Robert Lindsay: The interview of the century, Ro interviews Smeja for an entire hour in Ro’s home over a few beers

Raise your hands if you care about what Robert Lindsay thinks about the recent video interview Justin Smeja did with Ro Sahebi. If you don't really give a hoot, you should hear it anyway-- Lindsay calls the interview: "Shocking". Read below:

Blockbuster interview with Justin Smeja by Ro Sahebi. Ro Sahebi is a documentary filmmaker based in Redondo Beach, California. In this interview, what I call the interview of the century, Ro interviews Smeja for an entire hour in Ro’s home over a few beers.

The interview was so shocking that Derek Randles threw Smeja out of the Olympic Project as he felt that the interview made Justin look like a trigger happy redneck idiot, and this was bringing it down on the OP. Randles threw him out in public on an online forum, which wasn’t very classy.

Smeja says many things in that interview that shocked people. He said that at first he thought it was a man in a bear suit or a monkey suit, and he was looking around for the film crew and what he assumed must be a movie shoot.

At that time, he thought, “If this is a man in a suit, too bad. I am going to shoot him anyway.” That’s an unfortunate thought, but Justin didn’t kill a man in a suit. We can’t sentence people to prison based on their thoughts. Justin hasn’t killed any humans yet, and I doubt if he ever will.

Justin also says he shot it because “This thing does not belong here. It has no right to be here.” A lot of people were shocked at that statement too, but that’s not an illegal thought either.

He also had an opportunity to shoot a fatal shot into the adult, but it went over a hill and he didn’t take the shot for some reason, possibly because the driver was still yelling at him not to shoot.

Justin also admitted that he shot the baby to get evidence to take back with them. After he shot the baby, he cradled it in his arms for a couple of minutes as it died, and it appears that Justin had some sort of epiphany or emotional experience in which he looked into its eyes and saw something human. Disgusted by the whole situation, he threw the dead and bloody body of the baby back at the driver. A lot of folks were shocked by that behavior too and described it as callous.

[via Robert Lindsay]


  1. Lindsay rocks, he gets all the best BF dope, he's the Walter Winchell of the BF world.

    1. I agree but with his ladies glasses he's the Barbara Walters of the BF world !

    2. Look at Smeja laughing while he's killing that fish.He's just plain mean I tell ya.

  2. Justin Smeja might be headed for an even worse outcome than this sexy interview, pushed by the bloggers, bigfooters, and bashers.
    Sad all around.

  3. New looking photos of Smeja coming out of the woodwork...damage control!

    1. You musta just fell off the turnip truck.

    2. nope, just noticed a rollout of good looking photos and wanted to give some props :)

  4. The things is...Everyone says he killed two bigfoot. But it's probaby three bigfoot. Killing the adult most likely killed the child that survived his attack for a short time before it starved to death. Alone. Justin lacks empathy. He speaks of the events in such a cold unemotional way. It's shocking. He is a self centered person. Tragic. For all creatures involved.

    1. Probably three Bigfoots and a Chupacabra.

    2. Tracks were later seen in the area of an adult Bigfoot and a baby with it. We assume that that is the surviving mother from the Kills with the surviving baby, so the baby probably survived. The father and one kid was killed in the Kills.

    3. Lindsay - what's your favorite Dead Kennedys song?

    4. Ain't that the truth.
      And, "this isn't natural, it doesn't belong here"? No wonder alot of people think exactly the same of this man.

    5. the mother and child will die also without her male

    6. Holiday in Cambodia is my favorite DK song.

      The tracks were seen in the area the next summer. This was reported to me by a source who is a close friend of Justin's. I assume the info came from Justin.

    7. Those glasses were much in style 10 years ago. A while back, my female optician chided me for having such out of style chick repellant glasses (not her exact words) and she hooked me up with some stylish new frames that are right in style for the 2010's.

      I wore contact lenses for many years, but I used to stay out late at nightclubs in Hollywood all the time trying to pick up LA babes and I would come home at 3 AM all wasted and fall asleep, then get up and go to work in Beverly Hills in the morning. I would fall asleep with my contacts in and after doing that quite a few time, the eye doc said I scratched my cornea and I can't wear contacts anymore.

