Tim Fasano Slams Matt Moneymaker For Comments On Colorado Shooting

We don't mean to get all political, but since Tim Fasano and Matt Moneymaker are both big-name Bigfoot researchers, we couldn't let this past. Our post from earlier this morning about Matt Moneymaker's comments on firearms and the Colorado shooting seems to be bringing a lot of people out of the woodwork to chime in on the matter.

The following tweets from Moneymaker was what set the whole thing off:

"America's powerful Gun Lobby isn't nearly as powerful as the Feel-safe-going-to-the-theater-with-your-kids Lobby. They will learn that soon." - Matt Moneymaker

When making that statement, little did Moneymaker know he was going to receive such a backlash from followers. One of his biggest critic, Tim Fasano is fired up about this and posted this video:


  1. Replies
    1. Guns dont kill people, people do. ask the face eating zombie or the many factions of terrorists from middle east, africa, and mexico who all film themselves killing people who only wish they would be shot.

      Outlawing guns isnt the answer, because if anyone at that theater had my .357 or 9mm that guy couldve been executed, and lives saved. instead a murder attacks a defensess crowd and guns are blamed.

      Matt probably blames hostess because he is so fat too

    2. I couldn't agree more Timmy!

    3. What is this world coming to??? WTF??? Am I in some strange alternate parallel universe or something..? I am agreeing with both Fasano and Timmy???? WTF???

    4. Tzieth, lol. If there is I am in it too, Timmy and Fasano are spot on. Blame guns, blame large sodas, blame fast food etc... Why can't we just promote personal responsibility? Somethings WRONG with this nation for there to be so many psychos doing this kind of senseless BS.

    5. I'm not an American and although your argument that guns don't kill people, people kill people is true you however make it easier for people to kill people by legally selling them assault rifles. I mean its just retarded to sell weapons like that legally and US citizens, kids seemingly , are paying the price with their life. Plead the constitution all you want, you retarded Americans can't be trusted with weapons. FACT !!! The evidence speaks for itself.

    6. It doesnt make any difference if you ban assault rifles. the guy had a shot gun and a pistol. he set out to kill as many people as he could. if he didnt have the assault rifle he still would have had the same goal and nothing would have stopped him let alone an assault rifle ban.

    7. Luckily not all Americans are as inbred nuts as Fasano and that damn fascist speech, both Matt and Tim are wrong on the nature of Bigfoot however but on this issue Matt's right and Fasano's crazy outburst proves it. The hicks out there feel they're losing ground but America's changing for the better then. You can't keep living this sheltered island life away from the rest of the planet, you're part of it so why continue to behave mentally like Iran (minus freedom) which is what you do actually. Visiting the US is too dangerous you'd never feel safe with all those guns around, no other country or people on Earth is like the US just look at all the yahoos talking about shooting Bigfoot, pretty much shows you're not fit to carry arms with a mind stuck in the Old Wild West. Yes other nations shake their heads at the 19th century ethics and norms still prevalent, how can you possibly expect those to be taken seriously.

    8. @Timmy
      > Guns dont kill people, people do.

      Therefore, people shouldn't have guns, right?

      That's what you were implying, but forgot to write down the logical conclusion, correct?

    9. Terry the Censor,

      Too dumb to figure it all eh? It would've been a bomb or something else. A psychopath will find a way. Morons will deny that fact, case in point.

    10. @Anonymouse Sunday, July 22, 2012 10:30:00 AM PDT

      Hey, Anonymouse, a little reading comprehension lesson: Timmy brought up the "guns don't kill people" angle; I only pointed out the illogic.

      And here's a logic lesson for you:

      > It would've been a bomb or something else.

      So you're saying bombs shouldn't be restricted like guns? That is what you are implying? Or are you saying bombs are bad and guns good?

      > A psychopath will find a way.

      You are also impying that since psychopaths are unstoppable, so are you also saying it's perfectly logical to allow ntcases access to several methods of mass murder: guns, bombs? Is that what you're saying?

      > Morons will deny that fact, case in point.

      You're okay with giving nutcases access to guns and bombs, because nutcases are unstoppable, and those who disagree with you are morons? That's what you just said, right?

    11. Criminals would still get guns moron. All you would do is take them away from law abiding citizens. If everyone had a gun this wouldnt be a problem.

    12. People WAKE UP...Having another armed person in that chaotic theater environment would not have helped. Everybody thinks they are James Bond and gonna save the day because they can buy an AR-15 military assault weapon with a 100 round magazine as any common person needs right?
      More guns are not the answer! Sane gun laws are.
      Take a look at what Australia did after a mass murder in 1996. They started to enforce reasonable laws against assault type weapons and lo and behold...murders and suicides are down and no mass shootings since. The difference? They didn't have to contend with an arms industry, the NRA, and a culture that worships firearms more than its children.
      So go ahead...lock and load all you Rambo wanna be's and polish up that blue steel cause you never know when a grizzly bear or Dr. Evil or the queen of England might show up and want to push you around and take your stuff.

  2. The guy could've walked in there with his knapsack full of explosives and blew up the entire theater. A social defect is going to find a way....no matter what the method!

    1. Yeah, right. He could have taken them out with steak knives too. There's nothing wrong with sensible gun laws (unless you're a raging paranoid who thinks the gubbamint is out to take away your arsenal).

    2. And your naive if you think letting the govt pass "reasonable" gun laws won't become a stepping stone for more and more restrictions on our freedoms, all of them.

    3. Absolutely! Gotta love people who think you are paranoid. Take a close look at what the govt. is doing in the last several years. Armed people is what holds the govt. at bay. That threat alone is the "check" on the federal government. My God learn some history!

