Justin Smeja's Polygraph Examination Video

Justin Smeja undergoes a polygraph examination. He is asked about all aspects of the Sierra Kills event. If Justin is telling the truth, does that mean that Bigfoot is real? You decide.

[via thebigfootreport.com]


  1. Replies
    1. What is the difference between a vagina and a bigfoot? One is nasty, big and hairy and the other lives in the woods..

    2. Being from NorCal I have grown up around a ton of outdoor lovin guys who have about the same attitude towards wildlife and laws to protect them. When you grow up in these woods, in these hills, never seeing any law enforcement officers and never being stopped from any activity.....this attitude becomes the norm. As a skeptic, I gotta admit I am very convinced by his story and realism.....his "screw you" attitude is common in his type of guy around here.

      Once the DNA results show non-human Identity, he will hopefully get Dr Sykes or Meldrum or someone similar to help him explse the body....and yes, if there is DNA and PHDs and a body for further testing, science pubs and the media will make Justin rich...he will be like Sug Knight, hated by some loved by others, but even at his lowest moral level still respected and well known.....Smeja, the infamous Squatch slayer! Baby Bigfoot is worth millions for sure......

    3. How long will skeptics give Smeja a pass before he produces the body Timmy?

      How much longer can this kind of bullshit go on before someone calls his hand??

    4. I just pulled a huge booger from my nose, it looks like a pyramid.

    5. At the end of the day, Justin is just another drunk, road hunting the Sierra like so many do. Hardly a hunter but a very good drinker. Nope, he would not make it through RANGER school. He is a poosey.

    6. You forgot to add that they both sometimes smell unbearable or squatchy.

  2. Crow stew recipe

    1 large bay leaf

    1 tsp salt

    1 tsp pepper

    1/2 tsp onion powder

    1 large onion cut to sections

    4 cloves of garlic peeled and split

    3 medium potatoes diced

    3/4 carrots diced





    1. Oh lordy If your crazy enough to believe a polygraph, you must be crazy enough to know how to cook crappy bird and eat it.

    2. Here, let me get you a bowl!

    3. mike merchant aka SWP ya better fetch a pad and pencil YOUR PRESIDENT was kind enuff to write down a recipe tailor made for YOU!! ASSHOLE!!!!

    4. So your saying that your sceptical that Bigfoot is a hoax and calling yourself an asshole

    5. I have a recipe for Cream of Taterwhole,wanna hear it?

    6. i think anon 559 is a fag i bet he would love the recipe .

    7. Lmao...

      I have a recipe for Prunetang...

      Mix Prune Juice with Tang and you have PRUNETANG all day long!

  3. hey Shawn you are making me a believer, this is prolly your best blog ever and you know how much s..t i love to give you

    1. You are kidding right? Change the music in the background to Benny Hill and it would seem like a joke. Its all the way its presented. Do you believe every movie you see?

    2. Very interesting. I got the impression that the examiner had quite a bit of experience. she didn't come across as a rookie that's for sure.

      @ anon 1:10 actually i thought the music kicked ass and went nicely with video. I don't recognize it but loved it

    3. Pretty sure Ro composes his own music. it's MUCH cheaper! sounds great too!

    4. Says music by Bart Cutino end of video.

    5. where can I get the music from this video?

  4. So if this polygraph "expert" is so confident in her work, why did she insist on her face being blurred out?

    1. So she wouldn't have to deal with assholes (like yourself)asking stupid questions!

    2. She works on other cases that she can't have her identity in law enforcement !

    3. LMAO!!!!

      Dammit man,she is a blobsquatch!

  5. The creature waived it's hands to distract him from the little ones. That's all the proof i need.

    1. no!!! the proof we need is to see that body! Justin is lying and either has a body or did not shoot bigfoot. put it back on him and ask about the body!!!!

  6. I was born with what most people would call a gift but I call a curse & that's being able to read people. This story is the real deal. Can't wait for the skeptics to move onto a UFO forum.

    1. They should move on to an ancient alien forum! probably have more luck debunking that crap

    2. It's the truth though, can't handle it and prefer the state lies?

  7. What happens next? Ongoing hunts for the remaining Sasquatch headed up by a team to be named later with Guest Justin Smeja. Oh for a handsome price. All without a body or any evidence whatsoever. Just human DNA. READY OK. GIVE ME A H GIVE ME AN O GIVE ME AN A GIVE MEAN X. WHAT'S THAT SPELL? Hoax! Yay hoax! Just wait people until the money starts being put into the equation.

