Robert Lindsay: Let's stop helping hoaxers

Every time a new Bigfoot footage surfaces, Bigfooters have no qualms stating how fake something looks. It's a good thing that "experts" can spot hoaxes from a mile away, but this could also be a bad thing. According to Lindsay, pointing out flaws in hoaxes can actually encourage hoaxers to come up with better costumes. This makes total sense-- Thank you Mr. "Machine Gun" Lindsay.

Hoaxers are making their hoaxes better and better, and we are helping them by telling them how we tell real videos from hoaxes. In case you have not noticed, hoaxers are now competing with each other to see who can make the best Bigfoot costumes. The best of these hoaxes are associated with little known filmmakers and special effects guys.

These cinematographers and special effects geeks are competing with each other to see who can make the best Bigfoot hoax costume. They always release their videos as “Real Bigfoot footage,” and then the community has to waste a bunch of time taking apart these idiots work to figure out it’s a hoax.

Any Bigfoot video that is released by a filmmaker or a special effects guy is automatically a hoax, guaranteed. I recently saw a very well done hoax in which it was glaringly obvious that the costume was modeled on the Hovey Bigfoot photo. It was clear that the special effects guy had spent a great deal of time studying the Hovey photo and had specifically modeled his very good costume on that.

This is what I mean. With each new valid photo and video released, the best hoaxers will hone their skills even finer than ever. And this is a problem with the Crypto Crew and Facebook Find Bigfoot approach of checking out what a real Bigfoot looks like as opposed to a hoax. Every time we do this, the best hoaxers will sit down with their notebooks and check off how we tell a real Bigfoot from a hoaxed one and then proceed to make their next hoax that much better. It’s really nightmarish.



  1. I say let's not. If there is an avid community of hoaxers it will be that much easier to spot them. Compared to back in the day when if you managed to dodge the local news rags yellow journalist you could get away with your hoax. In these modern times any hoax no matter how good will be called out, and no video/photo real/fake will ever be taken seriously enough to garner any attention by the scientific community. We need a cold or warm body to prove anything. So let the Hoaxers try to fake that (lookin at you Russia)

  2. Maybe good in theory, but I don't know how this really could be done.

    On the other hand, it would be easier to just not give a hoaxer any more coverage.

  3. The hoaxes are getting worse, PGF was the benchmark (if it was fake) and nothing comes close since.

    I want to see muscles and a face and flesh that bounces and ripples when a heavy stomp is made.

  4. Shoot the suited hoaxers and there will be fewer. Simple redneck math applies.

  5. That is a good point Mr. Lindsey. Anon at 12:17-hilarious, even though i don't condone the behavior.

  6. Hoaxes are not getting better. More verbal diaorhea from Mr Lindsay. This arguement defeats itself as if hoaxers are getting better how come they are so easy to spot. Although the idea of shooting them has a certain appeal. Can we shoot people who make silly points like this thread.

  7. Video evidence is mooted anyway as it isn't proof. We should always take any footage wiith a pinch of salt. It's all about DNA and that's the way it should be.

    1. Actually it's all about SHOW ME A MOTHER FUCKING BIGFOOT OR SHUT UP and that's the way it should be.

  8. Helicopter with a good thermal camera flying in remote areas would work. i guess its too expensive.

  9. add a guy with a tranquilizer gun. problem solved

  10. We need to avoid giving any attention to hoaxers like Tim. People who crank out crap over and over just to see their name is why they do it. After this latest addition to crash and burn, EVERYTHING Tim Flopsano releases should be ignored. Force them to bring in a body, plain and simple. Pages like this one and FB/FB should not put up links or videos. This plan sounds good to me.

    1. That sounds great but there is too much chatter and hysterical nonsense from some more extreme believers. This provokes skeptics and trolls and what you have left is a mess that discredits the whole shebang. Bigfoot has become a sideshow in a snake oil caravan frequented by many cranks and misfits. Not me though obviously....

    2. That is so true. But if the blog and site managers remove or don't post known hoaxes, it might help clear the air some. This is also why nothing but a body will end the bigfoot debate.

  11. Without hoaxers, you got nothin'.

  12. Robert says, "With each new valid photo and video released, the best hoaxers will hone their skills even finer than ever."

    What is this? Does he mean NO photos/videos should be shared by honest researchers because they assist hoaxers?

    1. I have video of a Bigfoot, face to face, at ten feet and that's the reason I haven't released it.

    2. Sure you do, and my fairy God Mother visits me each night and grants me three wishes too... PLEASE...

    3. People are drinking Drain-O...

    4. Three wishes you lucky bastard, do they go anything like this?

      A bear is chasing a rabbit through the woods when they trip over a magic lamp. The genie pops out of the lamp and stops them both. He says, "I don't know who called me out so I'll give you each three wishes."

      The bear and rabbit both start thinking about their wishes and the bear looks at the genie and says. "Start with my wish! I want all the bears in this forest, except me, to be Females."

      The genie nods and says, "I can do that." and poof all the other bears in the forest are Females.

      The rabbit says, "Me next! I want a motor scooter my size."

      The genie says," Alright two more." and magics out a little white scooter.

      The bear says, "If you can make all the bears in this forest female, can't you the the whole country, except for me?"

      The genie says, "Yeah, I can do that." and with a nod every other bear in the country turns into a female.

      The rabbit looks up and says, "I'd like a little rabbit helmet please."

      "Sure!" the genie exclaims and opens his hand. with a little helmet in the middle.

      The bear, getting excited says, "ALL the bears in the world except for me! can you make them ALL Female?"