    4. You wouldn't kill that many people with a steak knife without being stopped. He had a fucking assault rife.... ASSAULT RIFEL... that he bought legally. Wake up America, what do you expect selling Shit like that. There's always going to be lunatics, the trick is not to fucking ARM them. Gun laws need to change or its going to happen again and again and again. Fassona and any other idiot who disagrees has blood on there hands in my opinion.

    5. Man you sound paranoid... lay of the weed.. you think a few rednecks with guns would stop anything. You like playing with guns, don't make excuses it Sounds stupid. But people are dining for your fondness of lax gun laws. That's just how it is.

    6. Anon at 8:35 sounds well schooled on the Federalist Papers that explains our fore fathers reasoning behind the 2nd amendment.


    7. Am i the only one reading that he had other guns on his person? u dumbasses that think banning guns is gonna deter this? his apartment was full of explosives. what makes u stupid asses think he wouldnt have went and bought these guns off the black market? it must be.nice to live in pretend universe.

  3. Good for Tim. Screw Moneymaker....he's a total jack-off.

  4. Tim is entitled to his opinions but I think it's unfair of him to call Matt a fool.
    If I were Tim, I would have omitted the drunk comment, there was no need for it.
    I also find it a bit embarrassing for Tim to use this tragedy as a platform for hits on his channel.
    That's my take on the situation. I'll stop now before I get in to unglued mode.

    1. Well said, and I totally agree, although I'm not a fan of either individual.

    2. When it comes to Moneymaker, should one really be concerned that someone uses unflattering words to describe him? I mean Moneymaker is well known to attack people by using methods such as name calling etc etc. Honestly, if it were Cliff Barrackman or Bobo getting abused by Fasano then I could agree with you but I honestly believe one has to consider the target here (Moneymaker).

    3. Anon @ 6:25- If this was a post with Matt doing this, I'd say exactly what I said above.
      Two wrongs don't make a right. I know you know that,just mentioning it.
      I've never seen videos of Matt ranting like Tim does but I have read many accounts.
      I'm not sticking up for Matt so much, just saying that Tim should think before hitting the record button.

    4. I'm just one of those what goes around comes around kind of guys. I honestly would feel differently about the situation if Fasano was targeting a "nice person". Just my take.

    5. I agree with you SasquaiNation, and as long as Tim is entitled to his opinion he has to remember Matt is entitled to his.

  5. They are BOTH total jack-offs.

    1. Is that what your family and friends call you for being obsessed with Bigfoot ?

    2. ^The Overlord Of Darkness!

  6. Two guys w big mouths and one w no real experiences. Can't stand either one bit would like birch slap one in Tampa one day.

  7. There should be a law in Florida against vlogging while driving.

  8. MoneyMaker---You are a clown. Thats your a$$!!! You are DUN. If you don't like it, leave it. Ranea, Bobo, and Cliff, if I were any one of you I would break contact with Matt immediately. I know it sucks, but he is headed straight down the wrong road with these idiodic remarks.

    1. Ha he made sence you gun totting rednecks. Buyinh guns that easy is wrong. Proof is in the innocent lifes lost. Gun laws need to be tightened...... End of. Why on earth would somebody need a assault rife?

    2. So there's lots people out there who already own assault rifles with banana clips ... but who are they?

      I can tell you who they are. I've dealt with more of them than most Americans. They are nearly all white males, and most have similar emotional issues driving them, with respect to assault rifles. They feel powerless and ignored and insecure. Assault rifles make them feel powerful and strong. The government paranoia talk is merely a front to conceal those deeper issues and emotions.

      Expect them to loudly spread the alarm that the gubbamint is comin to take away everyone's guns ... whenever reasonable mainstream people talk publicly about reasonable gun control rules.

      Most gun owners and hunters see themselves as a different crowd than assault weapon owners, so regular gun owners and hunters will not have problem if new laws make it not so easy to purchase assault rifles and banana clips.

      If assault rifle owners heckle you and call you a commie for stating the obvious, then understand one thing: They are afraid to lose the one thing that makes them feel powerful and secure. It's not because they need those weapons, or because the country needs those weapons to be unrestricted in order to remain a free country. That kinda talk is just plain old redneck cracker barrel bullshit. Don't buy it.

    3. A lot of small weenie country boys are going to be upset now that assault rifles and big banana clips aren't as sexy as they used to be.

      Girls, if a guy owns several assault rifles with extended ammo clips, then he probably has an inferiority complex about his manhood.

    4. The people are getting nervous because the GUBMINT has gone insane with corruption, bribes, non prosecution of huge crimes within its own system and is sucking the American people dry! Why would anyone need an "assault rifle"? Because the people that are being sent to our country (United Nations) troops have them. Do any of you know about the treaty that is about to be signed with the U.N. within the next few days? I doubt it. How many of you have EVER been to a third world nation? I can tell you the U.S. Army sent me to plenty of them and they ALL had one thing in common, poor people treated like crap, starving, raped, over worked and with NO ability to respond to their GUBMIT's corruption. I could care less what other countries think about our laws and rights. The Constitution IS NOT a list of peoples rights, its a list of limitations on GUBMITS... don't believe me? Read it for yourself, I carry a copy of it everyday. If you think you would be safer in a nation without guns, then by all means MOVE THERE! Its NOT ABOUT "feeling powerful and secure" its about protecting yourself and your family from becoming slaves and maintaining the right to make choices for yourself. Yes I know for a fact that someone with a concealed weapon could have helped in this and all shootings. I deal with these crazy people everyday, its part of my job and I will likely see this guy at work tomarrow. The only thing that can protect any of us is ourselves, no police, no law, no restrictions, nothing but personal responsibility, its NO different than running into a hungry bear in the woods... 2 choices, run or fight and often the choice is made for you. Matts statement is just one more reason for me to dislike him.

