M.K. Davis Shows Bigfoot Walking, No Complaints About It Being A Pony On This One Either

M.K. Davis reviewed an old tape and noticed some strangeness in the way the Bigfoot was walking. The creature in the video appeared to be walking "with a straight foot-- driving the heel". Davis surmises that this unique walking style and posture seems like the characteristics of Bigfoot.


  1. Replies
    1. Hi, I'm alnasty and I approve this message.

  2. is this one of the videos Mike Sells was involved in as well?

    If so, how many of these videos are there?

    1. looks like MK has got hold of all these videos, even though they have been shown to be hoaxed, yet still keeps putting them out there.


  3. looks like he's walking with his hands in his pockets

  4. Get some WD-40 on that darn chair!!!!

  5. Reminds me of that move in the "Thriller" dance where they have their hands on the top of their thighs and do that sort of hunched forward walking.

  6. Hmm is there an example that demonstrates moon walking aswell, that would be cool.

    1. I know there is footage of patty moonwalking

  7. Nope, not a pony. It looks like it is saddle sore from riding a pony though. It is walking holding it's belly from eating too many green apples before the ride. But seriously, I have seen this type of walking before by a person but can't remember why they were doing it. It was in the woods too. The way it is sticking the foot, then swinging the hips to bring the other leg forward will cause the foot on the ground to twist you would think. Maybe it has a hip injury and walks this way. Is it bigfoot? No idea. But it looks pretty thick from top to bottom and wide.

    1. Big Jim Jr - the fact that it is a person wearing a white t shirt might tell you it's not a Bigfoot.

    2. I would love for this to even remotely look like a BF but this is obviously a man wearing a white t-shirt with blue jeans. The guy has short dark hair and he is walking through the woods in front of a camera. (He probably doesn't know he is being filmed.) I can not remotely see why anyone would think this is anything other than a man.

  8. Looks like a guy in a straight jacket stepping over a pile of bear scat.

  9. Sorry M.K. but when any trail ends in Biscardiville it's a trip I wont be takin'.I used to enjoy your vids until I found out about the Sells Biscardi thing. now it is another case guilt by association.

  10. This is a person wearing a white t shirt and wearing dark trousers. It is stepping over something on the ground.

    1. Agreed. This is the second most obvious incident of the BF actually being a person wearing a t-shirt and jeans. The first is the FB/FB groups clip from Swamp Loggers.

    2. I get the feeling any video of any subject walking will do for old MK! Here we have some dude in a white shirt and blue jeans taking his little walk in the woods. Screw the costumes, who needs elaborate costumes when MK can see a bigfoot in someone wearing jeans and a white shirt? This is insanity at its best. Cowboys and ponies , as long as they're more than 50 feet away, miraculously become bigfoot sneaking through the woods. MK has really lost it this time.

    3. Why is it not possible for Bigfoot to wear pants? Answer me that one smartass.

    4. Maybe he went closelining and got himself some skinny jeans.

    5. To rwridley

      I have to agree with you on the FB/FB Swamp Loggers video. That was so obviously two hikers that it was sickening to see fb/fb attempt to analyze it as anything else!

    6. It's not possible for Bigfoot to wear pants because it's impossible for your mom to take them off when she sucks Bigfoot's dick.

    7. It would seem people would STOP POSTING these video reviews. It's painfully obvious that is not a bigfoot in the video. Why even humor MK like this? It's a waste of everyones time.
      (but i guess anything to get those ever growing ads to refresh on your blog here?)

    8. @ anon 8:20 - thanks honeybunch x

  11. Sally here - We recently discovered that the steak sample that was sent to us from the Sierra murders were accidentally switched with another sample that we had received from a customer. What we actually tested was an ear that was lopped off of a Pekingese. This was an honest mistake because it was amazing and wonderful how similar the two samples were. What's even more fantastically stupendous is, the Pekingese sample came back as being positive for Bigfoot. Yeah, that's right, I said Bigfoot! We were completely baffled by this outcome but figured WTF, let's roll with it anyway. We submitted the sample to our study and everything was going just fine until we discovered that one of the reviewers was a judge for the Wesminster dog show. Well it wasn't long before we started getting questions from that reviewer about the origin of the sample and how it suspiciously looked like the fur from last year's second place winner. It was once again backpedal time for us. We started scrambling, looking for the original Sierra sample, but couldn't find it anywhere. Then, one day, we were having breakfast with the Bigfoot family. Arla was serving up some delicious scrambled possum eggs. As she leaned across the table to give some to daddy Bigfoot, I noticed something furry entwined in her hair. I said Arla, WTF is that thing in your hair? She said oh, that's my lucky Coyote fur, I found it on the floor in your lab. I grabbed it from her and happened to rip out a few hairs while doing so. I gave the sample to Melba who quickly took it back to her lab and analyzed it. It was too late though since Arla's DNA had been mingled with it. Every time the sample was tested, it would come back crazy lady. So now you all finally know the reason why the paper hasn't yet been released. But we are working on some newly obtained samples from Georgia and hope to have results...soon

