Matt Moneymaker Is Right, Those Infrasounds From Bigfoots Can Stop Deer

Turn up your volume and watch this video. Here's more proof that Bigfoots have the ability to stop prey using infrasound (Yes. I sound a lot like Matt Moneymaker, but I don't care what you think). Infrasound is dangerous and very effective, due to its strong vibrations, or oscillations. Infrasound waves hug the ground, travel for long distances without losing strength, and are unstoppable. According to infrasound experts, not much amplitude is needed to produce negative effects in the human body, and even mild infrasound exposure requires several hours, or even days, to reverse symptoms.


  1. Infrasound is very dangerous. The last time I got zapped with it, I was disoriented for hours afterwards.

  2. Someone needs to cite the scientific papers that prove infrasound does anything at all to the human body. Double blind, actual study published in a reputable journal.

    Until that's posted, these stories are nothing more than bigfoot lore and legend.

    Hell, the mythbusters tested 5 to 20 htz and nothing. No one needed even a minute to recover.

    1. Believe me, if you got zapped, you'd know it. I don't think that their infrasound capabilities can be reproduced electronically. The first time I was zapped, I became unconscious. I don't know how long I was out, but when I came to, there was a squrrel laying on it's side, about 15 feet from me. I was still a little woozy, but for some reason, I remained focused on that squirrel. After a few minutes, the squirrel got up, shook itself off and ran. So I think there is some validity that the infrasound has a major effect on other wildlife. I wonder if they are permanently damaged by it.


      There's a ton more......


      Great article! Has the sources to back it up.

      Conclusion: 6.1 Effects on Humans:
      Contrary to several articles in the defense press, high-power infrasound has no profound effect on humans. The pain threshold is higher than in the audio range, and there is no hard evidence for the alleged effects on inner organs, on the vestibular system, for vomiting, or uncontrolled defecation up to levels of 170 dB or more.

      Looks like the infrasound theory is crap. I highly doubt BF will be able to produce infrasound in excess of 170dB.

    4. My Girl friend has uncontrolled defecation after I taterhole her.

    5. How about when your boyfriend taterholes you??? how's your defecation then???

    6. probably the same as when your mom does it to you asswipe

  3. All that happened here is a sound spooked the deer and it stopped dead in its tracks. Infrasound, oh brother!

    1. How do you know what happened you tard? Where you there the whole time to see everything that was going on? No you were at home cornhollin your brother and calling it infrasound!

    2. dude give it up, you have responded to every comment on here who is saying this infrasound is bogus. And every time you comment you say the same thing. Were you their........ followed by some lame 3rd grade insult. Dude get over it, using your argument of, were you there? is childish and ignorant. Now run along and let the adults talk

    3. Hey fuc head why dont you go and fuc your brother. Infrasound does exist why dont you do your research. I will fuc u up ass milk!

  4. Bipto here - during operation poppycock, the bush monkeys were not able to use their infrasound on us. We had a device that neutralized all low frequency sound waves. We also wore bicycle helmets (the pointy kind) to keep the thrown rocks from knocking us out cold.

    1. I don't think Randi and his lover would approve of your behavior.

  5. On 31 May 2003, a team of UK researchers held a mass experiment where they exposed some 700 people to music laced with soft 17 Hz sine waves played at a level described as "near the edge of hearing", produced by an extra-long-stroke subwoofer mounted two-thirds of the way from the end of a seven-meter-long plastic sewer pipe. The experimental concert (entitled Infrasonic) took place in the Purcell Room over the course of two performances, each consisting of four musical pieces. Two of the pieces in each concert had 17 Hz tones played underneath. In the second concert, the pieces that were to carry a 17 Hz undertone were swapped so that test results would not focus on any specific musical piece. The participants were not told which pieces included the low-level 17 Hz near-infrasonic tone. The presence of the tone resulted in a significant number (22%) of respondents reporting anxiety, uneasiness, extreme sorrow, nervous feelings of revulsion or fear, chills down the spine and feelings of pressure on the chest.

    1. Do you have thick glasses and snort when you laugh by any chance?Don't worry you'll see a real tit some day.Maybe.

    2. Thanks for your input anon 1:23. That is a most interesting study indeed. I do not know what is going on with infrasound, however I do know it has happened to a lot of folks and some very credible ones at that. Sometimes it happens to a whole group. For now it is another Bigfoot mystery that someday may be solved.


    3. So where does a bigfoot get a 7 meter long plastic sewer pipe?

    4. Long ago, I worked at a used CD store, and had a CD titled something like Music to Make You Sick, or something. I didn't know what being played, and i got nervous, and irritable, and not long after asked the person who played it what it was. He played it just to see if it would make anyone react. It did. I have never had that feeling from music before. So Yes, sound can mess with some people's mind.

