Team Tazer Bigfoot About To Go National This Fall With 14" Tracks Found On Tuesday

Who says there's no Bigfoot in Maine? Bill Brock and Michael Merchant were out Bigfooting earlier this week and returned from the woods with these huge 14 inch casts of footprints with 4' 1/5" strides. Since it's Team Tazer Bigfoot who discovered it and you can bet your Maine lobsters claws that everything has been documented.

The TV show, ABC Sunday Morning News, caught wind of the action in Maine and decided to interview Bill, who told us he had put in a nice plug for Team Tazer Bigfoot and Bigfoot Evidence blog =).

Here's how Bill Brock found the tracks (and yes, there are mid-tarsel breaks all over the things). Bill decided to camp out by the Chain of Ponds in Northwest Maine and saw some strange evidence like scratched up trees and some some poo on an old logging road. Next to the poo were some huge human-like tracks that appeared to be coming up from the swamp. There were about 11 tracks in total that Michael claims they've documented everything and made casts of 3 of footprints

According to Bill, after they talked about the casts, the producer of the expressed interest in the "Sierra Kills" story. For those hoping for the Justin Smeja's story to get bigger and more mainstream, it may happen this fall.

Here are some photos from the trackway location:

Where the tracks came from

14 inches

Tracks in grass

Michael making casts

Chain of Ponds


  1. Still no Bigfoot though huh? Exciting news, nonetheless.

  2. Holey BigFoot.... them are huge good find Gentlemen!!!Thank you for sharing with us!

  3. I totally believe in the existence of Sasquatch/Bigfoot/Yeti/Yeren/Orang Pendek, etc..but those tracks look bunk.

  4. Chain of Ponds seems like the kind of place to find some tracks, pretty remote area. Being a Maine resident I love any new leads on the Maine big guy. Keep it coming SWP, taze him up right wicked hahd bub.

  5. Team Tazer Bigfoot is cool and imma let them finish, but Matt Monimaker wouldn't find Sasquatch unless one picks him up and kidnaps him. I know for a FACT he tried to give Ranae his two incher only to find out she's lez. Nuff said and done son. Peace out.

    1. Bullshit,

      There are people who don't exist yet that know that Ranae is a homosexual. Even Moneymaker couldn't think she was straight.

  6. Way to go TTBF! I'll be waiting to read everything you have, and I'm sure videos will follow.

  7. This is such a farce. There is no such thing as bigfoot. Nothing that big could have gone this long without either being seen or someone finding bones from a deceased one. Lame!

    1. You are so right nobody has ever seen one and please tell us more we haven't heard that before.Lame!!

    2. Haha. Bigfoot. Hey while you're out searching for it please also look for the Easter bunny and Santa Claus. They have about as much credibility as a yeti. Find some Bigfoot bones/fossils or real video footage of one and maybe people will take you serious.

  8. That 14 incher felt good didn't it ;0)

  9. The voices made me do it, I swear. The voices I tell you, make them stop.

  10. I wonder if they will send the cast to justin smeja for authentication?

  11. There is nothing to see in those pictures except holes in the ground, nothing distinct, no toes, looks like Moose double step and slippage. TTBF is slipping a cog.

    1. At least I'm not the only one who noticed.

    2. I agree. Track? why waste your time with that? TTBF is such a joke it kills me that people take them seriously. They are like the finding Bigfoot of youtube, a whole bunch of bullsh*t.

    3. No where did I say what I found was Bigfoot.. I have said I don't know what I found. I welcome any Ideas of what did this. I want to know as well. And yes it was tracks, I have a nice cast that shows toes, a heal... Please let me know what you think I'll share any and all info..

    4. Moose double step huh, doubtful. You ever seen moose tracks? That is not a moose track hands down, especially if the whole trackway of 14 inch impressions is "double step", not how it works guy

  12. Great another thing I'll have to explain to people that I liked before it became cool.

    1. Are you insinuating that footery is about to become cool?

  13. Hurry up merchant. don't want to let justin beat you to the proof.

  14. Good job Mr. Brock and Michael. I told Michael last spring that though not many reports come from Maine, the habitat and water availability is just perfect for the Bigfoot. To find evidence all one has to do is get out there and look for it, and something just may turn up.

    A track find is awesome. There is only one creature in NA with a 14 inch foot and 4 and one/half foot stride, and just maybe you found one. Look forward to more on this. Would like to know if the trackway is close to one step directly in front of the other?



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