstrated that they are incapable of logical thought and clear expression and are probably close to functional illiteracy.

  35. There's only one ending in all of this that is the Mike Sells tapes. However, there is two options to choose from. In the end, only one can be the correct answer, you choose:

    Option A:

    MK is in on a hoax and there's no way around it. Nobody can deny that knowing that MK rushes to delete the questions about them being from Mike Sells. Well you can deny it all you wish but it doesn't change the fact that he knows they're from Sells and continues to promote them.

    Option B:

    MK is doing this for Biscardi, knows they're hoaxes and there is a plan to pull the rug out from under all of the people who have bought in to these videos. Basically demonstrating how easily the believers of these videos have been fooled and to teach them to be more critical and to use logic before just buying in.

    Those are the only two options, what's it going to be?

    1. You haven't even listened to what MK has to say about Sells. You're on the wrong track...just another angry person upset about MK's work on the PG film.

    2. May I ask, how do we know these are Mike Sells videos, and what has MK said about Mr. Sells?


    I dare all of you chickenshit jerks to come right out and admit who you really are. Address other people as yourself if you aren't too terrified to do so. If you have something to say to me, say it to my face as a real human being. Cowards.


    1. I did not say I wanted to fight.

      I said they, and you, are cowards, hiding behind "Anonymous," incapable of addressing a point logically or with sincerity, just taking pot shots from the peanut gallery, like frightened little kids.

      If you'd like to address things seriously, with integrity, then put a real name on it, and stand behind your words.

    2. And what exactly would you do you fish eyed fool if people came forward. Try and start a fight? please. You would stand about as much chance as you do of every getting respect. The only thing different was you would have a name to make your retarded comments too. Every comment you have left on this page involves either the term strawman, or ad homi. Youve proven yourself as big of a troll as anyone else on this page and so much more of a complete moron. If you had any legitimacy at all, you would actually behave like an adult man. Not like a 5 year old kid with a video camera who thinks its funny and cool to make parody videos. MK Davis may be right or wrong, but hes 50 times the man of you fish eyes. He has the balls to present things like a respectable researcher. You on the other hand cant stop shoving donuts in your face or bugging your eyes out long enough to take your own hand out of your ass.

      Your a pathetic looser and you always will be. Take a bow STeven, you now have the reputation on par with tim fasano.

    3. That is the most ridiculous piece of imbecility I have seen you write so far. Still, you have not made a single point that says anything. You rant and rave and present not a single piece of substance other than, I guess, that you don't like me. Whatever.

  38. this guy is so jealous of mk davis its not funny

  39. Steven no one is hiding behind anything or not being sincere. We are all very sincere when we say you are a fish eyed fool who is so jealous of MK Davis he cant stand it. You brought all this on yourself, b/c your videos and comments make no sense at all. You spend time and effort to make mock up videos instead of actually trying to get evidence yourself. You try and make claims that you won this award and did this and that, but you did nothing. You were involved with a group who did something. Dont get that fact twisted. If it was up to you, you wouldve just been making parody videos of the patty film. You call others childish on here, yet a real researcher, or respectable person for that matter, wouldnt even bother with our "kiddy remarks from the gallery". They would present their evidence, and definetly not in a parody video, and then move on. But you just cant do that, b/c you dont have any evidence to present. just mock up vids.

    You say that you are answering every comment b/c its fun for you. Everyone with two eyes, that arent bugging, can see that you arent having fun. Your being insulted in every post, and your cussing back and getting mad and throwing insults. You just think that by defending every response that somehow that will make you look better. Which you have already stated. But it doesnt make you look better, it makes you look like the village idiot. Do you see MK Davis commenting about every heckler, do you see Meldrum, you dont see anyone doing this. Because its the mark of a child with low confidence and self esteem. You really should refrain from letting shawn post your videos.
    I know that you think hes doing it to put info out their. But in reality whats happening is that hes sitting back laughing at all the comments made about you. Heck, he published your vids just so people would come here and make fun of you b/c he knew how stupid they would be.

    Grow up Steven. We all can tell your jealous of MK but get over it. You cant take the criticism and you present nor offer nothing, so please leave this field for good.

    1. The facts are clear. You are just wrong.

      I don't even make "mock up" videos. You don't even know what you are talking about. I made a few images to show obvious false "Bigfoot" images. That is all.

      The Bluff Creek Film Site Project was started by my friend Ian and myself. With Robert Leiterman filming us, and then becoming a full contributor, we made a bunch of videos presented free to the public showing the Bluff Creek landscape and history. We found the film site and documented it thoroughly. We proved that MK Davis was wrong, as an aside along the way.
      What is wrong with that, eh?

      We DO go out and "try to get evidence." We did that all along the way in the last three years. We are setting trail cameras up there for the winter. When we do that the same group of "critics" arise to jump all over those efforts, with the same snide attitude.

      You are only attacking me and making it a personal issue because you cannot critique anything specific in my research and writings. You are simply displaying a personal bias, and support of your friend, MK.

      I tried to point out to you critics here that all you are doing is making personal attacks without substance, and in many cases just making shit up. I guess reality doesn't matter to you. Oh well.

      I see that you are still being a coward. A "real man," or whatever you said, would try to have an actual discussion, not just take pot shots with no content or substance. This only demonstrates your own weak position, which amounts basically to NOTHING.