  6. LOL!!! I've been hunting whitetail deer for 25 or so years now and when a deer is moving close by that hasn't seen or caught on to your scent, you can stop it by making any noise so you can get a better shot. A deer will pause, stay still to try to locate/identify the sound just seconds before running off. Any serious hunter should know this especially bow hunters where the hunt is up close. Don't believe me, just look for kill shots on youtube. A lot of hunters use this technique and it works. Infrasound...LOL!!!

    1. Just a lil baa like a goat and you got time to line up your shot I didn't watch the video but reading this post and now I know I don't have too...

    2. Hey tard you cant prove it was or was not infrasound because your were not there! 25 years of deer hunting and your still a fat queer hillbilly!

  7. Why would we need to turn up our volume to hear infrasound? If we can hear it, then it's normal, audible sound. The normal range of Infrasound is <20 Hz, audible sound (for most humans) is 20-20,000 Hz, and >20,000 Hz is ultrasound.

    -- Your resident Vascular Ultrasound Technologist

    1. I should have elaborated

      Volume has nothing to do with the ability to hear infrasound. The unit Hz is the number of oscillations per second. So, less than 20 oscillations per second, or <20 Hz, people cannot hear, regardless of volume. You could feel the vibration but not hear it.

    2. If you can feel it there is a resonant energy tranfer. 60 hz is a killer frequency because it is so efficient, electrically. There's bound to resonant frequencies that can have profound effects on biological systems. But what frequencies are we talking about? Through trial and error, could Bigfoots learn to stun prey with sound, directionally focus the sound enough like dolphins and killer whales? If it's possible they'd probably learn to do it. Causing a little or a lot of anxiety is my guess as to the mechanism. You're the prey animal and a Bigfoot makes noise that you feel as well as hear. You know it's a BIG predator, and it's vocalization is directed at you. You know you can't outrun it nor outfight it, you're going to die and be eaten. That's enough to scare you stiff, dead, or stupid, which also likely gets you dead. The higher processing centers get bypassed, as the autonomic nervous system just takes over. Your best hope may be to freeze. It's not a bad response, considering your brain has been bypassed anyways.

    3. I think Justin Smega might argue that point with you.

    4. You can "hear" infrasound if it causes secondary audible effects on the bone structures in the ear. Mostly the high dB level sounds cause the effect on the chest. At high enough levels at the right infrasonic frequency you will get artificial respiration and a weird restricted feeling in the chest and abdomen. Despite all the research into infrasound in the space program, the jury is out on whether there is a real risk or any effect on the capacity to operate instruments and machines. varies from person to person anyway. Interesting topic but forget the nonsense about BF using it as a weapon to stun prey etc etc. It could at best be a long range communication medium, as it is with elephants and other large animals like giraffes and rhinos. As usual, the fringe crowd hyjack science to create urban myths.

    5. Although I am super skeptical on the mind control aspect of things, tigers actually do use an infrasonic roar to stun and disorient prey.

      People keep trying to treat this infrasound thing like its some kind of magical property. It's not. It's just SOUND.

      According to wikipedia, the lowest key on a piano is 27.5 hz. Infrasound is from 0 to 20 Hz. Sound from .1 Hz to 20 Hz is EXACTLY the same thing as the lowest note on a piano, the highest note on a piano, a woman screaming, a bat, an ultrasound probe, etc....
      Except it is lower than the human ear is designed to hear. It is not magic. It is just noise

  8. Agree with Travis above, plus in the video it sounds like a nearby helicopter. I'm not saying that infrasound couldn't have the same ocellations that we hear with chopper blades rotating, but we shouldn't be able to hear infrasound without making post-hoc adjustments. Helicopter is my guess for this video clip.

  9. If Bigfoot can stop deer or other game with infrasound, then the ancient Hadza origin myth is explained. The Hadza are an ancient hunter-gatherer group, one of the last in Africa or indeed the world, so I'd imagine their stories are quite old --

    "The Hadza's oral history of their own past is divided into four epochs, each inhabited by a different culture.

    According to this tradition, in the beginning of time the world was inhabited by hairy giants called the Akakaanebe or Gelanebe "ancestors". The Akakaanebe did not possess tools or fire; they hunted game by staring at it [AND HUMMING INFRASOUND????] and it fell dead; they ate the meat raw....

