From Our Forum: Are we special?

Bigfoot Evidence forum member NobleSavage posed a great question: There have been very few accounts of humans actually being attacked or killed by Bigfoot. If Bigfoots are physically bigger and stronger than us, then why do they avoid humans? Do they respect us, or do they fear us?

Well, here are a few thoughts to ponder:

Here we have, if you are a believer, a monstrous creature that absolutely has all the traits to completely dominate an ecosystem and all that occupy it. The perfect combination of mind and matter, so to speak. 7-10 ft tall, 600-1000lbs of pure, raw physical prowess. Couple that with a mind that, if we admit it exists, must be on par with our own, but has adapted to a physical lifestyle, in terms of spacial awareness, dexterity, anticipation, strategy, and possibly analytical prowess as it relates to forest habitat that we can't begin to conceptualize as a civilized hominid. Everything about it screams, dominance, power and ability to overwhelm adversaries!

Yet throughout history very few, if any humans have been killed, or even hurt by this giant of the forest. The documentation for claimed physical encounters is suspect to say the least.


Avoidance behavior can only take one so far, at some point there has to be some cultural, religious, or traditional aspect as a foundation for the lack of predatory response to our occupying and infiltrating their domain. Understand we are completely powerless, and at their mercy in the wilderness. They live in groups and are ten steps ahead of us in their backyard. We DO NOT get over on them. It just doesn't happen. Ask any researcher worth their salt, and they will tell you. It's like playing chess with a GrandMaster, in your first attempt at the game. These gadgets, and high tech toys we have may give us glimpses, and pull back the curtain in some ways, but as far as us ever having the advantage out there, it's just not going to happen. We are talking millenia of dominance of their domain. We are simply outmatched.

I truly believe there is some sort of morality, some sort of code of ethics, shared or passed down by Sasquatch, that crosses geographical space, generational difference, and physical survival motivations. They have a shared paradigm of non violence towards humans. It's the only rational explanation, for the lack of predatory behavior, if one accepts that there is the existence of a significant breeding population of Sasquatches and their subspecies in the America's and elsewhere on this spinning rock we call Earth.

They do not fear us. They respect us, for one reason or another. They may even revere us. Whatever their motivation is, although they could harm, kill, or maim us at their whimsy; They do NOT. Whether it's an evolutionary aspect taught by parent to offspring, or a moralistic tradition passed group to group across the entire world?????, it's a significant statistical anomaly that cannot be explained by simple instinctual behavior, or survival mechanism. They are too dominant in the wilderness(their backyard), and too numerous, if you accept there is a breeding population, for us to not be taken advantage of by a hominid of their intelligence, agility, and physical prowess more than we are.

Thoughts? Feedback?



  1. they don't attack us because they know we're cow food--MM

  2. im just gonna throw this crazy idea out there ...

    OR they just dont exist.

    1. Nigga, whys you bringing all dat logic up in here? Dat shit is uncalled for.

    2. Why on earth do you talk like that? Believer or not try to put a little effort into not sounding like an extremely uneducated hood rat...

    3. It's intended as sarcasm. It's the same guy responding to himself in an effort to sound 'clever'. As in a 'I'm more clever than you because you believe in bigfoot'. It's the troll 'skeptic' way. He's not really smarter than you are, and he knows it. He simply likes to poke fun at people because he has nothing interesting or intelligent to say about the topic. He's not here to discuss anything.
      You know how you might amuse yourself with popping bubble wrap? Well, see this guy likes to poke holes in things. Anything. To amuse himself. You just read it and move on until you find something intelligent being written. They're usually in the 14-15 year old bracket.

  3. If you listen to any interviews that David Paulides has done or read either of his Missing 411 books he believes otherwise I think.

    Personally, I think that they are too busy surviving to worry about us as long as we pose no threat them physically. I don't think that they like us mucking around in their habitat and I do wonder what would happen if someone got too close to a infant or young juvenile.

    Great article by the way.

  4. Assuming that they exist, and that they have a at least a rudimentary awareness of their own history transmitted "verbally" down through the generations, I would expect that they long ago concluded that interacting with humans can threaten their existence. The chances of survival are higher the more you stay away from humans. Needless to say, I'm guessing just like everyone else.

  5. I would suspect that if a Sasquatch was intent on harming you, you wouldn't live to tell the tale.

  6. It's simple really. We have devastated their population with diseases like we devastated the native Americans. Any contact with the 'Squatch will require an intense series of immunizations like we give newly found tribes in the jungle. They are not dumb. They do not wish to be carted to some reservation....

    1. bingo. Every time they connect with a human, there's risk of disease. Even the most easily cured venereal diseases today would cripple and kill someone wholly unprepared for it. The flu would wipe out whole families pretty easily. It wouldn't take many iterations of contact = death to give them a 20 foot rule or something equivalent. It doesn't even have to be communicated down through the centuries, it could be completely biologically driven. Anyone who violated that rule died, leaving only the more cautious ones surviving. No language required.

  7. Oh yes, you are very special, to be polite.

    1. And if anyone tells you otherwise, don't believe them.

  8. Assuming they're intelligent, i'm sure they know if a person is attacked & lives to show the evidence that it wasn't done by any other animal, then the gig is up. it's safer for them not to exist.

  9. Following up on my comment just above, they clearly had much better relations with man when there were only native Americans here. Remember that the Squatch in the book about the group in Tennessee called us the nasty little ones.

