Troll Foot Print From Norway

In the Old World, they do have a Bigfoot type creature that has been lurking in the woods for centuries. These beings have their own particular folklore and legends. According to legends, a troll is a giant that is never entirely in our world and as such can never be clearly photographed or videotaped. Any image taken would necessarily be blurry.  Even if a troll stood 10 feet away, their picture would be an indistinct blur.

This photo was sent to us from Findi in Norway about three days ago and we're releasing them now to see what you think. Findi referred to this print as a possible troll foot print. "I think it looks just ridiculously big, but who knows, maybe trolls are real? The other small holes/tracks on the picture is made by sheep or deer," Findi wrote.

[Update: Here's what Findi wrote to everyone he sent the photos to.]

I found this. It's pretty weird. The weirdest thing is that I found it pretty much in a pretty remote place and it's in NORWAY.. What do you think? Me and my friend were walking and we suddenly saw this ridiculously large track. I don't know what to make of it, could easily be a hoax for all I know. Biigfoot is not a big thing in Norway and I have never heard of them being here so it's pretty strange.

As I pointed out in the picture, my friend is a big guy, 6'4-6'5 and 220 lbs. He did not leave much of a mark in the sand/mud. If it's actually real this thing would be ginormous.

If you post it here or want to use it in any way I would like to not be mentioned by name, please. I would like to remain anonymous to avoid getting attention about it. I don't want my name mentioned with it. Just thought I would pass it along to you guys.


  1. At last a good story!! Bigfoot type creatures and Neanderthal man have been reported all over northern Europe,from here in England to Russia to Norway etc,trolls have a large part to to with Scandinavian folklore and I'm convinced some of them encounters involve a Bigfoot type creature of some kind! That print is definitely of the Bigfoot type,too large for a troll? Who knows,trolls have been known to reach gigantic proportions so it may even be too small for a so called Troll,one thing for sure is creatures of all descriptions have been reported all over northern europe so there is definitely a chance of a quite sizeable population of Bigfoot type creatures,as I said before I think a sizeable proportion of Troll sightings are down to sightings of Bigfoot type animals!!

    1. Funny, I was not really aware of the "BF myth" until about 2005, but I knew from pre-school about trolls b/c of Billy Goat and his families' problems getting across the bridege.
      One has to wonder where such legends come from, and if they probably spring from some relevant external suggestion, like a hairy wildman.... Trolls live!

  2. I think I can see a midtarsal brake.

  3. This footprint confirms on coned head, mid-tarsal break, brow ridge.

    1. and you can tell from the depth that it was carrying a baby

  4. The square heel confirms it's real.

  5. Very nice - hope to also see a post on fairies/pixies, they're my favorite

  6. I had no idea Leon W was Norwegian!

  7. I am norwegian and live in Norway. And the folklore legend he talked about is completely made up. Its only tourists who made this troll stuff up (Its originally from wery old childrens books and no one believe in trolls over here). And About you cannot take a picture of it, another made up statement. This just shows what kind of people write for this site. Good bye!

    1. I am Swedish and live in Sweden. I think no legends are made up originally...there must have been something that made the legends start, at one point in time! The troll legend has been changed over time of course but I think we had (have?) a BF like creature in Scandinavia! We also have the legends of giants (jättar) throwing rocks from mountains...sounds familiar?

  8. Ah, that is surely Lars Mucklegruntson.

    new anony

  9. Most of these creatures can not be photographed. Its hard for people to understand.

    This includes the Jinn, creatures mentioned in the Qur'an .

    1. or Mohammed. :)

      Okay, bring on the Muslim hate....I say take the piss out of Mohammed and f*ck'em.

  10. It's fake.

    Look at the color of the laces and sneakers. No body has sneakers that white.

  11. Most of our American Troll prints are signed "Anonymous"


  12. But that's an old indian anagram word for Sasquatch

    Anonymous or "No na sou my" routhly transalted to:

    "Big Hairy Man with some really big tackle, who scares the sh*t out of red man, and also who steals our fish"

    1. You seen my old indian friend SOHCAHTOA?

      Hasnt been sighted since 10th grade trig.

    2. sine = opposite/hypotenuse

      cosine = adjacent/tangent?

      and soforth!

    3. HaaaaHaaaaa ....I just pissed my pants !!!!!!!

  13. Wasn't there a movie from Norway not too long ago about giant trolls and people chasing them? I did see it so there ya go

  14. "Troll Hunter" pretty good.

  15. Troll prints are quite similar to Bigfoot prints, I wonder how closely they are related.

  16. 6' 5" and only size 11 shoe? Also do trolls just have one leg?

  17. there is NORWAY there are trolls in NORWAY

  18. Does Norway not use the metric system?

  19. has a funny "bigfoot" shirt. lol

  20. I have never heard of any Bigfoot type creatures here in Scandinavia, which I find odd since they seem so common in other parts of the taiga belt. Maybe they have migrated here from Siberia now or something? ;)
    Trolls are however an old belief here, but I've never heard them described as looking anything like a Bigfoot.
    To me the print looks a bit too perfect to be real.
    It would have been fun though if it was! :)

  21. Group Me did a version of that at the Austin City Limits music festival.
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  22. This is a troll footprint, the TSS is hiding it from Norway. There is a video of the prime minister Jans says that there are trolls but he says it by accident. I downloaded Google translate and other voice translating Apps and it confirms what it is. What other animal doesn't have a arch in its right foot. Bears don't have foot shape like that. It is a troll. Possibly a Rigglefinch. I Analyzed the footage in the movie "Troll Hunter" and its fake but the audio checks out. If you search on Google maps "Jotunheimen" and comb around a bit you might see a circle shaped landscape. In Norway those are powerlines that lead to nowhere.
    You have to believe it but there are a lot of damages and bear killings. Don't believeit ,the truth is out here!

  23. My son and I found large footprints like these in Frankville, Nova Scotia. Only one foot and then, extremely far away, another like it was leaping and landing very hard into the mud. People laughed at us and said it was the rain expanding a barefooted man's footprint and then when we found one in the snow it was the warmer temperature expanding that - But who walks around barefoot in the snow!


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