Anonymous Former National Guardsman Claims Mount St. Helens Burnt Bigfoot Story Happened

In the late 90's early 2000's, a science teacher named Thom Powell picked up on a story by an anonymous government employee who alerted the Bigfoot Field Research Organization (BFRO) about a 7.5 feet long/tall burn victim with "multiple burns on hands, feet, legs and body; some 2nd and 3rd degree burns". According to the story, on August 6, 1999, Battle Mountain, Nevada, exploded into several simultaneous range fires in what would be known as the Battle Mountain Complex Fire. A Bigfoot was hurt in the fire according to an anonymous government employee. The story was later dismissed but the acclaimed author and science teacher believe it really happened and that the whole story was an elaborate cover-up.

It has been years since the story broke and still no one has come forward to claim it actually happened-- until now. Running a Bigfoot blog, we get some strange emails every once in a while. This morning, we received an email from someone who claims to be a former National Guardsman, saying he was there and he saw the Bigfoots. This person gives a detail account of the experience that he and four other guardsmen had with the creature and all were told to keep quiet about it. We know how much some people like to pull our leg, so, as always, we'll let you be the judge:

Dear Shawn:

I was reading some of the stories about Mt. Saint Helen on the message boards and wanted to share this one. I only ask that you withhold my name.

I was a National Guardsman at the Mount Saint Helen site and this is the first time I have ever spoken about what I saw firsthand. I lived in Spokane, Washington and was 24 at the time this all took place.

I have read some of the other stories and they only tell part of the story.

I was placed on a special cleanup crew farther up the mountain. A large tent was set up and it was be guarded by armed soldiers who were not part of the guard. There were numerous soldiers on the scene that were not members of the guard.

We were given a briefing by soldier who said that “after he spoke to us, we would forget about him and what he said at the end of the mission”. This was strange as we never dealt with anything before.

Myself and four other guardsmen were told to follow a group of soldiers and not to speak to each other and to remain very quiet overall. We were told to get into a jeep and wait. We sat in the jeep for maybe a half hour. Eventually another jeep arrived carrying a civilian and another member of the military.

The civilian was brought into the tent and he emerged a few minutes later followed by a large hairy creature. It looked like a large man covered in fur and the best way to describe it was like “Beast” from X-Men only brown.

The creature looked to have some burns and had a bandage on its arm. At first we were afraid but when it walked by we could see its eyes and it just looked very sad and somber. He climbed into the back of a pickup with the civilian and the two were speaking in a weird language I had never heard. It would cough at times.

We followed the truck to different areas. There were 5 total stops. Each time we stopped we were told to follow the civilian and the creature. Each time we followed them to rocky areas where there were caves. The creature would make a sound and then listen. At the first area he made a sound and we all just waited in silence. After a few minutes, the creature looked at the civilian and then at the ground. The civilian at one point touched its shoulder and called for a canteen to give the creature a drink.

The same thing happened at the next area but this time there was a response to the sound. After a few minutes two soldiers emerged from the cave carrying a badly burned creature just like the one with the civilian. The creature bent down next to it and looked it over for about five minutes. It then spoke softly with the civilian. It turned and walked back to the truck and we were told to follow as we were walking away we heard a shot and we knew it was one of the soldiers putting the creature out of its misery.

There was no response at the third or fourth site but at the fifth there was another return sound to the creature. This time it was different and soldiers carried out a creature with a badly burned left leg. We were then ordered to all help get a very large stretcher from the truck and to help place the creature on it and carry it back to the truck.

We then immediately returned to the base camp. The creature was carried into the tent while the other creature and the civilian spoke. We were ordered to stay in the jeep until we were to be debriefed. As the creature turned to walk into the tent it looked at us and made a waving gesture with its hand. We took it as a thank you for what we had done.

By the time we were ordered out of the jeep we were all in shock. We were called over to an area to be debriefed and it was just strange. I will never forget what was said because it was just not what was expected. I thought I would hear “You took an oath and now you need to live up to it for your country with a threat also implied. A different high ranking soldier just said “look, do you all really want an explanation? You saw what we were doing. These creatures live in these areas; they mean no harm and want to be left alone. Do you really want to do anything that may cause them trouble? They are like us in a lot of ways. If you need or want to talk about this just wait about 30 years, by that time there will likely be no reason to keep them a secret”.

We were then ordered back to the guard camp because “they were breaking it up so nobody saw too much and knew everything that happened”. We did not speak of it and after a few months I just took the attitude that these things live out there and honestly my life is no different because of it. I only bring it up now because people have been writing a lot about MT. Saint Helen and I believe that the whole story should be told.

I will also say this. I like to camp and hike and have done so many times throughout the Northwest. Every time I would look for signs of these creatures, tracks, listen for sounds etc. I never saw or heard anything other than what I did that day on Mt. Saint Helen.


  1. If there were already numerous soldiers that were not part of the Guard, why would they need them? Sounds like so many other "stories" of the unexplained variety.