    1. Sally, I hear you're single and hot. I'm hard up for some action, so let's get it on.

    2. FINALLY!!! A straight answer for the delays! Thank you so much Sally here!

    3. Stand and deliver!

    4. best post ever, recommending for an article on this blog

  12. OK Sally, is this the real Sally Ramey? If so when does the report come back or how long does this stall things?

    1. Sally here again - The results are forthcoming and should be coming out soon. We will answer questions on our new FB page, if anyone is interested. We will also share stories about the phenomenal experiences we've had with our Bigfoot family friends. Like the time mama Bigfoot was grooming me for bugs and found a '56 Chrysler in my hair.

  13. It's not possible for Bigfoot to wear pants because it's impossible for your mom to take them off when she sucks Bigfoot's dick.

  14. It's time we stop giving MK Davis a forum to showcase his nonsense. It's been said elsewhere that most of the videos he's reviewing are known hoaxes. His methods are poor at best. The man needs to learn how to take the tapes to digital, so he doesn't look like a fool video taping his screen any longer. That would have been accepted 15 years ago maybe.

  15. Mk should find the keiper footage, he won't need any RGB tweeks or manipulation.

    I just wish I downloaded that when I seen it years ago.

    1. ok whats the keiper footage?

    2. Yeah that was amazing video, better than PGF. What happened to it, haven't seen it in years?

    3. Footage taken my people on holiday hiking or camping, then uploaded to youtube. The account was deleted or removed a few days later.

      As for better than the PGF..mmh! I would of said from memory that it was similar.

    4. There is no Keiper footage ya jack A$$!!!

      The MIBs got hold of it.

    5. Oh yea,The Keiper Footage.

      That's the one where Bigfoot was running in the woods with a vibrating butt plug in his a$$ carrying a sign that said "LONG LIVE MUCKLEGRUNT"!!

      He stole it from a jrefer.I think it was their Queen Randis personal one cause it was a golden one.

  16. Looks like a guy stepping over meadow muffins....and in the vid of white "bf" there was a horse in back walking and it was the pics from trail cam that seemed to be a pony if memory serves ...so why take that out of context with a title like you did here ,?????????

  17. it am a bigfoot ..or guy with serious crotch rash.

  18. Thank you MK for continuing to submit possible evidence!!! All the other childish comments above are what they are! These are the people that do not do any field work and do nothing but sit on their computers and talk crap because they have no real LIFE out side of the WWW!!!! by the way I know it is coming so bring it on :)

    1. Lisa,Mike Sells and Biscardi are the ones who did these videos near Paris,Texas.
      It's a hoax and MK knows it.
      Do a little research.It's Mike Sells in a white Cabelas Ghillie suit with a blonde wig on.Google it.Go to Guy Edwards "Bigfoot Lunch Club",he has it on his blog.
      Honestly,all of the Sells/Biscardi videos are him in that suit.

      I will give him props on his work but these are fakes.

    2. well said DT.And Lisa it's not often I have a problem with your comments but some of us do have a life and do field work .If M.K. knows about these all being hoaxes then he is just as guilty.There are other pieces of film he could work on and I would have never had a problem with this man.

    3. So, we're supposed to check our common sense and thinking ablity at the door when we look at bigfoot hoaxes?

  19. Some people look for bigfoot for decades and never have a sighting. The fact that MK Davis repeatedly comes up with clips should tell people that he's another in a long line of serial bigfoot BSers.

    1. he didn't actually film this stuff, he just anylizes/enhances other peoples footage

    2. other peoples fake footage.

  20. I was fine reading the thread until the sexual references. You gain nothing by it. Look at the reflection in your computer screen, you truly like that person?

  21. Where are the subject's dingleberries, aka male genitalia? Must be tucked neatly away inside of the suit.

  22. im sorry this guy is ill. wtf is he telling the world about it. I have serious illness,my wife worse, I wouldn't dream of letting my work collegues know, never mnd outing mmy name online and telling everyone. what is he wanting pity.put up a plethary of hoaxed film, he must have about 20 simlas, what does he wont no critique because he is ill.

    sad to see an adult man use illness as an excue for his work. must be an American thing or childlike thing


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