I wonder if Bigfoot is afraid of spiders?

Editor's Note: This is a guest post by Suzie M., a sasquatch enthusiast.

I saw this article and it got me thinking, if Bigfoot is almost human would they have phobias like some of us do.

Would a female Bigfoot run and stand on top of a rock, screaming for her partner, if she saw a large Trogloraptor dangling from the roof of her cave?
[via www.scotsman.com]


  1. keep up these stupid stories and he(sasquatch) and i will not be comming back to this childish comments filled blog.

    1. Says somebody named ozzy osbourne? Talk about childish. hahahaha!

  2. They seem to have social anxiety.

  3. I'm not even gonna bother to.................Damn !

  4. Would she also have a dilldo vibrator when her needs aren't meet ?

  5. This October you will all see the truth about your holy grail PGF all three parts of it and the entire cast.

    You don't need to worry about Bigfoot having phobias you need to worry about not having Bigfoot.

    1. With the extreme remote chance the film was a hoax it doest mean Sasquatch is a hoax ! To much other stuff out there and witnesses! then all you can do is throw it on the hoax pile! So what's your inside point ? Dork . I suppose your waiting for the end of the world. See how that works for u anon 6:57!

    2. I believe in holding out the possibility of Sasquatch but that video is NOTHING more than a guy in.a monkey suit. Hairy titties and all!

  6. Ooooh whatcha going to show us in October? Rubber Suit and some Dude who claims he can walk like patty ? Fail!

  7. The truth is in your pants in October after a wet fart

  8. Its like saying deer are scared of spider? Dumb

  9. What can you show me as proof they do exist and what can you show me that proves PGF is not just a man in a suit?

    1. Patty herself. Study her body closely with good quality frames.

    2. First off there is no patty there is a man named Bob Heronimus in an altered suit and it has been studied and besides a few most agree it is fake.

    3. Freinds with personal experiences and myself. Best evidence. Better than yours relying on others who make bogus claims. The suit theory is bogus.

    4. Bob Heronimus is a liar, drinker , and con man who loves the spot light! He hated the believers so he made up crap to try and discount the film!

    5. And what was patterson again? A saint I think not.

    6. He's been scrutinized and hasn't been proven to have faked the film . That's the difference!

    7. Roger Patterson was a conman! Bob Gremlin a liar! What's your point?

      Oh, that they faked the footage? Yes, I agree then.

  10. How is this a dumb question? Phobias are natural to all higher brained creatures. A deer may not have a phobia of spiders, but they sure as hell have a phobia of canines and humans. If they didn't, they would not last long. Most cats have a Phobia of water. You do not have to be human at all to have a phobia.

    1. Hey Tzieth,Texans are on tonight.
      Are you going to watch it?
      Good to see you back.

    2. "Big DadSaturday, August 25, 2012 8:13:00 AM PDT
      Hey Tzieth,Texans are on tonight.
      Are you going to watch it?
      Good to see you back."

      If they show the game up here. I am lucky if I get to see a Cowboys game, it's mostly 49ers or Seahawks :(

    3. I forgot that you're on the west coast.
      The Texans are on CBS here but I don't know if it's going to be broadcast nationally.The NFL Network has something like their Red Zone going on tonight so maybe we can catch the Cowboys here and there.

      Great to see you back as I'm always lurking on here.lol.
      Any rate have a good one.

  11. I'm not shure....but I think patty was running away from a spider when she was filmed at bluff creek ..she was moving kind of fast and looked scared and disoriented..must have been spooked by a spider..

  12. "AnonymousSaturday, August 25, 2012 8:03:00 AM PDT
    First off there is no patty there is a man named Bob Heronimus in an altered suit and it has been studied and besides a few most agree it is fake."

    Study your facts more.. "Most agree?" Who is most?

    Here is a FACT; Bob Heronimus was not the first to claim he was the man in the suit and he probably won't be the last

    FACT II; The supposed suit that Bob Heronimus shown as his proof not only looked nothing like Patty, it had no breasts.

    FACT III; In order to create a suit that would show muscle movement you would need stretch fur. Stretch fur did not exist at this time. In fact, "State of the Art costume design" for the time was "Planet of the Apes" So you are going to continue to believe that a broke cowboy who barely had enough money to rent the camera he was using to film patty was able to out do the$5,800,000 budget that Planet of the Apes had in 1968?... Well, don't stop believing, bro lol

    1. FACT Roger paterson was nothing more than a pathetic excuse for a con man.

      FactII.There is no suit that Bob said was the one he wore that day.

      FACTIII.Not everyone who has studied this film has seen any muscle movement at all.

      From what I and many others have seen looks exactly like Bob has described and that is shoulder pads,rubber boots inside the suit that could account for the calf muscle bullshit and one visible GLASS eye.

      How about asking Bob G to sit in the same room with the rest who claim to have been there and see how that works.And by most I mean the majority of mainstream science that have looked at this and found it a terrible fake.You think what you like but when it comes right down to it You or anyone else can not prove it to be real.