      "Alright, but that's your last wish." and every bear including polar bears and pandas magically turn into females.

      The rabbit gets into his scooter, puts on his helmet and starts the engine. He looks at the genie and says, "I wish this bear was gay."

  13. Like there's an army of hoaxers out there waiting for opportunities, right......I don't think so.

    1. Thank you. Just like some here say there's an organized army of skeptics at this blog, paid per comment by the govt and universities. I'm still searching for those job listings... gonna try MONSTER today.

  14. Play the hoaxers at their own game. Circulate a couple of fake stories that a man in a suit almost got shot, stuffed and mounted. That should stop all but the terminally enthusiastic.

  15. If a hoax is good enough to fool a lot of skeptics into believing, I'm all for it.

    1. I agree, but the hoaxes are never good enough. They end up doing more harm than good. If some Hollywood costumes expert would step up to the plate, I'm sure they could make it happen.

    2. Exactly. You rarely ever hear of a true researcher getting a spot on news. Or an actual eyewitness,,that doesn't have other baggage that discredits them. It's always the hoaxers that get busted,,or the old gnarley looking dude on 11 o'clock news stating "yessir. Yes. I have seen the Bigfoot. Many times indeed." And in the same breath without batting an eye,,"I was supposed to meet him at the Pokerino to do some serious gambling,,but I got involved in a savage game of Twister with Genghis Kahn,,former president Bill Clinton,,and that pretty gal from the Dixie Chicks."

  16. Here here.

    A few hoaxers with a load of shot in the rear will help to put an end to some of this hoaxing.

  17. Nothing has helped hoaxers more than "Finding Bigfoot."

  18. I say let them hoax better, because if they can make a costume that is really convincing, well, then they'll probably get snatched up by a bigfoot and mating attempts will be made and maybe a week-long romance. Then, after it's discovered that it's only a suit with a human inside, they'll be promptly eaten and it will all have been good fun for everyone involved.

    1. Well. This may be gold. With what you've described,,this could turn into the ultimate reality show. A show about looking for a woodland giant called Bigfoot,,that turns into a documentary,,that is found out to be hoaxed. When hoaxer walks away shamed and rejected,,he is swooped off his feet by the real Bigfoot. Then the love story bit comes into play. Logically hard core rated X scene next. To milk it we could toss in a desperate cave wife series,,,only to end in a cannibalistic maulation much like Dr Hannibal meets Devils rejects. Get together a bitching soundtrack and Whammy.

  19. Hoaxers: let's stop helping Robert lindsay.

  20. you need the hoaxers. if there were no hoaxers there is no bigfoot. period. its like biting the hand that feeds you.

  21. at least the hoaxes are more interesting to watch than the stupid bigfoot shows on cable.

  22. Despite the fact that some good costumes have been made in the recent past, only maybe 2 or 3, if that, can compare with the PGF when everything about the subject is taken into account. This is unrelated, but I noticed someone mentioned the PGF.
    There is truth in what is being stated in this article. However, I must admit that I feel the information that a hoaxer will need to make a perfect sasquatch costume is already available. It has been available for many years, although it is much easier to find this info than it may have been in the past.

    I too am guilty of breaking down every single video I see, giving my opinion on its authenticity based on what I have seen in the field,in other videos, & in sighting reports. This very well could have been used against the community as a whole.

    While I hopefully have the attention of a few researchers, I would like to take this opportunity to speak my mind on a related subject, which deals with visual evidence. It seems there are people, quite a few actually, who have gathered evidence that for whatever reason they choose to keep to themselves, instead of releasing it.

    I would like to express how this behavior detracts from outside opinion of sasquatch investigators as a whole. Myself, and others, take a very scientific approach to this field, and when other "researchers" behave in the manner described above by withholding evidence, they are no longer participating in science, which states that one must always share their results.This is whether ridicule is forthcoming or not. That is beside the point, and if one is not tough enough to handle it, they need to get into a less scientific field.

    And it is for the reason described above that once sasquatch is discovered, the real scientists will not give certain amateurs the time of day. And this is likely when a flood of releases will come, after discovery is officially made. My point is that you cannot base whether or not to share results on how you think the public will perceive those results.

    And you also cannot withhold evidence from other scientific minded researchers and claim that you are a proponent of science, because that just does not mesh. So those of you who fit this bill, quit lying to yourself and others, and detracting from the name of science by calling yourself a proponent.

    And the so called "big names" in sasquatch research are no better. They are actually worse in many respects, as they treat scientific research like a product to market to the populace. This is the main thing that irks me about certain "researchers," and I also wholeheartedly believe that discovery will be better for the sasquatch in the long run, so we need to reach that point as soon as possible. Things may be slightly hectic at the outset of discovery, but this will quickly succumb and once the hype dies down, the squatches are going to be able to avoid humans easier, without having to go out of their way. And it may not seem like it now, but in the future, if they remain undiscovered, their habitat is going to be in danger.

    Reasoning: I hypothesize that the sasquatch population has been on the increase since the century following the arrival of Europeans to North America. The population is MUCH larger than most people expect. For instance, I hear some say a population of 10K in NA alone. This number is far too low. The reason many do not think this is true is because the highest concentration of the sasquatch population is located in the most remote places. As you move out from these points, the population thins out.
    But the squatch population is most definitely expanding outward at an alarming rate. Sightings and close encounters are only going to increase as time goes on. I have many novel ideas regarding these animals and their behavior, as well as new research methods that I would like to see employed. This also includes the invention of simple devices to aid in capturing good video evidence. If anyone is interested, jiggypotamus at cyberservices dot com


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