M.K. Davis Addresses "Eye" Video, Convinces Us That It Could Be Bigfoot

The strange "eye" video that everyone (including us) seems to think could be a horse or a pony is not possible according to M.K. Davis. In this new video, Davis mentions that the infrared camera was actually mounted on a structure high above the ground and there was no way that a horse or a cow could have been able to reach it. "To get there, they had to climb to get up there and move the camera around," Davis said.

So, what do we think about his explanation? There's no denying that his warm southern accent sounds very convincing and truthful, and we now believe that it probably wasn't a pony or a horse.


  1. Replies
    1. Gotta say...that clumpy hair looks exactly the same as that pic of the sample being sent to Dr Sykes. Weird, but I never saw a face or eye in either vid...I think.

    2. Then what you're saying is a Cabela's 2005 white ghillie suit looks exactly the same as that pic of the sample being sent to Dr Sykes. Don't waste time with this, Timmy -- it was long ago exposed as a hoax. Read the other 'eye' post for links.

  2. I think MK ought to address fully the origin of these tapes. Otherwise, it appears that he is posting known hoaxes (Mike Sells "work") and analyzing them as though they are not tainted.

    1. I'm curious to see why MK has been bombing us with so many breakdown videos lately. There's more to this story, and I smell Biscardi...

    2. excerpts like this from the sells /biscardi hoax will turn out to be the vids and photos promised by the ketchup project...put that in the bank.

  3. It isn't a horse or cow, because it is a man!

  4. That camera is not high off the ground. There is a boulder or funky stump right in the middle of the view. The camera is almost level and is not pointing downwards. Then look at the fence. Again, there is no downward angle. The camera is no more than a couple yards off the ground. A pony standing up and leaning on a tree looking at a red light is what this is. The nose sticks way out from the eye. You see this detail when the nose turns bright white and is almost pressed to the camera but the eye is still several inches behind it. I am going to find some pics on the net today and compare it to stills pulled from the video. I will post links. I believe bigfoot exists, but come on, this is not a bigfoot. If it is, it will have the biggest overbite ever seen on a primate/hominid.

  5. Unbelievable....Mike Sells + Biscardi = Hoax.

    All you have to do is a little research people.

    I give up.Read and you shall learn.

    PS...Who loves you Baby.

    1. LOL. That so many overlook the proof that this MK crap is a hoax keeps reminding me of the lyrics from that Simon and Garfunkel song...

      "... A man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest. Lie la lie, Lie lie lie lie lie lie lie, Lie la lie..."

    2. HAHAHA.. Now that's what I'm talking about.

      Hate to say it but,some times people are sheeple.

  6. The hair is interesting but it is not very similiar to the Sierra Kills sample that has been circulating on the net.
    Quite different.
    Also how do you explain the horse observed in the background of the first vid MK posted ?

    1. The horse was on a farm in Paris, TX. What's so mysterious about that?

  7. It's a white guy NOT a horse, pony or even a Unicorn. Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!

    1. No, it's not a person. That would be the most obvious explanation, but it must be ruled because it's ludicrous.

    2. Why, because you say so?

      The simplest explanation is it's more BS

  8. MK,

    I think I need the yellow line. I see hair but no face and no eye really. Someone draw an outline around where it's supposed to be.

    I'm also curious about where all these videos have been for so long. It says 2001, so did the owner just decide to come forward recently with them? With all these steadily coming through, me thinks these must be just the teasers. Suspecting something big must be up, but will we find out before the big cataclysm? Lol..."DNA proof and amazing videotape released today proves the existence of Bigfoot, or as scientists have classified, "sasquatchipithecus whitie".

    "SONIC BOOM!!...uh we're losing our satellite folks, it appears an asteroid has just entered our atmosphere and looks like they really are going to be extinct now, and so are we. Darn, we almost found out what they are. This is Wolf Blitzer, signing off..."

    Just having some fun....lol.

  9. I for one fully believe MK Davis and think he is a sincere, and thoughtful researcher. If we continue to doubt every single presenter of Bigfoot evidence, then we may end up passing or losing a great piece of a real Bigfoot find.
    The Biscardi's, Dyer's ,and Fatsano's are exposed..... but not everyone is a hoaxing fool. I give MK the benefit of the doubt because his presentations are thought out, and logical with a dash of (make your own decisions) added in.
    Come on guys, lighten up..........
    "Western KY researcher"

    1. If you just Google "Mike Sells Bigfoot" you will see the truth behind these so called Bigfoot videos.

    2. 8:01 -- You do realize MK did not film these videos himself? That would entirely different. He is knowingly messing with old hoax clips.

  10. MK is given video to enhance from other people and he presents it for all of us to see. Kudos for that! Unfortunately it gives the asshats more to bitch about. I watch his video reports and make my own decision and never judge him for it's content.

  11. Chewy lives!!!! Chewy Lives!!!!!! where is Han Solo....dammit those Ewoks have done it again!!!!

  12. Completely fascinating.... My biggest question at this point is: Why would a camera be placed at such a height in the first place?

  13. Those Raquel welch wigs are really flying off the shelves these days!

  14. Anybody that took more than three seconds to actually look at the video believed it to be a horse or pony. Just one look at the nostrils close together and it was SSSOOOOO apparent that it was not a horse.

  15. the hair looks like the melissa hovey pic

    1. Since when did Melissa Hovey release a picture of her fanny? Damn, I don't even want to ask, but where?

  16. WOW!! Just because the man has a "down home" charm and a friendly country way of talking, people automatically believe whatever he says. Also, because he puts a lot of time and effort into his videos then he must be on the level.

    Seriously, these are the final nails in MK's coffin. MK must know the history about these videos, yet he is hoping we all forgot or that his "country charm" can magically make them real.

    Now that we know these videos are the Mike Sells Hoax videos, and they are filmed at the same place as the "White Bigfoot," then ALL his videos are FAKE and he is nothing more than a lying HOAXER!!!

    1. If all of these videos are all hoaxes, and I am not saying they are or they are not but when I do research them if there is ANY connection to Biscardi I will never watch anything by M.K. again .calm charm or not in my book he will join Biscardi,Dyer,Fasano,and many more hoaxer on my sh1t list.

    2. Definitely do your research like I did, and I guarentee you reach the same conclusion I did. We got suckered by a down home, backwoods, snake oil salesman!

  17. It looked to me like a human with a very distinct eyebrow over the eye. I don't know how anyone can see a horse or pony in there.

  18. Ok I just looked it up and from what I read it looks like good old M.k. just joined my shit list sells/ Biscardi VHS tapes and Davis knows it he is a hoaxer to.

  19. Ok, THIS video is NOT the pony video. My earlier posts were on the previously posted video if a pony. This video shows something in serious need of spilt ends conditioner. This video shows what appears to be the view from a tree stand. Something moves the camera then the hairy thing enters the frame. The hair could be many things. Bear is first thing that pops into my head. But not a pony. There is no way to tell what it is, except that it is in need of conditioner.

    1. You should change the title of this one to Hair in the Air and pony eye explanation.

  20. A pony would have a rectangular pupil, and a curious equine would sniff something rather than look at it, so all you would see is a big muzzle. :) Equine eyes also have little to no visible sclera normally. Reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Pferdeauge.jpg


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