Is It Lonely Being One of The Few People In Academia To Take Bigfoot Seriously?

To be the public face of the Bigfoot community, you need to have some balls. Being in academia, Dr. Jeff Meldrum can attest to the ridicule he has had to endure. Since his public life revolves around Bigfoot, perhaps it's a given-- but how bad is it?

In a recent article from The Post-Register, Meldrum recalls a 2006 Associated Press perception of him when they wrote this opening line: "Dr. Meldrum, something of a hulking figure himself, lurked in his dimly lit laboratory, shunned by faculty and students alike..." He tells the author, "You've obviously got to have a sense of humor and a thick skin to do this".

Besides having to deal with the media misrepresenting him, another annoyance is how often bookstores place his books in the Paranormal / New Age section:

Yes, Sasquatch shares legend status with other creatures, and yes, Meldrum believes. But criticism that he's "faith-based" or too much of a "true believer" to maintain scientific objectivity aren't fair, he said. His belief stems from the footprints and not the other way around.

Meldrum hates that his book appears in the New Age section of bookstores more often than it does in the Natural History section. He will tell you the Bigfoot camp is full of nut jobs. He's careful not to affiliate with Bigfoot groups based on enthusiasm rather than science, which are pretty much all of them.

While there are some scholars interested in Bigfoot, including the editorial board of his research group, the Relict Hominoid Inquiry, many of the Bigfoot hunters Meldrum runs into are nearly as different from him as are the Hackworths of academia.

A man once told Meldrum at a Bigfoot conference that he'd encountered Sasquatch. The creature asked him, "Are you scared?" The man replied that he was.

The strange thing, the man said, was that Bigfoot knew he was scared from more than a half-mile away.

Wait, Meldrum said.

If they were a half-mile apart, how did the man communicate with the creature?

The man answered he is psychic.

While lecturing at the convention, Meldrum told the crowd the story about his conversation with the psychic.

Half of the audience laughed.

Half didn't.

You can read the full article here.


  1. Remember.... truth not proof!

    Th th th th th th that's all folks!

    1. Looney Tunes is a lonely manchild with no life.

  2. Remember this guy appears at conferences alongside people talking about bigfoot birthing stations.

    1. So? What did you think these beings were anyway, not wild apes swinging through the trees surely? These are intelligent humanlike homi-homo-somethings.

    2. We shouldn't discount the possibility that sasquatch does have the capacity to "read" thoughts of people. The best evidence to date is the parrot named N'Kisi. This parrot will start talking about pictures the owner is looking at while not seeing the picture itself. The odds of coincidence calculated roughly at less than 1 in a billion. Perhaps the "modern" human mind/brain/ego is more of a barrier to this function than a help. This may not be classical "proof", as the mechanism that allows this cannot be measured at this time, it hints at the probability of its existence. Much like the Higgs-Boson particle, and this week, the announcement of gravity wave detection predicted by Einstein long, long, ago, we have many fascinating clues that pointl to this thought transmission/reception capacity within the animal kingdom. If one senses and knows what the predators and prey species within ones local environment are thinking and feeling, it will certainly confer upon the individual with this capacity a greater ability to survive its environment. Like any higher order functional capacity, it never appears in it's fully developed form. It must be discovered, developed, and trusted by the user(s). Science is still in its infancy, measuring a very narrow band of the atomic soup, and we don't want it declaring "proof" based on assumptions, but, because it can't be measured doesn't mean that the data that is available doesn't point in that direction. Indirect mathematical evidence pointed to gravity waves and the Higgs-Boson, the same is true for the "higher" capacities for consciousness. Should we capture and raise bigfoots, observe them demonstrating this ability, we'll still be a long way from "proving" the mechanism behind it. It may be centuries before we can. Where do savants get their information? How do they do what they do? How does N'Kisi know what pictures its owner is looking at, or know who is calling just before the phone rings? If you declare this to be impossible and non-existent, then you say no to your own dormant capacity for higher functional abilities in consciousness, forever imprisoning your "little self".

    3. Many scientists are close minded and blinded by their own preconceived ideas.

    4. Many footers are blinded by their overwhelming desire to believe that they know something that other people don't, so that they can pretend that they aren’t retarded.