    1. No way if more than a few soldiers knew, would it remain hidden. FAKE!

    2. Didn't the Bigfoot that Smeja shot wave to him too? If he would have just drove up it would have probably jumped in. I really hope it wasn't the same Bigfoot:)

    3. I guess three things: (1) Why would the military unit need more manpower if there were already Guardmen present? My son has given me this comment about being ordered to show up some place and then stand around with other guys: You go where you're told to go, and you don't ask questions. In Iraq, my son guarded the same building for 96 hours every eight days. He has no idea why. (2) As to the man speaking to the bigfoots, R. Scott Nelson is a retired U.S. Navy cryptologist whose specialty was the Russian language. He is studying the bigfoot language after hearing it with his son on the internet. He says he is not a bigfoot hunter, but he is very interested in the language. In his YouTube lecture on the subject, he speaks the language as a demonstration. (He says that a bigfoot may have even called him by name--worth your while to listen to the lecture.) (3) The most far-fetched idea, but is plausible I guess, is the thought in these replies that the guy speaking to the bigfoot is an American Indian. (Being American Indian, I do not use the designation Native American as it is a political designation and not an ethnic identity. It's like calling an American a Republican or a Democrat rather than their ancestral identity.) I suppose it is plausible, as I say, that an Indian person has learned the language.

      I correspond with Indian people and bigfoot hunters, and they almost all agree that there are, like people, three kinds of bigfoot: friendly, neutral, and ticked off. The latter may be aggressive and they may be the ones that engage in activities from rock-throwing to attacking.

      Is this story real? Who can say? It is by far the most interesting I have ever read about bigfoot, even the stories that go back decades.

      Let me get out of using the subjunctive mode for a moment (the "possiblies" and "may have been" way of speaking). What I know for certain is this: it will be a cold day in hell before I get out and joint the search for bigfoot. I mean, the bigfoot hunters I would be with--it would be a lot of them--would have to carry me back to the vehicle because I would no doubt die of fright. Guys have invited me to go bigfoot hunting. I use the excuse that I am too old. The truth is, I'm too chicken.

      Good blog column. I Really like it.

    4. Great read,... I am a skeptic, but recently, after having several personal experiences at our new home in a rural area of Alabama, I have begun to open my eyes to the possibility that these creatures do exist, and they are possibly in areas where no one suspects they are. Like you, I'm not sure I want to see one up close. 200 yards away is one thing, but at my back door is another.

  2. I'm not gonna be like so many others who come on here and use the page to show off or swear or basically act like illiterate children ( which they probably are), all I'm gonna say is,if it's true then it's a great story. But we'll never know otherwise so that's all it will ever be..

  3. Talk about things that make you go hmmm... I've read a lot about our big hairy friend, but I've never read anything like this before.

  4. They don't talk to humans! Fake story

    1. He said the creature was talking to a civilian, how do you know that civilian wasnt a Native American? The Natives may be more likely to be able to communicate with Sasquatch rather than your average White man.

      Just a thought.

    2. Yeah cus they might have telepathic powers.

    3. Yeah ... The assumption that "natives" can speak to sasquatches is kinda racist ...

    4. I lOve how some people here "know" that Bigfoot do t speak to people. First, I was unaware some of us apparently have all the answers, having spent so much time around Bigfoot. Let's be honest. Great story, there is nothing one way or the other proving or disproving this story. Nothing sounds extraordinary to the point it's completely unbelievable. Everyone for the most part is in this site bc either they believe or want to. So stop shooting down every person that comes forward, seriously, you wonder why more people don't tell their story? It's because when they tell it, they get hammered and called a liar. It's not even the general public they have to worry about, it's jerks on crypto sites that stand on a soap box and yell liar. Mostly because everyone is brave behind a computer screen and anonomyous....

    5. some tribes believe that they are just another kind of indian and that they do have a language.

    6. they do exist, it stand before my mom.
      it ran away quickly. that is why her red hair daughter is looking for info on this it creature. it did not harm her, i am grateful, also it did not say a word.
      so beauty is in the eye of holder. why would shoot one. that does not make sense.

    7. you are right, our sightings, it was a white one and it did not say word, it disappeared within 5 minutes after my mom ran for help.

    8. I am a Native American, Shoshone Paiute from Owyhee, NV, Duck Valley Reservation. I'm also a believer and believe this man's experience. In 1980 during the summer on the Hualapai reservation in Peach Springs, AZ, my late husband and I had a shocking incident with a Bigfoot in the mountain behind his parent's home. We had hiked about 4 -5 miles, he had had a gun and shot off the shells, while walking in a small canyon I remember hearing rocks rolling from the top, suddenly we heard a horribly loud yell, screech, howl, we stopped, looked at each other wide eyed and scared we began to walk faster, all of a sudden we heard it again only it was a lot closer and louder. We both started running as fast as we could, I didn't want to see what had made the sound but I already knew that it was a Bigfoot. I'll never forget the way it sounded and the terror I felt. We didn't realize how far we had walked until we finally made it off the mountain, we were about 3 to 4 miles on the side of their house. We never told anyone, he was afraid he'd get in trouble for taking me so far out. I figured that it had felt threatened from the sounds of the bullets being shot off, I was so afraid of being attacked after hearing it twice. Within the 4 years I had lived there, there were sightings, ppl were seeing Bigfoot looking in through their windows and doors. Today here at home in NV there have been sightings, the most recent was earlier this year while ppl were driving on Highway 51 which runs through our reservation, about 36 miles north of the reservation gate, driving towards a hill, a Bigfoot was seen crossing the highway carrying a dead deer over its shoulder. Within 10 - 12 years ago, a Cree Medicine Man had instructed a group of my family members, all women to go up in the mountains to fast and pray for 4 days, he had traveled back to Montana. While they were in the mountains, during a ceremony he had checked on them, he had told me that not too far from where they were camped, as they were sitting and praying, there was also a female Bigfoot sitting and praying with them. The Medicine Man explained to me that they were like Native ppl, also tribes as we are, who don't mean any harm. There are many different Native American tribes who understand and respect Bigfoot, rarely do they pursue, hunt them. I can understand ppl being curious, but to hunt them down is disrespectful and dangerous. I've read a few stories of men shooting them, which to me is murder, at least these men felt remorse and wouldn't do it again.