    2. Anon 8:54, Nobody cares if your uncle Bob H. claims he was Patty. We still don't buy it.

    3. Are you a crack pot? There HAS been a lot of experts that have studied the muscle movement in the film and have found it consistent with a real animal and not a suit! Are you referring to the ESPN guy as your expert who discounted the film? Have you been living off the grid for the past 20 years? Quit distorting facts and making up false rumors anon 8:54!

    4. I'm not distorting anything and yes some have said that but some have not therefore my point is valid.You believe it if you wan't or need to but the only fact in this whole thing is there is no proof and no DNA study will change that when I see a body live or dead I will change my opinion until then no proof.

    5. I couldn't see the muscle movement for a long time and thought it was a fake. Changed my mind after seeing higher quality versions. The muscle movement is there.

    6. The PGF film will NEVER be proven to be a hoax.

      It also will NEVER be proven to be a living creature.

      it will FOREVER be an endless arguement...................

    7. Can't see a bigfoot sitting in your house !

  13. Do you JREF butt plugs still bleeve the PG suit has been found ? The simplest of you lemmings seem to have bought it hook, line and sinker.

    1. From what I read, longtime JREF and BFF footer GT/CS-Fuzzy Gremlim claims the lying shithead who's pretending to have found the suit, has been in "delicate negotiations" for 3 years to obtain the suit.
      What a moron....LOL

    2. why is it so important to JREFers to prove bigfoot is not a reality? why do they care? (seriously)

      Some of them seem to have an obsession to prove bigfoot is all fake.

    3. @9:55
      Because they struggle with their own personal belief. Again, normal well adjusted adults usually move on from things they claim are not possible. The mental stimulation is gone, that's why there are so few morons who claim to be Bigfoot skeptics (to the point where they claim it's stupid ) yet hang on for years following it.

      Every fringe topic attracts it's simpletons and these mental defectives are just as weird as the Creekfreaks and Janice Carter's that Bigfooting attracts.

  14. This October you will all see the truth about your holy grail PGF all three parts of it and the entire cast.

    You don't need to worry about Bigfoot having phobias you need to worry about not having Bigfoot.

    You, idiot, such beings have been seen for centuries. Even if PGF is a hoax, it doesn't change the truth.

    1. No it doesn't change the truth and the truth is there is no proof.

  15. I hope someday you can prove me wrong but that day isn't today.The bottom line is you can call me what you like and believe what you like but there is right now no proof.

    1. Who cares about proving some anonymous shithead wrong ?

    2. Since you gave your permission I hope you don't mind being called a shit disturbing know it all.The name up there is Bigfoot evidence not proof of Bigfoot.Open your mind man and in the process shut your fucking mouth.

  16. Yes Bob did produce a supposed suit. And it was all over youtube. and MOST main stream science are not coming to any conclusion that it is fake. The best they can come up with is that it is inconclusive at best.

    The ones who are flat out saying it's fake are the ones who are basing this off their own opinions and not their fields of science. The reasons they give are more ridiculous than their own view of the creature it's self.

    It's more than just how the creature walks that disproves this is a suit. Its the dimensions of the creature. The femurs are too long, the shins are too short, and brow area is too high. If this were a man in a suit waring shoulder-pads, the head would not be able to fit into a mask with eye-holes that high and he would not move that fluid.

    If you do not see muscle movement you are blind it could not be anymore obvious. The quads flex with every step as does the calf muscles and the triceps as it swings it's arms.

    I concede to the fact that PGF cannot be proven at this time. But it sure as hell cannot be disprove either. If you are going to go all scientific, the pros that it is real far outweigh the cons that it is not.

    The locomotion of the creature is correct for it's supposed height,weight and body proportions. The muscles indeed to flex and there is no debating this. Christ it is staring you in the face when you watch it even with the grainiest of footage.

    And again there was no technology to make a suit like that back then. The best of the best was Planet of the Apes.. Do you really think there would still be a debate on this is some guy walked out in front of a camera with a Cornelius costume on? Patty cannot even be replicated with todays technology and you think it was so easy back then?.. There was no stretch fur and there sure as hell was not any CGI. Most of you BF Atheists try to justify your point by calling out Roger Patterson being "shady" and or broke. How about Ol' Bobs motives? Why now?... Why would he come clean now 44 years?

    1. Tzieth you have shown me no proof so I am done with you.Herb gardner your name gives you away you are nothing but a burnt out pothead.I will shut the fuck up when I see proof.Go smoke another one you might see nessie this time.



    3. Anon 10:33, you are DAMN right!

  17. What my name means or what I choose to do is not the issue.If I am in fact "burnt out" I am still alert enough to notice you just got your ass handed to you by Tzieth.I'm open to almost all opinions when it comes to Bigfoot and you sure as hell won't change my mind about it.

