Melba v. Sykes: Calling on Dr. Melba Ketchum to Concede

Editor's Note: This is a guest post by Bigfoot Evidence contributor Freddy von Erich.

In this election year we have seen many candidates concede to their opponents. The time has come for a member of the Bigfoot Community to concede that the results of their supposed study can in no way compare to another study.

Of course I am talking about Dr. Melba Ketchum and her supposed study that will be ready for publication in the year 2021.

It should go something like this:

Sally here:

It has become clear to everyone that publication of Dr. Ketchum’s paper is no closer today than it was two years ago. God only knows when and if it will ever be published and as a result we are conceding that those interested in Bigfoot DNA closely follow the study of Dr. Sykes and Oxford-Lousanne Collateral Hominid Project. I love goddess Melba and will continue to worship her, but we need to read the writing on the wall.

Now let's take a step back. Dr. Ketchum’s study has now been going on for many years and the date of her paper’s publication remains unknown. She has prevented anyone from taking her to task on this by removing the ability to post comments on her Facebook page. One can infer that her fear of and refusal to accept any criticism reflects upon the credibility of her study. Why not respond to questions and criticisms with answers instead of taking actions to dodge them. Do these actions sound like those of someone with complete confidence in the actions they are currently undertaking? The biggest news related to this study in recent months has involved a great deal of actions designed to mislead Robert Lindsay as to what is actually going on. Instead of trying to fool Lindsay with stories of “Dogman DNA”, those involved in Ketchum’s study could take actions designed to actually finish it.

On the flip side. Dr. Sykes study is being conducted by Oxford University, the most prestigious institution of higher learning in all of Europe. At its head is Dr. Sykes, a man with extremely impressive credentials who is not hiding anything associated with his study, but rather inviting us all to watch as it progresses. Professor Meldrum has signed on and has become involved. Dr. Sykes is not talking about Bigfoot braiding horse-hair on a farm deep in the heart of Texas. Dr. Sykes does not have a PR person named Sally doing everything possible to hide what is taking place in his study.

At this point we know more about what Dr. Ketchum is eating for lunch than what is going on with this study. Bigfoot researchers and enthusiasts are now talking about how one day their grandchildren will know the results of Ketchum’s study. The time has come for both Ketchum and her dear friend Sally to concede that their study will not compare to that of Dr. Sykes, nor will it be completed before it.

At this time on behalf of all Bigfoot enthusiasts, I call on Dr. Ketchum to concede that her study will simply not compare to that of Dr. Sykes and to admit that it is the most credible of all dna studies related to Bigfoot.


  1. Replies
    1. Th-Th-Th-Th-Th-... That's all, folks!

    2. It's the looney tunes guy again-Dork!

    3. Nice girl, but about as sharp as a sack of wet mice

    4. Freddy von Erich ? Gimme a bleepin' break.

  2. RIGHT ON !!

    She should just pack it in.

    She's closing up shop on DNA Diagnostics name because she knows that the name is forever tarnished and will be associated with her failures. Melba will continue her business under a brand new company called Biogen Diagnostics. She hasn't made the switch yet but when she eventually has to concede the paper as never coming out we will see this happen rather quickly.

  3. 35 others (gullible footers) like this

  4. If she is an animal lover D.r., she should show some proof and protect these animals from hunters.The hunters want a body for proof,she could save them if she has this evidence.

  5. A little birdie told me that a member of a Bigfoot group shot a Bigfoot early this morning. The news should break on the net tonight.

    1. Well an Osprey told me that you're full of crap and Bigfoot isn't real.

    2. @1:48

      Do you pretend to be a skeptic because you think it's makes you look like less of an asshole for being obsessed with Bigfoot ?

    3. ^^^^
      A northern harrier told me that you take it in the ass.

    4. ^^^^
      Says the guy who's hero and mentor is a gay magician.

    5. @2:07

      Are you one of the JREF footers who's pretending to have a PHD or 15 other fake professions like Parnassus,SkankApe and Saskeptic ?

