Sanger Paranormal Society Swabbing Bigfoot DNA From Car Windshield, With Guards Standing By

Jeffrey Gonzalez's team, the Sanger Paranormal Society, appears to finally have the funds they needed to pay for a thorough analysis of the DNA from an alleged Bigfoot creature. After reaching out to the public for help last summer at a press conference in Fresno, California, there now seems to be a serious undertaking in finding out what exactly left the markings on the window of Jeffrey's pickup truck.

The oil residue impressions were found on the windshield of the truck after the team abandoned it in a snow storm in the high Sierra's of California over Memorial Day weekend 2011. According to the team, when they returned to retrieve Jeff's truck, they were startled to discover the window markings -- including a large paw-like image.

Jeffrey posted the photo above about 30 minutes ago.

"Guess what they are doing... And, we have guards outside...." Jeffrey wrote.

[Update] Jeff responded to our article with the following message: " No funds necessary.... The professors stepped up and are doing the extraction and testing for free...and...the lead professor has been in contacct with Sykes for over 3 Months now....they are working together... and its not from the windshield....its from the side driver side window which has the Lips and Nostrils and the mucus..."


  1. Send it to Ketchum. She loves swabbing things !

    1. She would laugh her ass off if someone sent in a sample along with $2k. Somehow, I wouldn't be at all surprised if it were still happening. What a bunch of maroons.

    2. Now that's why I didn't send a DNA sample to her.... Really, you want me to send a sample of DNA which might show the existence of Sasquatch to someone I don't know, through the mail and I would have to sign all rights away... Are you out of your freakin mind!!!!

  2. So why are there armed guards?

    1. Because footers are irrational and unpredictable. You just can't take any chances.

    2. ^^^
      Yeah like the JREF footers who are threatening to storm the TBRC's Area X like wild savages.

  3. justin smeja was peekin in your truck lookin for hiding sasquatch that he shot.

  4. Stupid is as stupid does. They were already shown to match perfectly with a bear.

    1. Your right, stupid is that stupid says... The Forensic police officer did a mock up of a bear and it did not match up to a bear, it marched up to a Gorillas face... Better do your research first...

    2. Yes it did. It was a bear.

    3. Jeffy, boy, should you be fighting in comments sections about findings you haven't produced yet?

      With your track record of hyping and not delivering, you should be exercising restraint.

      Funny, Jeff, whenever I read you, the word "restraints" always comes to mind.

    4. Ok Terry, what have i hyped and not produced... What, the windows, here you go...I have them... You have to remember, a high school teacher, a correctional officer, a USPS employee, A high school student, Allen Thomas and myself were all present when we left the vehicles at the spot and most of us were all present when we found the impressions...Now, your comment on Hyping and not producing.....Example please.........

  5. Someone please email me at ... I have some pretty incredible photos of a possible BF I took over the weekend in Northern Florida.

  6. "Your right, stupid is that stupid says... The Forensic police officer did a mock up of a bear and it did not match up to a bear, it marched up to a Gorillas face... Better do your research first..."

    Please calm down. You don't have to respond to idiot people.

    1. Says the man from Tatoonie.

    2. Tatoonie?? oh yeah just next to Tatooine, I know the place - you stupid illiterate tit!! (I replied for you themanfromtatooine) I couldnt resist..

    3. An illiterate is a person who cannot read or write, not a person who misspells the names of fictitious location you dumbass.

    4. Illiterate can mean more than just not being able to read or write YOU dumbass, go read the dictionary!! maybe your just dyslexic. (Also, your sentance structure is appalling I think you meant to say "An illiterate person is someone who cannot read or write, not a person who misspells the name of a fictitious location you dumbass")

  7. Armed guards are a bit stupid. I don't think anyone wants to steal any of the potential DNA from their window smears. And as far as the forensic police officer doing a bear mock-up vs a gorilla mock-up, I think someone with experience and training in wildlife biology, such as myself and a lot of others in the BF field are a lot more qualified to make comparisons of that nature.