    1. How do you know they had better relations with man? Folklore? Stories? That doesn't equal "clearly had".

    2. What book are you talking about?

    3. Just a stupid self loathing Libtard!!!

    4. No bozo, first in my class, plus PhD. likely make 10 times what you do. Conservatives can be identified when they accuse liberals of what is really wrong with themselves. Self loathing? Hardly. I am a small part native, and extremely proud of it. Thank God that I am not completely white. Conservatives are mentally ill. Facts have liberal bias. I would rather sit down for a conversation with a 'Squatch than you.
      The book is "50 Years With Bigfoot-Mary Green and Janice Carter," 2002, Self-Published.
      My claim about better relations with Native Americans is a reasonable inference from the stories passed down in various tribes about trading, and sexual contact.

  10. I would guess if a human got close enough to cause an offensive attack from sasquatch, there would not be enough witness left to report the story.

    It could also be that their instinct tells them whatever humans touch, they destroy. The sasquatch most likely witnessed the europeans arriving here and the shit that was pulled.

  11. We are not organized against them in massive kill efforts. They remember how we once were. They avoid us unless we are deep into their habitat. Then, they do come around a.d intimidate you away. Intimidate is a conservative word for what we experienced, upper Middle Fork, Feather River, Ca Sierra... Off trail.

  12. NobleSavage, by the way, very few on know the meaning of your handle as it pertains to environmental ethics. You will see soon that this site is for footers v. Anti footers. Scholarly info is mainly garned elsewhere concerning BF. That is not to say short bursts of fun are not present, here. This is fun site especially when the conservative nazi right shows up which is often using terms like Libtard. Mainly, this site is for just poki.g about to which, as of late, spend way too much time.

    1. tree hugging fucking libtard shot your mouth off first. And every day you idiots come here and argue about shit you nothing about. Typical brain dead moron Obama supporter.

      Hope you enjoyed it!
      Change is on the way!

      You Libtards support the left, including muslims, who supported Nazi Germany and Hitler. It's you who want bigger government and more government control---------------- sounds like a Nazi to me libtard!!

    2. ....anger issues... Prolly the same one that uses perverse sexual statements in lack of thoughtful response. Dont worry so much my tea party friend. After all, when you folks finally tear the world apart, I will be there to hunt and eat you.

  13. Its pretty simple. They are like any predator species. They are like us humans to a certain extent in that they will get by with what they can. They weren't always friendly with the indians, and they weren't, and aren't always friendly with us Europeon types. Between firearms, and disease they have decided to avoid us like the plague we are. We on the other hand are justifiably terrified of anything large dark and hairy running around at night. Its been encoded into our dna. Make no mistake about it, if we lost electricity, and firearms we'd be on the menu.

    1. We might lose electicity but never the firearm. But thats just it, enougj BF are emnsured survival just in case human population dwindles for any reason. They, BF, will be around to rape us or eat us. Just the nature of things on planet earth.

  14. Because we look like hairless toddlers to them. Would you kill a hairy human toddler?

    1. Don't ask that around here! By the way, I'm thirsty...

  15. If there So Smart, and I mean smart not wood or forest smart but smart, then why do they not just walk into a populated city and say HI....??

    Think of the TV programmes they could be on, the free meal tickets, BBQ and more!!

    Mind you, I hate mankind as well, and reading this blog more so.

  16. Fellow mankind hater, be at ease. Firstly, their not smart like the typical footer hippie would have believe. They are wildly cunning, woodsman forest smart. The sloping forehead prevents them evolved minds like ypu and I have.... It is thought... Our rising, flat forehead of humans gives us the mental abilities we have. Bigfoot or Neanderthal ad it is, does not posess the correct forehead however, very cunning hominid...

  17. Any time you are in the wild if you see one animal there are probably over a hundred of all shapes and sizes looking at you.If Sasquatch have seen what we do with destroying land and shooting everything in sight it's not surprising they wouldn't want any amount of interaction with us.

    P.S. No offense to any who hunt responsibly.

  18. I read once about an American Indian saying that states, If you leave them alone, they will leave you alone, but if you bring harm to them, you have breathed your last breath. Too many reports the world over should at least cause pause. There is no way they are all hoaxes. Something very large and very powerful is out there. The premise that they avoid contact with humans tells me that they are indeed very smart.

  19. I've only been on here for a few days and with all of the new theories I'm curios to know what most who post here believe the Sasquatch to be?

    1. Neanderthal... Somewhat evolved from 24k ybp. Taller now, barely a breeding population. I have more but gotta go run my lab...radores...

  20. Wow, this site is becoming more juvenile and repulsive every day. Shawn, when are you going to have some standards and edit some of these comments? Think about the children who come here. Somebody need to grow a set and take control. Just disgusting.

  21. A part of me says that Sasquatch are not real (thanks to debunkers and alike) But, the idea of living relatives makes me excited. By the way, Janice Carter claimed that they have a society similar to Cheyenne Dog Soldiers. Who knows? Maybe she is right.

  22. I have read reports of BFs being violent and attacking humans. Get one mad and look out. But most seem to put up with a lot from us. We are a nuisance to them and their way of life. Many of them are apparently curious about us - reports of them peeking in windows, even watching our televisions, peeking into vehicles, etc. Some have learned to scavenge our dumpsters and to steal chickens etc. And some seem to have a game of seeing if they can get across our roads in front of our vehicles without getting hit. They are not all alike any more than we are all alike.

  23. Could be the guns....Uhh yea, I'm gonna go with guns.


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