      You assholes are just as full of shit as anyone of you footers call footers.

    6. Did this Randi clown actually come to your house and beat you into submission or something. I swear it's like you footers have some kind of PTSD as a result of having been trounced so badly by magician. Everyone and every thing is not from the JREF. You need to get over your paranoia.
      Oh, and a western jackdaw told me that your mother's a whore.

    7. ^^^^
      2:16's post shamed this asshole above from admitting he's a JREF footer.

    8. @2:21
      Did you think that by playing the skeptic role you'd be exempt from the ridicule your fellow footers get ?

    9. Like holly shit footers, don't have a hypertensive crisis or nothing. I'm sure the big bad magic man isn't going to track you down and eat you. Randi isn't hiding under your bed waiting to punish you for lying (though you'd deserve it). I think the real reason you guys are so intensely scared of a stage magician is that you feel guilty about your chronic lying, hoaxing, and insulting reasonable people. Your impending sense of doom and your fear of “JREFers”, is really your sense of guilt. The way you guys reacted to that dumbass who got himself killed is very much typical of a hypocrite who knows he is guilty of exactly what he is condemning. Your like those politicians who run on a “family values” platform only to be caught with a whore. Ya know what would make you guys feel a whole lot better? Killing yourselves!

    10. ^^^^

      Are you the guy on JREF with the bad teeth ?

    11. ^^^^
      I'm not from the JREF. I don't know who there has bad teeth. That's the second time you asked that question so if you want to know so badly why not go ask them? It's not like you have to walk all the way over to their website, you can just Google it.

    12. @ 3:20
      AlaskabushPilot? Isn't he that weirdo who's pretending to be an ex-college professor who complains about being lied to by some authority figure then dropped out of society and stopped bathing and brushing his teeth or some nonsense like that ?

    13. Well then he posts over on JREF.

    14. Actually the uni-bomber really was a college professor. He taught at UC Berkeley.

    15. That's where the story differs. The guy on JREF is just pretending to be one.

    16. Anon 3:18 just says garbage like that just to start something. Not responding anymore to his crap would eliminate most of this nonsense! Typical asshole who starts crap at bars and thinks he's a tough guy.

    17. And yet here you are responding.

      It sounds like someone got their precious feelings hurt when a comment came a little too close to the truth.

      Why not just give up, stop all this lying and hoaxing, and go back to chicken fucking or whatever the hell you did before becoming a footer?

    18. ^^^
      A footer calling footers, footers. That's rich.

    19. A chicken fucker calling a footer a footer. Who'd a thunk it.

    20. ^^^
      A grown man who believes in a mythological critter insulting the intelligence of others. That's rich.

    21. ^^^

      A grown man obsessed with a mythical creature. Out of belief, immaturity or stupidity ?

    22. Honestly, probably all of the above.

    23. ^^^
      Well now we're making progress in your recovery of being a closet bleever. Your first step was admitting it.

    24. Let me get this straight. The best insult that you can come up with is to call me what you are? Well that just makes perfect sense. I mean the word footer has come to be associated with profound mental retardation, incest, sodomy, and most recently chicken fucking. As self professed footers I suppose you can sling no greater insult then to say that other people are just like you.

    25. Parnassus here. When I'm not busy doing Cardiology I find time to slander people on JREF.

    26. James Randi Erection Forum, told you that weeks ago. Home of a mad cult worshipping some hippie guru and self-proclaimed Internet Darwin.

    27. That would explain why I have no fucking idea what it is. So if you don't like it why not just stop going there, seems pretty simple.

  6. Preach it brother. That country fuck vet doesn't have shit and never has.

    1. Keep up the great work Melba!

    2. Nope, she sure hasn't, she's bungled this study so bad that its unsalvagable. That's why she's changing her DNA Labs name. She's so far out of her league that when Sykes finishes his study Melba will have nothing left to do except take the criticism and firey vitriol like the sweat hog she is. Dr Sykes could out doctor her while armed only with an Operation Game Board. She's like a midget player trying to play against the NFL. Purely laughable at best. She's a joke, a liar and whack-o to no end.

