1980 Sighting Suggests New York Baby Bigfoot Probably Real

On August 30, 1980 near Farmville, VA, a witness claims to have seen two Bigfoots climbing a large oak tree in a field. According to the report, the witness heard the sound of children playing but the report does not state if the witness believed the sounds were coming from the creatures. In the report, the witness stated that it was the same creature as was shown in the December 31 – New York State episode of Finding Bigfoot:

My ex's step father was born in Amelia County, Va, so my husband hunted a lot where his step father had family land there, I would sit in the car while he went hunting. It was getting dark [dusk] and I could hear children playing, but just over looked it. A few minutes later my husband scared me when he came up to the car from the rear, and eased the door open to put his shotgun in the back. He was uneasy about something, so I asked what was wrong. He told me to roll up the car windows, but leave a crack for air. He was scaring me, which he never did, he was scared of NOTHING. He pointed to a large tree in the field ahead of us.

What I saw was the SAME animal you showed in the Dec 31, show [NY State]. It made the hair on my neck rise, and a chill go down my back, I still feel that fear even today. It looked like 2 of them, just crawling around a huge oak tree. One of them went behind the tree, then appeared at the base, and looked around the tree at us. Chills ran down my spine, and we started the car and we left. We were going to spend the night, but drove home to Lynchburg, VA that night. He never went back to that spot again, and it took him a long time to even go back there hunting.

Read the original report and the follow-up investigation here: www.bfro.net

Here's a clip of the Finding Bigfoot: Baby Bigfoot episode:


  1. This is not a bigfoot, but a guy putting his gibbon into the tree.

    Sorry Shawn

    1. Yes why can we not lean towards the probable, THEN look to the very unlikely? Even IF Bigfoot is real, why would their young climb like spider-monkeys through the trees? And how could they be closely related to humans if this is the case? Mistaken identity here..........monkey, plastic bag, hoax....not a baby Bigfoot that is still in Smejas freezer for now.....

    2. All you have to do is look at the adult form of Bigfoot to realise it didn't evolve to be a tree branch swinger anymore than we did.

      Similarly most human youngsters only take to the trees when they're of a certain age and usually out of rage of parental concern and even then it's very evident they're not natural denizens of the branches in the way other apes are.

    3. TIMMY, what is your probable lean? A spider monkey???? It (the "baby)does NOT look like a spider monkey at all, simply because it does NOT behave or move like a spider monkey, nor does it appear to have a tail at all (a spider monkey has a thick long tail). Please do some basic research before spouting an opinion yourself.

  2. I never understood that explanation. Who the hell has a pet gibbon?

    1. Gibbons are fairly popular pets. You can find them for sale on the internet. They were legal to own in New York when this footage was shot.

    2. When I was a kid we new someone with a pet gibbon, but if it got out into a tree it would not come back.

    3. Of course it is possible to get your gibbon back, if you let it up in a tree.. Just like all other animals, who is on the run, it is possible to get back.. It is not like it will run, and never come back.

      If the owner have had this Gibbons for ages, there would also be a connection between them. So if the owner is standing and screamning the Gibbons name, of course the Gibbon would come back 9 out of 10 times. (the 10th time, a bigfoot will arrive, and eat it. LOL)

      If a Zoo let out a tiger into the wild, then it will also be possible to get it back. Just like a gibbon.

      So that explanation is not good in my ears.

    4. Yup. It's a pet gibbon on a long, thin leash.

  3. FB/FB sez sasquatch came from gibbon, therefore gibbon are sasquatch. case closed. Next!

    1. Or is that gibbon are sasquatch? Case reopened!

    2. Ok. Just watched FB/FB's "why saaquatch can so easily hide from humans" Yeah, I took one for the team. But gibbons are cool!
      Anywho, they say sasquatch came from gibbon. So that means sasquatch are gibbon. If you are sasquatch, and sasquatch are gibbon, then thats me in the "NY baby" footage.
      FINALLY! Case closed!!!!