    5. I think Matt hit the nail on the head. He's not talking about most guns. He's not talking about handguns. He's talking about military type weapons -- assault rifles.

      Your paranoid dribble about fending off government badness because you own guns ... is so juvenile, and superstitious, and fantasy driven ... it's obviously not the REAL reason you get so defensive about gun control. The reality is ... you're a pussy. You're a nervous little wimp who no one is afraid of, so you need an assault rifle to feel intimidating and tough ... just like that weird little pussy in Colorado who massacred all those people.

      At the point you would actually need an assault rifle to protect yourself from what you call government oppression, then you've already lost the dispute. David Koresh and his followers learned that real well.

    6. I hope some sheriffs at Arapaho County Jail are reading this blog because I have a theory they should investigate.

      The shooter's last name is Holmes, right? Aside from Sherlock Holmes, who's the next most famous Holmes? How about John Holmes, the 1970's porn star. He was famous for having a 14 inch dong.

      If the Colorado shooter has a pinky size Irish pecker, then the last name Holmes would be like a cruel joke. It would never go away. Any girls would laugh at his dinky weenie, in part because of his last name.

      Follow me here. He never had a girlfriend (or boyfriend) and he does looks like the type of skinny Irish wimp who would have a pinky size Irish pecker.

      So, to the guards at Arapaho County jail. Please take a photo of his dong when you get a chance. Then post it online somewhere.

      It's your American duty, because it may help with FBI profiling down the line. Also, I really want to say I told you so.

    7. Club membership is a good idea because it's an excellent kook filter most of the time.

      Also, extended clips for semi-automatic rifles (assault rifles) should be limited to 10 rounds.

      For years in most states the capacity limit for shotguns has been three rounds, for safety reasons. By that same logic, civilian use assault rifle should be limited to 10 round clips, for safety reasons.

      This would only inconvenience sports shooters a little bit. They would need to walk over to their tables a little more often to put in a new clip. Big wow. They can do that for the rest of us, and they shouldn't complain about it.

    8. So genious, what is a "government style weapon"? My entire life has been spent arguing against mental midgits that couldn't or wouldn't defend themselves or anything else or anyone else not matter what. Nothing wrong with that, its your choice, your just better than those of us that have been shot at, that have left our parents basement, that have seen true evil. I choose to fight it, to defend my family, and I'll live with the consequences. What U can't live with is the choice being made by a cowardly sack of crap that would stand by as innocent people get executed. That makes me sick, not because I don't know the fear, but because I refuse to have my decision made being made by someone that doesn't have the guts to make the choice or live with the consequences. Have you ever been tested? Perhaps life will see to it, maybe you don't have anything worth protecting or dying for. Just some thoughts. No pride here, just tired of a dead argument not worth my time anymore.

    9. America is not as lawless and post-apocalyptic as you fantasize it to be, and no one outside a military conflict zone needs an assault rifle with banana clips and 6000 rounds of ammo. You don't need that to defend yourself in America. Regular guns do just fine, as they have done for decades, before cheap assault rifles came along.

      How many times have you actually needed to use assault rifles against people in America?
      In other words, how many situations have you been in, within America, where your life was saved because you had an assault rifle rather than just a shotgun or handgun or deer rifle? Let's hear you story for that. I bet you have one.

      The Colorado shooter was using weapons designed specifically to kill as many people as possible. Offensive weapons. That class of weapons should not be freely bought and sold to anyone who wants them, for the same reason plastic explosives are not bought and sold to anyone who wants them. Some things should not be easily available.

  9. LEON pres. fasano vice pres.

    1. Now there's a winning ticket.

    2. If I'm going to run for BIGFOOT president, no way I want Fasano as my vip.

      No, you deffinitly want to pick someone well-liked (and ALWAYS TELLS THE TRUTH). Someone who adds spice to the campaign.

      As an economic and social conservative, I think I will bring on someone to appeal to the middle. And hey we all want clean air and water! I got just the guy!
      As far as government, I get a little libraterian. Make it smaller, more efficient, lower taxes.
      Give more back to local economies to handle thier own roads and schools.

      Will fire up CLEAN energy technologies. Including NG, Clean Coal, and Drilling.

      My pick also has great media exposure already and does good work in front of the camera. We just need to calm him down a little and make sure he knows which words don't contain any r's.

      No ------ no Fasano.

      I choose as a running mate---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Micheal Merchant, Mr. Snow-walker himself!

    3. Remember when you equated Fasano with serial killer John Wayne Gacy, eh leon you unstable redneck? And here you are the two of you agreeing on guns. LOL

    4. No dipshit, I only siad he looked like him, typical Libtard twisting the facts!!!

      Were talking bigfoot here.--have fun!

      Don't let the fact Obama is about to loose get you so twisted!

    5. And besides, my theory is that about 95% of Tim's insanity comes from being stuck in a taxi cab with all those stupid liberals that head down from New York.

      I'm sure part of his trips to the woods is to relieve the stress that comes from hearing all the liberal stupidity!

  10. I am not an american so your gun laws I dont feel are any of my business.I dont like Fasano or Moneymaker one is full of shit and the other full of himself and full of shit.I think Fasano using such a tragic event to get in a few shots at moneymaker was very lame.piss poor time to one up the other guy in the race to find bigfoot after all that is why these grown men dont like each other.Some of the things that I have read and heard in the last little while in the so called Bigfoot community have nothing to do with Bigfoot.what I have read is how can I insult or argue with someone today? so most of you will be happy to know I wont be back on this site.I hope we get an answer from the DNA that will make everyone happy. It has been nice to chat with some of you and to the others lighten up a bit just because someone believes or doesnt believe in something doesnt make them a bad person. see ya round. Leo.