    9. They are faster, masters of their environment and have a tactical guerrilla mind. I wouldn't screw with them if possible.

  5. Another major milestone in the evidence casebook the most significant contributions are always made by us anonymous people but do we get any thanks, no I didn't think so, sigh.

  6. Well, if the government does know about them and are covering it up, that could at least explain the communication between the squatch and the person. Anyway, it is a great story, worthy of a Spielberg film.

    1. My god, you really are a tard!!!

    2. There have been a number of government cover-up films. However, I don't know of any that involve bigfoot.

      Yeah, maybe Spielberg can run with this idea. The end of the movie could have Indiana Jones fighting Patty, who is a tool being used by the Nazis.

  7. People now days think it makes the story real if they ask their name not to be used.

  8. Really...? I'm one that believes we are not alone,on Earth,or in the Universe. But BigFoot and The Gov.roaming the Mountian side like Dr's without borders. Is it just me? This sounds like a bad,& I mean bad Sci-FY channel B-Movie that you would catch @ 2am after a night of binge drinking. I would love for nothing more than all crypto/paranormal/ufo questions to be true,& answered,but this story belongs in the dvd bargan bind at wal-mart.

    1. I see your point, but, for me, that's what makes it entirely credible for me--truth is stranger than fiction as it were.

  9. Does anyone actually read these stories? The initial story was about the Battle Mountain Complex fire in Nevada, which occured in 1999. The supposed email talks about Mount St. Helens eruption, which took place in 1980, 19 years previous and 650 miles away. C'mon, guys. You should have someone blue pencil these stories before you publish them. At least try to be credible. Terrible!

    1. Shouldn't you be having sex with your sister or chasing after some people in a canoe? Terrible!

    2. I'm thinking the teacher probably tended to believe the 1999 story BECAUSE of the Mt. St. Helen's reports..but you're right--the way this was written up was a total screw-up.

    3. I was wondering if anybody else actually read and noticed that-

      there were just comments like from one "anonymous":

      "True or not,
      it's a cool story!"

      The next "anonymous" guy just posts,


    4. Through Handwriting Analysis, a scientific method, I can ascertain from a professional stand point that the author of this article honestly believes what he saw, whether he actually saw it or not, he believes he did, and that should be enough.

  10. When it comes to bigfoot stories, if the word(s) anonymous or anonymous source appear in the story, the bigfoot BS flag should immediately go up and the story should be summarily dismissed.

    1. Well thank you for setting everyone straight. Maybe Shawn should give you a weekly column where you can give people life tips on a regular basis.

      Personally I think if the word(s) anonymous or anonymous comment appears at the end of the story in the comments section the BS flag should immediately go up and the comment should be summarily dismissed.

    2. Well, I assume that some people post annonymous stories because they cannot give their name, as in this case. It's clear why he would not want his name used. And presumably Shawn did get a name, it was simply asked of him not to use it.

      Also, I take into account the tone of the story and how it reads. This one sounds sincere and the details add to the credibility. It simply sounds like someone recounting an experience not making up a story.

      I realize it may sound fantastic to some here, but there is do little we truly know about what these creatures are and to what extent the government knows about them. The point is, we are in no position to dismiss any account because we don't yet know (publicly) what is truly going on.

      Time will tell whether this account is looked back on as a fabrication or as one of the earliest glimpses into what has sectetly been going on for years.

    3. Yeah, nothing screams sincere like a person speaking to a Sasquatch in some language never heard before.

  11. I feel dumber for even reading this.....not even good fiction....give it up

    1. Like you could be any dumber.

    2. 1. What the other anonymous said...

      2. If fiction, it is actually quite good. If truth, it is revelatory.

      3. Truth is stranger than fiction. Don't have such a narrow view of things they it blinds you.

  12. Wait. Are we talking about Battle Creek? or Mt St. Helens?


    1. Yes Shawn--Which one? The article starts out in Nevada and the story is about MT ST HELENS.

  13. Poor little bigfoot, all burnt up.Mommy,Mommy,Mo..........

  14. Minor hole on this story is its mt st Helen's. Not mt SAINT Helen's. Anyone from Spokane should know that. Cute story tho

    1. Do we really need to point out that "St." is short for "SAINT"? Anybody who can read English at a 5th grade level should know that.

