Exclusive: COT (The Chicken of Truth) Interviews Dr. Meldrum About The Bigfoot DNA Study

Editor's Note: This is a guest post by Team Tazer Bigfoot member Cot a.k.a the Chicken of Truth.

Yes you heard it right my hairless primate friends. My grandpa Dr. Meldrum and I, Cot, the chicken had a nice early morning conversation about all kinds of stuff. The good doctor explains and talks about the DNA studies and other subjects.

Yes and exclusive from the greatest chicken bigfoot researcher in the Bigfoot world-- Well, besides my human grandpa Dr. Meldrum with all his science stuff. I had fun talking to him. COT HAS SPOKEN! BUAWWWWWK!

COT's Blog: http://www.tazerbigfoot.com/app/blog


  1. This is one of those occassions when the interview could have stood on it's on. TTB, everything doesn't have to be a wacky bit. Anyway, thanks for the interesting information.

    1. You sir need to get a sense of humor, man do people forget things can be fun, science is boring enough for us regular folks, half the crap of science I do not even understand. So your gonna knock this awsome interview which by the way gives awsome info on Dr. Meldrum's part in the DNA study and other subjects... Laugh man/woman or what ever you are, it was meant to informative from what I understood but at the same time funny.

    2. BIGFOOT isnt funny anymore

  2. I hope Meldrum isn't too embarrassed...

    1. What? This elevates the good Dr. in my mind. He has a sense of humor, and gave a great interview filled with information. Everyone is going to want to be given this treatment.

  3. I always thought "COT" stood for.......something else.

  4. Thanks Dr. Meldrum, very interesting. shame about the chicken...I wonder why the topic isn't taken seriously

  5. Dr. Meldrum,

    Thanks for having thick skin and a sense of humour!

    You're awesome! Loved your book, looking forward to a few more hopefully :{)}

  6. Awsome interview Cot you sexy chicken and Dr. Meldrum I love you for you amazing sense of humor and also the great info on the DNA study and your talk about baby Bigfoots. I love how fun the interview is and Cot your a pretty good interviewer, you asked some awsome questions. Team Tazer rocks, you guys are doing such great things on educating people on the Bigfoot subject and also having fun with it. Dr. Meldrum I have even more respect for you, which was already very high and now you showed me what a excellent, fun and funny human being you are. My kids love the subject of Bigfoot and Cot, so this is so perfect to show them a fun side of science.For those that have posted above saying that it is not serious get a clue, it was done in fun, do you guys laugh sometimes geez, not everything has to be proper and serious all the time.

    1. I agree Cindy. Dr. Meldrum is amazing, and so is COT.

  7. Just curious, what kind of a price tag does a DNA sequencing study have? I mean with Oxford involved you would think he (Sykes) would at least have access to some big money? Say I have a sample and wanted to get it tested, what would that cost me?

    1. Three chickens and a potato.

    2. @8:19 Don't make the mistake of expecting to find a serious answer on here or make a decent comment because the trolls have taken over.They own the comments section now.You will find nothing here but insults,racism,sexist childish remarks and of course the famous keyboard warriors that will kick your ass anonymously over the internet while being scared of saying anything to anyone in their real life.

    3. @9:14, I realize that, I haven't lost all faith in this site... Yet.

    4. A new Fan of BigfootEvidence and CotMonday, September 10, 2012 at 11:04:00 AM PDT

      Anon at 9:14 all the comments have been very civil on this post so what are you talking about, enjoy it,I give allot of credit to Dr. meldrum for having such a great sense of humor and doing the interview, I am looking at him with a different thinking now. Any man that is willing to have fun and laugh at himself a little has to be great to hang around with. My Hats goes off to you Dr. Meldrum you are class act and this confirms it. I always been a follower of your work but now I am a fanatic of Cot the chicken of truth and you Dr. Meldrum. Cot preach on chicken brother with the truth and keep if fun do not ever change.

  8. Bravo Dr. Meldrum, and kudos to COT. Well done.

  9. Just What in the wide wide world of sports is a goin on here?

  10. COT sounds like the Sierra Sounds.

  11. as usual, merchant took something worth listening to,
    and turned into a circus act.
    The man could F*ck up the parking for a one car funeral.
    I dink Da coo-laid, WWhoooaaa aaaaa ooohhh !!!!!

  12. Sorry to tell you but if you look at the titles and credits the video is directed by Damian Bravo not Michael Merchant. Also how is this a circus act, do you think Dr. Meldrums answer are dumb or is it the chicken clucks you did not understand,It is captioned and translated and the questions are actually excellent. You must be another one of these people which do not have a sense of humor. Luckily the majority of the population does and so those a smart scientist like Dr. Meldrum. Dr. M if your reading any of these comments your awsome and I have gain even greater respect for you. I have never read your book but now I will, this has showed me you are a great human being besides a scientist.

    1. Uh, I guess you missed the caption "From the mind of Michael Merchant" in the.beginning......pay attention.

  13. Listening to Meldrum makes me sleepy.......


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