    1. Shawn asked fasano his opinion ass.

    2. sorry if this leo or leon cool hope you visit again

    3. Please tell me Leon is not breeding.

    4. He's only breeding bullets, shitting them too.

  11. OMG, I actually agree with Tim Fasano!!!

    The End is nigh!!

  12. Tim, I agree with you but your delivery sucks!

  13. I don't go around telling people what to do or what to pay for.


    Hey GNRFan. You are welcome anytime to come around here and discuss bigfoot, your very welcome here.

    As far as polotics, our country is on the brink of disaster do to obama and his socialist agenda's. so as far as polotics goes-------------------------------------------------------------------------- MIND YOUR OWN FUCKING COUNTRY, IT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. I JUST WATCHED THE VIDEO--------------------------- HOME RUN TIM!!



    2. MK DAVIS ----- HEAD OF THE CIA.

      now that one was really cleavor right there, think about it!



      RANAE HOLLAND --- DEPARTTMENT OF EDUCATION.---- EXCEPT I'M GOING TO DISOLVE IT! and start over with the basics.



      OH, AND MATT MONEYMAKER, ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------EXPIRED WEAPONS INSPECTOR, IRAQ!

      I STILL DIG WHAT YOU DO MATT, -------------------------------------------------------BUT THAT WAS A STUPID THING TO SAY!

    3. Leon I generally hate your posts but that was actually good.

    4. Leon. That is a ticket and program I can live with. To late this year. Start planning for 2016.


    5. Fasano hasn't forgotten you called him JWG - Leo.

    6. Just call it tough love, he needed to appraise his presentation.

      He never would have listened to some guy on a blog. UNLESS, HE GOT A SLAP TO THE FACE. Lord works in mysterious ways!!

      His video's have gotten more interesting, more concise!I have liked most of his recent videos (bar'ing UFO HA HA) He's still a nut ---- but who isn't! I try and find things in EVERYONE too admire!

      Tim has a rare internal drive, A DETERMINATION that most people don't. You actually see it in many in this field.
      Snowball has it. Cliff B., many others.

      One of the strongest internal drive people I have ever met -----------------------------------------------------------------------Matt Moneymaker. You'll see it in his eye's if you ever meet him!

      These guy's are all modern day EXPLORERS!

  14. Leon is like the President we never had.

  15. Leon's favorite TV show is Here comes honey boo boo.

  16. Leon the king of the jungle.

  17. Shit, leon you theys a name for the obama adminst.I it sure hell is not dem. or rep. Its called the libtarded administration lmao.

  18. Most IMPORTANT THING TIM SAID: If the theater wasnt a GUN FREE ZONE

    "The customers would have been practicing their constitutional rights and would have been armed, this would NOT HAVE HAPPENED"

    1. Average citizens do not possess the type of training and experience that would have stopped this. You are a fool to think they would. Unless a person has experienced the stress of combat or has advanced LEO training they would have had little chance at stopping this guy and might have caused more injuries in the process.

    2. There probably would have been less casualties/injuries. The gunman would have been more focused on the person returning fire.

    3. There is a small problem I forgot about, I'm going to move Ranae Holland over to Dept of Fish and game. SHE KNOWS FISH!

      Jeff Meldrum will lead the new Dept of Education.





      Bob Gimlin is hereby nominated as Secratery of the Dept of the Interior.

      Is there a dept of WHINE AND CHEESE, PHILL POLLING, YOUR UP!!!! HA HA HA.




    4. good lord yer a retard Leon.... just a pathetic waste of carbon

    5. "AnonymousSaturday, July 21, 2012 10:02:00 PM PDT
      Average citizens do not possess the type of training and experience that would have stopped this. You are a fool to think they would. Unless a person has experienced the stress of combat or has advanced LEO training they would have had little chance at stopping this guy and might have caused more injuries in the process."

      uhh yes they do. First off, you even get a license to carry, concealed or otherwise, you need to go to a training course. But even still, we are not talking about swords where you need skill. We are talking about guns. Point and squeeze the trigger. It's not hard. All the training does is hone you to use it safely in different situations with as little risk to by standers as possible "Know your back stop". I seriously doubt the shooter himself had such training nor has most who obtain firearms illegally other than perhaps going out into the woods for target practice.

      Those in the crowed who had license to carry would also have had the true training to stop the threat fast. I guarantee that the casualties would have been far less.

    6. Leon doesn't have a gun he could have taken him with his hands.

    7. Tzieth and Average Joe are spot on. It frustrates me how just about every establishment will put up a no gun sign right next to the no smoking sign. Concealed carry folks are not doing the dastardly deeds, but have actually greatly contributed to the decrease in crime rates that this country has been experiencing in the past 20 years. A few years back I owned a restaurant/bar establishment and I welcomed concealed carry folks. I wanted them there in case the real threat ever walked in.


    8. Tzieth is posting under himself and anonymous. Same pissant comment. Hey Tzieth we don't want u being a diplomat for us. U speak for a few jackasses here. No wonder people hate the US. Are u wearing an Elmer Fudd hat? Dork!

    9. Crime rate went down because we hired tons of law enforcement and built more prisons ( plus overcrowded them) Chuck. Just like the restaurants cried about the smoking ban and how they would lose business- again didn't happen. Our bar/ tavern/ restaurant league said after 5 years they actually increased business! Hmmm. I don't want a gun ban, but I don't need someone ( who I have no idea how their temper or mental state ) sitting next to me with a gun reach for it after a small argument ! No gun then he shouts or throws a swing. Wild west- right! I love to hunt , but not while out to eat! The chance of me actually defending myself while eating is ridiculous!