  15. I dont know who wrote this story or if they were there, but I can add this much and I will give you facts you can check up on, if you feel this is a hoax. But I was an airman in the Air Force in 1980. I was stationed at George AFB from the late 70's to the early 80s. Our mission was the Wild Weasels or Air Force F4s that would go into a war area before it started like the first gulf war, at low level and pop up and then light up the ground to air defenses and then shoot anti radiation missiles at the sites letting the other aircraft get it. In 1980 we were shipped to train with the Canadian forces at Comox CFB on Vancouver Island. We took a C141 from George to Canada. Our C141 had a in flight emergency and had to land at Travis Air Force base in Northern California for repair. We were losing hydraulic fluid in one engine and I saw the crewman come back and dump several cans of hydraulic fluid into the reseviour and it just went back to Zero. He had a parachute and we didnt. Kind of made me nervous. But we later got back on our way and flew over St Helens right after it blew its top. Once we got to Comox, our officer in charge told us we would be there for longer than the 2 week TDY due to an emergency mission that they needed help on. We were all specialized airman trained in different specialties in aircraft maintenence and repair, but we were soldiers first and we did lots of other stuff that our country needed.
    We were there for a couple days not doing anything because as I look back they were trying to figure out how to use us. Then we all got on a bus and were bussed to the area around the south end of the island and were picked up on a strange Naval Ferry. I was never in the Navy so I dont know anything about boats but our bus was tied down and delivered to US side and we drove off. It was under darkness and it was typically cloudy and raining and we continued our bus ride to the disaster area. We were given M16s and one mag, which I found fascinating because most Airforce enlisted troops shoot a gun in basic and you may never see a M16 again.

  16. We were also given ill fitting green helmets marked GUARD Ill fitting plain green BDF'sand told to follow orders we were to be given in the upcoming breifing. In the Briefing we were told we would be guards to special areas and told to check credentials and to only allow people in who had the correct credentials in to the military tent areas that were set up what looked to be like the perimeter of the area affected by the eruption. We had NO idea were we were at. THere were no towns or cities around where we were at and we arrived there we were about 30 Airmen completely and totally confused on what was going on. We slept in a tented area that was near where we worked. We had a Mess tent next to the tent were we slept and we didnt leave that area about an acre size for a week or more. Most of us if not all of us were gaurding areas that people moved into and out of with what looked like victims. The tents we guarded had a foyer area and we couldnt see what was behind the 2nd door. It was brightly lit and you had to go through a couple of partitions to get to the main area of the tent. I assume they were there to prevent peeping into the tents by the guards. It was VERY infrequent that anyone walk in or out. And we worked 12 hour shifts only at night. We were used to working 12 hour shifts because this was just after the Iranian crisis and we would go on alert every 3 weeks, work 12 hour shifts flying as many missions as we could, then have a day off, then another alert and 3 more weeks of 12 hour shifts for 3 more weeks. We were told that if anyone tried to breach our area to shoot. That never happened or came close to happening. This was funny to me because we were given one magazine and I dont know if the bullets were real or not. We were Air Force not Marines. I knew more about a 5 iron than a M16. But nothing ever came up.
    The only time ANYONE came up to the area I was gaurding only happened after midnite, and it LOOKED to me like a Doctor in a white lab coat with either a patient or victim who was wrapped in what looked like overcoates and our night shift navy blue ski caps. You could never see the person who was led into or out of the tents because they had their hands in the coats and were led into the tent by the arm. I think I was there for 8 to nine days and it was the most unusual thing I had ever experienced in the Air Force.

    1. Last partOut of those nights on Gaurd I noticed 2 out of the people that were escorted in were VERY tall. Thats the only thing I noticed were those 2 TALL people. I was not in a position to see HOW tall they were but it was obvious they were over a whole head higher than the doctor, if thats what they were. Only the escort talked and they only mentioned their last name and showed their badge. I dont know if they were Army or civilian. The other thing I noticed was the escorted "people" were REALLY wide, but I always assumed (until now) that it was the coats there were wearing. It WAS very nippy and I also assumed we were at some kind of altitude. After that we were given a debrief that we had helped alot of the people who were "Victims" of the eruption (thats all we were told
      "victims") and told that we were not to mention this part of our TDY.
      After our last shift and I dont know how long that was but it was longer than a week, we were allowed to sleep then the next evening we were allowed to shower (we were only allowed skin baths with washcloths till then) in another tent that was behind the Latrine tent, and Chow tent, given back our original Air Force uniforms and put back on the same bus we rode in and bussed back to the same area under darkness, fairied back to Vancouver Island and back to Comox CFB and we continued ou TDY as if nothing happened. We did two more weeks of flying Sorties with the Canadians, played and drank a ton of canadian beer (LaBlatts Blue)
      and flew in our C141 back to George AFB. It was all a big mystery on what happened then till I read this story, but it seems similar. But they must have REALLY been short on personnel to use a bunch of air Force kids as gaurds, or they thought nothing would ever happen. But thats the only time I EVER pulled gaurd duty outside of basic training at San Antonio

    2. That was one hell of a story, and to remember all those details from so many years ago.. Really cool

    3. That was one hell of a story, and to remember all those details from so many years ago.. Really cool

    4. That was one hell of a story, and to remember all those details from so many years ago.. Really cool

    5. It must have been one hell of story for you to repeat how cool it was 3 times.

    6. Tourettes,explains it all.

    7. i want to believe our Govermment is that humane

    8. Then don't vote for Romney-Ryan!

  17. bigfoots climbing into jeeps for a ride and talking to humans. you got to be shitin' me...

