Convincing Hairy Man Encounter From The Olden Days

Mary R. sent us the following story about a Tennessee man named Bob Meeks who had an encounter with a "big tall" hairy creature that followed him for 3 miles. Mary found it in an old literature entitled "Foxfire 2", a book that was compiled and written in 1970 by high school students in Rabun Gap. As a class assignment, they were sent out into the back woods and mountains to interview senior citizens about life back in the olden days.


Bob Meeks was his name, and he was a’workin’ somewhere in Tennessee over there. He come through by Benton while they didn’t have th’road then, and had t’come across that mountain. Now I don’t know whether it was Frog Mountain, whether that was th’name or not. But anyway, there was twenty-two mile there that there wadn’t no houses on it – steep and twisty, my Lord.

And it was late in th’night. His wife had a’called him. Some of his kids got sick, and he had t’come in. And he’uz a comin’ along up that mountain, and he said he come around a curve and he seen this thing. Said it ‘uz th’biggest man he ever saw.

The man stepped out of a water ditch by th’side of th’road, and said he just leaned over a little, and as he come by he just stepped on th’runnin’ board, reached down, opened th’door, got in, set down, and looked him over. It was a old Model T, and th’way it was goin’ it didn’t make much more time than a man walkin’.

And he said he looked at that thing’s hands and that’s what he couldn’t figure out. Said hit’s fingers, one of’em was as long as two of his’n if they was put together, and as big again around. He said he had awful big arms, and on top of his hands was just as hairy plumb on down toward his fingers. His fingers was th’longest he’d seen on anybody. Must have been ten inches long.

He said he spoke t’him and he never did speak back. He said he didn’t know whether he was gonna do anything t’him or not. He said he knowed he was big enough. They wadn’t nothin’ he could’a done about it. They wadn’t no need a’getting’ scared because that man could’a reached plumb around him one-handed. Big tall man – all hairy.

Said he never got a sound out’a‘him. He could hear him a’getting’ his breath.
And he said he rode at least three mile with him, and he wondered if this thing was goin’ plumb t’Ducktown with him. An’ he was goin’ around another curve, an’ said that thing – man, what’ere it was – he just stepped out. And said he looked back and it’uz just a’standin’ there in th’road.

Said he was the ungodliest man he ever did see all th’days of his life. He said people might not believe him, but he said it’uz the truth.

Now I believe it, ‘cause I don’t believe Bob’d tell a lie. He was a man never got excited about nothin’.

And after that man got out, Bob said he just kept drivin’ on.


  1. Bigfoot hitched a ride with this guy? That may be why it is seen running along vehicles by witnesses. Just wants a lift I guess.

  2. That big hairy man was just plumb lazy, mensfolk thinks awas a crazy and lost my little ole mind,never dids travelling thats way again at night,all them varments out dere. Bob Meeks

  3. I never say this and really hate to but,Whatever dude.

    1. STFU drug addict.You contribute nothing to this site!You are just an annoying loser on welfare sitting on your ass all day getting high with tax payer money and sell YOUR dope to OUR kids DUDE.

    2. WOW a bit presumptuous aren't we?I have never been on welfare.I work 5 days a week and have never and would never sell drugs to kids.
      Look it's not a secret that I indulge, however I am not out on the street selling meth or crack to YOUR kids I smoke a little grass with other adults.
      I find this site and the comments amusing and enjoy the subject matter thats all.I am always happy when on here and don't usually bother with the negativity but that was way overboard.

    3. There's absolutely nothing wrong a moderate and responsible use of pot, it's a lot less destructive than alcohol! oh but the church going rightwingers always think it'll turn you into some kind of degenerate flesh eating rapist zombie that's pro gay marriage and votes democratic, non smokers would be very surprised by the number of responsible professionals of all diciplines that indulge in weed, and to be honest I much prefer stoners to drunks, they are much more under control and diciplined when under the influence.

    4. People are scared of what they don't understand.

    5. Yeah, I want a pot smoker working on the airplane that I fly in. How about a pot smoking mechanic that works on the brakes of the car that you and your loved ones drive? How about a pot smoking nurse that gives you a shot (hopefully with the correct drug).

      Recent research has proven that years of marijuana use lowers IQ. There is no way you're going to convince anybody with half a brain cell that years of pot use helps to advance you in life.

      Bigfoot doesn't use pot.

    6. Just because someone smokes pot doesn't mean they go to work stoned, just as most responsible drinkers don't show up at work drunk.

    7. I happen to have an IQ of 160 and yes I smoke pot. Work hard, am responsible so why don't you go away like the little coward you are. Next time THINK before speaking so we don't all see how IGNORANT you are.
      Like 858 says we don't go to work high and we are actually RESPONSIBLE, unlike most drinkers and people who talk/text and drive

    8. Of course anon at 9:13 is going to use ad hominem arguments. That's all there is to justify pot use.

      Hopefully you're not a school bus driver.