    The Akakaanebe were succeeded by the Tlaatlanebe, equally gigantic but without hair. In this second epoch fire could be made and used to cook meat, but animals had grown more wary of humans and had to be chased and hunted with dogs....[DID THE EVOLUTION OF LANGUAGE CAUSE US TO LOSE INFRASOUND CAPABILITY? WHEN THE GAME GOT WISE TO US, LANGUAGE FOR COORDINATING HUNTS, AND SMOOTH SKIN FOR SWEATING DURING LONG PURSUIT, BECAME NECESSARY...?]

    The third epoch was inhabited by the Hamakwabe "nowadays", who were again smaller than their predecessors. They invented bows and arrows...

  10. Dont you think the deer could have just been acting like a startled deer?wait of course not it has to be Bigfoot.

  11. Who the fuck even came up with this infrasound nonsense? You footers just love sounding like clueless morons don't you. Bigfoot in itself is a stretch but infrasound? Go see a fucking doctor there is something disturbingly wrong with your head.

    1. But see that's just it they think they sound intelligent.The more time goes by without real proof they need something to talk about while they wait for "soon" to arrive.Brainwashed cult, trust me.

    2. There are actually several animals which use infrasound. Elephants are one such animal. The lower the frequency of a sound, the less likely it is to attenuate (fade over a distance). This is why, when you see a far off car blasting its stereo, you hear the bass first, not the higher notes. Elephants use infrasound to communicate over long distances since higher frequency sound would attenuate at a shorter distance. Lower pitch=longer distance.
      It would make sense for an animal such as a sasquatch, with a sparse population and dense forest habitat, to utilize lower frequency sound to increase thier ability to communicate over a distance.
      Now as far as using it for mind control and such.... I'm seriously skeptical.

    3. Why dont you go see a doctor to get the gerble out of your ass Anonymous!

  12. Funny how 99% of the comments would never be posted if it wasn't for Anonymous, myself incl. :)

    1. people post anonymously so they can say whatever they want and if they get shot down or made fun of they can pretend it was't them.Then you have the loudmouth idiots that do it because they don't have the balls to back up what they say.
      when most people used to post by names you did not have all of the stupid comments you get now. you should have to sign in and use a name without the anonymous option it would lead to more serious discourse.

    2. Anonymous your are an idiot. You can create a profile and pretend to be anyone you want. You can still say anything you want under the fake profile i.d. you stupid inbread tard!

  13. First of all, why would we have to turn up our volume? If there truly was infrasound then we wouldn't be able to hear it. Anything that one would hear in the video would be, by definition, not infrasound. To me, the deer stopping in its tracks has no cause that's easy to discern. If anything, I would guess that it was an audible sound that made the deer stop.

    1. My guess is you are right Tom.

    2. We define infrasound as below the human range of hearing. What we consider to be infrasound (<20 Hz) may in fact be well within the range of hearing for a deer. I have no idea what the range of hearing for a deer is. But they may hear lower pitches than we do.

      That said, this video appears to show a deer stopping. Nothing more.

  14. Infrasound is total garbage when discussing Sasquatch. Looney toons!

    1. Thats not what your mom said when i was going from her ass to her mouth!

  15. Well why the hell did the bigfoot Justin shot not just knock him on his ass with infrasound? I rest my case.

  16. Heres the thing, they call it infrasound, because they don't have another word for it. They assume it is the same thing that whales and tigers use to stun their prey. I am not saying that it is not the same, but all I know is that when you get the feeling, you know exactly what it is, there is no other feeling like it. The best way to describe it is sort of an adrenaline rush that is not as sharp, but lasts a lot longer. You feel disoriented, vulnerable, disrespectful, and that you are intruding on someone else's land. It is one of the most negative feelings I have ever experienced, and to be honest, it will stay with me forever. Just keep hunting and you will feel it. I promise.

    1. Also, there is a greater energy transfer through the medium of water than through air, though some may go thru the ground.

      Interesting to note that while the ear cannot detect below 20 HZ, the brain can generate a perception of sound equivalent to 4 HZ. All perceived sounds are actually generated in the brain, just like all visual information. What you see is what is generated onto the biological computer screen of the brain, (occipital lobe). Likewise for sound. If you take a signal generator and generate a 100 HZ frequency, send it to the left ear of a set of headphones, while simultaneously sending a 104 HZ signal to the right ear, the brain will "perceive" both sounds, and also a third sound, the 4 HZ difference between the two physically input signals. The 4 HZ sound doesn't exist anywhere except in the mind/brain, but sounds as real as the two physically generated sounds. But, the mind/brain will also do this if both the two physical signals are heard by both ears. The brain is always adding and subtracting input frequencies and then presenting them to the mind. In addition, what we hear and see is not presented to the mind in real time. We don't see the stars in real time either, but what they were transmitting thousands or millions of light years ago. Animals don't see reality as it is, only as it is biologically processed and reproduced within the nervous system.