    10. You screwball yankees even take guns to movie theaters? God help you, madder every day. :-/

    11. "AnonymousSunday, July 22, 2012 9:10:00 AM PDT
      Tzieth is posting under himself and anonymous. Same pissant comment. Hey Tzieth we don't want u being a diplomat for us. U speak for a few jackasses here. No wonder people hate the US. Are u wearing an Elmer Fudd hat? Dork!"

      First off I am only posting under "Tzieth" Secondly Law Enforcement is not doing jack. I know this because that was my field. They cannot be everywhere at once. You have two philosophies in law enforcement "Reactive" and "Proactive".

      In Reactive Police departments such as most of my native Texas, a crime gets committed and the police are called to handle it after the fact. In Proactive police departments such as Tampa, Florida, The police are out badgering anyone they feel looks suspicious. Hillsborough County's "green-team" is a perfect example of this. Might look good on paper, but what they are actually doing is being bullies. When I lived in Tampa I used to watch them harass women who were obvious Prostitutes as well as homeless people or crack-heads while not even bothering to stop known drug dealers in the area (The actual problem). Meanwhile banks and convenient stores are still being robbed. (No gun areas) And response times are slower than would be for a reactive department where police are on a certain "beat" and usually able to respond as they aren't tied up harassing someone without valid reason.

      Now for the Euro-trash coming on here and chiming in on crap they know nothing about---{http://www.cheaperthandirt.com/blog/?tag=castle-doctrine}

      And for those who can't understand why Assault Rifles are legal, Our 2nd Amendment is not just solely for our own personal protection. It was set in place for the event that if ever our Government was no longer "For the People by the People" It is the PEOPLES duty to take it back
      "Amendment 2 - Right to Bear Arms. Ratified 12/15/1791.
      A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

  19. Tim Fasano is a "big-name Bigfoot researcher"? Really?


  21. I really shake my head at the view of some Americans who bang on and on about the right to bear arms etc etc... I couldnt agree more with Matt on this. Here in New Zealand we do a lot of hunting etc but you cannot get easy access to military weapons.

    1. You have a very large percentage of very nice, like minded people. Sorry to say, that left here about the 60's.

    2. Your country could easily be invaded, ours could never be invaded.

      Our country is being poisened from within by liberalism, we don't need your overseas opinion.

      Guns saved us from the CROWN.

    3. New Zealand sux and it is not even important to the existance of this world.
      Simon mind your own business...your opinion about what goes on in the U.S. dont mean squat. Go to hell Simon the idiot!

    4. Leon W for President!! You are so right about the USA it is so divided at this point it is destined to fail, a house divided crumbles. I keep to myself out in the country and don't force my opinions and ways of life down anyone's throat.

    5. Paranoid Yankees Haha... I know what will male is safer... MORE WEAPONS. HAHA

    6. Simon really proved his point well, look at the idiotic inbred cowboy reaction it got. Damn right he's right, you even invaded your own country for pete's sake and took it from the First Nations - with guns yep.

  22. I am Canadian and yes we think Americans are too paranoid because there are too many killings. 100 times as many murders in the US as in Canada and the US has 10 times the population as Canada.
    So in other words, there are far too many people with weapons committing murders.
    I can see you paranoid American's thinking you need guns to protect yourselves. But if you didn't have the guns in the first place you wouldn't need them to protect yourselves. Unfortunately the proverbial cat has been let out of the bag. The guns our out and it's too late to get rid of them because there is no way to get rid of them all. What America needs is a non lethal weapon everyday people can use to protect themselves. Unfortunately there isn't a star wars or star trek stun phaser available for use. Even then, there would be too many people with stunning weapons to use in crimes. And then everyone will need a stunning weapon to protect themselves. The only way to get rid of the problem is to change american society. And that can't be done overnight.

    1. look ya Canadian pissant, without us, you'd be speaking russian right about now. So shut yer piehole and be happy we haven't decided to own yer ass already

    2. First off, before you go rattling your mouth about how Americans are paranoid. The gun crimes are from illegal weapons many of which are made over seas. You are not going to stop the traffic of illegal weapons no more than you can stop the trafficking of narcotics. Canada included.

      Now look up State statistics and see who has more crime. Liberal States such as New York and most of the Northern East coast and California and here in Washington State have far more gun crime than States such as Florida and Texas where castle doctrines are in effect. In New York Little Old Ladies are getting mugged like Clockwork. In Texas Little Old Ladies are most likely packing.

      Now to the above poster (AnonymousSunday, July 22, 2012 12:39:00 AM PDT
      look ya Canadian pissant, without us, you'd be speaking russian right about now. So shut yer piehole and be happy we haven't decided to own yer ass already)

      I regret to inform you that though it is not taught in our schools, the U.S. did invade Canada once and we got our asses kicked. But then again Canadian Citizens had guns back then. lol

      By the way, the 911 Hijackers entered the U.S. from Canada and used Box cutters. When England Banned Guns, crimes were committed with steak knives and then England started outlawing those as well. Meanwhile the hardcore criminals are still using guns.

    3. Canada sucks and thats where the homos live.

    4. All due respect to our Canadian freinds. Few nuts on here don't hold the vast majority view we have of Canada . Americans hold a passion about firearms . Yes we do have the highest crime rate in the developed world, largest prison population in the world, largest police force, most advanced military tech and border guards, but still we can't stop our home grown crime! I have to wonder what causes this . I can't believe what would happen if we dropped our police force in half to other developed countries police force strength levels who have a fraction of our crime?