    1. So you are saying you have proof that could not have happened? Or you are just excluding things you personally don't like as being possible?

    2. Well, if bigfoot is some type of deformed, mutated human as some people believe, that would explain how they are intelligent enough to avoid human contact.

    3. i suppose that was dr. doolittle doing the talking. otherwise it would be like talking to any animal with hair on its back; horse, wolk, bear .. even a hominid would be a little behind the times.

  18. Ah Ha!!!...They were Speaking to the Bigfoot, well someone was, and the Bigfoot was showing them where to look for and help other BF that might be injured but then they shoot one like a horse with a broken leg. Gee, it all makes sense. EVERYONE, if you break a leg or get burned or whatever, dont tell anyone your a BF!!! You WILL be SHOT! Of course after they discuss it for 5 minutes.

  19. I'm curious about the statement that in about 30 years it won't matter anymore and the witness could talk about it. Did that guy know something he wasn't saying? Interesting.

  20. Amazing story. Best bf story ive read

  21. Dumbest shit I ever read, period. The commenter who wrote his Air Force story was believable though. Nothing really screams Bigfoot about it. Just a strange story.

    1. Except the military would not use misc Air force personnel from George Air Force Base. . .Military procedure is to use Military Police to guard events or items that are classified, and certainly not a mix of National guard, Regular Air Force and Weyerhaeuser employee(s)

      If you wonder about what I am talking about, STRANGE BUT TRUE STORIES gave three stories, (Including the one listed here) about the same event centered around the MSH eruption. One Weyerhaeuser employee, one Regular Air Force person mysteriously diverted, and a Washington National Guard member. The video is here:

      And a transcript here:

      Funny all three accounts are secondhand, anonymous, and would not be admissible in court.

      Until someone comes forward after 40 years, signs a sworn statement, names someone else who was there or other proof, this is nothing but BS. . . Sorry guys.

  22. I don't know. I was born and raised in Spokane and if he doesn't know that it was Mount St. Helens (not Helen) then I call BS on his story. Everyone in WA knows it isn't called Mt. St. Helen...come on!

    I imagine a bunch of Sasquatch kicked the bucket there though.

    1. That was my thought on the story as well. The first time he said "Helen" I thought it was a typo but he continued to write "Helen" not "Helens". You're right anyone who has lived in Washington should know the correct name and spelling of our very famous volcano!

    2. With all the out of control wildfires in California, Oregon and Washington, you would think a couple of Sasquatchians would get toasted. Or would have been in the last few years, but nothing. .

      The story tellers are slacking off. But if a new one comes around, How about some proof? A few hairs would prove Sasquatch and make you famous and likely rich. A picture or two, locations, units, names of other people or guard members that were actually there. . and post it under your real name instead of hiding behind the "Military made it SECRET and I can't say anything, but I am posting it here anonymously. . ."

      Always reasons why anonymous posters can't give any proof, or their real name.

  23. Sounds like an X-Files episode. Maybe that was the equivalent of Fox Mulder talking to the Bigfoot.

    Seriously though, IF this story is true, it shows governmental concern for the Bigfoots... except maybe shooting the badly injured one. It also shows collaboration between Bigfoot and the government, with communication between the two. Could this be true? Gee, I don't know, but Truth is often stranger than Fiction.

    Without proof it is only an intriguing story.

  24. I have a big problem with this story. How were any posts set up on the Mt after the eruption? Pyroclastic flows cover over five square miles of the Mt in depths from three to thirty feet, with "drifts" over 120feet deep. These flows were hot, over 1300 degrees. Then add in ash fall of about a foot ten miles from the crater. Lahars wiped out more than 185 miles of roads, 25+ bridges and filled the North fork Toutle river with an average depth of 150 feet of mud and max depth of over 600 feet. It filled in 24 feet of the Columbia River shipping channel and stranded 30+ ships. The COLUMBIA RIVER. And this guy expects me to believe he was on the MOUNTAIN itself? Driving jeeps? Now I know areas were less damaged and some forest roads may have been drivable, but how did they get to the roads? If you ever saw the area after the eruption, you know there is no way in hell anyone was on that Mt in any jeep for years. Helicopters were only way in and out. The lateral blast covered 230 square miles and reached 17 miles from the crater. Four BILLION board feet of trees were blown over. The only things that survived inside the blast zone were critters underground. And then not buried by debris. This story would be awesome if true, but knowing how powerful Mother Nature is, I can't believe for a second that anything as large as a bigfoot survived the blast. Move the base out ten miles, on the sheltered side, maybe. The second story is odd, but could be about aliens for all we know. Do I suspect our government is hiding the truth of bigfoot? Hell yes. But I just can't believe the story here.