  17. Mitt the twit will have his candy ass handed to him by the most electrifying man in politics today, boots to asses if ya sa...melllllll what BARACK IS....COOKIN.

    1. Barack is a monkey tard like you and this is a bigfoot blog not a political blog you stupid twat!

    2. There is only two reasons Barack would have to withhold his transcripts.

      1.. He is Illegal, and therefor should not be president.

      2.. He is fucking stupid and therefor, should not be president.

      Take your pick you stupid fucking Libtard. He's GONE!

  18. If infrasound stops land creatures dead, please show me a land animal using it to capture prey. What video have you ever seen of a tiger walking up to a prey animal and it falling over disoriented? It is believed that even tigers simply use it as long range communication. This video is nothing more than a spooked deer...could be the camera, something it smelled, or heard. Deer often freeze to look around and listen.

    1. How do you know where you there? Do you breath oxygen or do you have to have that proven to you as well. You cant be shown oxygen but im sure you believe that you are breathing it. You cant show an animal doing infrasound you tard.

    2. That it literally the dumbest counter argument ever. You can't see an animal "doing" infrasound, but if the effect is disorientation, making the animal fall over or freeze, then someone show me a video of a tiger using this infrasound to simply walk up and kill a prey animal. I mean we have tons of hours of footage on land animals catching prey so show me a video of a land animal not having to chase its prey (where a case could be made for infrasound being used). If land animals used infrasound for catching prey, there would be evidence. Fact is land mammals are only thought to use it as a means of long range communication.


    4. Invalid video id for youtube.

      And the statement of "paralyzing" is based basically on conjecture. There is not proof that it is used to stun prey. It says you can feel it and handlers feel it but show me a video and documented evidence that a tiger can roar then catch its prey without running. The article is about infrasound being the missing link in tiger communication. It just brings up the conjecture that you feel it. Doesn't say it uses it as a hunting tool

    5. I have read that they use it during the pursuit, at the critical moment where they lunge for the prey. I haven't actually heard anyone claim that they roar from a distance then calmly walk up and take their frozen prey. I certainly didn't claim that. They point I'm trying to make is that there are animals that use infrasound, sound, and ultrasound, and none of those things are magic. Just sound.

    6. But this is the way of the bigfoot world. They have 0 recorded evidence so speculation comes into play. It's the exact same process that resulted in sea serpents, mermaids, and dragons in times of old, someone saw something, couldn't explain it, ran with the first possible explanation no matter how insane or illogical it was.

      Today, footers see some effect, and assume the cause is bigfoot. Literally no matter what that effect is, glowing eyes, feelings of dread, disorientation, blurry photos, night sounds, whatever, they're all caused by bigfoot even though there is no evidence of any such connection.

      Why? that's up to the psychiatrists to decide.

    7. Man, that's the truth. I happen to be a bigfoot believer, because I actually saw one. It didn't seem to have any magical properties. It just stood up and walked away. It's frustrating to have something that I know is real, that I've actually seen, and have it reduced to crazy stuff.

    8. Travis: I'm anon from 7:42AM. I had a friend see one recently, someone I trust completely. I believe he saw a bigfoot. What did it do? It got up and walked away. No magic, no guess work, no assigning unknowns.

      I was a believer before, simply because modern human has, according to the fossil record proven time and time and time again, walked side-by-side on this planet with other races of man who, it is generally accepted, kinda looked like a bigfoot. There's more evidence for this in the fossil record than most other commonly held beliefs.

      But in the bigfoot world, things don't usually work like that. If a witness has a moment of complete panic, it's automatically the bigfoot zapping them with some unknown power.

      I share your frustration.

    9. I'm the original anon in this string of comments and my father recently shared a story about an encounter he had. He never said it was a BF just said it was something unlike anything he had encountered in 40+ yrs of being in the woods. He was reluctant to tell me and when I asked my mother about it, she said it is the only time he ever came back from hunting scared.

      @Travis - I know animals can use sounds that we can't perceive but I still don't think land animals can use it for hunting prey. If the tigers can use the infrasound at moment of lunge, why not use it when still concealed (before the chase) to shorten other energy lost trying to run after the animal. Not trying to "flame" ya or anything, just a scientific question.

      I have a wildlife degree and 15+ yrs of hunting experience and it just annoys me that people jump to conclusions in this "field" that everything is caused by BFs. I also hate how many people talk down about educated people. Not all scientists are in a lab, many are constantly in the field...yet they are labeled as the ones who don't know anything about being in the woods.