  18. Look at Patterson and the history in the area everyone knew who was in the suit before and after the hoax and they still know today it was the rest of the country that ran with it people in yakima laugh about it.You will all see when Tom Biscardi realeases the movie in oct. 2012.Patterson was a criminal and that is all I have to say.

    1. ^You're nothing but a cum guzzling sidewalk sissy jizm queen if you believe in anything Biscardi says or does.

    2. Tom fuck'n Biscardi is the ammo you came here with? You call me a burn out and your source is Biscardi.You haven't been in the game to long have ya son.

      The history lesson of washington and what everyone knows was appreciated since I assume you were there.Roger's reputation according to some was questionable but Bob pour me another Heronimus and Biscardi that's just funny....or sad.

      no it's funny really REALLY funny.

  19. The PG suit was terrific, and definitely Hollywood-made. The thing that gives it away are the bottom of the feet, which are flat and ridiculous-looking. John Chambers, or whoever created the suit, was used to working on a film set, where "shooting around" such details is commonplace.

    There is no Sasquatch, so stop wasting your time.

    The Orang Pendak is likely real; why not shift your interests? A primate, other than man, who walks on two legs? It's fascinating! Get your head out of the clouds, people.

    1. Take your limey orangutan ass kisser into the clouds ya jackass.
      Stop wasting your time here!!!
      John Chambers retracted his statement about making the suit.Get your facts straight.
      Adios Mother Fucker!!

    2. My comments were not intended as a personal attack on anyone, but more of a wake up call.

      I understand that Americans have a need to believe in Bigfoot... perhaps as a father figure to those of you who were abused as a child, or came from broken homes,(it's my understanding that this is very common in your country) but the evidence, or should I say 'lack of' simply prohibits Bigfoot's existence.

      Get on the winning team: my team. No one makes fun of the Orang Pendak, or its enthusiasts.

    3. "Dr. David ChiversSaturday, August 25, 2012 11:33:00 AM PDT
      The PG suit was terrific, and definitely Hollywood-made. The thing that gives it away are the bottom of the feet, which are flat and ridiculous-looking. John Chambers, or whoever created the suit, was used to working on a film set, where "shooting around" such details is commonplace.

      There is no Sasquatch, so stop wasting your time.

      The Orang Pendak is likely real; why not shift your interests? A primate, other than man, who walks on two legs? It's fascinating! Get your head out of the clouds, people."

      I was going to let this slide, but it seems to me you are not a troll, so I will address this. The bottom of the feet is dead on with the prints and also make sense in another way. Don't just take my word on this, but simply google or look up "Hominid Footprints." ALL Hominids other than Homo-Sapiens had the exact same type feet, even Neanderthals. Homo-Sapiens are the ONLY hominids in the fossil record that had an arched foot.

      As for "Hollywood made" Again, we had no technology to make such a suit back then. We still don't!!! Just look at the latest Bigfoot movies for proof in that. Even the most famed costume designer at the time said a suit like that could not be made.

      That brings me to my next point... If the #1 creature effects expert at the time stated that a suit YOU made could not be done, would you not come out right then and there to dethrone him and prove him wrong? That would have made the guy the #1 costume maker and would have put a-lot of money in his pocket. "Patterson was broke and had motive for a hoax.." Exactly!!! So Patterson sure as hell was in no position to pay anyone off, was he?

      And what lack of evidence are you referring to? Foot Prints cannot be faked to someone who knows foot-prints. Never mind the eye-witness accounts or audio, what about the DNA?

      "DNA is not proof without a specimen." right?

      Okay look between the lines and stop being hypocritical. What DNA does PROVE is that there is indeed an unknown creature yet to be identified.

    4. Dr Chivers,

      Okay I just read your page there and now I am baffled. How can you be into Anthropology and still think the foot of patty is "flat and ridiculous-looking."???

    5. Tzieth is a fucking buffoon. Looks slightly retarded too. Ah ha ha ha. Retard!

    6. I guess Dr.'Green Onion Chives Chivers' has never met anyone with with a flat foot.

  20. How to get comments on a dead post.......mention PGF, mission accomplished.

  21. I have heard most Texas men lose their virginity to a water melon. They go into the fields at night after the sun has been beating down on the melons all day and the melons are HOT for action. They take a jack knife and core out a pseudo vagina and hump the hell out of it. I did not make this up a Texan named Old Red told me. He said it was not uncommon for 20 to 30 boys to visit a field per night.

    1. Sounds like you're just a little jealous of Texas.

    2. No but Old Red said they put the core from the rind back in so the farmer never caught on to thier activities. I guess it would heal over and have a little round scab over the top. That is why you always thump a water melon, listening for a hollow spot

  22. I wonder if Bigfoot has nightmares. I wonder if Bigfoot has regrets. I wonder if Bigfoot gets acne. I wonder if Bigfoot has homosexual thoughts.

  23. I wonder if Bigfoot knows there's no such thing? That IS the question.


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