    1. Why would the government hide the truth of bigfoot? What purpose would that serve?

    2. ^^ is partly correct. But our fine and glorious leaders have decided what we as a people should and should not know. If proof of a part human primate is released, it will rock the religious world. But because the government has always denied knowledge of bigfoot, proof will also prove our leaders have lied to us for decades. Look how our society reacts to stuff now a days. Our favorite sports team wins a chanpionship, so we riot and loot? One person kills another person of different race, there are riots and looting again. But an identical case with the race rolls reversed leads to nothing? Hell, a movie or show parodies a religion and countries start blowing up. What happens when bigfoot is proven, yet no where does the bible or other holy book acknowledge them? Riots? Murder? Mayham? Governments overthrown? With our faith in our political leaders at all time lows, does anyone really think there will be no backlash? Then add in economic results. The kneejerk reaction will be to protect the forests so they can live like the spotted owls. Timber prices will soar because of greedy wallstreet speculation. The feelgood politics will devastate areas even though bigfoot has lived for hundreds of years with us clearcutting, putting roads, drilling and exploring. Why? Because the public will demand it and the public as a whole is full of dipshits who only respond and are controlled by or with emotions. So in order to keep the peace and the sheeple following along with what they want us to believe in or know, they cover it up.

    3. "Sheeple", lol, I love it!

    4. That's probably true, Jim. They're afraid to admit they can't really protect us so better cover up the truth, be it this or aliens. The human race really hasn't come very far, take away our technology and we're basically still a bunch of scared cavemen ourselves. Take someone's cell phone away for one day only and the person gets scared and loses control, tell another person his God is a made-up fairytale or a mad warlord and boom goes the Middle East. Imagine the same in the US, a very religious country with a society built on that heavenly faith, never mind it's fantasy the biggest freaks will still freak out when told. Everything's based on religion almost no matter which part of the globe, and that's all happened a f t e r this other humanlike species was exited from our societies and retreated to the forests and mountains. We've built up a wall around our dream world and like then today it means power over people, those with it won't let it go. And so we're back to the old ill-fitting/smelling squatch caught in the middle, question is how long can this lie be upheld knowing witnesses of these worldwide mysteries only increase.

    5. A minor point..... Adventurous folks were able to hike in (around the road blocks) within a week and a half of the 1980 eruption on the South side (just a couple of days in the 1981 eruption), from Cougar. It took them forever, but they made it as far as Lake Cave and Ape Cave. So at least the South side was quite easy to get to. The North and East side, forget it.

    6. Excellent point Big Jim Sr. The reality was that anything caught in the pyroclastic flow was killed. Not even a Rhino, Buffalo, Elk, or any know creature could have survived. The only ones that did were field mice who were underground when the pyroclastic flow passed.


      "Pyroclastic flows destroy nearly everything in their path
      With rock fragments ranging in size from ash to boulders that travel across the ground at speeds typically greater than 80 km per hour (50 mph), pyroclastic flows knock down, shatter, bury or carry away nearly all objects and structures in their path. The extreme temperatures of rocks and gas inside pyroclastic flows, generally between 200°C and 700°C (390-1300°F), can ignite fires and melt snow and ice."

      Yeah, like a 7 foot hairy creature could survive that. Sorry fur would ignite, creature could not outrun it.

  25. Since when does the government need a purpose to cover up something? Secrecy is a way of life. But all that aside, if you can't see why they'd want such a creature hidden, you are not using your imagination. That will not sit well with a lot of people, and they will be demanding the government do something about it. Even if the explanation for bigfoot is as mundane as some kind of dumb ape, there's good reason to not want it admitted publicly. They still deny certain KNOWN animals (cougars, wolverines, etc.) exist in certain states, despite people reporting seeing them, in case you weren't aware. Now imagine they know there is an 8' tall plus beast out there and they cannot control it. And if bigfoot is actually closer to human, or god help us, sepernatural, yeah... plenty of reasons to cover it up.

    1. Yeah, of course. The nameless faceless bureaucratic government and their cover ups. Since when has the government been able to keep a secret? The government couldn't keep the soviets from learning about the Atomic bomb in real time during WWII. . . Name a president in the last 50 years that has not had leakers. . .

      Good Gawd, Trump couldn't keep a call to the Ukrain secret, Obama had at least 10 leakers that his administration prosecuted. And let's not forget Edward Snowden who leaked NSA secrets, or Chelsea Manning. Bush II had several, check:

      For a list.

      And you guys really think the government could keep a Sasquatch secret?? This is the problem. People conveniently forget things like leakers when they spout off about the government keeping anything mum.

      What evidence do we have that Sasquatch really exists?

      None, nada, Zip. No body, no DNA, No Hair or Scat with unknown DNA. . . And Meldrums protestations that he can discern muscle groups on Betty from the Patterson-Gimlin film is less than persuasive. People still see a face on the moon.

      But, But, But. . .

      But nothing. There are more people in the woods of Washington and Oregon than can be imagined. No Bigfoot. No loggers found one, No Forest Service employees found one. . (Despite Paulides anonymous reports to the contrary) No one has hit one in a car, or ever shot one. But sightings? BRFO has thousands of reports from all over. . . and STILL Not a single living or dead one?