  4. This forum needs to make people register for an account before they post, I'm so tired of these idiots posting comments trying to be funny. Registration and banning of Trolls would make this board what you intended it to be Shawn

    1. i think it was you trolling in the first place

    2. I really hope I get to register before you because I really want my name to be 8802

    3. Some of the bests posts are anonymous. How do you know what the board was intended to be? Just because you want this site to be boring doesn't mean shawn or anyone else for that matter wants it to be! Anon posts help make this site great

    4. @8802

      Did Shawn intend this board to be a place with fairytales and medie whores? I guess not. You can't predict everything.

      What good does it, if people need to make an account? You seriously think people would stopp trolling? LOL. People can just make another account.. And another... And another

      And I agree, most of the best post are from anonymous. Most of the registeret users are bigfooters, who strongly believe everything they see and are told. They are not openminded, and think that everything with sasquatch, is a sasquatch. Also it seems like most of them think they are "better" than other people who are interested in this field.

      Just my 2 cents, take care.

    5. @8802

      Look at this thread.

      If there were NO anon comments, there would only be 2 (!!) comments.

      Wow, this site would be dead pretty fast.

    6. As if you can't use a false name anyway if you wanted to.


  5. I'm so tired of these Trolls with the spirit staffs up their A$$ES! Anyone can register under an anonymous name or number. LIGHTEN UP! Or do you want to be like leon?

  6. "suggests" and "probably"... Now there's some Bigfoot evidence!

  7. yes, FB/FB proposes that sasquatches came or are related to the gibbon. But also, it's theorized that infantile/younger squatches are very different from adult squatches, meaning they evolve and change as they mature and attain more mass. there are many instances of reports stating differences between the biggies and the assumed younger ones. most recently smeja's report that the 2 younger squatches, of which one he allegedly shot and killed, was dramatically different in looks to the much larger, assumed parent squatch he allegedly shot. hmmm, makes you wonder if he is telling the truth. why would someone like smeja, who did not even admit the thought of bigfoots prior to this alleged Sierra kills, know to even say the younger ones look very different from the adult? to me, this adds credibility. also, those of you who follow timbergiantbigfoot may remember a video where he catches on video some ape-like figures and movement way up in the trees in his research area in Ontario. there's also another puzzling video of a huge log 40 feet or so up in a tree in the middle of the woods. and then there's trackersthename who also has footage of what appears to be larger squatches high up in trees in his research area, also in ontario.

  8. This is a pet gibbon. Why would anyone believe that it's a baby sasquatch over it being a gibbon? Not only does it look far more like a gibbon than a sasquatch, but it being a gibbon is more likely.


    1. Because people want it to be a sasquatch. That's why they think it's one. They are not be openminded, that it might not be a sasquatch.

      sad but true

    2. ok, why don't you go ahead and buy a pet gibbon and film it in a tree? wait, what, you can't find one to buy? but it is more likely a pet gibbon in upstate ny and in virginia. if one believes sasquatches to exist, as i do from the thousands of reports, stories, and blurry footage, flirs, and etc out there, then one can see a potential evolutionary advantage of infantile squatches to retain gibbon like physical traits until they are much bigger and can fend for themselves. they can stay and move about in the trees to avoid predators on the ground. as an open minded person interested in the sasquatch, i don't WANT it to be a sasquatch, and do not possess a reflex that immediately says it's a squatch. do i think there are hoaxes or misidentifications out there, yes, i do. however, it seems to me a lot of people have a reflex that immediately denies any footage or story creditibility without using any self- amassed knowledge from any sort of research, be it in the field or books, or Internet that they can use as a foundation for arriving at a truly open minded conclusion. lastly, I think timbergiantbigfoot and trackersthename are field researchers who have evidence of a large forest dwelling bipedal mammal yet to be classified by science.