    1. You know what's funny Rick? you pretend like your gorilla mask hoax a couple months ago was someone else... lol!!!! you tried a new hoax and no one cared, hahaha!!!! dumb ass trying to be the voice of reason hahaha!!!

  8. Too bad that even if Bigfoot does exist nobody would care. The general public has bigger things to worry about.

    1. They why won't they let us know? There's definitely a cover-up in the past, hopefully we can soon tear that down.

  9. Can't wait for the rest of this vid.

    Great job guys!

  10. Your right anon 1:12. like trying to get that bipedal out of the white house.

    1. That kind of comment is uncalled for and is suggestive of racism. Shame on you.

    2. well put MamaBear.. lets pray for Anon 2:11 cuz what he said was mean spirited and hurtful but we know it was his hate demons inside him who made him say that..

    3. Racism? Bullcrap. Damn liberals always call racism! You're bipedal yourself, and so am I! Get a clue or shut up!
      As Americans we have every right to criticize our elected officials. Obama is the worst President ever, not to mention totally corrupt and subversive.

    4. Compared to what other president?

    5. He hasnt been charged with corruption! You can criticize , but you can't slander! Give the court case for his corruption Charges idiot!

    6. Why don't you bring corruption charges against him Jelly bean Dink if you have all this evidence for corruption! It's America so put your money where your mouth is turd hole! Oh wait the evidence was fabricated on your favorite tabloid channel- Fox news. Funny how they accuse , but charges never happen! Your a Jelly Belly Taterhole!

    7. I can almost guarantee most skeptics are liberals.

    8. He will end up being charged with something if the "fast and furious" investigation does not get the documents it wants. They already filed suit on Holder and Obama has been held in contempt of court over it. But to be fair, just about every politician is corrupt.

  11. Why did they get one of the loons from the bff to do the test?

  12. I would like to ask Justin why. Why? Why did he kill a parent and child? How does he feel about it now? Does he feel any guilt? (He should!) And did he really just leave the bodies there? If so, why? Does he ever wonder what became of the parentless one?

    If the story is true, it is disturbing in so many ways. I would feel a lot better if he would explain himself and show some remorse.

    1. It's all fun and games until a baby Bigfoot gets shot in the neck.

    2. The world is full of scary people..deal with it.

    3. I sure he feels guilty as hell. That's what I got from the interviews anyway

    4. Mamabear, most people don't care at all about other living things. Not even when they're sentient beings like the great apes who have been proven to be self-aware and very intelligent.

      I bet you can prove all you want about Bigfoot having 99.5% human dna, using language and what not... people wouldn't care in the end.. for them it's just an animal you can shoot.

    5. I would shoot one and even prepared to do so one time, but it wasn't a bigfoot. If I were to shoot one there wouldn't be all of this cloak and dagger stuff..

    6. Whatever, still think it's repulsive.

      It's all about ego, wanting to be the first.

      Who cares if they have human like emotions or thoughts. Or what about the other parent and child BF who are left to fend for themselves.

      No, it's all fun and games.

    7. Ban guns. Seriously, there'll be no hunting this species for the simple fact they're not apes. They'be been shot at before and the result is always the same, you're prevented somehow from bringing forward the proof either fear will or the beings themselves will stop you or Government people (invisible spy cameras/satellites).

    8. I am going to shoot at the next bigfoot I get a chance at. Bigfoot may not be apes but they are not human either, based on what little evidence that is out there. Go ahead with your gun control and you will see the streets running red with blood, human blood...

    9. WTF! This guy is the next Timothy Mcvey! Anon 6:16! You crazy like a lunatic !

    10. I have said it many times, in order to protect them, we must have a body. Alive or dead. Just read all the posts. Do you think any amount of dna will convince the world they exist? Not a chance in hell. As for killing them because as a hunter it is fun, there are serial murders of people who do it for fun. Know what a serial killer of people and a possible bigfoot trophy hunter will have in common? Both will have some sort of mental illness, likely anti-social disorder, and both will have broken the law. But until bigfoot is proven to exist, the hunter will just be trying to prove they exist. If I see one while out hunting right now, since so far there is no proof of existence, I would shoot if I could. Because for this species nothing but a body will get them protected. There will have to be a sacrifice made for the greater good. But I might not be able to pull the trigger after seeing one. Maybe seeing how human like it might be would stop me. If I could shoot, would I make money off it? You bet your ass I would. Even without trying. I would load that sucker up. Stash pics and pieces in several places and drive to nearest tv station. Then tell science put up or shut up. After that, the money would come in for interviews, movie rights, samples of it, etc. Why? Because that is the American way. If I refused to interview, provide samples, pics, etc I would be hounded day and night. Probably be hounded anyway even if giving everything. It is a sad fact that as humans we value life this way. But what if we were not human? Do you think the wolf feels remorse tearing out the throat of a deer? What about the cougar who kills for pleasure? They do that you know. Just like some house cats. Do I feel remorse standing over a deer or elk I just killed? Yes, but I tell the animal thank you for feeding my family, friends and self. I thank God and Mother Nature for letting me harvest one of their creatures. I make sure I use every edible part. What I don't use I return to the forest to nurish the animals that might be too ill to hunt, too small, and thank Mother Nature for the bounty. If I killed a bigfoot, Mother Nature would understand why as it would protect the rest of them. And if Mother Nature does not want me to kill one, she won't let me pull the trigger. Just exactly what has happened to many people who had one in their sights and could not pull the trigger.