    3. And you're a bitter lying troll.

    4. And you're a mentally deranged degenerate who is as gullible as a 4 year old with the same intellect to boot. I'll always have the last laugh on this, always. What I say is fact, no in between. She's a joke who has NOTHING, period. Well, except for excuses. The keystone of a bullshitter.

  7. Wonder what happened to the 2 million total those knuckleheads gave this broad to test the samples.

    1. Senior members of the protection group got breast implants, botox shots and liposuction. The rest of us got tinfoil and instructions on how to make "thought antennae" so we can talk to bigfoots.

    2. Hahaha -- god, there are some seriously funny writers on this site!

    3. Did you get horse hair braiding lessons too?

  8. Hey all, I shot dogman in the woods this morning while I was out looking for the mothman I got rid of his giant body but saved a tiny steak for DNA analysis but I instead sold it for $50 million to a very honest fella named, Tom Biscardi, He said he'll be sending it to his good friend a very honest doctor named Ketchum or something like that.

    1. You are not funny. Fuck off.

    2. Yeah, 2:32 is an ignorant bastard. Then he'll respond to his own post to make it look like other people think he's funny.

  9. Are you JREF cocksuckers embarrassed that so many of your brethren are considered liars.....LOL

  10. One of the things we will see with the Sykes study, I'm pretty sure, is an announcement of which samples are part of the study when they are done with the collection phase. There is no reason not to.

  11. Which Looney Toons character is MM comparable to?

    1. If your the same poster using the "looney tunes" comment all the time you are Looney Tunes because your on here all the time! Spend some time with your family and quit posting 30 times a day!

    2. Elmer Fudd...always chasin but never catchin

    3. Well, it certainly ain't Speedy Gonzales.

  12. If a tree falls in the forest and no one hears it...If a Sasquatch is videoed and no one sees it...This is a philosophical question and not a scientific question. A philosopher and a scientist both seek the truth however. Unfortunately a bullshitter teases the philosophical question whilst promising the scientific proof. So...Ketchum, philosopher, scientist or bullshitter?

    1. You're giving Melba too much thought. Most everyone dismissed her as a religious nut when she made that nephilim comment. You should probably do the same.
      The only thing that Sally and Melba are going to prove is that, with enough carpet munching, it is possible to transmit HIV between lesbians.

    2. I give credit to her because she took this on under criticism and she has to put up with childish remarks that are ruthless! I believe she will finish when she finishes and does it right. I give her 100 percent of my backing and I can't wait until it's finished and it all comes together. She's a wonderful lady. Keep plugging along and getting it done.

    3. 4:48- I'll give you credit for seeming to realize the bombs are not just coming from skeptics, but believers and people open to the possibility as well. The project has red flags, to say the least.

    4. Honestly, is there ANY question as to which one she is? She's a fraud, a bullshitter to the highest degree. A hypocrite above all others. She preaches protection for the species and claims to have video and audio of them. What better way to get protection than to release this awesome footage.and prove the species. New species have been proven to exist based off of video. She.won't release it because it doesn't exist. She's a lunatic and nothing more, a crazy cat lady. Cuckoo.

    5. Common sense would dictate that, if you have some footage that will blow people away, you would use it to silence your critics. The fact that nothing is put forward does lend itself to the belief that it's BS.

    6. Wow man. Like far out dude. You're talkin' deep stuff man. If a bigfoot falls in the forest and nobody hears it. That's heavy man. Wow.

    7. Mega trolling going on at 7:28 from yet another jealous Randi nut.

    8. I would not release any pictures either, why it's part of the study. Impatient people don't deserve leaked info. STop your crying.

    9. 6:41,

      The truth hurts doesn't it. You need to learn what trolling is before you make yourself look like an idiot every time you speak. Nothing in that post was anything less than facts to date. Read her Facebook posts from above. They reiterate everything I've said, dumb ass.