    3. "I think timbergiantbigfoot and trackersthename are field researchers who have evidence of a large forest dwelling bipedal mammal yet to be classified by science."

      Show me... What evidence to they have?

      And don't talk bullshit. Show me the evidence. Post some links/video's or something.

    4. Has anon at 1:15 asked himself/herself where all of the people who have pet gibbons get their pet gibbons? The fact that people have them means that you can get them.

    5. "I think timbergiantbigfoot and trackersthename ... have evidence ...". I "think" means it is subjective, meaning I'm using my mind to arrive at this conclusion based on my research on their work, complemented with all of the other research that I have done through books, videos, reports, etc. over the last couple years as a hobby. Please do the research yourself on their respective channels and arrive at a conclusion yourself. It's very very easy to take the low road and look at one or two videos and call BS, but when compiled with alot of findings and see consistency, not just from one youtuber, but many, and then consistent with years of reports/stories/etc, it's difficult to call BS on the existence of "a large forest dwelling bipedal mammal yet to be classified by science." I categorize some of what I have seen on their respective channels to deem it as evidence. Many, including the "You are Sasquatch" book, claim that these creatures look to maximize distance from us as a successful method of species survival, and are also masters of the forest, so thus resulting in the rarity of good footage/photos. Please do the research on your own, (i've probably spent hours going thru theirs and others' videos), then you can arrive at your own educated conclusion. And if it's different from mine, so be it. I'm not here to rant and rave and prove myself right and personally attack and say all the naysayers are wrong - to do so would be egotistiscal and non-consistent with arriving at scientific conclusions.

    6. So all of your hard work... What is the conclusion?

      Can you tell me where to look, to find the evidence that bigfoot indeed does exist?

      I asked you for evidence. Still it seems like you are having a hard time finding it to me.

      (However I appreciate your long reply, and kind answer. Not everyday you see it in here)

  9. Haha this trackersthename is full of shit.

    When people ask him, "When you see a sasquatch, why don't you continue filming/get closer".

    His answer is that "there were others nearby", and that people "don't know what to look for, because there will never be a new PG footage".

    What a piece of crap! The only reason why he doesn't get any clear footage of the "sasquatch", is that he knows it's not a sasquatch. And if the footage is more clear, people can see this.

    Damn I'm tired of all these bigfooters, claming to have bigfoot footage. Funny enough it's always blurry and inconclusive.

    1. If you're tired of it find another cryptic to be obsessed with jackass.

    2. @anon 12:30

      Thank you for your kindly post. I hope that post made your day. I feel sorry for you, and hope the best for you in the future.

      Ps. I am not obsessed with the bigfoot, since I don't believe it to be real.

    3. Oh u are obsessed or u wouldn't be here! What else do you call it? A perversion? A fascination ? An object of desire? Wanting to believe?I don't know what u call it if you have no interest? I feel more sorry for you because you run around wasting your time on stuff u are not intetested in.

    4. I don't believe in fairies and I definatly don't go on those sites! What's your point anon 12:44? U must like fairies and pixies!

    5. @anon 3:30

      I am interested in the bigfoot phenomenon, just as you propably are. Fascinated? Maybe.. But still I see myself as a skeptic, who doesn't believe in the legend of bigfoot.

      Of course you can be here, without being obsessed. So I can't have a facebook profile, without being obsessed with facebook? LOL

      "I feel more sorry for you because you run around wasting your time on stuff u are not intetested in."
      - Likewise. However I am interested in the subject, as just mentioned. That doesn't mean I have to believe it is real :)

      @anon 3:33
      I have to ask, what's the point of your post? No I don't believei n fairied or pixies.

      I believe in your mom, but that's a whole other story.