    5. Typical Canadian, thinking your way of life up there is far superior to everyone else. What you are saying is totally illogical. People in the USA are about as divided and angry at each other as ever these days. These kinds of things will continue to rise here. I have no respect for such ignorant statements. A stun gun? Really? What a complete idiot.

    6. Ha your a retard if you think the UK banned steak knifes. I'm not from Canada but its No where near the Shit the states is.

    7. Tzieth is posting under himself and anonymous! Same pissant comment! Dork

    8. Canada obviously is on top of everything, city cultivated French influenced and everything, and that pisses off the bucktoothed Americans below in the swamps. Like Fasano just waiting to blow up in another social rant. The US of A is much like a big prison now a police state where you're free to speak as you please other than that you're not very free but controlled by a hypocritical Government lying to you to save its own ass, and if the guy next to you doesn't like that free speech you're likely to get shot. That's America for you, short-tempered, short attention span, short everything - except of violence. Now start acting your real age, you can't keep using your country's age and revolution as excuse anymore for mental progress.

    9. Just curious, what is the population of Canada vs USA???

    10. Does Canada even have an army or is the US their only means of defense ?

    11. I think they have a tank.

    12. "AnonymousSunday, July 22, 2012 9:22:00 AM PDT
      Tzieth is posting under himself and anonymous! Same pissant comment! Dork"

      Again? I am not posting Anonymous and now that I see your a common coward Troll who is ONLY posting anonymous I am no longer wasting my time on addressing what seems to be a twelve year old.

      "AnonymousSunday, July 22, 2012 7:11:00 AM PDT
      Ha your a retard if you think the UK banned steak knifes. I'm not from Canada but its No where near the @#$%! the states is." Really? then explain this? {http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/4581871.stm}

  23. I'm from a state that doesn't allow you to carry a firearm but I've owned them since childhood and I'm confident I could have dropped a round into that asshat's right eye in that colorado theater. Most everyone who is interested in firearms are proficient with their use and if allowed to carry would most likely deter alot of criminal acts.

    If your against firearms or scared of them thats fine, but don't push your crap on others who are not. Maybe one day one of those "Gun Nut's" may save your ass in a movie theater!

    1. If u could have stuck your head up long enough as the nut case sprayed bullets with people running everwhere in a dark theater with smoke and tear gas! Like you would have had a chance. U would have been still trying to unholster. Everybody talks how if they had a gun they would have taken him out. All would have been running in the chaos. Sensless tragic tragedy . Add another fruit to the largest incarcirated prison population in the world ( and the most expensive! Condolences to all involved.

  24. I'm guessing Fasano doesn't do irony - ranting about civil/constitutional rights, yet implying that one's history of mental health issues should be public knowledge.

    I suppose that I should be embarrassed that I come from a country where gun control ensures that we fail at having a gun related homicide statistics as high as you have in the US.

    1. Why do you focus on the guns? I don't get people like you. Society, PEOPLE are the problem here. For various reasons, living in the USA causes a great deal of mental illness in people and angers others to the point of breaking. People are the problem, psychos and disgruntled people will find a way to get their goals accomplished, gun or not.

    2. It's too easy to get guns.... FACT. Just except it.

    3. Yes, people are the problem: they suffer from mental illness, temporary mental breakdown, emotional duress and poor judgement. The amount of damage they cause is determined by the tools they have to hand..........guns are very dangerous tools. Restricting access to those tools reduces the potential for destructiveness.

      If guns were only licensed to people who need them for their livelihood, or only accessible for 'sport' whilst using a licensed venue, then the access to guns would be greatly reduced..........therefore reducing the risk of guns getting into the wrong hands.

    4. to anon at 7:12 am

      It's accept not except!!!

  25. Hey Americans why do you have so many people in jail? Largest gun per capita! U let people out early and they reoffend right away again. You spend billions on prisons and they are still overcrowded and insufficient! How's the gun and violence thing working for u!

    1. WOW! That is one of the dumbest things said yet! We have so many people in jail because of draconian drug laws, you stupid moron!
      Get your facts straight before you mouth off and make yourself look insanely stupid.

    2. You are so stupid would you do all of us a favor and please leave our great Country! I'm sure wherever you live your Country has crazy nut jobs just like any other!

  26. If they take away the right to buy assault weapons ban all that will happen is people will modify the other weapons to make them even worse. Bolo shells and dragons breath that's all that will happen.

  27. If they take away the right to buy assault weapons ban all that will happen is people will modify the other weapons to make them even worse. Bolo shells and dragons breath that's all that will happen.

    1. Amen James Walker. The criminals are always gonna have them.

    2. "AnonymousSunday, July 22, 2012 7:32:00 AM PDT
      Hey Americans why do you have so many people in jail? Largest gun per capita! U let people out early and they reoffend right away again. You spend billions on prisons and they are still overcrowded and insufficient! How's the gun and violence thing working for u!"

      Easy.. most people in our prisons simply do not belong there. Many aren't even U.S. Citizens. If mexico bordered your country, you would have the same problem. I went into corrections as soon as I got out of the military and the first thing I learned was that it was all about money. Each head in a prison is more money for the prison. A lot of the offenders were in there for the stupidest reasons. Things a decent lawyer could have gotten them a slap on the wrist for. But if you are trying to make the case that most people in our prisons are "Violent Criminals" you are dead wrong. The largest population are Pedophiles followed buy drug addicts and small time dealers. Perhaps your country has no problem with letting Child Molesters freely roam your streets, but we here in the U.S. tend to frown on that. Violent Criminals also include rapists (Most of which do not use guns as it takes the feel of power from them that they are looking for) Then you have your Armed Robbers, Sociopaths, and Murderers. The worst of which get the death penalty.