  13. A lot of idiots talking about something of which they know nothing and somehow expecting others to dance to their music. Appalling ignorance on your part Shawn. What good comes from promoting division in this sensitive area. You are pitiful and should be ashamed of yourself. You will end up eating crow, the only question is how much.

    1. You'll end up sucking cock for crack, the only question is how much.

    2. Shawn cant hear you, he went to the store. Thats why we can say "taterhole" again and I can call you a dickhead! HAHA!..oh shit, i hear the key in the door...gotta split

    3. ^^^
      Take that garbage back to JREF where it belongs please.

    4. ^^^^
      Take your fat ass back to San Francisco you queer.

    5. The cynic geeks don't like hearing it but anon 4:26 is spot on, by allowing all these damn kids to spam isn't doing the field any good but maybe the blog owners just aren't very grown up themselves? The blog has become nothing more than its own worst enemy, it probably set out to bring Bigfoot news once upon a time but has now ended at the very bottom mentally becoming what it probably opposed early on. Namely, indirectly supporting hoaxers and hating.


  14. Nobody will be eating Melba's crow.... maybe Sykes.

    1. I take that back. I believe Sally and Arla eat Melba's crow on the regularly.

    2. And, this is how euphemisms happen people. Crow now equals vagina. As if there weren't enough words for that already.

    3. "We are gonna snatch that pussy, put it in a box and take her on the airplane"

      George Carlin-"You can hear TV censored words for vagina in a Disney movie."

    4. Melba slathers her crow in penut butter and spple sauce and feeds it to her horses while she unbraids they're hair.

    5. Keep it Clean! Enough with the dirty talk. There is other sites for that.

    6. Sorry. I really really try not to. Its like tryn not to superglue a dildo into your brothers hand after he passes out for drinking your last beer.

  15. Poor little ol'Melba. She is not an esteemed and revered research professor at a majority University. She's just a horse doctor down there in Teaks-sass.

    I bet those Per review boys have just raked her over the
    coals, questioning her DNA sources,DNA extraction methods, and a billion other things we can only fathom.
    (Gee Melba, do you have a body? No? Well why not?)

    She is way out of her league. It doesn't matter how
    much she tries to comply with Peer Review. They will
    never accept her paper. It will always be one more
    thing, one more thing.

    Let's say she finally decides to release her study on
    her own. It will be torn apart by all those residing
    in thosed hallowed ivory towers of learning.

    If she were smart, she'd turn everything she has over
    to Meldrum and Sykes, and go back to what she knows
    best which are dogs and ponies. Y'know for Dog and Pony the one she's in now.

    1. They wont read self-published or non-peer reviewed theories from someone without a rep unless the press pays attention to it. That is unlikely though because science reporters take their lead from respected secondary sources like Scientific American and Discover. These, in turn, go straight to the source: peer reviewed journals.

  16. What's with all the homophobic comments on here? I suppose a lot of closet gay guys must lurk here. Well at least they have an a source to vent their pent up frustration which is a good thing ultimately I suppose. Might be nice to engage in intelligent conversation though when the venting is done.

    1. Bigfoot evidence has a long tradition of people calling each other fags, queers, homos, lezies, dikes, cock suckers, sodomites, etc...
      It is just as much an important part of Bigfoot evidence as, well, Bigfoot.
      If you don't like it, then you should probably leave..............YOU FAGGOT!

    2. U must have a really big crush on that boy in your school. Stop lashing out and examine who you are. You are not alone. Dont be afraid. Best of luck to you. From a fellow gay dude.

    3. That is the BEST reply ever on this blog. It should be framed and sent to the bigfoot museum!!!

    4. ^^^^
      Way to respond to your own post faggot. Next time you really shouldn't post two comments in the same minute, it kind of gives it away.

    5. I didn't but u get it out of your system. I Used to be scared like u. It isnt easy being yourself but even though u want to deflect your feelings u really show them clearly. I hope that this is your first step to inner peace and hapiness. Despite what u say u deserve to be happy. Good luck to u, u will find it.