      You must work hard in some industry that doesn't require drug testing. Most industries that pay well typically have some type of random drug testing requirement.

      Who knows? Maybe you'd have an IQ of 170 if you weren't a pothead.

    9. I'd much rather be a pothead with an IQ of 160 than a non pothead with an IQ of 80 any day!

    10. Carl Sagan was a pothead, and a genius.

    11. The people who are so against pot seem to be the same people who think climate change is a hoax, do any of these people yet know that the Earth is round?

    12. LOL. So, global warming advocates are all pot users?

    13. Charlie Parker was a heroin addict and a musical genius.

      So, if I smoke pot, I'd be a genius like Carl Sagan? If I shoot up heroin I'll be a genius like Charlie Parker? Drugs are good for you? They help to make you a genius?

    14. LMAO I love how potheads try to rationalize smoking the devil's parsley.

      I do know that the more booze you drink and the more weed you smoke, the more some of these bigfoot clips look like a real bigfoot.

    15. Dat it mon. You smoke dee ganja, you see da bigfoot.

    16. anon 2:37, Carl Sagan was a genius who just happened to smoke pot, I never said that pot made him smart, no drug will do that! if that's what you thought I was trying to imply then your a real dumb ass, I only smoke dope, you sir are a dope!

    17. Carl Sagan did claim that pot use helped him with his work. So, isn't that making him smarter?

    18. Don't like pot? No prob, now just go over to your music collection and burn it. Because the musicians who played all that music were rrrrrreeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllllll fuckin' high! The fact is that every reputable study done on marijuana has proven that not only is pot not addictive, but it seems to have NO long term effects on the human body. There is no way to overdose on marijuana, now let's look at alchohol. Alchohol IS addictive, you can get alchohol poisoning very easily, and the long term effects on every major system of the body including Neurological can be fatal. Hmmmm, who's camp do I want to be in? Let me ask you a question, you go to a concert or a ball game and someone is there screaming and being violent, are they a) high on pot or b) drunk as hell? If you answered a) then you have never smoked pot in your life nor known anyone who has ever smoked pot. Enjoy living in your fantasy world, hope your kids discover marijuana before they discover alchohol. I would much rather read the story in the headline that your kiddos got busted with some pot than to read the article that they got drunk at a kegger and wrapped a car around a telephone pole going 90. So good luck with that whole ignorance thing, definitely proves your intelligence.

  4. Thats the thing with these old reports...its obvious the truth is stranger than fiction...the older folks were way more superstitious. The actual account is probably alot different.

  5. Love it. Baboons like to hitch rides in Safari Parks so why not. Surprised he didn't weigh the car down to a stadia still though. Lazy squatch.

  6. My Grandfather has never said this was a bigfoot.

    He often talked about this and he always described him as a very large man.

    What he was doing there is not known but unless Bigfoot wears bibs was just a large,unkept man.

    1. Joe, were you a kid when you first heard this story? Maybe he just didn’t want to scare you. The fact that he often talked about this story makes me think there was something more to it than just giving a hitchhiker a ride, which would be no big deal. The descriptions of his hand and finger size are pretty specific: “His fingers was th’longest he’d seen on anybody. Must have been ten inches long,” and “They wadn’t no need a’getting’ scared because that man could’a reached plumb around him one-handed. Big tall man – all hairy.”

    2. Oh bull Mary. Sasquatch wears bib overalls and hitchhikes now. Good grief.

  7. Yep, just another old story with nothing to do with BF.

  8. True or not, a fun story to read. I seems neither the author or the witness had any concept of a sasquatch/bigfoot species different than man, else a lot more details of anatomy would have come out. Perhaps a slight understatement of storytelling was the language of protocol of those times.

  9. I'm surprised that nobody here made a crack about Tennessee inbreeding being the source of the story. Didn't they film Deliverance in Tennessee?

    1. Nope, it was based and filmed in Georgia. Way north along the Chattanooga River.

    2. Some of it was filmed in South Carolina.

  10. This story has nothing to do with Bigfoot. Good grief, think about it, would you stop and pick up something like Sasquatch and let him ride shotgun? Hell no, this was just a hulking man wearing bib overalls who was unkept and hairy.

    1. I would.

      I actually fantasize about running into one and getting to ridie piggy back through the mountains on a wonderful adventure.

      Something along the line of "The Never Ending Story" but with a Sasquatch and a full grown man. Bigger smiles too.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Shroom trip from "the pick of destiny"!

  11. so basically still no evidence then, must be a slow century for bigfooting

    1. Evidence and proof are two different things, they don't really mean the same. But did you expect an old story like this to solve anything? Just a story.

  12. I have a foxfire book, I'm going to look for this story.

    Any idea what page it is on?


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