Tim Fasano: Review of FINDING SKUNK APE

Tim Fasano just posted the following review of his 24 minute Skunk Ape video on his blog, FloridaBigfoot.info. According to recent rumors, he may be presenting several forms of evidence including footprint casts, physical evidence, photographic evidence, as well as video evidence. He tells us the video will be available within the next 2 hours:

Tim Fasano has released a 24 minute video which has been hyped as containing real evidence of the Florida Skunk Ape. We took a look at it.

The video delivers hard and fast getting to the issue with a minimum of fluff. There are no town halls or anecdotal recreations. You are transported in a cinematic fashion into the deep regions of the swamp jungle were cryptids live. Fasano credits and thanks his team of researchers for contributing towards finding "the truth."

Fasano waist no time in getting down to business from the opening sequence were you see animal mutilation and a primate climbing on a tree in the swamps (almost a dogman looking creature). The video is introduced by George McGee, the founder of a Tampa paranormal society Enigmatic Anomalies. His delivery and creepy manor are perfect for this genre.

Enigmatic Anomalies Research Society became involved in skunk ape field work when they followed Fasano's suggestions on where to go squatching, and found the largest trackway of skunk ape prints ever found. The find was in the hundreds, and covers a football field sized area.

The trackway suggested a range of population from toddler to adult living in the Green Swamp of Florida. The cryptids seem to like using corridors that man has created to move through. That theory has been advanced by other researchers, now confirmed on this video.

The film also shows a foot cast of a Sasquatch found in the swamp matching the size of one casted in the Ocala National Forest in 1985 by a Lake County deputy (the same county the famous BFRO howl was recorded in).

Speaking of howls, Fasano recorded in the middle of the night while camping in the swamp a blood curdling howl that is loud and clear and of no known animal. There is also a tree knocking sequence that is clear and distinct.

The video moves at a fast pace and is long on evidence and short on blobsquatches. The most dramatic sequence is after kayaking for three hours they actually do find deep river large primates. They are indeed living with alligators but avoid being eaten by adroit athleticism. A sleeping Skunk Ape, a charging cryptid, and the original famous blinking eye video touted by FB/FB as the #9 best Bigfoot video of all times.

The conclusion by Fasano is there are a variety of cryptid primates living and spreading in Florida.

There is no suit in a freezer. No Bigfoot steaks, no green night vision, and no "we know for a fact" when there is ni fact. There is also a lack of "Did you hear that?" "Did you see that? " and other tricks used by production pros to heightened interest when there is nothing there.

I have to admit, there is more in this 24 minutes then 24 episodes of FINDING BIGFOOT.


  1. too funny!!! you cant write this stuff!!!!!

    1. Holy shit tim. You are about to change the world. I have always believed in you.

    2. The Bigfoot community stands behind you Tim. We got your back. Your the man.

    3. Tim is the uncle we never had

    4. gnrfan is Fasano!

      He's a SUPER TROLL!!!!!

      Think about it............

  2. Glad to see he's not into hype.

    1. I know that's true. Good point. He came right out with this as soon as he could get it edited. He is not into all that typical Bigfoot hype like the erikson project or Melba. Go Tim go. Thanks so much for looking for the truth

  3. "Fasano 'waist' no time"

    Did he write his own review ?....lol

    1. But it'd take considerable to to circumnavigate his waist.

  4. That's the hold-up has been, Fasano writing his own review. Figures.

  5. Hold me and blow me but never let go me.

  6. Remember when he yelled at us: I AM TIM FASANO! WASHINGTON POST! GOOGLE IT!

    Hahaha!! Some reporter does 20-second interviews with random Tampa voters.

  7. He had to pay the reporter to ask him who he voted for.

  8. Love how his blog review disses eyeshine, funny thing is he just dissed a large proportion of the John Green witness database...... Fastano a true researcher? Right.......

  9. I told you all that Fasano will be the first to get his own TV show. The reality producers are going to be beating his door down after they see this great evidence. SWP and Bart Nutria will be so jealous.

    1. No doubt. On the basis of his engaging personality alone.

  10. so is this going 2 make everyone a believer? & change what science has said?

  11. I like how the review makes no sense... if the 24 mins is like that I'm sure it's very productive

    1. whatever, dont watch it then!