    6. Wait a minute, you do realize that you just ADMITTED to being a fagot right? Well, I guess I win then. I couldn't imagine that I could possibly insult you more then you just insulted yourself.

    7. I am gay. Why would I deny it? U however do your best to deny it whilst screaming it louder than I ever could. But look, I am in the UK, there is a limit as to how much I can help u but u will get there. I, again offer u good luck and wish u the best.

    8. Oh no, Bigfooting now has a faggot infestation. Is there nothing left that normal people can enjoy without the turd bandits coming along and ruining it all with their gayness?

    9. I guess you could stop being in denial. That would be a start. Trolling is another route to admission. It's pretty basic psychology. When you get a bit older you will be more comfortable with your own homosexuality.

    10. Calm down 7:16, in the words of Bill Hicks, we're all a little gay. I can prove it. When you watch porn do you a) watch gay porn - this ones a big possibility for you, no big deal, you just shouldn't have to hide in your basement to watch it. b) watch lesbian porn, kind of a tease if you ask me, or c) watch hardcore heterosexual porn? Now your answer may very well be c). And if it is, my question to you would be when you sit down to watch your porn do you pick out good looking people to watch? Do you want to see two good looking people have sex, or one good looking woman being fucked by a pasty 4' pinhead with a major overbite who can't seem to get completely hard and spends half of the scene trying to shove his softy back inside her? Or would you rather see two healthy people, including one man with a large veiny turgid pulsating 8 inch cock? My guess is given the choice between these two you would choose the latter, and yes, this makes you and almost everyone else on the planet at least a little gay. Get over it, grow up, good luck coming out.

  17. Nothin like a Ketchum article to bring out the optimist in all of us.

    1. Not sure there is much to be optimistic about. A tease is a tease.

    2. Didn't you hear that 2012 is the year of Bigfoot?

  18. All Melba skeptics need to man up and agree that if she does come out with the peer reviewed paper they will eat a pound of Melba's shit and wash it down with a pint of her piss.

    1. You need to “man up”, stop stalling, and blow your fucking brains out you looser. No one made you go to Iraq. No one made you get you legs blown off. No one made you gain 120 pounds. And no one made you start abusing Valium. You are the soul architect of your own miserable life, and you need to stop blaming others. Now stop verbally abusing the denizens of this website, grow a pair, and suff it you coward.

    2. "audio or video will not prove anything"

      so basically she has blobsquatches and audio of known animals.

    3. now I know that had to hurt.

    4. I've been bashing her over the lies about the publication process, but I am not ready to make that bet. There are a lot of journals and she may have collaborators from Texas A+M.
      Eventually, they may find a landing spot for some human dna paper that does not mention bigfoot.

    5. ..and that does not mean its bad. It can be argued, based on the paper that there is an unknown primate close to humans. Other studies will follow...

  19. OK guys the nephilim paper is currently under peer review and will be coming out in 2013, I dont care what anyone says, and I will not be stiring the pot by releasing the high quality video evidence I have.

    The results are beautiful.

    1. I did a lot of nephilim in college...good stuff. Takes the edge off the coke.

    2. Dumbass you're already stirring the pot by stating you have high quality evidence LOL

    3. What? Who is smoking the pot?

    4. Herbert Gardner, obviously.

  20. some more lolz...

    Linda Sedlak: "When Dr. Ketchum says it is out of her hands, that means that it is with the journal, they are working with the report to get it scheduled in to their upcoming journal publications. Truly, that is good news. Rewrites seem to be finished. Now if the journal has the courage to publish this article, all will be well."

    1. Lolz indeed. "It's not science but "courage"". Is that not the scientific peer review publication motto? No. It is not.

    2. I also think Linda probably nibbles on Melba's crow pie.

    3. That is pretty bad. Someone said in a comment last week that the malarkey about the publication process was not coming from Ketchum herself, but people not directly involved with the study. A fair point, if true.