      No big anyway. Chicks dig me glasses or not. It's always been that way...

    8. Yah, as there gay friend!

    9. Robert Lindsay is Phil Specter.

    10. Hmm, so RL, you are assuming that these tracks had to be the mother and the other adolescent?
      That's quite an assumption.

      Furthermore, I was under the impression that the dead adult was alleged to be a female.

      Scott McMan

  5. I believe Smeja. Even though I make humorous (matter of opinion) videos, I am serious about the research being done by fellow enthusiasts all over the world. I am comfortable on my beliefs and thats why I am able to laugh at even my own self. I thought Justin was very courageous to even step forward to give an interview in the first place knowing the public scrutiny he would face. What even sells his story to me even more is his blunt and unpopular honesty. Hunters think like him even if they wont admit to it. Now killing someone in a monkey suit is not my idea of a good thing but I actually believe that was just him thinking out loud and not actually meaning what came out of his mouth. We've all said stupid things on occasion without thinking them through. Now imagine being on front of a camera in one of the most sought after interviews in Bigfoot Legend history. Some times people jump to conclusions WAY to fast.

    1. This can not be the real Fairless. Either an imposter or they already paid you off. This is one shady field.

    2. I'm sorry, but he didn't strike me as courageous so much as arrogant and clueless. And as far as contrite? Maybe for being labeled as a bloodhtirsty sociopath but not about the killings. I don't get that from him at all. He's not sorry for what he did, he's sorry for the shit he's taking.

    3. Not to mention the beer....

    4. when he talks about the little one he totally
      shows disgust in himself and is distraught, and rapidly changes his train of thought.

      He the part about the monkey suit is being
      totally taken out of context. He meant that
      if some idiot is going to dress up in a suit
      resembling a bear in the middle of nowhere
      during hunting season, and the guy gets shot,
      well, he was asking for it.

  6. How on earth can you put any favorable slant on a deliberate shooting of something that just might have been a man in a suit. If he really thought what he says he did, he is a psychopath. Pathetic affair, pathetic person, pathetic belated commentary. He needs to go a list of people of concern.

    1. Seriously. He's thoroughly repulsive.

    2. That just "might have"........IT WASN'T. If you think for a second he actually believed it was a guy in a suit then you are gullible. He knew it wasn't a bear and he knew it sure as hell wasn't a guy in a suit. He bagged Bigfoot, the end.

    3. The end for a mother & child

    4. Libtard tree hugger, thats NATURE!

      Get over it cry baby!

    5. I heard he kills kittens and baby bunnies too.

    6. It's funny how all the haters have been in the exact same situation he was in.

    7. Anon 9:15 - Adult shot was a male according to the DNA resaults.

  7. I enjoy how everyone takes a STORY with no attendant evidence as fact without stopping to wonder if it might not be true.

    1. I'm sorry, but having to tyue "Provided what he says is true..." in front of every posting to satisfy you is beyond a waste of time. Figure it out, genius.

    2. The crowd mentality weakens our ability to reason. Not a great deal has changed since Gustave Le Bon wrote about crowds back in 1841. The following is from 'The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind'.

      'The characteristics of the reasoning of crowds are the association of dissimilar things possessing a merely apparent connection between each other, and the immediate generalisation of particular cases. It is arguments of this kind that are always presented to crowds by those who know how to manage them. They are the only arguments by which crowds are to be influenced. A chain of logical argumentation is totally incomprehensible to crowds, and for this reason it is permissible to say they do not reason or that they reason falsely and are not to be influenced by reasoning.'

      '...It would be superfluous to add that the powerlessness of crowds to reason aright prevents them from displaying any trace of the critical spirit, prevents them, that is, from discerning truth from error, or from forming a precise judgment on any matter.'

      Seems to apply to both sides of the bigfoot issue to a lesser or greater degree. Certainly, the self proclaimed guardians of the moral highground, the crowd of skeptics, are definitely guilty.