    2. Don't watch what? LMAO... the 24 mins of tim taking a shit on your beliefs? That's good. This is well worth waiting for as everyone get's all whiny and upset. What is worse... to be the fool or the one the fool tricked.

  12. This is going to be so wonderful. Finally, we have something we can use to stick it to the skeptics. They will be groveling at our feet, begging to see more. I can't wait, it will be glorious.

    1. The JREF'ers are going bonkers over this story. They're hoping this is the evidence that allows them to come out of the closet.

    2. Parnassus is bitter because he can't pretend to be everything but an astronaut on the BFF anymore. He can only pretend to be a skeptic here and on JREF.

    3. It's funny as hell the way you footers just can't stand someone having an education. You could at least try not to be so transparently insecure.

    4. ^^^

      LOL, listen to this asshole footer.

    5. 12:10 can't come to grips with his own footerality.

    6. Ha! Ha! You said footerality again thus proving yourself to be retarded!

    7. ^^^
      Truth hurts ?

      Footerality is like your homosexuality.

  13. Thanks for putting this together for us fasano. That is way cool of you to share this with us.

  14. this better be worth the wait and hype thats been goin round is all i can say! better be some good footage of bf and swamp apes!

  15. Why is there so much bitterness towards Finding Bigfoot?

    1. bcuz they never find anything. fasano found bigfoot is more like it!

    2. Cuz they don't try to find shit. They try to make TV

    3. Because you have a hand full of pretend skeptics and closet bleevers trying to look smarter than they are by pretending not to believe. By nature, simpletons like that love to create conflict with their fellow footers.

  16. Replies
    1. He's got to finish hoaxing it.

    2. He has to write at least three more reviews before the video comes out.

    3. how is it being reviewed before its seen?

  17. I really, really, really hope I'm wrong, but....I still smell Georgia-style hoax. At least if it does turn out that way, after all the hype, Fasano will be shunned for good, and that won't be a bad thing.

    1. hopefully he returns to the swamp and stays there

  18. If believing co-existing of different human species makes a person footer, yes i am a footer.

  19. Its been 2 hours and guess what! No video. Come on Timmy you said 3pm man

  20. Hurry and post it Fasano! Fives of people are sitting on pins and needles, waiting.

  21. I was told by one of his associates that his money shot looked too fake. He'll need a week to re-hoax it. He's going to announce the release will be next week.

  22. LMFAO! You turds stayed up all night for this. Like clockwork, fooled AGAIN! Its no wonder footers can make a living off poor douchebag believers like all of you. You couldn't tell the difference between a piece of ass and a handjob. Losers......

    1. Just because your family, who knows you're a bleever and feels that way about you, don't be so hard on yourself

    2. 5:25 should consider upping his meds. This bigfoot obsession stuff is obviously getting to him.

    3. LMFAO.....uh huh, sure. You need the meds, you know you stated up writhing with anticipation from the great Fatsano. Just admit that you're the losers you were born to be and accept it. Then try and reverse it from there. Its the only way you can recover from stupid.

      You know I'm right, you guys stayed up and like I predicted : "disappointment afterwards". You clowns are too easy. Burnt Bigfoot and now the great Fatsano got ya. Truly pathetic but that's par for the course with you degenerates.

    4. LONG LIVE MUCKLEGRUNT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  23. Wow! Fasano is brain dead. "Sasquatch is the ghost of Giganto" "He's amazed that Patterson was able to film an apparition that long"

    Just frigging wow......


  25. Posted at 'The Anomalist' today: "We waited all day yesterday for this much-hyped video of undeniable proof of the Skunk Ape's existence and ended up with this, 23 minutes of badly filmed footage of...swamps and a few rhesus monkeys in trees. The quality is terrible, the audio is even worse and the music is beyond irritating and distracting. Worst of all, Fasano provides absolutely no proof of the Skunk Ape except for some admittedly interesting print casts. However, the prints have nothing to do with the small monkeys shown that Fasano seems to be indicating are Skunk Apes. Actually, we aren't sure what Fasano is implying because his narration and "theories" are as clear as the swamp mud he seems to enjoy filming. All his work seems to be doing nothing more than clouding the water for other Bigfoot researchers and casting a negative light upon the entire community. Is Fasano trolling us all? If so, he's the only one laughing."

    Mr. Fasano has succeeded in becoming another footnote in 'Bigfoot Buffoons'.

    1. Yep, he's right up there with the paranormal/alien Bigfooters......


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