  21. Quick long will you give the supposed paper to publish within? 1) A week 2) A Month 3) A year 4) Forever.

    1. You should ask Shawn to make that into a poll. He had a couple of poles on this website before, I assume he could do it again. Besides, he seems to be strapped for material recently so he'd probably love the idea.

    2. lol..I'll go with 5)..its correct 99% of the time. the other 15 are fasano vids where we only wait 2 days to be hoaxed.

    3. At least fasano puts what he has out there for all to see

    4. You must be talking about his naked picture.

  22. It's pathetic that people turn rumor, innuendo and assumption into fact when coming from a place of ignorance about the whole story... And that this blog would have a "guest blogger" who only contributes to it. BFE is a cesspool of immaturity and ignorance.

    1. Your mom is a cesspool of gonorrhea and syphilis.

    2. Thanks for the input Sally.

    3. 6.02 is someone in the ketchup "camp" who paid thousands to have their sample analysed and has never heard a word since

    4. ^ wouldn't they be trolling by now?

    5. Has anyone else ever wondered if “the Ketchum camp” might be a literal camp? I picture it as a sparsely wooded area in Texas with a couple of dome tents, Melba & Sally munching at each others crows, and a bunch of horses with their manes it terrible condition. If it was an actual camp that could explain why the study is taking so long, since SDS-PAGE doesn't work to well without electricity (though Melba apparently doesn't know that).

    6. Then please enlighten us on our ignorance. Give us the lowdown on what's going on and give us accurate info. If not shut the fuck up.

  23. Sally here - I can't believe how many fools believe that there actually is a paper. What a bunch of morons. Go find a real hobby, you losers.

    1. I know, this Mebla Catchem here, they are all fools. I raped them so hard and I love taking these bleevers to task like this. The biggest morons in existence they are.

    2. Sally, the power to believe is greatest. The facts will NEVER get in the way. It may take 57 years but the truth will out. Until then the believers will assert you and Melba have evidence, even if that means assuming the proof. No actual proof is required when you have belief. All hail nothing. Nothing is truth. Facts only get in the way of truth. Truth is faith. Faith is truth. Nothing is everything.

    3. Are you coming out of the closet by professing your strong belief to Sally ?

  24. wow. i had an epithany. i sipped a little bit of the kool-aid and started spending more time than usual to find information on footery. my conclusion is that i see the pattern now. everything is always "soon". its all fluff and no stuff. i remember a few months ago i used some idle time to search and found some guy was about to publish news on a taiwan or chinese version of bigfoot. then i noticed it was dated 2005 and nothing ever transpired from all that. Even back then there was always a new species on the verge of being discovered and gonna "rock the world". wake up people! some people do this for 30 years and no discovery yet.

    1. You're wasting your time dude. The footers can't be reasoned with. I tried that when I first came here because I thought they didn't understand ecology, but that wasn't the problem. The problem is that they don't want to understand ecology. I think it's far more productive to mock the living shit out of them. They may seem like their conviction is unshakable, but if they didn't want the approval of others then they wouldn't be on this website. Hell, even if incessant mockery and ridicule doesn't cause one footer to stop lying and hoaxing, it should at least discourage people from becoming footers. If people who are curious about Bigfoot come to this website and see the footers being disparaged perhaps they will think twice about going into a life of footery.

    2. Are you that cocksucker William Parcher ? Longtime obsessed weirdo JREF footer who insists that all his fellow footers are liars except for the pretend skeptics who lie like a rug like himself.

    3. “William Parcher” is a fictitious character you retard.

    4. Though I suppose that asking a footer to distinguish between fact and fiction may be asking a bit much.

    5. ^^^
      I agree, just ask JREF footer Parnassus about all his fictitious professions.

    6. Ask him yourself you lazy fuck. You really need to get over your JREF obsession. Ya know what would be good for you? Aversion therapy! Now I know that last time you visited the JREF forum you had nightmares for weeks, but I assure you that the big bad “JREFers” can't actually physically hit you through your computer. Thought they can apparently damage your ego so badly that you develop a JREF phobia. You should head over there right now, and face your fear head on.