    3. Yah, but that was written by some stupid psycologist SCIENTIST who doesn't know shit from wild honey! So who cares what he thinks--------

      We've seen it! We didn't have our experiences in a crowd, sorry you wasted your time on writting that meaning less crap, you troll from the video!

      Hey aswhipe, the moon is made of cheese. "Bobo Fay"

  8. A word of warning to the youtube hoaxers that like to roam the woods taking videos of each other in monkey suits, there are people like Justin out there that will shoot you without a second thought.

    Hoaxing is bad for your health.

  9. The percentage of people believing this load of horse shit is going down every day. Nice to see some of you knuckleheads are finally seeing the light.

    1. Is that what your family said to you ?

    2. Ketchum DNA study, to be published August-September 2012. But since you're posting anonymously, you'll have to know you are wrong and a twit all alone as you sit in front of your screen. Seriously, you are going to learn that you are a blowhard and utterly wrong.

    3. Oh we see the light at the end of the tunnel, that is where the stage is set up for the FAT LADY to sing.

      It's over.
      It's real!!1

  10. Bullshit about seeing the tracks afterwards. Robert "Creepers" Lindsay is writing this script on the fly.

    1. True the mother watches kids because Dad is out hunting to feed family , kids need to be with mother until they're old enough to learn skills, same way with apes. Justin using a 25.06 is for deer not bear it will wound a bear if not hit at kill spot it's a poachers rifle small entry hole

    2. But soon women's lib will enter the bigfoot family and mom will demand a job of her own to fulfill her potential and the kids will be put in bigfoot day care centers.

    3. Yea and if obama had a son it would look just like smeja bigfoot kills.

    4. Anon at 9:25,Your another one of those so called experts on the 25.06 who dont know crap.A.50 BMG would wound a bear if not hit right.I use the 25.06 for hunting and it will do anything that a larger slower round will do,as well as threading a needle because it is so fast.

  11. You should see the texas tail cam pics on crypto crew site.the creatures face is in great detail.amazing the way the teeth are protruding in not promoting them i think your site is the best but its definitely worth checking out. matt

    1. Thnxs for the info very interesting

    2. Oh yes! Its Bigfoots head ONLY (no body connected). You can even see that nothing is connected to it (just a head) . Spamming garbage.

    3. Every other animal caught on game camera you can tell exactly what the animal is. Anything blurry MUST be Bigfoot.

    4. It's the ass end of a Boar, you can see the legs.

  12. Wow! RL calls Derek Randells' "class" out? Hmm? Not sure about that.

    One thing I am sure about though. Let this be a warning to all fools looking to don a Bigfoot costume to hoax people. There are many people like Smeja who don't care if you are a human in a suit.

  13. I see bigfoots all the time-------

    While I'm out hunting HOAXERS!!!!

  14. IF he's telling the truth, Dude's a hunter, didn't believe in the Foot, thought he saw a fu*king MONSTER that was WHITE with its arms in the air coming at him, had his bro SHOUTING about a dude in a suit (in the wilderness), saw huge piles of dung all day, etc. Sorry, i dont think he's a ruthless psychopath at all. i think he reacted in a predictable manner. he was freaked out.

  15. Roger risked a lot to get the pgf footage. His best friend bob hieronimous wore the suit and set up to meet him at the creek ready in his monkey suit. Now just filming bob in the suit was not enough he needed to take gimlin along. A popular man of the community, if they could hoax gimlin they could hoax the world. Gimlins word alone would at least convince the local community. This was a big risk though. What if gimlin actually thought it was a real creature and shot It? Well in that case we would have an injured/dead bob hieronimous and there would be no bigfoot subculture that we know today.

    1. The pgf is not a hoax - you are.

    2. Anon 1:20 what proof or expert knowledge do u have? Show us the fake suit troll! Oh what... It can't be produced? By golly we have an expert with nothing to back it again ! We have a film with 40 years of expert scrutiny and no fake Bigfoot suit or anyone anatomically that can fit in it! All you have is non expert blah blah blah and opinions. Never win in court! Prosecution - we have film, witnesses, expert opinions. Defense- "It is our belief...."

  16. Ok guys here's the deal.

    The other day me and my buddy saw this really weird creature that looked like flying spaghetti!