    11. That was quite a rant there, Jimbo. They're still primal people though, how do you think they know how to mimic and understand English even? Yes sounds crazy because it's a new discovery to us, disbelief always bring laughter at first, but the Nelson study on the Sierra Sounds confirmed it positively. That's no animal. Period. And therefore no killing or you're going to prison for murder. That's another period. Why do yuo think we have DNA studies, it's exactly for that very reason alone so no lives need be taken no matter what the species is. It's how science works now and it cannot be faked. Now, whether a bunch of weirdos will deny the facts come that time, who cares big deal their problem. Lunatic fringe, y'know. If they still shoot a Sasquatch they're done for themselves by the law, either our court of law or swift forest law itself. Existing species confirmation first then videos for the public.

    12. Yeah, it was long. I tend to get windy when tired and I only surf the web laying in bed trying to tire out the head to sleep. I disagree about murder charge too. I have posted about that before. In order to be convicted of murder you must kill a person. Since bigfoot is still an unknown, you are at most shooting an unclassified animal. If after bigfoot is found to be related to us, then it must be classified as human in order to be murder. If it is classified as anything else, it would be poaching a protected species because once it is proven it is a given it will be protected. One study on vocals does not prove a species. In bigfoot's case a body will be needed because there will always be enough people saying dna of unknown humanoid is contaminated dna, not a new species. Bigfoot is a legend. Every new species of frog, bat, spider, goat, antelope, fish etc does not have hundreds of years of legend and stories behind it. So a picture and small dna sample is ok. That will never be the case with bigfoot. As for mimicking animals and animals understand human speech that is not new. We train dogs to follow commands. You can even watch videos of dogs making noises like people. E.T. the walrus here in WA whistles, grunts claps all by command. Dolphins and whales respond too. I have video that I recorded of a raccoon barking like a dog even. Primates have been seen walking like people. And many birds can speak English and respond to commands. Does that make parrots a relic human? So like I said, until a body is brought in, bigfoot remains a target. A target that no one could be charged with killing yet. No conviction would hold up on appeal for every reason I just listed.

    13. Yeah but if you're wise you won't give a damn what the lunatic fringe will say, science spoke and you'll have to accept that. That doesn't mean we'll never see a body, it's a definite that we will since the species is real so of course one day there's no question of that, fact is only that given the nature of the species it can only happen this way. Unnecessary bloodshed is uncalled for, please understand that there's another way now that must be tested first and not this shoot first ask later. That's what Smeja did and still you call for a body, that's ridiculous. You've trusted science so far on its Bigfoot stand, why not trust science when it says there is. This isn't the 1800s anymore where real caveman philosophy ruled supreme.

    14. Don't get me wrong, I am not being blood thirsty. I agree that if dna showes a relic human or new primate species, most scientists will accept that. But right now, right this moment we have nothing. Nothing but a story. And a story of two or more pending dna studies. If Mr Smeja has a body, he should not be waiting on these studies any more. He should be showing it to the media and telling them dna is being tested. Without that body, no dna study is going to prove anything more than that chunk of flesh must be contaminated. If it was enough, we would already have main stream science on board saying they exist. Right now, WE are the lunatic fringe. If you think pictures, hair, blood, are going to prove bigfoot exists you are wrong. We already have that. Google unknown animal hair and dna. You will see lots. No scientist will ever say bigfoot is real unless they can see it, poke it, and prod it. By continuing to hope no more get hurt does nothing to protect them. Only widespread acceptance by science of their existence will get laws passed. For bigfoot, it is the 1800's.

    15. I just can't sleep at night anymore because I killed those 2 aliens that asked me for a drink of water. what a mistake I made! Damn stupid of me!