    6. Anon 4:15 loves fairies ! Lol!

  10. Hey nutjob anon 12:09! Did u realize when they took this video years ago on a VHS recorder that they didn't even know it was in the background until years later? Why don't u get your story correct before aimlessly commenting on something ! I'm tired of idiots like you who claim crap u have no knowledge on. If you watch the video Cliff ( who is a bigfooter doesn't say it's 100 percent bigfoot!) Stupid Idiot! Stop categorizing bigfooters as believing every scant piece of evidence. It's sceptics like you who put words in our mouths- don't beleive it ? go read the comments on this blog!

    1. Cliff is the best! Go Cliff!

    2. I agree, Cliff and Ranae is the best in that show..

      Bobo and Matt think everything is a "squatch".
      They are just the type of bigfooters I am talking about.

    3. I had a Had sex with Ranae one time and boy was my arse sore afterwards!

  11. @coolguy14 alias anona 12:37

    I am not speeaking about the NY Bigfoot footage.

    I am speaking about trackersthename, who is a bigfooter on youtube, who claim to have many footages of bigfoots. Please read what I write, instead of screaming out of your lungs with non-sense.

    But anyway, I will try to answer some of your questions, just to get you straight.

    Did u realize when they took this video years ago on a VHS recorder that they didn't even know it was in the background until years later?
    - Yeah, that is the story of the NY footage. However, just because that is the official story, doesn't mean it is the correct one. IMO I think the people behind this footage is 100% aware, that they are filming fake sasqauatch footage.

    Why don't u get your story correct before aimlessly commenting on something !
    - Once again, I was not talking about the NY footage in my earlier post.

    Also I don't think that all bigfooters believe in anything they see. However I do think that most of these bigfooters (who is obsessed with bigfoot), think that most evidence is actually and bigfoot. Also these bigfooters always get angry and crazy, when skeptics try to tell them "hey it's not a bigfoot.. It's a gibbon"

    Have a nice day, cool guy

    1. Your obsessed otherwise u wouldn't be here! Also where are all the posts footers are saying it's not a gibbon? I'm not seeing it idiot! Few people proposed that's it's difficult to get a gibbon! Could even be sceptics posting it ! U have no clue again what your talking about. Show me all the crazy posts ranting it's not a gibbon and it's a Bigfoot? Making crap up to rationalize !

    2. "Your obsessed otherwise u wouldn't be here! "
      - LOL, I hope you known how stupid this sounds.
      I am not obsessed with bigfoot, simply because I don't think they are real. I am however here because I think the bigfoot phenomenon is interesting.

      Also, who are you to decide whether I am obsessed with something or not?

      "Also where are all the posts footers are saying it's not a gibbon?"
      - If you know anything about the BF field, you would know that many of the known bigfooters believe the NY footage to indeed show a juvenile sasquatch.

      Also I would like to mention that your bad language doesn't affect me in any way. It says more about you as a person, than anything else. Oh, and also I hope you will have a nice day.

    3. Freak asshole anon 3:25!

    4. I actually work in the Bigfoot field moron! What about u!

  12. That lady in the tight yellow shirt with the big breasts in the advertisement is giving me a boner.

    1. Are you referring to the ad with the belly fat buster product endorsed by Dr. Oz?

    2. No, he is refering to the picture of Dr. Ketchum

    3. I would bang Dr. Ketchum!
      Jeffrey Teagle

  13. I don't know about the Finding Bigfoot video being a gibbon or not.It does seem to me if it was on a leash that would be the logical conclusion.I haven't heard of anyone coming forward and saying it was them with their pet gibbon.

    When it comes to the post I would think the hunter and woman in the car would be a bit freaked out.Seeing gibbons or juvenile Sasquatch out in the woods is not exactly an every day thing.I would have to give this one a strong maybe.
    I would like to see more serious discussion here to but I have to admit" anonymous troll" comments are pretty damn funny sometimes,others not so much. I strongly believe Bigfoot is real but I also believe having a few laughs while talking about it is cool to.