      I originally got into BF because I love chasing mysteries left in the world. After my father's story I started frequenting BF sites with excitement. After months of reading these posts, I now know why the majority of ppl think this "field" is made up of only kooks.

    10. Haha don't worry about trying to "flame" me. I'm harder to offend than that. Since you have a wildlife degree, you are probably much more qualified to weigh in on the use of infrasound in predators. Being an ultrasound tech, which means I did a lot of studying in sound physics and use sound physics every day at work, I'm more qualified to talk about how it works theoretically in the wild. From my standpoint, infrasound in bigfoot would make sense for communication. I'm more skeptical about them using it for defense or hunting.

      I have frequented the location of my sighting over the years, and have had numerous other encounters with what I assume to be sasquatches at this location, however, I never had another visual sighting.
      There have been two times where a friend and I got very dizzy as we got within 100 yards of our location. It passed quickly both times. But it was quite unusual. Both times it happened in the same spot, rounding the last corner in the road to the dead end logging road where I saw it. I'm not saying it was "bigfoot infrasound". It could have been anxiety, altitude, dehydration, or a combination of other things. However, the thought of infrasound has crossed my mind. I don't have an explanation.

  19. I stopped a deer with a high powered rifle. And one time I stopped a deer with my low powered Izuzu Trooper.

    1. I stopped your old lady with 9 inches of Alabama white snake.

  20. "Faaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrttttttttttt............."

    MM: Quiet Bobo.......Hey Cliff/Ranae, I just picked up something very interesting on the parabolic mic. Did you guys hear it?

    Cliff: Yeah, Ranae just farted and had unknowingly had her talk button engaged.

    MM: I don't think it was her, Cliff. I was the first researcher to record a Squatch fart and that one had all of the overtones of a Squatch!

    Ranae: No Matt, it really was me.

    MM: Shut up Ranae, I've been doing this for 27 years!! "I think I smell a Squatch in these woods......"

    Ranae: OK Matt

    1. Actually Ranae just Quiffed.
      But they cut that out of the show so not to embarrass Ranae.

  21. why does everyone call steven streufert a FISH EYED FOOL?! that is soooo mean...

    1. I like to rub poop on my chest.....

    2. ohhhhh i get it, NOW! still pretty mean thing to say bought someone.. these follwers are brutal!!! looking at MOST of the comments made by these Anonymous followers who use language that i DO NOT care for my children to look at! i DO have to admit i love the website.. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK SHAWN just crack down on these LAME FUCKS that use profane

    3. "if fish eyed fool is involved, FORGET IT!" toooooo fuckin funny hahahahahahaha can't stop laughing..STEVEN STREUFERT, u gotta respond!!

  22. how many times can taterhole,retard,tard,fag,douche,libtard and so on be used before they loose their affect?get some new material you are making decent trolls look bad.

    1. Learn how to spell lose you libtarded fag who douches his taterhole.

  23. Justin smeja is the father I never had.

  24. I got hit by infrasound and ended up living on the planet Mongo with Ming the Merciless.
    I did, however, have the opportunity to marry his daughter who resembled a miniature Sasquatch and that was kind of fun

  25. Shawn, if you posted this, your an even bigger moron than i thought.

  26. first off when a person says "Bigfoots" it makes me want to punch them in their genitals. second the deer is just listening. paralyzed by infrasounds is a load.
    matt moneymaker is a douche

    1. you people are retarded. "Bigfoots" is retarded. it should be "Bigfoot" for both plural and singular. anybody with have a brain can see that. Matt Moneymaker is a wad and you people are his fanboys

    2. I dropped my load on your old ladies face after I pulled it out of your moms butt hole.

  27. I think my car headlights emit infrasound as once a deer got caught in them and stood still just like that. Spooky.

    1. +1! That is hilarious and I needed a laugh today

  28. You can say just about anything load enough and a deer will freeze... snowballs! ..... coco puffs!! ..... bellybutton lint!!!! ........

    this is the dumbest bigfoot study ever.

  29. I don't get the comments nor the controversy here? You can clearly hear emergency sirens and a helicopter faintly in the back ground. It is an instinct for a deer to freeze at infamilar sounds, new born fawns know this from day one

  30. It would be nice if the crude boy talk (surely not grown men), potty mouth and obsession with anuses were cut out of the otherwise interesting posts.

  31. don't elephants use infrasound. wouldn''t the handler's be constantly exposed? i'm not aware of any injuries being reported.anyone hear of any injuries from elephant's infrasound?


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