Let's Go Ask Regular Folks And See If They Think Bigfoot Is Real Or Not

Our friend Rictor Riolo decided to ask his co-workers in Las Vegas about Bigfoot and Sharon Lee. Watch to their responses below:


  1. Replies
    1. Leave Rictor the Rectum Wrecker alone.
      He has the best humor I've seen in a long time.
      He takes sh!t from all the g bashers and then came up with his new moniker "Rictor the Rectum Wrecker" on his own!!
      You got to give the man credit when it's due.

      Enough said!!!!
      GIT-R-DONE Rictor!!

  2. So ignorant. Don't you realize two out of four of the Finding Bigfoot crew are gay and I'm not too sure about Bobo....

  3. Rather than asking “regular” folks why not ask reasonable folks if they think Bigfoot is real?

  4. Bend over i will make you famous.

  5. Look at all of these anonymous pussies hating on gay people. I don't give a shit if he's gay I listen to their shows and enjoy them.

    1. I tried when Ranae was on. It was just to flamboyantly flaming to take serious. Ranae was the only person not hard on the ears. Sharon Lee was wretched to listen to and can't host an interview to save her life. She's always cutting people off and trying to tell her own (Sharon's) personal stories in the middle of a point the guest is making. She's just unlistenable, period.

  6. Yea gays dont bother me they people like you and me.If thats what they want to be, god bless them. I dont give a shit.

    1. Um yeah, you don't give a shit because you have a huge dick up your ass.

  7. Footery has always been about homos going out into the woods, getting drunk, and then sodomizing each other.

  8. You anons got it all wrong im taterhole cause im a assholle dont you think. lol

  9. Yes im an asshole to skeptics. Why dont you go somewhere else if you dought sasquatch is real.

    1. I “dought” your dick is longer than an inch.

  10. Most of the comments on here are enough to make me puke. Spout your "right to freedom of speech" all you want.
    This is the future of our planet. Stupid people who think they have a right to talk like morons.
    I'm surprised and appalled that Shawn hasn't removed the hate comments.
    Go back to your Adam Sandler movies and finish your Cocoa Puffs.
    Rictor is a hell of a nice guy and he doesn't deserve the shit a bunch of retards have said. What a truly pathetic bunch.

    1. To this point in the comment section I am not seeing any "hate" as you describe it. Mind pointing it out? I'm being serious.

    2. Continued.....now you on the other hand have used the word retard which is very offensive and as far as I can tell (to this point in the comments) you are the only one "hating" on retards.

  11. Nuff said fu.k it all i will leave.

  12. Hilarious Rictor's great!!!! All you haters trying to insult his sexuality are the fags. Don't let em tear you down Rictor this was funny!

  13. Is the little homo mad that some people oppose his evil perversion?

  14. Hi Rictor, I'm not gay but if I was I would want you to be the one that wrecked my rectum.

  15. SasquaiNation wines like a bitch and my comments get censored. Typical footer tactics; you guys can't win on an even playing field so you cry for a mod whenever you get a verbal trouncing.


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