Photo Of The Day: Don't Hate Me For Hating Snakes

Although these Diamondback Water Snakes are nonvenomous, I wouldn't touch any of them with a ten-foot pole. This photo was taken at Resaca de la Palma State Park in Brownsville, TX. Texas has around 115 species and subspecies of snakes -- the highest number in all of the United States. The vast majority of Texas' snakes are non-venomous and completely harmless.

Can you count how many diamondback water snakes are in the picture. We have never seen this many all together before!

via Resaca de la Palma State Park


  1. How many snakes can YOU find children?WTF.

  2. Replies
    1. Did you count the two limb peeking in the back?

    2. ye 13 for me too, i wonder if we can split te prize money! I heard they were putting up 1k winnings!!

  3. I have used considerable math to compute the absolute Bigfoot-relatedness of this article, and it is precisely zero point zilch.

    -A Mathematician

  4. What the hell does this have to do with anything?

  5. Worms in cheap snake suits.

    1. Rahhhhhh!!! Fuck you, you skeptical skeptic you. It's a diamondback water snake . Anyone that isn't a closed minded JREF closet believer can tell that. You're just mad that your penis is small and you live in your moms basement and I don't have to think of any creative insults because I'm a footer. And that's obviously not a worm because there's no way you could produce muscle movement like that with 2012 technology. Why stretch scales weren’t even invented until blah blah blah blah...

      -Typical Footer

    2. @639 If you are talking about the famous peterson gamblin film NOBODY has ever proven it to be fake!Believe me that was no worm in a suit.Peety is the a real wormsquatch.

  6. Why would anyone be afraid to touch a snake? Just another animal you use caution with. I recall great times working with Tai RANGERS, in north Tailand and throwing two step snakes at each other... My point being, if your afraid of animals....snakes.... Better stay out of the bush and research from the internet.

  7. Snakes...Why did it have to be snakes?

  8. Those are all snake suits created by Philip Morris. Who is desperate to take credit for the existence of real snakes.

  9. Publicity hoax for new sequel to Snakes on a Plane 3~ Crash in the Swampland.

    Cant wait to see this one in 3D high def!

  10. I kind of like snakes. Now spiders, I shudder just typing the word!

    1. I once shot a spider with a .357 magnum. When the cops showed up I showed them the spider and they said the shooting was justified. That motherfuckers legs had legs, it took creepy to a whole nada level.

  11. That's pretty typical for waters snakes. Certain times of the year you will see a breeding ball of snakes in the ponds in oklahoma. Consisting of 15 to 20 males on one female.

    1. With me it's the other way around, one male (me) and 15 to 20 females.

    2. Where do you find all the female snakes?

    3. Yee he! Dat shit is heelsterical!

  12. Photo shopped! Fake! Hoax! I don't believe snakes exist . I've only seen blobsnakes and fake hoaxed videos and recordings! Anyone who claims to have seen a snake is either lying or is drunk with mental problems! Oh the snake on Animal Planet was a man in a snake suit - Why? Because I said so! U can all go home because the govt doesn't say they exist either'

  13. Leans in close to screen, adjusts glasses, starts counting.

    "One...two...thr..." Starts shivering like an epileptic at a rave.

    Counting rendered hopeless by a severe case of the heebie jeebies.

  14. Shawn, I sincerely wish I could boot you in the nutz for posting that pic. I've had to sneak past it all day.

  15. I havnt personally seen a snake so they must not exist !


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