      I'm sure that the critics above are members or friends of one of the following groups, and that explains just about EVERYTHING you other people need to know about their bias:


  40. that was well put Anonymous12:52.. he is a CHILD NO CONFIDENCE AND NO SELF ESTEEM!!!

    1. My "self-esteem" is just fine, thank you. If I lacked in self regard and did not think well of my own abilities, I'd be hiding behind "ANONYMOUS" like the rest of you.

  41. Instead of all of these ridiculous personal attacks, why can't you "Anonymous" people actually address the topic at hand? Are you afraid to take an honest look? Look at the images above, and watch the videos hitting pause frequently. What do you see there? Is it really a possible Bigfoot? What do you think?

    Or would you rather just sit around all day saying "Fish Eyed Fool" for absolutely no sound reason, and to please your masters in the GCBRO or whatever? Saying that is pointless and inane.

  42. I'm just addressing the problem. It isn't about "ME," but rather the nature of discourse in this field of study. I'm willing to take the imbecilic insults, as it is clear to any intelligent person who is right in this situation. I want people to THINK about this problem of anonymity and slander and trollishness that infests and ultimately defeats this Bigfooting field.

    I have enemies, and that is for having a sharp mind and speaking the truth. They don't like that, as they are afraid, insecure, and incapable of really taking me on in a civil debate. So they hide, and take stupid potshots anonymously. It is their loss.

    Shawn. Well, I have talked to him extensively about this. He refuses to shut down the Anonymous option. He wants to make money off the site, and will do nothing to compromise that. He is not going to take responsibility for the degradation of discourse, not to mention the outright crimes of slander/libel, that his site enables. It's sad, and his credibility as a "researcher" suffers, even though he is a good guy in the normal human sense.

  43. Im pretty f*****D off with people knocking MK Davis, as if they havent got anything better to do. Well perhaps you STEVEN could go through many many hours of tape and find footage which MK Davis does so that people like you and I can form our own opinions.
    More often than not if not always MK Davis offers it out so that "you can form an opinion" "see what you think" he says. Hats off of to MK without people like him we wouldnt have anything to mull over.
    Why dont you STEVEN go out and get the footage you need instead of ripping into him with you BS accusations then we can form an opinion on you.
    People like you give Bigfoot research a bad name and cause bad blood with people.

  44. AGAIN, you offer nothing of substance, just a personal defense and a personal attack. I'm not "knocking" MK as a person (I've already said he is so nice guy), but rather criticizing his video presentations and theories. There is a BIG difference there, which most commenting here simply do not seen to comprehend, or are disingenuously ignoring. He offered these up for consideration, asking our opinions of them. So, guess what? I responded. That is what is supposed to happen when proposed "evidence" is submitted. Or, would you rather we just revere MK and admire and accept everything he presents?

    We have 67 videos presenting real on the ground historical research in Bluff Creek which you are free to view. There you will see an honest process of investigation involving evidence, revaluation, and discovery. We found the film site and much of the truth of the matter, something MK was never able to achieve himself. If you have any valid, substantive criticism of our research I'd be more than happy to discuss and consider it.

    1. You didnt discover the bluff creek site streufert, people knew where it was ever since it was filmed. And shouldnt you be using your strawman defense again.

    2. It was indeed actually lost. No one could locate it and prove it, and there were many incorrect theories, including MK's. What we have always said is that we were on a journey of rediscovery. We found the site and all the many landmarks, and what is more, we proved it using surveying, mapping, mathematics and film analysis. Right now Bill Munns is working on photogrammetry using our data.

  45. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh, Waaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Waaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh. My name is Steven, aka Mr. Strawman, and i am so jealous of MK Davis that it is consuming me. Hes everything i want to be and thats why i have such a raging hard on for him. If anyone wants to buy me a christmas present, im looking for a new pair of glasses that spells out MK on the frames. Or a new computer where i can study MKs footage for hours and hours and then try and make fun of them.
    My name is STeven, and i am the strawman

  46. They should change the title of this threrad to Steven Streufert gets roasted by the world in response to an MK Davis video. lol. Im sure wherever MK is, he is laughing

    1. No,I bet 95% of it was the same person going back and forth. The other 5% of those posts were by 3 other people, tops.

    2. "Roasted"? Me? Hardly. Not a single valid point of criticism has been made by anyone above. There is nothing there, as they have nothing to roast me over. Yes, I guess I said "fuck" once or twice. So? It makes for good punctuation. One person even tries to criticize me for replying at all, as if I should just sit here and let the trolls rule the place. What this should be is a debate, a discussion, that aims to find truth and reality. Some more people out there should speak up here. Otherwise it is just a small collection of dickheads saying "douche" & "taterhole" all day long, or protecting their own personal sacred cow.

  47. I think it should be more than clear by now to anyone of even rudimentary intelligence that I have proven my point.

  48. The point that you were just laughed at by the world? B/c thats the only point you proved. It was quite funny reading all the posts slamming you though.

    1. Oh boy, that is funny. "The world"?? What, all ten or eleven of you trolls laughing at your own bad, repetitive and pointless jokes that have absolutely nothing to do with me our any works I've done.

      Yeah, I probably shouldn't waste my time with your idiocy, but out was a fun experiment to try it.

      Again, you may have your filthy little kingdom here in anonymous glee, but it makes you no more right in any intelligent person's eyes, and it still reveals you to be nothing more than a rank coward.

    2. Sorry, phone typos; but really, I'm sick of this pointless conversation.


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