    1. Umm..the video was taken at an ATV park while a concert was being held. It was shot in 1996. The guy who shot the video didn't notice the gibbon until some time later and for some odd reason thought it was a Bigfoot.
      It's basically only been shown in Bigfoot circles on the web. How and why would the guy who was unknowingly being filmed and probably doesn't have any idea it's being discussed come forward to say it was him and his gibbon ?
      You're over thinking this jackass.

    2. I'm not over thinking anything, has anyone come forward to say it was them?No they have not.I do think it is a gibbon you are reading to much into what I said,f*ckhead.

    3. Why would he come forward if he's got no idea him and his gibbon are being discussed idiot ! It was shot 16 years ago and this is not national news dummy !

    4. Arguing over the internet is like the special olympics.

      Even though you win, you are still a retard!

    5. he probably wouldn't come forward all I said was he diddnt I dont care why he diddnt but he diddnt but there is no point in going back and forth on this.you think I am an idiot and a jackass and thats ok.when all is said and done we are both just sitting here behind a keyboard calling each other names and that don't make much sense.I go face to face not on a computer or phone or anything else.Try it you might like it.

  14. In all likelihood, this whole thing was staged. When there is camping involved, weirdos show up at concerts and festivals all the time with exotic animals. I've seen this many times.

    Some guy probably showed up with his pet monkey at the campground (which someone pointed out was legal in NY state at the time). They then had this idea for the whole baby bigfoot thing. On cue the guy releases the pet monkey into the tree in the background.

    When people say stuff like, "We didn't notice the bigfoot until later when we looked at the film," the BS flag should immediately go up.

    That's what hoaxes are. They have a fake back story to get you to think that the bigfoot sighting is entirely spontaneous.

    Believe it or not, I am not one who dismisses the existence of bigfoot out of hand. I am not a skeptic. However, there is NO reason to believe that the creature in this footage is a bigfoot and not a monkey. It looks like a gibbon; it moves like a gibbon. Why can't this be a gibbon?

  15. why is that when people see a bigfoot and have a gun they don't shoot the bigfoot? the just run off and don't talk about it for thirty years...these people had a car and a gun, if one couldn't do the job the other could. the photo and video are too blurry to indentify anything. I guess if I see something out of focus it must be a bigfoot.

  16. So infant humans are essentially helpless and almost immobile

    but infant sasquatches are superbly fast, agile and nimble?

    1. Yeah, they look and move just like an adult gibbon.

  17. It still looks like the remnents of an old kite caught in a tree. Which sounds more reasonable? A baby bigfoot in a tree near a hundred drunken campers or a kite.

  18. This video (with the exception of the Marble Mountain footage and Patty) is the dumbest video in existence that believers try and pass off as Sasquatch.

    There is no doubt in my mind that the best real footage is the Georgia footage where the little kid yells "Heyyyyyy Bigfooooot"

    1. I agree that the Hey Bigfoot footage is the best out there.

  19. My opinion: Someone has tossed a rope over a limb and is pulling a swinging bag, or other object up into the tree.

  20. Its a Fuking gibbon you dumbarses!

  21. Its a Gibbon. These footers are retarded to the Max. Gump is a damned genius in comparison.

  22. The gibbon theory doesn't fly because there is no tail. The bag on a string theory is laughable. You can see the arms swinging and it jumping from limb to limb, NOT any type of inanimate object. Baby bigfoot? I don't know. Could be a baby chimp, baby bigfoot or some other primate. But it is NOT a gibbon or a plastic bag. Bottom line is we don't know what it is and never will unless someone comes forward and says it was them letting their pet monkey play in the trees or something similar.

    1. Gibbon's don't have tails.

      On another note, why are witnesses always so occupied with chills down spines and neck hairs on end? Does it add credibility?

  23. Has any one considered to think for just a moment that the "baby bigfoot" could actually be some sort if flag or rag tied to the end of a long cb antenna? And maybe an individual, perhaps a child maybe waving or playing with it while the parents are standing around the fire? It's possible that the vehicle in the background with the many lights on the top could also have that antenna on it also?


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