FB/FB Releases Public Statement Regarding Camper Video, Says It Looks Too Real To Be A Hoax

Don't expect any retraction from FB/FB folks because even if the footage is proven to be fake or a hoax, the morphology of the creature in the "Camper" footage is real. In other words, it doesn't matter if it's Bob Gimlin or Rick Dyer in a monkeysuit, as long as it moves like a Bigfoot, it's most likely real. There you have it, from the good folks at FB/FB. Here's an official statement posting on their wall an hour ago:

1. FB/FB is completely independent of the video and had nothing to do with the filming of this video. We simply produced an authentication as we have 60 times before. The firestorm that was created by the Camper video is a direct result of compelling nature of the images. ( A closeup of a human-shaped ape.) We had no idea this was possibly part of an organized effort to film a Sasquatch until after we published the authentication analysis.

2. We still maintain that it completely fits with the morphology of a Sasquatch. Large Nocturnal eyes, Heavy Brow Ridge with a cranial keel sloping backward not upward into a coned head, Hooded Nose, Long upper lip, Incredibly long spineous processes on the spine (leading to thick neck, high shoulders and consistent Auburn coloring and behavior.

3. We have no idea who took the video, although we have received maybe 50 emails, some with very interesting and some with possible confidential information. We now know it was actually filmed on Sept. 6 2012, posted on September 13th we confirmed it on September 14th when it had less than 10 views.

4. As to Steve Kulls, we like him and have appeared on his radio show. He may be correct with the group and location of the video (we don't know) but that does not mean this video is fake or a hoax.

5. The debate over Sasquatch is decades old with sides deeply entrenched. Skeptics refute everything and many researchers want "their" footage or casts or sounds to be the evidence and work against others. We know through personal experience that Sasquatch are real and it is just a matter of time before they are acknowledged.
6. Was it a hoax? Using common sense we believe it is improbable, Why would anyone produce a crappy 29 second video of the most fantastic anatomically correct suit only to film for the last 1.2 seconds... through a tent... sideways.... and then upload it without actually knowing how to even rotate the video.

7. FB/FB's mission is to curate and publish any data on the subject of the Big Fella. On September 10th we were planning on publishing a thermal that is better than this video, but there are co-owners of that video and both have to agree on release. The reason we published this video so soon was because of the frustration over the non-release. Had we any idea the firestorm this video would create.

8. Lastly the explanation of why Sasquatch exist in Florida, Ohio, Minnesota, Ontario and the PNW is far more important than any video. The Patterson Gimlin film should have been all that was necessary, unfortunately it does not fit with the out of africa theory of human development. We have attempted to explain why it is not just possible but there it is essential that there is a human-shaped ape that is strategically smarter throughout the USA. Hence why we published the book "YOU ARE A SASQUATCH" .

So what does this say about FB/FB? It's clear. Take any blurry video, turn it sideways, then remove the color, and post it on YouTube. Then, just wait for someone to bite. As long as it looks good enough, they will authenticate it and claim it to be a real Bigfoot.


  1. Replies
    1. Looks like Looney Toons to me.

    2. Why the hell do we care what someone who spent thier life watching CARTOONS and expressing signx of OCD thinks about anything.

      Listening to looney --- is looney!

  2. 9. Got hoaxed by kids but pay no attention to that.

    10. Believe every word we say without question.

    11. Buy our books and "like" us on Facebook.

    1. That's not BF, it's Sam Elliot.

      It's a pity more people can't see behind the curtain. Keep up the good work.

      - Woodose

    2. Sam Elliot would be upset to hear that Woodwose,lol.

    3. I'd like to think he'd just ease back into a bar stool, take a shot of Bourbon and put me in my place with a sarcastic jibe.

      - Woodwose

    4. "It's got nuthin to do with you Wyatt"

    5. Well.....it does kinda look like Sam Elliot

    6. Topic for a new FB/FB book - 'You are Bigfoot, Sam Elliot is Bigfoot......therefore it isn't a hoax'

      - Woodwose

    7. LMAO Woodwose. I've never heard any vocalizations that are as deep as Sam Elliot's voice is.
      I wouldn't put it past the smartest man in the world to use crayons and write a book on that subject though.

    8. I miss your sense of humour.......it might have kept me from leaving the BFE forum.

      - Woodwose

    9. I'm not Stankape and that inability to read what people write contributed to the both of us leaving - that and the fact that it is now dominated by creationist fanatics who object to anyone with the temerity to disagree with them.

      - Woodwose (not Stankape).

    10. I was thinking its the guy on American Chopper: he was camping next to the guy and got up to take whiz.

    11. Guys, his name is Elliott.

  3. Has anyone associated with FB/FB or their book been suspected of hoaxing? I can't figure out if these guys can really be that gullible or are laughing up their sleeves.

  4. FB/FB there isn't much left to the dead horse you are beating so shut down the authentication and just buy some T.V. time to sell the damn book. It's very apparent you don't know how to do anything without your head completely up you ass.
    It's done,it was a hoax,you probably sold a few books from it,Shut the fuck up about it and move on to the next hoax shitheads.