  13. I had the impression in Ro's first interview with Justin that it did bother him that he shot the juvenile.I am not impressed buy anyone who would do that kind of thing.The thing that I find different about everything in the past few years is that things are all being kept hush hush.
    When has anything ever been kept quiet to the point of signing legal papers when it comes to Sasquatch.There is more to this story and to the other projects.I think Justin has or had a body and they have alot more evidence that will come out eventually.
    Justin seems to have the attitude, this is what happened think what you want. that to me is a good sign that it is true. when people get all defensive and stop cooperating it's probably bullshit.
    If there was nothing more to these projects they would have no reason to go to the point that they are to keep things quiet.That's my take on it anyway.

  14. I find it remarkable the lengths that people will go to try and discredit someone. Mr. Smeja passed the polygraph test and his detractors still say, "Polygraphs are easy to fool!" and, "He's been telling these lies for so long he's starting to believe them!"
    However, if he had failed the test you can bet these same people would have said, "He failed the lie detector test! That proves he was lying!!"
    Wow. Just ... wow.

  15. The "Lie" detector is a hoax!!!

  16. An interesting aspect is the examiner explaining she also reads facial expressions and body language. I have seen this when a woman was on an Alaska Mysterious Encounters program a couple years ago, when a fisherman was retelling his encounter back in the 80s of seeing an 11 foot grizzly hightail it down the beach away from the boat, when a 9 foot bigfoot came out of the woods. He also passed her test.

    For MamaBear, Justin has explained this several times in interviews and has remorse. I too share your disdain for the events that took place, and shooting the youngster to me is unfathomable. What happened is over and maybe something good will come out of it in the future like total protection once the general public becomes privy to this information and the DNA studies. One can only hope.


  17. Did you notice the lie detector was not plugged in!! OOps

    1. Nah,it was plugged in,in Justins Taterwhole!

  18. This whole story is just so bizarre! I guess this is the first time we are dealing with this situation, and I guess there is no guide on how to kill a bigfoot, and what to do afterwards but...it has snowballed into a documentary now and so many people who are not professional are involved. It just seems so, fabricated... like a made for tv drama

    1. I don't know, news have to happen before you can present it nothing unusual in that.

  19. It's great that he passed his test, but until he or someone else comes up with a Bigfoot, living or dead, there is NO Bigfoot and he didn't shoot them. They seem to be everywhere so, why don't one of you expert footers just go out and grab one?

    1. Huh, are you saying a species doesn't actually physically exist until the day it's found and the day before it didn't? That's some mighty quick evolution taking place in front of you then.

  20. Nothing like having a director to tell his actors what to do. The reason no one is getting involved in this like the law is because its a MOVIE! Its fake! No news will EVER pick this up. The FBI is though. The lies are about to be outed along with the actors in all of this.

  21. As bad as i want all these skeptics to get slapped in the face with the truth.You know the government will shut down anything that resembles a forest in order to protect them. Forget about copper bullets for hunting we'll all be shootin rubberband guns.

  22. You tell a lie long enoghf you will convince yourself it's true .. How long ago did he start telling his story ?

    1. If you act stupid long enough everyone will start noticing.

  23. Can't wait till the Sykes report is out. Obviously if it comes out as a unknown primate it looks like I'll be eating some crow. I actually hope it comes out positive but I'm still guarded about the subject.

    1. Yes and the different studies only will support and strenghten each other's case.

    2. you idiots that constantly mention sykes as some master dna guy know he's a hair morph expert right where he tries and extract dna from hair? he also made bias comments in his first announcement and is being funded by a tv station. you people that think sykes is this king should do some research first as if I had evidence, I'd feel more comfortable having checked at Univ labs.

    3. Finally some common sense! My thoughts exactly on Sykes.

  24. some people drink piss, but that dont make them winners.

    1. I keep my poop in a jar.

      Does that make me a winner?

  25. No. It makes you a stupid faggot!

    1. Don't be so hard on the fella there taterhole.

  26. Keep drinking the koolaid footers.

    The hoax will be exposed soon enough just like the last hoax and just like the next hoax

    1. Keep trolling the site loser . Maybe someday you will grow up and wear big boy pants and leave yo mommas basement!

  27. This was a really good looking video and was great to see some footage of Smeja in person. Great job on it Shawn and Ro as I even thought the music was killer and went well with it!

  28. It would of been more believable if the computer screen was in the shot for professionals to study.

    Therefore, I'm calling BS again on 'All' this 'AGAIN'

  29. This doesn't prove shit, I heard no question that asked did you shoot a bipedal primate, just did you shoot something that you never seen or have known it existed. Then after the polygraph she says she believes he shot a bipedal primate. Ask him that question you fucking bitch.

  30. Bobo's dog loves squatches and plays with them, that guy is a mindless idiot.


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