      Common sense folks. . . .

      Why would the government have a vested interest in keeping an ape like creature that would be otherwise uninteresting "Secret?" They have kept no other species "Secret" (And someone want to prove that there are alien bodies at AREA 51? An secret aircraft research facility? I can't imagine why we wouldn't want to test secret aircraft in public or maybe out of Atlanta airport. . .

      Geez. . .

      But we do have lots of hoaxes. lots of Bogus footage. . .and not a single verifiable Bigfoot.

  26. Unless this supposed National Gaurdsmen wants to put a face and a name with his story, I ain't buyin' it...

  27. Just doesn't make sense that they would involve so many people in something they wanted to keep quite. If this was to really happen, they would only need to include a few people in the group both gurading and going out on this little mission. I'm not into bashing, but I have to say I am having a hard time buying this one.

  28. didthe bigfoot have a peenis how did they no it was a men bigfoot? i tend to beelieve this story. i never seen bigfoot but i knowed a perston who did. she sad it was looking in her window and it peeed on her flowers. she seeen a baby biigfoot to. she sad it had a peeenis so it was a boy . this was near gufport misssissippi.

  29. This story is interesting. Not sure how credible it is. IF bigfoots (bigfoots or bigfeet?)are real, they might have a different culture than ours that would prefer that a victim past the point of being helped be spared of further misery.

    For those thinking that an announcement of bigfoot would scare "religous" people...I am a follower of Jesus Christ. As a committed Christian I can tell you that if evidence of bigfoot comes out, or if a bigfoot walks past me in the woods, it will not shake my trust in God. It would not in any way be evidence of life being by random evolution. Yes, I do believe bigfoot is possible and even hope it is real.

    1. True. Me too. I'm tired of unbelievers saying it's Christian's fault, or if aliens or Bigfoot or whatever is revealed it will somehow be catastrophic for religion. No it wont. People, we already believe in supernatural things! Angels, demons, a God who came to Earth as one of us, died for us, then rose from the dead. You really think aliens or Bigfoot will phase us? It has nothing to do with religion why any of these things might be kept secret. Even the Catholic Church's position on alien life is that it's possible. All this thinking reveals is that the people who blame religion are bigots who think we are somehow simpletons who can't handle the truth. We're not the ones who can't handle the truth. We're the ones looking for it. That's what religion is for.

  30. I have spoken to the Sasquatch. The accounts of the story are accurate.

  31. They do talk to us you just must havegood thought toward them...I talk with them all the time...I am friends with my local clan....They come out to our sweat lodge all the of my many spirit guides..and the Govnmt does know about them and their origins..Grrey Wolf.

  32. this story is absolute nonsense...the guardsman shot it like a lame horse...bullshit..oh, please. You had me till that point.

    1. so let this Brit get this straight,
      the US government have covered up Bigfoot
      Allowed terrorists to take out thgousands of fellow Americans[making them worse than the devil himself].
      Shot JFK
      etc etc.. shit I thought the British Government was bad!!!

  33. Wow.
    What some overactive-imagination nutcases.

    1. Be careful ..Saying someone is a nutcase..if you ask me I'd say you are a nutcase.

  34. True or not, that is really sad. I hate to hear of any animals being hurt because just like kids they don't understand what is going on or why they're in so much pain.

  35. I am a Bigfoot believer But I want to know what language the person communicating to the BF talking & how does the BF know it would be my 2nd ??

  36. I have a question, if a BF needed help how did it contact the army to let them know?


  37. Great story...amazing...strange on so many levels..fascinating...Thanks

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  62. Great read,... I am a skeptic, but recently, after having several personal experiences at our new home in a rural area of Alabama, I have begun to open my eyes to the possibility that these creatures do exist, and they are possibly in areas where no one suspects they are. Like you, I'm not sure I want to see one up close. 200 yards away is one thing, but at my back door is another.

  63. Probably no one reads this or else the spam would have got deleted. The story is likely true. The Department of the Interior was the name on the checks for all sorts of funky stuff in Iraq. Old stories said the Sasquatch spoke some Indian language. Probably a secret treaty with them, treating them like an Indian tribe


    Possible corroboration? Certainly of interest.

  65. One thing is for sure the deer bones stacked and giant human teeth
    Scrapes 2 x the size of a human have been verified and tested Authentic In 2014-15 on these bones in several locations, faked impossible under 100 x magnification.If you doubters would research then you will realize the Gov has been covering this upforyears.
    Over 2,500 references are made by Native Americans throughout history even written in Stone over 500 years ago. They know stealth well and avoid people, which they should.Think about this Neanderthal man
    Had a bigger brain then we do ,out of necessity to survive .

  66. This is one of those unusual stories one can't say is true or not true but it is interesting and does sound credible. It's one of those stories you put aside and wait for more information on language or telepathic capability of the Sasquatch.