      Likewise, the guys with the illegal guns that pose the most threat are the hardest for law enforcement to catch. Home Invaders, Car-Jackers, Drug Runners and Muggers. They commit the crime and vanish leaving the victim either dead, fearful of their life or just simply too embarrassed and humiliated to call the police.

  28. Violent society you have in the us

  29. In my opinion I believe the number of people killed in the US each year by guns is nothing compared to the number of people killed each year by other factors.More people die from cigatette's and alcohol but we still sell it and allow anyone to buy pretty much.The number of people killed by drunk drivers each year would crush the number of people killed by guns.Yes it is tragic and uncalled for an event like the one this past week,but what about that family that was killed by a drunk driver? What gets me is the fact that people like Fasano complain about opinions and views but has NO problem exploiting women for profit.Has NO problem with Hoaxing for profit,has NO problem with what he does only with what everyone else does. Garbage is what he is in my opinion and should keep his can shut,lets look at you and pick out your faults.I bet it will be a lot worse that Monetmakers you scum bag,bet you take pictures of little kids to for profit. It's people like you mister Fasano that gives this country a bad name and is no wonder why !!

  30. Moneymaker is cool! No prob here ! Fasano On the other hand!

  31. you would have thought that someone buying 6000 rounds of ammo may have raised a few alarm bells.

    1. Didn't the freakin UPS guy notice anything? Here's your 90th box of ammo from crazy Dicks ammunition store- sign here! All delivered to an apartment and his work? People is stuff don't smell right it's rotten!

  32. Right away lets take away the law abiding citizens gun rights. Ever occur to Moneymaker that had someone been able to legally carry inside the theater, they may well have shot this lunatic before the casualty count became so high. He could have also walked in with one of his homemade explosives and wiped out the entire crowd...no gun needed. Maybe he'll change his mind about guns the day he pisses off one of his peace loving squatches with his awful love calls and it rips his fat empty head off.
    Oh, and for the record, I could give a sasquatches ass what people outside this country think about us.

    1. I'm sure they don't give a squatches ass about you either!

    2. Too anonymous @ 2:13-I am fine with them not giving a sasquatches ass about me...that's the way it should be.

  33. @Anonymous Saturday, July 21, 2012 10:02:00 PM PDT-- that thinks carrying concealed weapons people dont have skills to shoot a target like the mental idiot in colorado. Like Tzieth said, it requires a CLASS to get your license, and I am talking about the LEGAL gun owners. Most like the conceal weapon carrying citizen took many MORE hours of training and goes to the gun range regularly. So YOU are the FOOL that thinks the NORMAL concealed carry cant drop that KILLER. By the way most of the people that I know have LASER SIGHTS on their GRIPS that are accurate to an inch at that range. Even through smoke how much skill do you think it takes to point the DOT on the MENTALS forehead and pull the trigger? May YOU cant but my WIFE can, my KIDS can and the little old lady in TEXAS with the .38 in her purse CAN. Most likely the fatalities would have been around 1-2 INCLUDING the MENTAL and 2 injured. He wouldnt have been able to SHOOT UNENCUMBERED with RETURN FIRE. IMAGINE JUST TEN ARMED folks returning fire WITH TRAINING on the MENTAL. HOW Many people would have the MENTAL hit?
    UNFORTUNATELY YOU are both FOOLISH, STUPID and most Unfortunate IGNORANT of reality. Look up Crimsontrace grips. THEN go LOOK up STATES (that allow it) Training classes REQUIRED for CONCEALED CARRY. Then come back here and profess your contrition.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. nd ANOTHER THING, to those of you who are SO IGNORANT that make statements like this:
    "I am not an American and I dont have guns so your gun laws are stupid"

    Dont you KNOW how IGNORANT that sounds? (to and educated person) How would you like me to say "I am not from New Zealand and I dont drive there but your driving laws are STUPID and your taxes are JUST DUMB!!!!' Guess what? I havent BEEN to your classes and I dont pay your taxes so I DONT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT how to drive in NEW ZEALAND (or HOW TO CURL in Canada)

    So HOW would I have a CLUE of what its LIKE to be in NEW ZEALAND and comment on YOUR LAWS OR CULTURE?

    You dont OWN a gun or rifle, You havent takend ANY TRAINING or SAFETY CLASSES NOR do you know what OUR laws are from STATE to STATE. This is what happened:

    A MENTAL was let IN to a GUN FREE THEATER and he SHOT up a bunch of UNARMED citizens. IN HIS APARTMENT he has MANY EXPLOSIVES rigged to KILL ARMED POLICEMEN! So HAD he been in NEW ZEALAND or CANADA or ENGLAND He would have BOUGHT the Guns ILLEGALLY OR he would have BLOWN the THEATER UP with explosives.

    HOW he did it and WHAT TOOLS he used DONT MATTER. Thats how IGNORANT some of you are!!!! The PROBLEM is HE DID IT!!!!!!!!!!! In ANOTHER Country The SAME MENTAL would have used ILLEGAL GUNS or EXPLOSIVES or POISON GASES LIKE IN TOKYO OR he would have DRIVEN A CAR into the CROWD IN FRONT of the THEATER and KILLED 50. This guy was MENTAL and he would have done it ONE way or the OTHER. Those of YOU who FOCUS on the TOOL are IGNORANT!! You NEED to look at WHAT HE DID!!. Do you know how many old men and ladies who have Dementia kill their spouses with a shovel because they thought someone was breaking into their house? Where is the ANTI SHOVEL Crowd???? They are JUST as important as the ANTI GUN Crowd and JUST AS INTELLIGENT!!! I have a Feeling many of you that make that arguement arent PH.D Candidate. WHich by the way, the killer WAS a PH.D Candidate.