    Looking this up it looks like we saw the legendary flying spaghetti monster. It was waving Its spaghetti tentacles at us so I shot it.

    Now I freaked out after this and we left.

    2 weeks later after being convinced by a 'ghetti enthusiast we went back on a body recovery mission. Apparently this was an important discovery.

    After hours of searching we found 3 strands of spaghetti and a couple of meatballs.

    These are currently under DNA testing. The results are beautiful. We will prove once and for all the legendary flying spaghetti monster is real.....soon.

    1. Spaghetti monster? Are you fricken 5? Grow up dork! ( or quit using drugs).

    2. Your a Meatball anon 1:32!

  17. Ok people does it really matter what he says or how he acts or for that matter how he looks although it is very sad that the animals died the most inportant thing here is what is going on with the evidence now and how do we make good out of this bad thing .i myself am a life time hunter and have killed many animals however my father tought me that you dont waste the life that you take. The act is over and cant be changed and it dont matter if Justin was the one that shot it or Ro himself it just dont matter if you like the man or hate him dont matter if you are a hunter or a tree hugger WHAT MATTERS IS WHAT WE DO NOW

    1. Well, according to the greater Bigfoot Multi-Level Marketing Plan, you buy the books, dvds, and pay-per-views.

    2. And u buy into it anon 6:08 by coming on the Bigfoot site! Nut job!

  18. Keep up the great work Lindsay! Remember the Vocal critics number in the teens on this site and the ones who believe there is or the possibility of Sasquatch who don't post are in the majority and dont post ( but like to read) .

  19. when he talks about the little one, he totally
    shows disgust in himself and is distraught, and rapidly changes his train of thought.

    He the part about the monkey suit is being
    totally taken out of context. He meant that
    if some idiot is going to dress up in a suit
    resembling a bear in the middle of nowhere
    during hunting season, and the guy gets shot,
    well, he was asking for it.

  20. A great statement by what's his name? and his wife, that applies to this whole situation,

    "To Each their isn't !"

  21. He cradled it in his arms, if that ain't artistic frippery I don't know what is, way to cover your butt for being a cold blooded killer, sorry but there ain't an ounce of empathy in his body.

  22. I don't know about "artistic frippery" but I have been hunting with friends in the past and watched them cut the throat of a deer as it lay on the ground still alive. I once watched my brother walk over to a deer and pick it's head up as if preparing to pet it. He then slit it's throat. Cruel? Inhumane? Maybe. No different than a lion killing a gazelle.

    1. Actually, slitting an animal's throat is not cruel or inhumane--it is relatively painless and death comes very quickly.

    2. Wrong, you a superstitious religious freak or something? It's regarded animal cruelty by sane people, painful and fully conscious.



  23. Well said anon 4:19.Justin is not the most articulate guy, and maybe is not used to having people dissect every word he says. A lot of people would try to justify what they had done, but I think Justin Smeja just speaks off the cuff and tells it like it is.

    It might be enlightening to see how all of this has affected him and his family even before we judge him too strongly, as disgusting as his actions were, hopely he is a changed person and can have the opportunity too redeem himself.

  24. We really need to hear the driver's side of the story, however I ask why on earth would someone carry on this story for so long and admit to killing a baby? He could have just said they heard a vehicle take off as they neared the meadow and found the body.

    It makes no sense to tell the world of what he did and the fact he sent in DNA to Ketchum, AND now to another lab which will corroborate his story. I believe he is telling the truth.

    There is nothing to he gained if he is lying, without the outcome of the DNA, he has a rather shocking and sad story which pits him as the villain. He will be remembered as the idiot who claimed he killed a baby for 15 minutes of fame. Again, I cannot fathom why someone would make up such a story. I don't see the pay-off unless what he claims is true and has evidence to back it up.....which sounds like it will be coming.

    1. There is no driver it's Smeja's good side talking.



  25. Why should we believe RL about Ketchum's study THIS time. He said it passed peer review at the end of last year. He's always wrong about anything Ketchum.

  26. Replies
    1. Cause Derek Randles is fatting him up to use him as bait to kill the Bigfoot Mom and the little Baby


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