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    تقدم لكم جميع الخدمات المختلفة التي تتعلق بنقل الأثاث إلى أي مكان داخل مدينة الرياض
    كما ان الشركة تعتمد على أفضل الفنيين المدربين على أعلى درجة من الكفاءة في العمل في تخزين الاثاث
    ومدربييين على مواجهة الصعوبات والتحديات والعقوبات التي ممكن ان تواجهم اثناء عملية النقل
    فالمهنيين مدربيين ايضا على كيفية التعامل مع كافة انواع الاثاث والتعامل مع الفك والتركيب
    والتغليف والتخزين ولدى الشركة جميع انواع المعدات الضخمه والاوناش والروافع التي تتعامل مع الاماكن المرتفعه
    واالاماكن الضيقه ولدى الشركة جميع الامكانيات في التعامل مع المنازل والفنادق والشركات
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  73. Glad you are going to let me "Be the judge" here. But this story, like all the others is totally meaningless. A retelling of a story by an anonymous person who gives not a single detail that can be verified. (save maybe the St. Helens Eruption)

    Face it, in court, when someone tries to tell a story that some one else told them, it is INADMISSABLE. It is considered HERESAY and is not considered valid as no one can cross examine. . .or verify anything said.

    These anonymous stories about "Bigfoot" are garbage and this is why. Nothing that can be verified, nothing that can be proven, and not even a real person who has that audacity to stand up and say, Yes, This is MY story and is true, ask me the questions. . and judge my story accordingly.


  74. ما الفرق بين الخدمة المؤقتة والخدمة الكاملة ولماذا يجب عليك صيانة سيارتك؟
    تُعد الصيانة الدورية للمركبة أمرًا بالغ الأهمية للحفاظ على عمل المحرك بشكل جيد. يمكن أن يوفر لك اكتشاف الأخطاء والمشكلات قبل أن تصبح غير قابلة للسيطرة المال والضغط ، لذلك من المنطقي فقط.

    لا أحد يريد أن يكون مثقلًا بفاتورة إصلاح ضخمة إذا كان بإمكانه تجنبها. الصيانة الدورية هي المفتاح لقيادة آمنة وبأسعار معقولة. سيساعدك سجل الخدمة الموثق جيدًا أيضًا في تتبع الصحة الميكانيكية لسيارتك. ستكون هذه مساعدة كبيرة عندما يحين وقت بيع سيارتك.

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  75. افعل ذلك بانتظام وقد توفر لنفسك في المستقبل آلاف الدولارات على الإصلاحات المكلفة والأضرار التي لا رجعة فيها. وإذا لم يكن لديك الوقت للقيام بذلك ، فقم بترتيب فحص منتظم لسيارتك مع وكيل السيارات المحلي ، على الرغم من أن التكاليف ستكون أعلى ، ولكن ليس بنفس القدر عندما يكون الضرر قد حدث بالفعل.
    ورشة متنقلة بالرياض

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  76. تستخدم شركة عزل خزانات بابها مواد عزل غير ضارة وامنه على اسرتك ,ومسجله صحيا وليست مواد أسمنتيه .
    تقدم خدمات عزل الخزانات ضد تسريب المياة مع فريق من المتخصيصين والفنيين ذوى كفاءة عالية باستخدام افضل مواد العزل المائى المقاومة للتسريب ولا تسبب اى ضرر.

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  77. فمكافحة وابادة الحشرات اصبحت من اهم الامور التي يجب ان ينتبه اليها الانسان نظرا لما تسببه هذه الحشرات من اضرار و امراض خطيره قد تعرض حياتنا للخطر .
    معنا احدث المواد والاجهزة المستخدمه في عمليه تطهير وتعقيم الاماكن لابادة الحشرات وماتركته من اثر قد يسبب اي ضرر ولدينا العماله المدربه والمؤهله لكيفيه التعامل مع كافه انواع الحشرات.

    شركة مكافحة حشرات بابها


  78. 4. البطارية

    تم تصنيف معظم بطاريات السيارات لتدوم في أي مكان من 2 إلى 5 سنوات في ظل الظروف العادية. سيكون اختيار البطاريات ذات العمر الأطول أكثر تكلفة مقدمًا ولكنه يوفر لك على المدى الطويل. بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، عندما تحافظ على التوصيلات حيث يتم توصيل الكابلات بالمنشور ، فإن ذلك يضمن أن البطارية ستستمر لأطول فترة ممكنة ، مما يقلل من تكاليف إصلاح سيارتك.

    5. الصيانة المجدولة

    الفئة الرئيسية الأخيرة من التكاليف للصيانة العامة المجدولة. دليل مالك سيارتك هو أفضل مكان للبحث لتقدير هذه التكاليف والتخطيط لها. سيعلمك الدليل عندما تحتاج إلى استبدال شمعات الإشعال والأحزمة والمكونات الرئيسية الأخرى. خطط مسبقًا حتى يكون لديك المال لدفع ثمنها عندما يحين الوقت.

    من خلال إدراك أن تكاليف صيانة السيارات قادمة ، يكون من الأسهل جدًا التخطيط لها مسبقًا حتى لا يكون لديك أي مطبات كبيرة في ميزانيتك ، لذلك سيكون لديك المال في متناول اليد لتغطية تكاليف الصيانة هذه.

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