    1. Then you better talk to Cliff Barackman because he doesn't think it was a bear after talking to Allen Thomas, one of the witnesses to this whole event .. Oh, and he interviewed him for the Fall season of "Finding Bigfoot". Better look at all the evidence... Cliff didn't at first and that's why he assumed it was a bear. Then he heard about the evidence....

    2. Jeff, your a joke and so is your group. An embarrassment to big footing with your press conferences and your Facebook breaking news!!!!! Bullshit. Zero credibility

    3. Dont hate because your there and I'm here..... Lol!!!!

    4. Oh, and BREAKING NEWS!!!!!! Your an idiot..... Lol!!!!!!!

    5. Jeffy, do you state anywhere how these samples were preserved from contamination the last year? If you can't demonstate the integrity of the examples, any findings are automatically void.

  8. They're wasting all that time and money on bear snot ? It was already shown to be a bear.

  9. went to sanger highschool with jeffrey.. was a known liar THEN & more than likely one STILL..

  10. You never went to Sanger High.... Your funny... You don't know me.... And if your calling me a liar then your calling the other 7 guys who are witnesses to all this liars also... But then again, you would nott know this because your talking out Of your ASS.

    1. Was obviously a bear as they baited the car in a heavy bear area

  11. that was a window from the door not a windshield...

  12. You know it's funny...Now that I have top notch people extracting the DNA and are going to test it with Dr Sykes... Everyone is saying, why are you waisting your time, it's just a bear...people are saying it has proven to be a bear already.... No it hasnt , the DNA has not been tested so you guys cannot say it's a bear.... Now why is their such a push for me not to have the DNA tested???? Anyone...Anyone.....

    1. And you can't say it's a Bigfoot loser, because it hasn't been tested yet, though you call a press conference ? Jack off Jeffrey

  13. Stay anonymous, because you don't know what your talking about! You wish it was you that this happened. Stop hating in Jeffrey. The big people are there I just hope this doesn't cause stupid people like you to go try to kill them.

  14. I can tell you right now that it will come back positive as being from a snuffelupagus.

    1. Now that's funny... Great humor ...

  15. Jeffrey don't worry about them and their small minded thinking. What's it to them? You know they exist. A bear? Baited area? Now that is really stupid talk, who wants their truck trashed by bears? Jeffrey wishing you well. The anonymous are just that

  16. Snufleapugus you dont know crap! Disrespectful your brain matches your gonads- small! Lol. You weren't present when this occured-so your comments , perspectives, thoughts are totally mute.

  17. I thought this nonsense was over....sheesh - Media Advisory: New Bigfoot Evidence? - Sanger Paranormal's Face Print: Not It's 1st Bigfoot Evidence Claim to Fame - The Sideshow - 'Finding Bigfoot' or Hoaxing Bigfoot - 'Bigfoot Face Print' Press Conference Falls Short - Media Reports: Sanger Paranormal 'Bigfoot Evidence' Press Conference

    1. LOL. You go Ron! Where is your response Jeffy?

    2. Lon, I don't understand why this is allnonsense to you..... We are getting the DNA tested...everyone say's its a bear....why not a Mountain Lion or a Bear...or even a Homeless person.... I guess the only way to find out is by testing the DNA, right!!!

    3. Lon is a know it all taterhole.
      He thinks the world is flat and that he's good looking.
      We all know that isn't true.
      Hell,he's so fat he can't even wipe his ass hence all the dingleberries and that god awful smell that trails behind him when he walks.

    4. Lon your a complete tool but you got this one right, congrats! Yeah Jeffrey do the testing to find out what it is after you claimed it was a Bigfoot and get the field more bad press. Then go pay off mike Rugg s museum event to lick your ass and patronize you publicly. Your not researcher material

  18. What kind of moron would remove a perfectly good window from a vehicle & save it to be tested for bear or cow snot? Oh, yeah...a bleever would.

    BTW Jeffie lied about having armed guards present. I suspect all the rest is a lie too.