    5. Hey man! Not all footers are retarded!

    6. I think you might be confused about the definition of mental retardation. While perhaps not ALL footers have an actual chromosomal abnormality, not all retardation is genetic. Fetal alcohol syndrome, for example, has no genetic underpinning.

  3. The article states that, "He (Meldrum) will tell you the Bigfoot camp is full of nut jobs." Although undoubtedly true, I haven't heard Meldrum say this.

    I do have respect for academics like Meldrum and others who are open minded and willing to risk their professional reputations because they believe that the evidence is enough to not entirely shut the door on the existence of sasquatch.

    1. Well said, that's exactly what he is and does. An important and brave man to the world of science.

    2. It's too bad that the repeat hoaxers and redneck bigfoot nuts have detracted from legitimate research into the sasquatch mystery.

      The hoaxers and bigfoot jackasses have done nothing for serious research.

    3. And don't forget the cynic trolls.

  4. It is true that Meldrum's research into Bigfootology has held him back from gaining full professorship, and countless ridicule by his peers. Same thing happened to Galileo and Einstein and other forward thinkers of centuries past. Man wants to scorn what they can not put in a box. The day will come when he will be praised for being a true pioneer in this field just as it did for the aforementioned.

    In the meantime can anyone name another professor from Idaho State that the public knows about? While they scorn and ridicule, Meldrum gets the headlines and this must really eat at their craw.


    1. Only the footsies know about this crackpot. The "public" knows nothing of him.

    2. I've seen Dr. Meldrum on National Geographic. So, it isn't true that the public knows nothing about him.

      So, ALL people who believe that sasquatches may actually exist are crackpots?

    3. Thanks "Alpha Dog". You said what I wanted to put into words..perfectly! All scientists who have an open mind to subjects and evidence that is considered risky to mainstream thinking...have been ridiculed for centuries. It is for that exact same reason that science itself is held back by the very people who hold the lantern for scientific progress.

    4. Not to mention that many in academia have been there since graduating. Many professors I have dealt with are not exactly risk takers and try new things. Obviously there are many that do and are not part of the system. Meldrum is one of those in my opinion.

    5. And this is why you footers get so many “trolls”. People come on this website and what do they see but jealous retards attacking those who worked hard to get their education and conduct their research in a respectable manner. Rather than slinging insults at people who follow the scientific method why don't you stupid motherfuckers get off this website and find a fucking Bigfoot? I'll tell you why you haven't; it's because it's a lot easier to talk yourselves up a Bigfoot, it's a lot easier to proselytize then it is to put your money where your mouth is. Honestly how many of you have even met a real scientist? I knew a herpetologist who trapped the same little lake for nearly two decades. He did REAL science. He didn't try to make a spectacle of himself, and he didn't make statements of scientific fact without proof to back it up. These repeated attacks on reasonable people are why you footers have earned all your enemies and why you deserve all the ridicule that comes your way. Meldrum's no hero douchebags. It isn't hard to “go against the establishment”, “it's hard to “go against the establishment” and be right.

    6. Jeffery Meldrum here,
      I just mid-tarsal broke my ass in an unfortunate butt fucking accident so I will be temporarily turning the role of head-priest over to Tim Fasano. Now I know a number of you will be disappointed with my decision, but of all the footers I had to choose from Timothy Fasano most exemplified the core values of footing: hoaxing, bullshiting, and never getting out of your car.

    7. ^^^^^
      Boo Hoo, the closet bleever is angry. This Bigfoot stuff is rotting your brain douche.

    8. ^^^^
      Well if your profound mental retardation is any indicator then perhaps this “Bigfoot stuff” does rot one's brain.

  5. Dr Meldrum Should not care about what his peers say. He is the foremost expert in the the field of Bigfoot and when the day comes a bigfoot is captured Im sure his peers will be left wondering!

    1. When the day comes that Jeffery Meldrum dies a lonely broken old failure I'm sure his peers will mock him and reaffirm their confidence in the scientific method's superiority to faith.

    2. Of Meldrum's lifetime of Failure? Uh, no, not so much.

    3. Are you mad at his failure because you can't justify your belief in Bigfoot to your family ?

    4. My family? What are you like 14? My family's dead you silly shitwrinkle. Though I suppose a little momma’s boy like you can't possibly fathom what it would be like to spend a night without your face nestled securely between your mothers fat thighs.

