The Bigfoot Whisperer: How To Be A Badass Bigfoot Tracker

For those interesting in becoming the best Bigfoot Tracker in the world, Rob Fairless reveals his secret in this very special presentation video.

The title says it all. Dr. Fairless balls all his 23 years worth of training exercises for hunting bigfoot into one three minute video. Study these techniques and use precision when executing the movements. This is the only way these newly released secret techniques will work in finding Bigfoot. Welcome my newest team member Randy Ashby if you have the chance. He is in charge of camera operators.

Watch below:


  1. LOL...this guy is 2 bricks shy of a load.

  2. oh what post did i post on, i want a spirit stick still robert if its not too much trouble

  3. Yeah man Im gonna make you one. I will have it done this week. I promise.

  4. I think I just figured out who Rick Dyers gay brother is!

    1. +1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000

  5. When you think gay thoughts you will get gay results. Bravo Leon!

  6. Haha bleevers getting trolled

    1. Wow, I've never seen anyone refer to themself as a bleever like you have. Good on you !

  7. Careful running through those trees Whisperer. You don't have a coned head for protection.

  8. Wow, didn't take long for this guy to run out of ideas.

  9. Npw that is one dumb sum bch!!!

  10. How can anyone not like this?

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. OUT OF IDEAS? ARE YOU NUTS?? He is JUST getting started!!!!! I was sitting here 10 miles east of the Sierra Foothills WONDERING HOW am I going to get in Shape for my searching this fall! AND OUT OF THE SKY drops a FREE TRAINING Video!!!! I cant doo all those things the Whisperer did after my back fusion surgery, BUT NOW I HAVE A MANUAL not ONLY for BIGFOOT training but PHYSICAL REHAB!!!! WOW! Thats all I can say! How many PEOPLE would do that for FREE but FAIRLESS!!! I can hardly wait for his FOLLOW ON video!!! HOW TO DROP BIGFOOT with NAVY SEAL HANDSHAKING Techniques!!!!!!!!

  13. How is anyone an expert at Squatch tracking when no one has ever tracked a Squatch? Or at least proven 100% without a doubt they tracked a Squatch.

    This guy is something else.

  14. This clip looks like it was taken from a 80's movie!


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