    7. ^^^^
      Look at this asshole....LOL

      Are you mommy's little pretend skeptic settled in for a night of looking up Bigfoot stuff ?

    8. @10:54

      Ummm idiot..I was agreeing with you that footers like yourself can't distinguish between fact and fiction then gave you an example.

    9. So you're now pretending to be three different retards? Or are you merely a retard with three slightly different personalities? Doesn't matter. I'm sure this Parnassus fella, who apparently mind raped you, would just love to see you show up in the JREF forum for another round of “put the footer in his place”. Why don't you go and pay him a visit? Hiding here on the Bigfoot forum isn't going to help you conquer your JREF phobia any faster.

    10. @ the moron who posted 10:54 & 11:19
      Typical JREF footer lack of integrity. Knows Parnassus is a liar but can't call him out lest he be separated from the pretend skeptic herd.

    11. @10:54
      I don't have to ask him you fuckin simpleton. Do you believe he juggles 15 different careers you asshole.

  25. @10:36
    Listen shithead, you're just another simpleton discussing you favorite and most likely cryptid just like every other footer.

  26. Im the guy who was askin those questions to Melba in the pictures above. Do I qualify as a bigfoot celebrity?

    1. No, but you qualify as a complete fool.

    2. Listening to the rare 1976 tune "Sally" by Blue Oyster Cult what a great classic rock song, even Melba will get a kick out of this one. :-)

  27. I know family freinds who are not footers who saw it and have no reason to lie or hoax - heck they didn't want to tell anybody ! Ignorance like saying everybody lied about sightings is the most stupid comment ever !

    1. The fact that you saw a bear and used all of your considerable powers of self delusion to convince yourself that it was a Bigfoot gives you absolutely no right to tell people that Bigfoot exists. You're a degenerate and a moron, and you need to fuck off and die.

    2. Typical delusional mentally disturbed creeps like the anon above there living in obvious denial is what's wrong with this place Shawn, it's dumb infants like that coming to Bigfoot blogs the Government should worry about.

    3. The government should worry about exterminating mental defectives such as your self to protect the gene pool.

  28. You all can believe me or not, I have met Melba and seen her photos and footage. To say the least, not impressive. Blobsquatches and very questionable footage. I am not here to slam Dr. K at all I just want people that are awaiting "incredible" footage to know, don't get your hopes up. As far as the study goes, funding of course is a big roadblock. So, I can say after hearing all the negativity about her camp and herself, I had to hear it from the horses mouth, and I did that. I can say that she is very consistent with what she says like in the above statements by her, but I will agree with the skeptics, there is just something missing about it all. She seems a bit unstable and her credibility is a big issue. I came away with having some questions answered but ultimately the experience created a whole new flood of questions in my mind, and that's where I will leave it, questionable. I wish all well with their studies of Bigfoot DNA and I hope someone, no matter who, will achieve great success and help us all to move forward with the search.

    1. Count on it, matey. This particular study will result in some red Randi Retard faces.

    2. Curious when the fraud charges will be brought against her. Taking a couple of mil and delivering nothing. Probably wont happen because all the idiots that gave her money signed their rights away.

      What a scheme. Think I'll start my own study and charge 10-20k a pop for testing. Just have everyone sign an NDA and I'm in the clear.

    3. If it's true that you know her and have seen the photos, wouldn't she be able to figure out who you are?

    4. She's got nothing but stories, nothing but lies. She's a hypocrite, preaching protection for the species but withholding evidence that would go a long way in establishing them as a real species. That doesn't add up, period. Her business is a joke to boot. An "F" rating from the BBB. Now she's in the process of changing the name in a last ditch effort deflect responsibility for her actions. She hasn't proved a damn thing with this study, nothing. All that she has is DNA from an unidentified source, which is meaningless in the grand scheme. We already have that and are not any closer to proof than we were before.

    5. You write wasteful boloney.

  29. These posts you copied from Melba's FB page are months old. You people must be desperate for news, or trying to get a rise out of people.

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