  5. Find A bigfoot dump and then in the lingo of the JREF footers we can discuss the provenence of the dump.

  6. Hang in there FB/FB, you might sell a book yet!

  7. If it walks like a duck........ FB has a point, and I believe that if it is a fake, it's a very, very well done one. Yes, it's possible that it's not the real deal, but unlikely.

  8. its the Dude... looking for his white Russian..

  9. Exactly WHY is this being called a hoax? Just wondering.....

    1. From looking at the color version of the video I do believe that I have seen that mask before. No one wants it to be real more than me, but I don't think this is the real deal.

    2. I can only assume it is being called a fake because some blogger has a vendetta against FBFB and FBFB put up a copy of the video.

  10. guys its over, the patty suit has been found, there is no bigfoot, never was, the only video you had is a complete fake, its over

    1. Really? Found where? I keep hearing hype about this alleged suit, but I don't see the suit.
      Links? Pictures? Blurry videos? A picture taken from the moon? Anything to back up this claim?

    2. I've heard from a very good source this is why Erickson pulled out.....He found it.

    3. anything to back up the claim that bigfoot exists?

    4. Anon @ 5:32- who here made a claim Bigfoot exists? Regardless of that, it's kind of a newbie skeptic thing to say. Not bashing you, just saying that it's a weak question to ask.
      There is plenty of evidence that you can accept or dismiss. If you dismiss any and all evidence for the existence of Bigfoot, then perhaps your time is better spent on another subject.

    5. Anon 5:32, have you always been a complete and utter dope or is it something of a recent occurence?

    6. Poor geeks that think there's a Patty suit. LMFAO Nope there isn't, she's real but this tent stunt is probably a fake.

  11. I did say several posts back that the much hyped video (thermal) would run into permission 'issues' and they wouldn't post it. It's just book hype in my opinion.

    On the legal side, though FB/FB states there are 'co-owners' of the video, in reality the only way that can happen is if someone was commissioned to film something and the agreement is such that the contractor has specified copyright ownership perpetually or for some other specific time period. The copyright belongs to the photographer unless otherwise agreed - formally.

    Unless the video was taken by two people both holding the camera when it was shot or if the camera is co-owned in a business and on co-owned land then without contract it could be the property of two people. This seems unlikely as it is thermal camera footage supposedly.

    Moreover under the fair-use clause of copyright law it is acceptable to publish such content under these conditions:

    "Examples of fair use include commentary, search engines, criticism, news reporting, research, teaching, library archiving and scholarship".

    It would seem that possibly the greatest discovery in recent history would fall under categories such as 'research, reporting, teaching and scholarship.

    'Nuff said? They have no valid excuse. Absolutely none whatsoever.

    1. Note re shared cost/ownership:

      "This seems unlikely as it is thermal camera footage supposedly."

      Wouldn't it being thermal equipment make it more likely rather than "unlikely" it was shared equipment, because of the greater cost of the equipment? Thermal equipment is more expensive than standard, no?

      If so, then there is an "out" or explanation, and this is in error:

      "'Nuff said? They have no valid excuse. Absolutely none whatsoever."


    2. You bring up an interesting point Zorro. The only ones who loan/give out thermal imaging devices and make it public is FB/FB.
      I'm not aware of any individual or group that does this but that doesn't mean it can't happen. Maybe someone has a patron of their work. Rick Dyer claims to be funded, and I'm sure there are others we don't know about.
      As a side note, Tim Stover bought his thermal camera, so it's not out of the reach of everyone. Mostly everyone, but not all.

    3. About shared cost and ownership. As I said, if two people held the camera at the same time or if the camera is co-owned and the footage taken on co-owned land or there is a formal agreement between the parties involved, then maybe, there is a case that it is co-owned but...

      If I borrow a camera from a friend to take photographs for my work, does he partially own the copyright to the work I produce on it? The answer is NO. If I bought a co-owned a camera with someone or the camera was the property of a business that I worked for, would the investors partially own the copyright to my work done on the device? NO.

      Even if everyone on the planet had a micro-investment in the camera used for the footage in question, who would own the copyright? The photographer, the person who set the camera and pushed the button unless otherwise lawfully contracted but...

      What supersedes all of this is Fair Use law. I'm not going to explain in detail but for example, you may see your local news channel use a video from Youtube. Simply because they cannot gain rights to it exclusively and basically they don't need to, thanks to Fair Use.

      They hyped something, realised it was crap and sought an exit, that's all. Besides, unless the BF is doing super-human activity in the video, thermal footage is what it is - bright multi-colour pixels all mashed together - not even remotely interesting.

  12. Any doubt they would double down on this? They can't screw up their perfect record of confirming 100% of all videos taken.

    1. I'm guessing that's humor on your part. Some might take it as being serious.

    2. It is serious. They confirm 100% of all videos they see.

    3. I know i saw one where they said probably fake. so please check your information is accurate before posting.

  13. I'm so tired of the shameless promotion of their silly book.


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