Alleged Sasquatch Photo of Unknown Origin

Editor’s Note: Jonathan Poulsen has been researching the Sasquatch since 2008, but really involved himself heavily in 2011. He has since devoted his life to the near impossible challenge of verifying the existence of the Sasquatch. Shawn refers to him as the Bigfoot encyclopedia.

A photograph depicting a Sasquatch peeking out of a cluster of bushes has been floating around the internet for many a year. What is known of this alleged piece of photographic evidence? In my opinion, it appears to be a blatant hoax. A full version of this photograph can be seen at 0:44 on the following video.


  1. That 911 call always gives me chills.

  2. Anybody else notice that it looks kind of like a screech owl?

    1. Screech owl?

      My first thought was why is that toy koala bear wearing glasses and a hood?

  3. I see Gimlin's face too...But seriously, what a waste of time posting this up.

  4. It's wearing glasses! This is not real and I believe in Bigfoot ( see we don't believe all of them).

    1. Holy sh!t It does look like it's wearing glasses.I also believe in Bigfoot but I don't believe 80% of the pics or stories.

    2. It's a well educated Bigfoot.
      Finished college with a 4.0 at Mucklegrunt University.

  5. Ya this one is definitely going in the 80%-90% of Bigfoot sit that is just garbage...

  6. I can see this maybe being an owl and I can also see it being a I am going on another rant so you may want to skip this part.

    Last night I made a comment and got a reply that made a good point but at the end felt the need to end a perfectly good reply with calling me a jack ass.I fired back with a bit of name calling.I have a bit of a temper sometimes.
    I just want to remind everyone and myself that calling people names over a computer makes no sense at all.Does it make you feel like a bada$$?Does it make you right and the other wrong?.Do you feel superior?
    The thing is you don't know me and I don't know you so are we going to meet and go a few rounds, I doubt it.So what does this really prove?Not a goddamn thing.
    I don't think this will ever stop but it is pretty sad when you and I stoop to this level and get cheered on for the best insult thrown.

    1. Get over yourself loser. If you get mad at the internets, you have some serious anger issues.

    2. Well I am sorry you think I'm a loser but I work very hard to feed my family I treat my friends with respect and would do almost anything for anyone that needs my help.I dont think I have issues but you think what you like because it has no affect on my life what so ever.

    3. gnrfan, I like reading your posts/opinions. They are usually interesting.

      But lately dude, you seem angry and grumpy. Don't take this the wrong way please, not looking for a fight.

      just don't take things too personally on the computer.

    4. You have a good point. After going back and reading a few things I have said as of late I have been a bit of an a$$hole.

    5. Name-calling is a substitute for rational, fact-based arguments against an idea or belief, based upon its own merits, in other words the name caller has nothing so engages in personal attack commonly known as Ad Hominen.

  7. was this the sierra kills creek? how did the "head" get so close to the ground? Yeah its not real :(

  8. The real question should be about the entire video above. How many of those images could possibly be real sasquatch? What about the sounds? How many are known hoaxes or known animals, or just shadows? I would say that if that is all we've got, it is pretty damn paltry.

  9. The glasses are a result of "gifting"

    1. So you can trade glasses for a spirit staff?

  10. I'd rather run into bigfoot in the woods than that
    thing,big ol'eyes and glasses black hood, freaky little b@stard.

  11. Poor little Muppet never got treated for his p.t.s.d. and went to live in the woods.

  12. His friends buried him up to the neck in dirt as a joke.

  13. This looks like Woodsy Owl.

    The fact that anyone tried to pass this off as a bigfoot is asinine.

  14. If you've seen the Pixar movie The Incredibles, this looks like Dash's teacher Bernie.

    "This little rat is guilty!"

    1. LOL. It is Bernie.

      "He's guilty! You can see it on his smug little face!"

  15. If I'm not mistaken the video is the work of Bigfoot international which is also the work of Poulson Entertainment or Little Jonathan to be exact. So the photo is most likely his work as well when is everyone gonna figure it out? How about posting Real Research done by Real Researchers and not some Military Brat that has never shown one shred of his own stuff out in the field. This kind of Crap is why no one takes the Real Research serious anymore.

    1. Sounds like Steven is on a troll parade against Jonathon.
      New you were a little off "Kilter" Steven.
      But lordy man,he's just a teenager,chillax dude.
      Oh,by the way,you look like Steve Buscemi after a hard night of hitting the ol' crack pipe.
      Who loves you Baby!


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