    5. ^^^
      And there you have it folks, the mentality of the closet bleever.

    6. Yep, hypocritical mad cows living in their own dream worlds still thinking the outside's flat afraid to peek out of the box thinking everything's discovered. If it's not in a book be it Bible, biology or history it must be fantasy. LOL

    7. Meldrum will die an old man before Sasquatch is captured or even proven beyond a shadow of a doubt. Anyone want to take that bet? Anyone?

    8. Says you 1:28. You're going to be eating crow when they finally take down a squatch.

    9. 10:42 Meldrum's non-bigfoot work is acknowledged to be pretty decent, even by his detractors. He published a graduate level text for Springer-Verlag, and that is a very nice accomplishment.

    10. I meant he authored a text that was published by Verlag.I'm tired.
      Anyway, there is a thread about him on Rand and I was wondering if you agree with the people who say he is cynical and "knows' bigfoot does not exist. I completely disagree with that. Just trying to get a sense of why you have so much contempt for him.

    11. Because he is intellectually dishonest.

  6. Meldrum articles always brings out the closet bleebers. The pretend academics in their ranks like Saskeptic are jealous that his words carry more weight and he gets more respect because he's not some anonymous clown sneaking around posting on Bigfoot forums all day when he should be teaching his pretend students.

    1. What's that? I couldn't hear you with your mom sitting on your face like that, you incestuous douchbag.

    2. ^^^
      Take that garbage back to JREF please.

    3. You should actually try taking your tongue out of your mothers vagina BEFORE you speak. It won't make you sound more intelligent, but it will make you more audible.

    4. Some of us simply are trying to have an open mind. How can I possibly say I believe in Bigfoot until I've seen one. But there are respectable people who say they have seen and heard them..who am I to automatically brand these people as lunatics or whatever...all I ask is that the scientific community do a little of the same...or at the very least show a little respect to those scientists who choose to study on the fringes of science. The world is still a mysterious place and I am sure there are many many animals birds, reptiles and fish that have remained un-detected by humanity.I grew up in the Northwest. I have hiked and camped and ski'd all over Ore. Wash. and Idh...I can tell you there are thousands upon thousands of coniferous forests in those states that humans have not stepped foot in to. How can we say that every living creature...(large or small)has been discovered? I think the majority of Northwesterners would agree with me. VERY well educated PHD's even!!! I do think the childish use of profanity and gutter name calling diminishes any point you are trying to make.Why are you even on this site? Simply to have a chance to spew venom and read it back to yourself? Who is the real "douchebag" here?

    5. Greatly put, we have jealous closet fools among us but make no mistake - their true business here isn't just to ridicule because they're such immature losers no it's their own social positions or jobs they're fearing will be impacted by this discovery.

    6. Nice comment.Not that it really matters but why does everybody post anonymously now?

    7. Speaking of Saskeptic, he's become so deluded that he stated on JREF that the TBRC took a pro kill stance because he's the only one who's been vocal about/figured out that science needs a body to prove Bigfoot exists.....LOL

      OMG this subject attracts the weirdest morons on both ends of the spectrum.

    8. When the pigs show up and bust you for growing weed in your basement, you'll wish you had posted anonymously too.

    9. No weed in my basement so I'll take my chances.

  7. Might have hurt him academically but I guarantee it has helped him financially . I'm not saying that's a bad thing just a fact.

    1. Meldrum is an idiot. That's both a bad thing and a fact.

    2. ^^^^
      Says the footer spending his day looking up Bigfoot stuff.

    3. Meldrum is the laughing stock if his university. He's shunned and rightfully so. His silly little childhood fantasy (one of simple minded intellectually challenged mentally deranged minded fools) will forever prevent him from being accepted as a true driver of factual academia.

      Anyone associating themselves with him is downright retarded.

    4. He was promoted at his University in June you jackass. The article was on this site.

    5. Believe what you will but there's a reason that he's an associate professor instead of a legit professor. You could look it up.

    6. Well, they usually consider an associate professor to be legit.

    7. Full professor will never be granted.

    8. He was promoted to full professor.

  8. I hope that one day Dr. Jeff Meldrum will have an entire wing dedicated to his name at ISU


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