    1. What kind of moron would look up Bigfoot stuff all day and pretend not to be a bleever ? Oh yeah....a closet bleever.

  19. Only a fool would submit something to be tested for DNA if they hoaxed it in the first place.....

    I dont see anything wrong with trying to find out exactly what it was that left those smudges on the windows. Heck it really could have been Bigfoot for all we know.

    Actually the story on how this all came about is a pretty neat story. They find trees blocking the road, and the ice chests in the back of his truck were untouched. The equipment left inside his truck were all intact.

    If this turns out to be Bigfoot DNA all of you so called Bigfoot experts saying this is a hoax will look pretty foolish. I guess thats why they all are anonymous??

    You know even if they find that it isnt Bigfoot DNA, I dont see what they did wrong? At least it wasnt some frozen suit in an ice chest!!!

    1. I heard "Finding Bigfoot" has done a episode on the windows...Does anyone know when that is supposed to come out..

    2. It's not.They found out that it was all a hoax.

    3. Then why are they getting the DNA tested if it's a Hoax you dumb ass... And I personally know that photos and release forms have been sent to Ping Pong productions.. My guess, the Fall season starts in November....

  20. You know, the way everyone is slamming Jeffrey, I don't think they want him to have the DNA tested because if it comes back what they think it will be, all those blogs and web sites and news stories that made fun of all this are going to look prety bad... What I heard on one of his internet shows is that he made copies of all those articles and sites and when this comes back on a positive note, especially all the Bigfoot investigators and credible blogs, He will show the World who slammed him for not letting the process go through,,, Talking about loosing their credibility..

  21. Bear.....I guess they did not find any footprints? Give me a break.

  22. We did find a large hand print, not a paw with a opposable thumb ... The 4 fingers on the window and the thumb on the door... Same window with the 8 inch lips and the 6 inch nostills..

  23. In the video above did I just see that guy (beard) touch the places where the supposed BF
    did? Isn't that contamination?

  24. Visalia is in the fuckin house!!! Mad props to Sanger Paranormal Society. Fuck em if they don't believe. You know what you got and they dont know jack shit.

    Keep up the good work.

    1. Thanks prokill... They are just haters... They are mad cause I'm here and they are there..

  25. jeffrey i did go to school with u idiot! live in tulare,ca now.. but i was born and raised in sanger.. u were ALWAYS known as a liar and bullshitter and i honestly think u were hustling folks by asking for donations!

    1. Dude, I have no idea who you are but I always kept to myself, didn't play sports and as you would say a Geek in High school... In the electronics club... The jocks were my friends because I always helped them with their homework and I was friends with all the Gang Bangers... So now I know what this is about... You live in Tulare Bwahahahah... Your life turned out swell... Are you feeding the pigs on the farm.... Bwahahahah

  26. These comments make my head hurt. Jeff if you want anyone to respect you and believe you lay off the attacks. If people don't believe you who cares? But you lashing out at them lessens your credibility.

    1. Why does it lessen my credibilty....I have the windows. Everyone said I didn't have the windows therefor all you guys said I hoax this. You said I have nothing...Their is this guy on here who said he went to school with me and saying I was a bull shitter and a liar...That is 100% faults...If I don't respond, people will take what everyone is saying as fact and I'm not going to let that happen... People are crying even more now because I am having the DNA tested, Even you Michael said some harsh things last year that came back to me and I didn;t appreciate it. So I will still continue to fight back....Is does not ruin my credibility because have not Hoaxed or lied about anything to this day.....So I do not understand your way of thinking Michael because what you just said does not make any sense.....

    2. What harsh things did I say and where did I say them? Hell when you and I were on Dowdy's show I remember being respectful of the things you were talking about even though I don't agree with them. It seems you lash out any anyone who doesn't agree with you. That's going to happen.

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  29. Jeffrey I did go to school, you idiot! Live in tulare, ca now... But I was born and grew up in sanger.. You always is called a liar and liar liar, I really think you are tour guide was asked to donate!

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