    So get off your little soap box you dont belong there.

    1. Did your caps lock keep getting hit? Dork!

    2. Still why is your society so violent and so many in prison? To many violent movies and video games you produce?

    3. You don't belong here nut case with the crazy cap locks!

    4. You people need to back off Average Joe. All that angry libtards know how to do is spout talking points from their masters. And when those talking points sound supremely stupid even to them, they resort to calling names.

    5. Ok here we go with movies and video games give me a break stupid!!! I'm sure you can get movies and video games anywhere in the world!!! You sound like you would burn book's you stupid idiot!!!! And I admit that our prisons are full and this is because of all them A HOLE lawyers we have getting them off death row!!! They are talking on news today if this guy is sane enough to stand trial "Are you kidding me" And it sounds like you would be the type to hold a candle out side of this guys jail cell to let him go!!! And for the idiot that is not from the United States but keeps telling us how BAD off we are needs to go back to where he or she is from if they don't like it here!!!!!

  36. The main purpose of the 2nd Amendment is to assure the maintenance of a free state: "A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed". Out-of-control governments are capable of killing millions, not dozens. Read some history people. The only and last check & balance we have against what passes for "government" these days is our God given right to defend ourselves, homes and families against the monstrous destroyer federal state. If the 2nd Amendment goes, the gas chambers will be back in 6 months!




    2. You and Gary Busey must hang! Friggen revolutionary days are over. Get the kids out of the pool and put down the knitting the Big bad govt is coming to getcha ya. You sound like a looney! Hey I thought this was a Bigfoot site not some tea bagging ,Glen Beck, fox news, get your children and hide in the basement with your guns for something that will never happen site! Sheesh get a grip! I'll vote for the non tea bagger by the way because I will not vote for any one Fox news supports!


    4. I'm with Anonymous you guys sound like tea bagger's!!!

    5. Leons saying relax ? After his tiraid!


    7. Leon sounds like a guy that would burn book's!! What a idiot !!!! YOU SHOULD BE ON FOX NEW'S WITH THEM CRAZY PEOPLE!!!!!

    8. It's libtards that want to burn books, moron. They want everyone to forget history and facts so they'll buy all the socialist blather.

  37. I think they should bring back public hangings maybe the crazies will think twice! Or are we going to do DNA test on this nut job and then put it on tv for our amusement just like the OJ Simpson and Cassy Anthoney trials? We need to punish the bad guy not the guy that upholds the law! I think that Matt has a right to free speech just like all you are doing right now! So all that said I want a front row seat at this nut bags hanging!!!!

    1. Ha, ha...I've been saying this for a long time. Can't get a better deterent to crime than seeing a bunch of scum of the earth swinging by the neck on Hanging Day.

    2. Just make sure that it fall's on a Saturday no punt intended (he he he)!!! So we can make sure we are all out of work that day! LOVE YOUR POST you hit right on the nose!

  38. A libtard's 3 greatest enemies are facts, truth, and equality.

    Liberals, a.k.a. marxist zombies, blather about people being equal when their real goal is making people as unequal as possible. They want to take away gun rights so that only criminals (gov't included) will have guns, leaving law-abiding people with no way to defend themselves. That pipe dream makes liberals giddy.
    It's hilarious to see libtards get beaten down by facts so decisively that they resort to screaming "teabaggers". LOLOLOLOL

  39. A rather intelligence-challenged fellow had this to say a few comments back:

    "Hey Americans why do you have so many people in jail? Largest gun per capita! U let people out early and they reoffend right away again. You spend billions on prisons and they are still overcrowded and insufficient! How's the gun and violence thing working for u!"

    That is a prime example of the ignorance people will use to to argue for gun control. Our high prison population is from draconian drug laws, but people will moronically say stuff like this thinking that it "proves them right."

    I'm certainly glad that he doesn't live here. With all the morons already here, he could probably run for Prez and win.

  40. Think they should Ban Fat perverted Tampa Taxi Cab Drivers from making videos!!!!!

  41. Liberals (so-called progressives) these days have no idea what being a liberal is all about. In olden days, being a liberal was an honorable thing.

    Washington and Jefferson called themselves liberals. Being liberal meant supporting people's right to bare whatever arms they could muster, because the norm was for NO gun rights, thereby enabling the criminals in charge to do whatever they wanted with no resistance from the population.

    Thanks to bought-and-paid-for liberal "political pundits" with their elite-prepared talking points, liberals have been turned to marxists without even realizing it. BTW, population disarming is a central theme of marxism.

    Neo-cons are no better off. In the "good ol'days", "conservatives" wouldn't be caught dead supporting torture or endless illegal wars of aggression in the name of safety, but thanks to bought-and-paid-for political pundits, they'll support whatever their masters tell them to.

    Bigfoot is better left to the annals of "myth", than to be discovered by today's brainwashed society.

  42. Newbie here. Not a fan of Mr MM but he's spot on here and he is entitled to his views - as are we all.

    I'm surprised some of you bear arms to protect yourself from the government. Perhaps you should try democracy. Or do you like being the dupe of big business and the arms trade?

    Oh, and Bigfoot? They seem to have survived without resorting to AK47s. Does that put them higher up the evolutionary tree than homo-let's kill anything that moves-sapiens?

  43. we all need moneymaker and fasano in the world. it gives the rest of us a pick me up. We can always say,things are bad but at least im not a loudmouth, retaded,obeses,brainless prick.
    for that they have my thanks

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