Skunk Ape Hunter Tim Fasano Shifts Focused To Ghosts And UFOs

Florida Skunk Ape Hunter Tim Fasano has started a new blog named Gaspar's Ghost. The main theme there is everything paranormal, including Bigfoot. "Don't be afraid. Come on over if you dare," Fasano wrote about his new blog.

In Fasano's most recent Skunk Ape research video, we can kinda see where he's going with all this paranormal stuff.

Florida is known for many strange things, not just skunkape. Death was common to early pioneers and the enemies of the Seminole Nation

Fasano at an old cemetery:


  1. Dont blame him times are hard for a skunk ape reseacher, that fella is all to elusive!

    1. Here's a newsflash Tim: Death is "common" to all human groups LOL.

      Fasano is actually a smart he's switching to fields even further from mainstream, with little expectation of any physical evidence. Now he can fake evidence and stories with a clear conscience...think of all the cab-rides to Nasa officials in FLA who have shared secret UFO knowledge wit Tim LOL

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    3. Fasano here, ignore the trolls I will still prove Bigfoot is Skunkape, and I will prove that ghosts and UFOs are a true phenomena. Years of cabbie-ing have given me the scientific knowledge to do this. Please send me money, and ignore any pictures of my giant, naked hairy ass you have seen on other websites. Thank you.

    4. I will never watch anything from this man ever again, if you don't agree 100% with his notions he blocks you on his youtube page. He is so easily swayed by what others say so he will probably flip flop back and forth by just some stories some natives are telling him, he can't make his own assumptions. Just don't care for his and his attacking way either.

  2. its easier to fake UFOs and ghosts, them people will believ anything.

    1. What people? Nothing is easy to fake, if there's computer graphics involved that's very easy to spot.

    2. Look how often viewers get excited when the BF YouTubers say nothing more than, "I feel something watching me."

  3. He proved there is no such thing as skunkapes, so on to the next project. Anyway, he is much better off; tourists might want to go see some 'haunted locations" and he can connect this new blog to the tampa cab driver one. Probably less bullshit'in the ghost and ufo world,too.

  4. UFO and aliens- gimme a break! What's next Medusa?

    1. What's next is whatever he thinks might get him a YouTube audience. Dog trainers, home chefs and Lego builders have 10x the Subscribers as these Bigfoot guys. They're spinning their wheels with a subject that very few follow.

    2. Ufology and the Parapsychologist crowd are even more bat-shit crazy that Bigfoot researchers, therefore I wish him all the best.

      He's still puffing and panting though. This must be his trademark, next we'll get the Ectoplasm sweat. :)

  5. T-FAT causes drama..He will bring it to ufo/ghost sites..Claiming they are hoaxers..Sayonarra T-FAT. Dont let the door hit you in the fat ass on the way out

    1. Lol; can't wait to see some of the comments "Go back to bigfooting you trouble making hoaxer, things were civil until you showed up."

    2. Haha! Yeah, then he'll start whining all over again that "the powers that be" are ignoring him, when they damn well know who TIM FASASO is! He's FAMOUS!

  6. What next here? The fake anon-comment-hoax-turned-to-story seemd a new low, and yet it isn't.
    If popularity ditates posts, then this website relects what the majority of readers want.
    My interest in satire posts has vanished, just as the posts about legitimate research has vanished here.
    It might be there are no legitimate researchers in Bgfoot and this is the best they can do.

  7. I am a believer in Bigfoot, but I do NOT believe in this Fat Fasano guy. He has been exposed as a fake hack in the Bigfoot research field, so what does he do to keep his fat self in the spotlight? He starts looking for UFO's and Ghosts. What a clown.

  8. This guy should just join the circus, plain and simple....

    1. He'd make a sweating-ass ludicrous clown. At least Pennywise had character.

  9. Please just STOP posting anything about him and STOP encouraging him to keep being stupid. He gives bigfootery a bad name - just STOP reporting on him. (Maybe he'll go away!)

    1. He gives bigfootery a bad name

      As if they need any help. LMAO!!!!!

  10. Timmy is a now a triple threat...wait for it.
    Large, dumb and sometimes inebriated. Think of Flounder in the Dean's office.

  11. Instead of posting the most boring videos of Bigfoot/Skunk Ape related videos on youtube, instead he will post the most boring videos of Ghosts. Meh. My wife has that Ghost Radar app on her iphone and either my house is extremely haunted or its complete bull$hit. Either way Fasano is poised to retain his title as the biggest waste of time on youtube.

    1. So your Ipone was built in electronics to pick up electromagnetic fields?

      erm NO......

  12. GLARING TYPO IN TITLE. Nothing else to see now from TF. Moving along...

  13. I hope he videos a seance calling for the spirit of the burnt bigfoot.

    1. Pre-cooked rib. Do you think he'll eat the evidence?

  14. TFat, your grammar is atrocious.

  15. Tim should just give up. Chasing myths is nice, but at some point you gotta come to reality.
    But a nice job to have, no one expects results.

  16. Sally here - We have already proven Ghosts and aliens to be real through DNA analysis. Our peer reviewed paper that shows they exist will be released very soon.

    1. Give it up, that sh*t is so old, it was old two months ago.

    2. I kinda like having Sally around.

  17. This guy sucks major DONKEY D1CKS!!!

    1. Theres some money in that, as long as you like salt.

    2. He does look like a Queer Dog.He has a lot of ball scars on his chin.

  18. Ghost-Hunting is nothing but hoaxing.

    He'll fit right in.

    1. And you can prove it's all hoaxing of course?

  19. shaking my head, fasano should stick to bigfoot, smh what a jackass, ghosts are not real and so are aliens

  20. next month: "Tim Fasano shifts to unicorns and witches"

  21. As someone here used to say: Cue cirkus music


  22. Fasano got skunk-aped! He knows he's done as a Sasquatch researcher (and I use that term very loosely) and has tucked his tail after he has come to grips that he's been exposed as a hoaxer and there's NO chance of ever recovering.

  23. Fasano Here...I am retiring for good for good for good for good this time. And I intend to use my sweat for dramatic effect with the ghosties.

  24. Fasanos dream investigation: A UFO that crashed into a IHOP that was flown by a Squatch from another world that the MiB and governments Black Helicopters covered up. Wait theres more..... the IHOP was rebuilt but because the construction was changing the Alien Squatch final resting place he now haunts the IHOP.
    Rumor is a thermal imager caught a Fasano and ghost squatch sharing a short stack...

  25. The first prerequisite of ghost hunting is learning how to say, WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT? J.D.

  26. Good luck bro - now get the f outta here.


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